Wandao long distance

Chapter 249 Chang'an Morning Market

Chapter 249 Chang'an Morning Market
The moon spits out the city wall, and the night sky is clear.

The night view of Chang'an is fascinating, and the east of the state has no time to look at the west of the state.

Chang'an in the middle of the night is also a city that never sleeps. Before you know it, it's morning.

When the first ray of sunlight hit Li Qi's face, he just finished his work, and when he looked up, the sun had already risen.

Looking back, Shen Shuibi was meditating behind.

Although you are meditating, you are actually sleeping.

But there is no difference between the two to her.

"Has it been a day?" Li Qi looked at the densely packed words he had written on the paper, all of which were his sorting out and conjectures about the information about the Tang Kingdom.

"Well... go for a walk, let's get some food." Li Qi got up, without disturbing Shen Shuibi, but left the room and walked outside.

Although there is no money, it can be exchanged, and there are still a lot of air beads in his hand, so it should be possible to exchange materials for silver.


Just like this, air beads that are genuine, can be used in many ways, and indeed have their use value, become worthless silver.

Invisibly, he was exploited by Tang Guo, and it was voluntary.

There is really no way. With Tang’s huge economic system and productivity base, plus its trading rules that run through countless worlds, you have to accept the rules of the other party.

and many more……

Accept the rules.

That's right, these... are probably also part of 'humanity', right?
The Tao is outside the body, and it is the rule by which everything in the world operates...

Why do many animals without spiritual intelligence naturally form well-organized groups like wolves, lions, and even ant colonies?That is because they coincide with a certain rule, which is the 'Tao'.

As I said before, strange beasts without spiritual wisdom can also have cultivation, because they are closer to a certain 'way', and if they continue to improve, they may even directly become the incarnation of this way.

Then... so many races and worlds have begun to actively or passively use the rules of humanity...

I dare not think about it anymore, I am extremely afraid when I think about it carefully.

It's better to change some silver taels honestly and go to the street to buy something to eat.

It doesn't take much time to exchange air beads, and you don't even need to queue up. The automatic magic weapon is like a deposit and withdrawal ATM machine, which automatically counts and automatically exchanges, and you can also choose physical silver or virtual silver in the terminal.

It's outrageous... It feels like I've come to the future. Except for the old-fashioned decorations everywhere, the convenience and functionality have basically exploded the earth.

There is really a strange sense of fragmentation.

There are pavilions and pavilions on the street, people wear long robes with long sleeves, and those who need to move around wear tight shorts. No matter how you look at it, it is ancient, but it has realized automation and standardization in a strange way.

Three thousand air beads were exchanged for 150 taels of silver.

This conversion ratio is really amazing...

Li Qi chose to ask for one or two pieces of physical silver for observation, and turned the rest into virtual currency so that they would not be lost.

After he got the one tael of silver, he observed it carefully.

Very ordinary silver.

But... there is a special aura, which is very obvious, but upon closer inspection, it is extremely complicated and changes from moment to moment, as if it was deliberately made for people to see.

This is... an anti-counterfeiting mark?
Really meticulous.

Weighing the one tael of silver, Li Qi came all the way to the market here.

It is said to be a market, but it is not a flat market like Qingwu City.

In fact, these are three huge high-rise buildings with a height of two or three miles. They are the commercial hubs of several streets nearby, similar to the kind of large-scale comprehensive shopping malls. Walking, there will even be clouds and mist around you.

At first glance, there are only four words to describe it.

A castle in the clouds.

It's very beautiful. Those flying eaves and painted walls are full of fairy clouds, overlooking the river and ying, and looking beyond the scenery.

Walking into it, you can see a lot of goods, or groceries, or clothes, or food. Looking from a distance, they are arranged one by one, but it is also lively and neat.

Clothes and crowns, skirts, towels and hats, gowns, skirts, brand-new terminals, and many, many foreign objects that Li Qi couldn't understand.

Forged by reason and truth, skillful craftsmanship, miscellaneous utensils and playthings are dazzling and dizzying.

I don't know what's the use at all, anyway, it's just a lot of bells and whistles.

And, it's cheap.

It's really cheap, and most of them can be bought with only 'De Yuan Tong Bao', that is, copper coins to count.

A tael of silver is worth a thousand dollars.

Li Qi saw that a brand new terminal only cost less than one hundred copper coins.

A ninth-grade magic weapon only costs two or three taels.

Crooked day, there is such a big price difference between Baiyue and Baiyue!
This purchasing power is not on the standard line at all. Li Qi remembered that he could exchange Tang country currency in Baiyue before, but now that he thinks about it, he guesses it's all fucking counterfeit money, right?


