Chapter 631 The fall of the second rank
It was difficult for Li Qi to describe that scene.

Above him was nothing but a dark dome.

But at this moment, above their heads, is rising at the end of the world.

It was a red disc, its arc was perfect to the extreme, it had a deep red light, and its scorching heat could be felt even here.

It's like the sun rising from the horizon.

The universe broke apart, and Li Qi could see that the Dao was entangled and torn apart.

The rules of the universe have never been so chaotic at this moment, Li Qi can even feel that his inner world is being affected, a destructive force is invading all avenues, including everyone's inner world.

It's as if humanity has plundered 'silver' and removed 'silver' from hardware. Since then, hardware has been incomplete, and silver is no longer available in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Now, that round of suns rising from the edge of the universe is also trying to 'loot' all the suns.

The yang energy of the entire universe began to gather.

Li Qi could see that compared to that round of the sun, the universe seemed so...broken.

There are so many avenues in the whole world intertwined, it seems like a graffiti, and it seems to be living in a dilapidated universe full of cracks and criss-crossing everywhere.

The universe is too much, too complicated, and all kinds of conflicting things are mixed together, it is so crude, like a crumbling dilapidated house.

But that round of light that illuminates the entire universe is so 'pure'.

Li Qi has never seen anything with such a simple shape, like a piece of 'data' that only exists above the theory, an absolutely flat wilderness, and that light wheel with a perfect arc.

In this scene, the light and concise geometric lines are simply captivating. He stared intently, unable to help feeling in a trance.

How to describe it?
Probably... the 'absolutely smooth', 'no friction', 'absolutely rigid body' and 'true circle' in physics problems have appeared in reality.

Especially 'True Circle'.

As we all know, pi is infinite, which means that all circles are necessarily imperfect.

If there is a perfect 'circle', it means that pi actually has a limit, or... this world is infinitely divisible and can be dismantled infinitely.

This is absolutely subverting reality.

'Circle' is a concept, not a real thing, and there can be no real thing.

All natural circles are approximate circles. As long as you zoom in, you will find that the edges are all concave and convex, and all are polygons, not perfect arcs.

There are no exceptions.

But now, there are exceptions.

The sun that shines on all time and space in the universe has appeared, and it is more perfect than any real thing. It is a pure and absolute concept product, and it has been reflected in reality.

Just... just the sun.

But not too cloudy.

The devil prince also stared at the sun.

He knows more than Li Qi.

Since silver disappeared from the world for 35 billion years, this magnificent scene has finally reappeared in the universe.

The essence of today's universe is just the relics of those great traditions back then.

This world seems to be falling apart, the avenues are mixed, and even the physical rules are different in different places, and the speed of light can be changed at will. It is because the universe is riddled with holes and is gradually cooling down. The avenues of the universe are slowly weakening. The first gods, There is no ability to recast new avenues.

The First Gods, they can no longer accomplish the feat of separating all things from chaos as they once did.

Therefore, humanity wants to take over this matter.

As for these ordinary worlds in this broken universe, the ordinary civilizations that were born are just cockroaches that have just hatched in the ruins of the war.

What's more, these worlds began to follow the way and develop technology, and their technology was completely built on the 'wrong universe'.

These worlds will never know that the road to 'gold' actually has hardware.

No matter how they explore, how to practice, how to search and speculate, as long as no one who knows the truth tells them, these civilizations will never know the "Golden Way" from birth to destruction, and there is still a silver.

Their self-conceived interests, self-conceived survival, and self-conceived path of civilization are nothing more than competing with other cockroaches for the few survival resources in the ruins.

Occasionally, they will be swept away by real wars, just like the countless worlds destroyed by the "Great Wall" created by humanity. At that time, they can catch a glimpse of the truly great existence from this ruined universe.

Such a scene, even the devil prince sighed.

Hmm... I just don't know what the demon is thinking.

Regardless of that, at this moment, enjoy the ceremony.

This is a jump of a second rank, and the devil prince pays him absolute respect, respecting the bravery of a Taoist.

At this moment, it is either the moment when the first rank is about to be born, or it is the moment when the second rank falls.

