I really want to pounce

Chapter 8 Work Evaluation

Chapter 8 Work Evaluation
Pu Jie's left eyelid is always twitching these days,

It feels like something is going to happen,
"The left eye jumps for money, thank God of Wealth for blessing"

"Right eye jump disaster, fuck the feudal superstition!"

As a qualified demitheist believer, Pu Jie has been able to reasonably distinguish miracles.

Are you going to make money?

Pu Jie felt happy at first, and then felt something was wrong!
Recently, besides taking classes, he is writing books. There is only one place where he can make money.
"It's broken! Didn't the left eye jump too!"

There is a problem with both left and right eye jumps!

Evil door!
Pu Jie was so frightened that he got up from the bed, opened his own background of the author,
Check out the collection: 203.

breathed a sigh of relief,

Fortunately, nothing happened.

It has been a month since the book was released, except for the week it was recommended, it has increased by more than 100 favorites,
The increase at other times is appalling, with an average increase of two or three a day.

Pu Jie felt that it probably included a large part of machine numbers,
There is a studio that specializes in online literature business, maintains a bunch of accounts, and sells collections, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, subscriptions and so on every month.

In order to keep the trumpet active and not be identified by the system, they will collect some books from time to time,

These are the machine numbers.

Without the support of these machine numbers, the data on the leaderboard would not be so exaggerated.

These machine numbers are collected indiscriminately, and it is impossible to collect his book.

This can be seen from the comment section of the book "The Son-in-law of the Dragon King of the City",

There are not many new growth comments,

It has been two weeks since the last recommendation, and a total of 10 comments have been added.
7 bad reviews, 1 neutral review, 1 push book, and 1 movie seller.

One of the bad comments was sent by an old reader,
[Recommend a round of tour, didn't you advance?That's not enough?Keep the nasty ones? 】

If it was Pu Jie in the past, he might have broken the defense directly,
But now. Refined!

Should such a sharp point of view not be seen by new readers in the first place?
The middle review is still the same person from last time, he seems to be unwilling to give up after being deleted, and sent another one,
[The author is very diligent, if he improves the quality of his writing, he will definitely become a well-known author in the future (the last comment was somehow swallowed) —— Da Xiang]

"That's great!"

Long press to select,


Ban this user for 30 days.

A set of procedures, smooth and smooth.

Keep the one pushing the book, my book is disgusting enough,
When readers see a book push advertisement, just take advantage of the opportunity to read which book he has. Don't stay here, just let me stand alone until I die.

The last film seller, Pu Jie, is directly and permanently banned + deleted comments + blocked.

This kind of person cannot stay!

It's not that he and Huang are at odds,
If the LSPs from Qidian come to ward in, it will be broken.

A bright future cannot be ruined by a film seller.

After processing,
Pu Jie was in a good mood, feeling that his eyelids were not twitching so much anymore.

"Brother Jie, go to class, I can't help you ask for leave today"

Dachun jumped down from the upper bunk, almost fell to the ground,

Pu Jie held him up,

"How do you say? What's the class today? Do you want roll call?"

"Today is the tutor's big class. I want to comment on our works. I feel that my "Murder in the Island Chamber of Secrets" will be reviewed as an excellent work!"

The corners of Pu Jie's mouth twitched,
He has read Dachun's script, and to be honest, it's a bit mediocre.

Dachun's script has been displayed on the website of the film and television creator, and all major film and television companies and directors can view it.

If a company likes your script, it will be collected on the website,

If you have an idea for cooperation, you can also vote for "Interested",

In this way, the writer knows who his potential benefactor is, and all subsequent transactions are carried out under the supervision of the website.

In this way, the interests of both parties are protected, and plagiarism can be prevented.

As for Dachun's "Murder in the Island Chamber of Secrets" script, there is only one collection so far.
Pu Jie didn't know where he got the confidence to be judged as excellent, but he still couldn't bear to beat him when he thought that he had cheated on his good brother for a month.
"There is a chance."

"Know how to appreciate! Have taste!"

Dachun was overjoyed, then ran to the lower berth next to him and asked:

"Yuan Hua, don't you like to compose poems, just my script of "The Murder in the Island Chamber of Secrets" script, how about an impromptu poem?"

The lower bunk opposite Pu Jie,

A delicate man with his hair combed to look like an adult and a handsome suit just got up,

His bed is always made meticulously,
Hearing this, he waved his hands again and again,

"Forget it, my poetry is always critical"

"Come, come, come one, come one!"

"come on!"