Li Qi walked in the mall, ready to buy some food and drink.

Buy something to drink first.

I bought some Shihua spring water and put it in a jug. It is said that it comes from the mountain spring of Shihua spring. There are spirit grass in the eye of Shihua spring, and three drops of spirit liquid are produced every day, which fall into the water and turn into fish in the water.

Water fish are born, die in one day, and when they die, they will melt into liquid and melt into mountain spring water.

But the spirit grass is protected by spirit beasts, so it is difficult to pick it, so some people collect the spring water flowing out from the downstream. It is necessary to rinse the spring water, the fragrance will immediately refresh the lungs, and the hangover will wake up.

I bought a pot and it cost only sixteen renminbi, but it seemed to be very expensive.

I bought something to drink, and there is a butcher shop next to it, but the sign is very interesting, it is called Fengrou.

Li Qi walked up to the door and asked, "Shopkeeper, what does the wind meat on your signboard mean?"

The waiter from the shop came forward, and faced Li Qi with a smile: "Did the guest officer move to the neighborhood recently?"

"How do you know?" Li Qi asked back.

Xiao Er raised his head proudly: "My family's Fengrou is famous around here, but anyone who has lived around here for a while knows it, everyone knows it! The guest officer does not have a name, so it can be seen that they are either passing by , or came recently!"

As soon as he said this, Li Qi became interested, and said: "It's so? Then can I try it and introduce it?"

But Xiaoer said: "Because of the special method of making this meat, you can't taste it empty mouth, otherwise it will be salty and bitter, and will have no taste."

Then he continued: "To make this kind of wind meat, you need to kill a pig, cut it into eight pieces, and fry each piece of salt for four qian, rub it carefully to make it perfect. Then hang it on a place where there is wind and no sun, Put An Nanling in the meat, germinate and erode it. This tree is unique and has a strange fragrance. It only takes root in the meat. After the root system is formed, the meat quality will also change. It can only be used next summer."

"When the meat is ready, the fragrance blows into the wind, and it sways for ten miles. When you hear the wind, you will know that the meat is ready, so it is called Fengrou."

"If you want to eat it, you have to soak it in water for a night, and then boil it. The water should not be too little. Simmer it over high heat, remove the salt water twice, and then add rock sugar to simmer until it is rotten. At that time, the aroma will be fragrant. After slicing, whether it is fried or boiled Whether stewed or fried, they are all delicious!"

Hearing that it was so troublesome, Li Qi immediately shook his head: "There are so many processes, so let's forget about it. I don't know how to cook, so I just plan to buy and write ready-made food."

Li Qi didn't buy this thing, and he didn't know how to make it after buying it, so he just went out to buy breakfast.

After walking for a while, I saw a seller of cooked food. They bought fried fish fillets, which tasted very fragrant.

So he went up and asked, "Boss, what are you selling here?"

Seeing Li Qi approaching, the shopkeeper hurriedly yelled: "Guest officer, this is a fresh baby fish. It tastes better than other fish, so it can be called the leader."

"Oh? What's the origin of this thing?" Li Qi was curious.

"This little fish is shaped like a catfish, with four legs and a long tail. It can climb trees. In drought, it often goes up hills with water. It covers its body with grass leaves and opens its mouth. When birds come to drink, it sounds like a baby when it sucks it, so it gets this name. It tastes very delicious, but it is highly poisonous and cannot be eaten without permission. It must be handled by someone who has learned the method before eating, so we only sell cooked food."

Li Qi nodded, and said: "So that's it, then give me a catty, but I have a question, the store, since you have poison all over your body... how did you find out that you can eat it? And how did you get rid of the poison?" ?”

"How did you find out that you can eat it? I don't know, but there are countless gourmets in the world, and there are many people who go to the mountains and seas for a delicious meal. There is always a way to find a way. Come on, guest officer, this is your fish!" After a catty of fish fillet was ready, pass it to Li Qi.

Then, he explained: "As for the detoxification, the fish must be tied to a special tree first, and whipped with a secret herbal medicine whip, and the fish will be sweaty white before it can be eaten, otherwise it will be poisonous." .”

"It's so strange." Li Qi clicked his tongue in amazement, then took the bag packed by the other party, weighed it, and found that it was really a catty of fish fillets.

Not including the condiments, fish soup, a real pound of fish fillets, with soup seasonings and side dishes, I am afraid it will weigh three or four pounds, it is indeed real.

After paying the bill, it was only fifteen copper coins.

But if you think about it carefully, 150 air beads are exchanged for 15 taels, and [-] copper coins are equal to [-] coins for one air bead.