Such great achievements are not common.

Li Qi didn't know as much as Prince Mo, but he also had a vague feeling that he knew what was going on now.

The sun continued to rise relentlessly, but the moon never appeared.

Up to now, patches of white and dazzling light are shining down, becoming more and more blazing.

Immediately...the sun shattered.

All the avenue sounds disappeared at this moment.

Li Qi suddenly felt a burst of suffocation, a certain force strangled his throat, even penetrated the skin and bones, pinching his heart!

All the visions disappeared in an instant, and Li Qi felt a throbbing that he had never felt before.

It seems that the entire universe has quieted down, countless worlds flicker, and all the suns are covered by black spots at this moment.

A second rank has fallen.

The first powerful person in Wu Dao who tried to accommodate the opportunity of Dao, and tried to advance to the first rank, died at this moment.

As originally stated.

When the great opportunity arises, Wu Dao will line up for the second rank that has been selected in advance.

one by one.

If the previous one dies, replace it with the next one until someone succeeds.

If everyone dies without success, then they will lose outright, many second-ranks will die, they will lose an unknown amount of combat power, and in the end they will get nothing.

The goal of Humanity is to hit the Sun and Moon True Lead Cauldron head-on before Wudao successfully produces a new first-rank, so as to snatch back the opportunity of Dao, or destroy the promotion of second-rank Wudao.

All wars are about this.

During this period of time, all sacrifices, all joys and sorrows, and everything are just for this goal.

Humanity is the offensive side, and witchcraft is the defensive side.

However, when it comes to specific theaters, the responsibilities are different.

The Battle of the Pioneers is just rock-paper-scissors before the real war, and it's just a decision to go first.

Now, the initiative has been taken by Li Qi.

Li Qi let out a long breath.

The war has only just begun.

The battle of vanguards that killed and injured trillions of lives, and countless worlds fell, is just a small cherry in the appetizer, and there is still a full banquet of Chinese and Chinese with chopsticks in the back.

Li Qi gradually woke up from the power of the fall of the second rank, and he immediately chose to accept the news of the 'Alliance'.

He is an unknown person with a higher position than Zhu Fengdan.

He asked Li Qi to leave the battle zone immediately and go to the rear. The vanguard battle is over, and he doesn't have to worry about the subsequent battle.

This made Li Qi a little puzzled and a little scared.

But after taking a look at the Demon Prince, Li Qi decided that it would be better to leave here earlier.

So, Li Qi said: "Then say goodbye, friend... I just hope that next time you don't bring Heavenly Demon here..."

Hearing Li Qi calling him a friend, Prince Mo's voice had a slight smile, even if he couldn't see the face under the mask, he knew he was in a good mood.

But his answer was: "I don't care what I say, you'd better take your little niece back first, humanity is about to sweep over."

Li Qi didn't speak anymore, turned around, and quickly left here with Li Shiwei who hadn't broken free from the spell.

And the devil prince watched him leave.

After Li Qi's figure was completely out of sight, the devil prince flew up and slowly came to the side of Liu Junyi's jade pendant.

Liu Junyi's physical body has been destroyed by Li Qi, and his mind is in this jade pendant at the moment, washed away by the huge information after the collapse of the cardinals from all worlds.

"I still want to challenge you...a famous gentleman,'s a pity that I didn't lose in the fight, but lost to the collapse of the Cardinal of the Worlds. It's really, a bit embarrassing." The devil prince shook his head, so sighed.

But at this time, the jade pendant suddenly lit up.

"That's it...but it still can't kill two join hands, it's the same." Liu Junyi's painful voice came, and the energy around him began to gather, condensing into a human form.

Liu Junyi did not lose to Li Qi, he just lost to the sneak attack of the devil prince.

Even if he was as strong as Liu Junyi, he couldn't deal with Li Qi and the Demon Prince joining forces, so he missed and was washed away by the torrent of information from the cardinals from all over the world.

But... After all, it was Liu Junyi.

The torrent of information from the cardinals from all worlds failed to kill him, and he even had the energy to condense his dharma body, and he didn't seem to be ready to catch him without a fight.

