I really want to pounce

Chapter 90 The finished draft of the painstaking effort

Chapter 90 The painstakingly finished product (×) draft (√)
Pu Jie doesn't care much about how to adapt his own works.

After all, he didn't feel that his work was so good and there were many NTR poisonous plots. The screenwriter can adapt it so that it is not poisonous, so it is good for people to watch.

Of course, the kind that has passed the trial.

Otherwise he will be very excited!

"Ahem! What are you thinking? Neiku Film and Television is a serious website, not Jingdong, Tianmei, Jelly or other domestic brands."

On the other hand, after Pu Jie agreed, Fu Weng went to draw up the contract.

It was written in the contract that if the script quality of the first three episodes passed the standard, half of the deposit would be paid in advance.

Later, when filming with the group, there was still a labor fee of 10 yuan.

Producer Yang Chao gave him 50 yuan to adapt the script, but he only quoted 40 yuan to Pu Jie.

Originally, Fu Weng wanted to get rid of the 10 yuan. After all, this is also the operation of the old TV station employees, but thinking of Pu Bian's understanding of righteousness and lowering the salary to join the group, he slapped himself twice again, and put this The money was given to Pu Bian in the form of group labor fees.

Immediately, he felt that he was much more noble.

"But it's still a little short of Pubian's realm."

Pu Jie didn't know that Fu Weng was full of inner drama, and now he only thought about how to earn the 40 yuan.

It is definitely not acceptable to write indiscriminately.

People are not stupid.

At that time, if the script of the first three episodes fails, he will become a clown.

In fact, the main reason why Pu Jie accepted this script was that it was the summer vacation, there were no classes in school, and all the roommates had left, so there was more time, so it would be good to write a script besides writing a book.

"Give it a try, according to my level, I can adapt it to whatever level I can."

The biggest difference between a script and a novel is that a script is an audio-visual language, and the content must be expressed in scenes, actions, and dialogues, while a novel is a written language, which can be expressed in inner drama, emotional fluctuations, and some metaphors, but these cannot be placed on the screen. In TV dramas, otherwise the protagonist has been relying on inner monologues to promote the plot, which would be embarrassing to death!
If you want to turn a novel into a script, you must cut off the inner activities and emotions that the author of the online novel is best at, and abandon the long-winded writing, and convert it into a concise lens language, which is considered qualified.

Of course, I can't explain the truth in one or two sentences. Fortunately, Pu Jie's professional courses are good, and Wang Xiang will occasionally guide him alone. The principle and application are not bad.

However, the novel "Country Rascal Doctor" contains a lot of rural language and dialogues, which is very down-to-earth. It is suitable for this kind of 40-episode long TV series, but there is no need to change it. Pu Jie mainly changed the way of advancing the plots in the novel. into the lens language.

It's a bit difficult, but you can try it.

Pu Jie's biggest advantage is that he still remembers the pictures that construct these stories in his mind, and he knows which point of each story is the most interesting.

Just when Pu Jie was about to freeze his hands, Fu Weng took a picture of the draft contract and asked him to see if there was anything he could change.

Pu Jie glanced casually, there was nothing wrong with it, and then he saw the title of the inscribed play.

"Wait. What's the name of this show?"

""Country Love", oh! The producer changed it for fear that the original title would not pass the review. Is there any problem?"

"Oh no, no."

Big problem!

Pu Jie remembered the very famous TV series of the same name in his previous life, which was really popular all over the country!
Blow the wind of rural life in Northeast China to the whole country!

Every New Year's Eve file, it dominates the list as soon as it comes out, and the popularity remains high.

Pu Jie used to think that this kind of drama was not good, because it was not good, and only the elderly would watch it.

Then, one day when he was eating, he really didn't know what to look at, so he just clicked in and took a look.
This is too pretty!
can not stop at all!

Since then, this drama has become his weapon for dinner, and he must watch it when he eats. He has watched 13 episodes several times.

"Hey, why did you see this name in this world?"

Suddenly, Pu Jie's eyes lit up.

He seems to know how to change it!

After a week of hard work, Pu Jie wrote it.

Fu Weng got the scripts of the first three episodes in his hand, washed his hands, and read them.

The script of the first three episodes is to tell the first story: Immortal Jumping and Sending Avalokitesvara.

Tell the first story in the form of a script.

Liu Ergou is the protagonist, but other villagers of Taohua Village also show their faces.