That being said, the price is really not cheap.

But in fact, it shouldn't be so outrageous, Li Qi buys expensive things, usually these should be used during big meals and banquets, and there are ordinary chicken, duck and fish.

But Li Qi just wanted to eat something good.

After shopping for another ten minutes, I bought some eight-treasure meatballs.

According to the shopkeeper, it is necessary to take high-quality pork, half and half of lean meat and fat meat, chop into a fine sauce, use pine nuts, mushrooms, bamboo shoot tips, water chestnuts, melon and ginger, etc. On the plate, add sweet sprinkles, autumn oil, and steam it.

Li Qi tasted one, it was crunchy and sweet, quite good.

I bought two sea cucumbers, boiled them three times in broth, and then simmered them with chicken and meat juices to make them extremely rotten. I used fungus, fish maw, and pig's trotters as assistants. They were sticky and full of gum.

I bought another plate of tofu with shrimp oil. It is made of soft tofu slices, mushroom chips, pine nut kernel chips, melon seed kernel chips, chicken chips, ham chips, and golden shrimp oil. Tender until the inside of the tofu is honeycomb-shaped, and the accessories are immersed in the honeycomb.

These add up to no more than 25 articles.

A breakfast that should be extremely luxurious to ordinary people is ready, Li Qi bids farewell to this bustling market and prepares to go to another place.

At this moment, it was only half an hour since he went out.

He thought in his mind, buy another one and leave.

He is going to buy a hairpin.

The jade hairpin on her head was bought when she was in Qingwu City, and it was time to replace it.

The jewelry sellers are upstairs, and those who sell cooked food are incomparable.

This building is two or three miles high, and it is definitely impossible to walk up it with legs. Practitioners can, but ordinary people will probably die of exhaustion.

In addition, most places in Chang'an are banned from the air, and only the airways that allow flights can have flying instruments for normal traffic.

Even if you can fly, if you fly in a place where flying is not allowed, the consequences may be serious.

So, there is an elevator inside.

No, it doesn't use electricity, it should be called a surgical ladder, driven by surgical formulas.

Li Qi didn't know what it was called, so he used that terminal to search for relevant information while walking.

By the way, this thing can actually take pictures, recognize pictures and search.

Although it looks like a piece of wooden token inlaid with iron, in fact, the advanced batch explosion is completely AR, and an interactive interface appears in front of your eyes through illusion, which is very convenient.

It's still the same description from the beginning.

Under the ancient style and ancient meaning, what is hidden is an extremely advanced and automated civilization.

It's a sci-fi society entirely, but its essence is something else.

But it's just as good.

According to the statement in the terminal, the name of this kind of surgery ladder is called "self-driving steps", which is a weird name, but Li Qi is more used to calling it an elevator.

Following the elevator, he quickly came to the [-]th floor. According to the signpost inside the bazaar, the place nearby is where jade articles are bought and sold.

He is going to buy a hosta.

Jade is extremely important in the Tang Dynasty, and it is also an ornament with a very special status.

Because there is a humane Confucian sage who said: "Jade is warm and moist, and it is benevolent. It is meticulous and chestnut, and it is knowledge. It is honest but not cheap, and it is righteous. It hangs like a pendant, and it is ritual. Knock it, and its sound is clearer and longer. , Its end is true, happy. Flaws do not cover up goodness, goodness does not cover up flaws, loyalty. Fu Yin Pangda, trustworthy. Guizhang special, virtue. Therefore, there is no one who is not expensive in the world; therefore, jade is used as a metaphor for a gentleman, which is called "yannian" Gentleman, be gentle like jade'."

In addition, jade itself is transformed from the essence of stone and has various magical effects, so in the Tang Dynasty, almost everyone admired jade.

The highest-grade jade that Li Qi saw in the book and knew was named Xuanji and Yuheng.

That's right, they are three of the Big Dipper.

Xuan means beautiful jade.

Both Ji and Heng are the emperor's weapons to uphold the sky and can judge the heart of heaven.

In other words... the Big Dipper in the sky, three of them... are actually the Emperor's magic weapon, and they are all jade objects.

With so many buffs, it is enough to show Yu's status.

So Li Qi was prepared to bleed heavily. However, there is no need for a magic weapon or hairpin body that has been processed, so the premium price will be very good.

He was going to buy a rough stone with a good material, and then carve it himself.

Carving would be enough, and he didn't expect to make any particularly powerful magic weapon, just a decoration.

All the way upstairs.

But... What surprised Li Qi was that the price of jade was unexpectedly low.

(End of this chapter)

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