"Don't insist, I know that even now, it is impossible for me to capture you alive, but your death will not do me any good, so I am not here to fight you, even if I want to fight, I have to wait until you are in your prime." The Demon Prince shook his head.

"Then... what does the devil want to do?" Liu Junyi used energy to condense a barely usable body, stood with difficulty, and stared at the devil prince.

"Nothing special." The Demon Prince looked at Liu Junyi and handed him a letter of challenge.

"I have finally waited for a gentleman of the fifth rank. I will make an appointment with you. When you return to your prime, I will come to challenge you. I hope you are ready."

After finishing speaking, the devil prince put down the gauntlet, turned and left.

Only Liu Junyi was left in place.

He just froze for a while, then rushed to the base station immediately.

The base station must be quickly repaired, the command system rebuilt, and the army retreated!

The battle has already been defeated, but it was not a crime of war. If the devil prince hadn't made a move, he would definitely be able to last for a day, and he could easily defeat the wizard.

It's a pity that the devil prince's sneak attack destroyed the cardinals of all realms, which directly led to Liu Junyi's defeat, and the frontline command system would inevitably collapse.

So, hurry up and rebuild, if you can save some people from dying, then you can save some people from dying!


This war, which lasted for more than half a year, finally ended with the victory of Wu Dao.

No one expected that they would win in more than half a year!

At first, everyone thought that a few decades was short.

Even Li Qi felt that after more than ten years of fighting and reaching the fifth rank of Liu Junyi, the battle should be over, and the winner should be divided at that time, because after the fifth rank, Liu Junyi is likely to be too strong.

At the beginning of the battle, everyone thought this way. Li Qi himself was too slow to advance to the fifth rank. His fifth rank is really a "water grinder". Although the road has been paved, he has to go, it all depends on the water mill , The whole millennium is a very normal thing.

After all, the path Li Qi chose himself was to wish people and become the connection point of 'cause and effect', and manipulating karma requires too high a level of cultivation, and it needs to be accumulated.

However, he himself did not expect that his fifth grade came faster than Liu Junyi.

Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva provided him with the jade bead, allowing him to borrow his cultivation base from his past body and future body, which tripled his cultivation base, broke through the bottleneck of demand, and passed the stage of grinding effort. directly become the fifth product.

Also because of this, Li Qi was able to break through earlier than Liu Junyi, and rushed over directly, forcing Liu Junyi to lose the initiative, helpless and could only break through desperately.

Fortunately, he really made a breakthrough, which also surpassed Li Qi's expectations, and almost made him come back.

Thanks to the sudden appearance of the Demon Prince, everything was completely settled.

Without the command and dispatch of the cardinals from all worlds, humanity would no longer be a whole, and it would be impossible for a piece of scattered sand to win the shamanism with a complete command system.

All in all, apart from humanity, everyone is happy.

Humanity quickly restored the cardinals of the worlds. After having an organizational system, they retreated quickly, leaving the war fortress to Wudao.

No need, they just take Gansong City away.

Well, fortresses of war are the spoils of those worlds.

After participating in the war, there are still surviving worlds, and they will be richly rewarded.

War fortresses from humanity, the technology in them, the spells in them, and even these war fortresses themselves are treasures that these worlds can never touch at ordinary times.

For these civilizations, the bastion of humanity is the real Zentraedi technology, which will allow many civilizations to make great strides forward, no matter whether the road ahead is good or bad, this is progress.

But Li Qi couldn't see these anymore, because he had just returned, handed Li Shiwei to Shen Shuibi, and then went to the rear of the war zone non-stop, which was far behind the vanguard war zone.

Li Qi's command position in the theater will be dismissed directly, and someone will take his place.

Even Zhu Fengdan has no right to interfere with this matter, this is the direct summon of the second rank Zhizhu!
He got a very serious order, yes, an order.

Zhizhu ordered Li Qi to put everything down immediately and rush over. All the war zones must cooperate with all their strength, no matter what consumption, it doesn't matter if they collapse, and send Li Qi back alone.

This made Li Qi panic.

This... why is this?

(End of this chapter)

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