The script retains the novelty of the story, and the degree of completion is very good, and it is not as dark as the original. On the contrary, it is like a farce created by the desperate Huzi himself, and then leads to the plot of Huzi's mother's cancer, and the plot of Taohua Village. The village head, Widow Wang and others seem to have uncovered a mysterious corner of Taohua Village, full of anticipation.

Overall, it's like reading a novel again.

After Fu Weng watched it several times, he clapped his hands and applauded!
"Good! Good! This is the embodiment of the screenwriter's ability at its peak. If there is no trick, there is a trick. The original story is good enough, and redundant changes will only destroy the story. It can be expressed in the language of the camera, that is Pubian gave me the best answer!"

"He used this script to tell me what it means to rule by doing nothing! This is confidence in his own work!"

"Now in our line of work, many screenwriters look down on novel authors. They wantonly adapt other people's works, adding a few broken Internet jokes into it, thinking that they will get applause. In fact, they destroy the overall environment created by the author and lose their souls! Sure enough, only the original author knows his own work best!"

"This 50 is not in vain!"

But he took a closer look and found that it was a bit rough, and some scenes were not well completed.

After thinking for a moment, Fu Weng slapped his thigh!

This is a semi-finished product, just let him look at the first draft first, and if he is satisfied, he can complete some other small parts.

Cautiously called Pu Bian and explained his doubts.

Pu Jie was silent for a moment, then replied: "Well, that's how it is."

"I knew it! The content must be fine. Editor Pu can perfect the script, and we can formally sign the contract."

Pu Jie hung up the phone.

What a fart!
This is already the finished product written by him with all his painstaking efforts!

He read it a few times, but he didn't see where his script was not well completed.

"It's broken, it's broken. The level bottleneck has arrived. What should I do? Even after signing the contract, there will still be conflicts with the team in the later stage. It would be great if someone could help."

Pu Jie suddenly thought of two people.

"professional team!"

Immediately, he called Zhang Wei: "Director Zhang, what work do you and Director Wang do recently?"

Zhang Wei: "Oh, we are working on our own original script!"

"Are you interested in helping me with the script?"

Zhang Wei sighed: "Pu Bian, our two brothers have made enough guns over the years, and they are not too young now. It's time to start our own business. We are very confident that we can sell this script. Excuse me."

Pu Jie: "10 per person, plus the right to sign."

Wang Jin snatched the phone: "I will go to Beijing University of Arts tomorrow, and ask the hostel to prepare the instant noodles. I love Laotan sauerkraut!"

Then, Pu Jie heard the sound of packing things up over there.

Looks like it's time to move on.

Pu Jie sighed: "Money is really a good thing."

the next day.

Pu Jie handed over the three-episode scripts to the two who rushed over to Lian, and asked them to perfect it by themselves, and then left.

The two took the script and read it again.

look at each other.

"The story is okay, but the script is a bit rough."

"The scene construction and transitions are still a little...immature."

"Is this the standard of Pubian?"

"I don't think so."

The two pondered for a moment, then slapped their foreheads, and understood!

"This is Pubian's draft! It's written in random notes, the main content is in place, and the rest of the work is too low-end, and he doesn't bother to do it."

"It must be! Otherwise, at the level of Pubian, we would not be needed."

"Does such a simple job have the right to sign? This is the realm of Pubian!"

The eyes of Wang Jin and Zhang Wei were moist. It was the first time that the two brothers had been working together for so many years, and it was the first time that a screenwriter offered them the right to sign.

"We must take care of it and give Pu Bian an explanation!"

Now, Pu Jie is happy!
As long as the scripts of the first three episodes are revised, then tell the two people about the follow-up ideas, and let the two follow the remaining 37 episodes according to the model of "Country Love".

He escaped directly from the sea of ​​suffering!
Earn 30 million in blood!
"I did it once too. The script is bad?"

But he has no psychological burden, because this is for the good of the crew!
Then let the two of them follow the group, there is no problem.

The question is that I am busy with official duties, and I can control the overall situation by myself, and it is enough for the younger brother to go up.

"Writing scripts is too difficult, but it's better to write novels."

Pu Jie's book got his wish and was released on August 8st, receiving 1 orders!

Xiaoxing's nose is crooked!
He feels his career has been challenged!
Then act urgently and push the book to new media and WeChat reading channels.

The person in charge looked at it and shook his head.

"If this book can become popular on the channel, I will live broadcast eating the old eighth burger!"

(End of this chapter)

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