Zhang Yang from the upper bunk also jumped down, and the foursome in the dormitory were all here.

Yuan Hua can't beat everyone,
ponder for a moment,

"There are many suspense in literary talent, but there is no suspense in a collection!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Pu Jie and Zhang Yang applauded one after another.

Spring: (*゜ー゜*)

After a few people had finished their quarrel, they hurriedly ate breakfast and rushed to the classroom.

Today, none of the screenwriters majored in skipping class.

To be precise, their professional name is "drama film and television literature",
It's just that everyone usually calls themselves a screenwriter major.

There are 60 people in Pujie this year,

Not too many people.

The instructor is a middle-aged man in his 50s, a well-known screenwriter in the industry, and a teacher of their "Literary Criticism Writing" course.

Three people squeezed in from the outside,

"Strange. Why are there so many people crowded outside today?"

Outside the lecture theater, many people were peeking inside, and some bold ones sat directly in the back seats.

"Wow! So many beauties and handsome guys!"

Zhang Yang winked at the three of them,

"Isn't the young lady in the back pretty?"

Dachun looked at a yellow-haired younger sister behind and giggled,

"Pretty. Hehe~ So beautiful. Just like my dream lover"

Yuan Hua turned sideways slightly, and glanced at the beauties behind him from the corner of his eye.

"Ahem. Really good"

Zhang Yang said in a low voice: "These girls are all seniors from the acting department, aren't they beautiful! They all look like fairies descending to earth. The handsome guy is a senior from the acting department, cut it, so flirtatious"

Pu Jie was a little puzzled: "We majored in screenwriting. Why did they learn acting?"

This class is to comment on their works last month, and it is not an open class.

Zhang Yang said coquettishly: "You don't know something about this, right? This test is not just to see who's level is high or low, but also an unspoken rule that Beiyi has passed down for many years."

"Unspoken rules?"

This word is combined with girls in the acting department,

Pu Jie felt sleepy all at once.

"Please tell me in detail!"

"The so-called screenwriter is the soul of a movie or TV series! The quality of the script directly affects the upper and lower limits of the movie. Especially in recent years, the drama series with the screenwriter as the core are selling well, and the status of our screenwriters is getting more and more High, so I have more say in the casting, so if anyone's script can stand out, in case the teacher gives resources to support, make a movie or TV series or something. You understand!"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, showing an expression that a man could understand.

That's it
Pu Jie and Yuan Hua smiled knowingly.

As soon as Dachun clapped his hands,

"Ah, I understand! They also want to be screenwriters and take our jobs! What can we do, brother Jie, can't I lose the title of the top [-] outstanding screenwriters in our profession?"

There is still a need to protect the top 60!

Also, whoever wants to steal your job is crazy!

The black line on Pu Jie's face slipped down,

"Dachun, I think we should try not to touch brain-burning scripts in the future, um. Brainy ones, don't touch them at all"

Dachun scratched his head.

Pu Jie secretly turned his head and glanced back,
full of spring,

I have to say that the performance department of Beijing Arts Academy is of really high quality!

Pu Jie's eyes locked on a girl with bright eyes and bright teeth,
White oval face, small and delicate mouth,

A touch of delicate blush reflects the collagen on the face,

Full of the unique beauty of girls.

just a glance,
Pu Jie felt that he was about to fall.

The girl seems to have seen Pu Jie who was secretly looking at her,

Puchi laughed,
Blinking his left eye, a playful wink flew over,


Pu Jie has only one feeling at this moment, Fairy Zixia has come to the mortal world!

Suddenly, Yuan Hua stood up next to him,

"stand up!"

"Old~teacher~good job!"

"Students, please sit down"

"In the next class, let's talk about the works completed by the students last month"

The guide is here,

I'm not surprised by today's scene,
What's wrong with them coming here to invest in a future star to pave the way for themselves in the future?
There are too many monks and little meat, there is no way.

Regardless of his age, if he can write a good script, there are girls who can go all out,

Over the years. He has persuaded too many girls who wanted to take shortcuts.

Pu Jie had only one thought at this time,
In this evaluation, his work was ruined, and his luck was also ruined.

Unconsciously, Pu Jie thought of a comment posted by his QQ space in the second year of junior high school:
【If I don't have a sword, I can't protect you. If I hold a sword, I can't hug you】

It's all the system's fault!
Give me back Zixia!

However, Pu Jie felt a little better when he thought that he would be able to collect 10 yuan from the system in two months.

"Being human, you have to take care of yourself"

(End of this chapter)

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