I really want to pounce

Chapter 51 Going Viral

Chapter 51 Going Viral

Er Tao received a link from Hei Liu and a request for help.

Suddenly, a clear look appeared.

This, he understands!
"What is the sixth brother going to chop again? This thing can't be chopped. Last time I was short of 1 cents, I found a bunch of people, then I was short of 1 diamond, and then I found a bunch of people, and I was short of a gold coin." , After mobilizing all the people in the fucking village, there is only one blessing left!"

"If you fight for Xixi, you will be reliable if you fight for a group."

Even though I thought so, I still clicked on it. Anyway, it doesn't take much trouble to cut it. If you don't cut it, the relationship between the two will be far away.

Is this cut for money?
No, it was cut in a way of the world.

However, after clicking in, looking at the simple picture, Er Tao felt a little uncomfortable.

Why are there no more fancy turntables?

And the last sentence that Pinxixi's cash has already been credited?

What about the last friend who is more than 99% lucky?

"Why is it so strange? Just click to help?"

He took a closer look and found that it was not Pinxixi, but a small program called 'WeChat Reading'. After clicking it, he got a "Smooth Reading Card".

Newcomers can read 30 paid chapters for free, and there are discounts for recharging.

"Good guy, Sixth Brother's culture is not as high as mine, why are you still studying? I have at least graduated from junior high school."

""Country Scoundrel Doctor"? The name sounds interesting, what are you doing? Brother Six likes to watch this?"

He also became interested, wanting to see what Sixth Brother, a half-literate man, likes to watch.

"I just flip through a few chapters at random, and I have to play mahjong in a while. If I go late, I will run out of land."

5 hours later
Got a slap on the head.

"Are you deaf! Your mother told you to eat, but you didn't hear me!"

His father was yelling beside him.

Er Tao came back to his senses from the book.

"Father, when did you come here? Have a meal? Didn't you just have lunch?"

"Fuck you big-headed ghost! Check what time it is! It's already 6 o'clock, a light is dark, a mobile phone is on, and your face is pale. I want to scare your father to death!"

Er Tao glanced at the time, it was already 6 o'clock!



Another slap on the head.

"What the hell are you and your father doing here? It's against you!"

"No. Dad, I'm not fucking you, I'm fucking time. I feel like I just sat down and read a novel twice, and it's time for dinner?"

"Swiping the phone every day! I don't know how to find a wife when I have this time. Look at her, Hei Liu, she is three years older than you, and has two babies! It's not worth it!"

"Don't scold, don't scold, it's stupid to scold others"

Er Tao followed his father to dinner, pondering while eating.

I agreed to read two chapters, why is it only .5 hours?

Something is wrong!
Something must be wrong!
This book is so evil, it makes people want to stop!

I just want to read chapter by chapter, and I can't stop at all.

As if possessed by a demon.

Each of the characters has their own characteristics, and everyone has distinctive characteristics, but everyone is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Even the two tiger couples who have just started the fairy dance have unknown difficulties. If you have cancer, you will die if you have no money.

In order to save the old lady, he cheated and abducted, and he can do anything. If he really can't make up the money for the operation, Erhu is going to rob the bank!

If it weren't for the heavy burden on his body, who would want to let others know that he is a useless person?
Let the people in Peach Blossom Village laugh at themselves for the rest of their lives
In the end, when Liu Ergou found out, he didn't behave like a rogue and greedy for money as usual, but moved with compassion, showed his medical skills, and rescued Erhu his mother, and was shocked.

The two turned their fighting into friendship, and Erhu, in order to thank Liu Ergou, took the initiative to become his younger brother, which improved Liu Ergou's status in the village.

When someone later came to trouble Liu Ergou, the strong Huzi chased the enemy for two streets with a knife in his hand and solved the trouble.

It's just that Huzi has no personnel ability, and the daughter-in-law is just in need of nourishment. After being slapped by Liu Ergou that time, her face flushed, as if some switch was turned on.
"Cough cough cough! This plot is so damn exciting! It's also a mahjong game, continue to watch it tonight!"

While eating, he kept reminiscing about the plot of "Country Scoundrel Doctor".

"Although Liu Ergou is a little bit bad, easy to fool, and a bit lecherous, he can still tell the difference between right and wrong, and has his own principles. If he is really from our village, I must make friends with him."

Of course, it has nothing to do with Liu Ergou's ability to treat kidney deficiency. How could he be a young man without a wife?

It will never be rushed!
(; '⌒`)
After finishing dinner in a stormy mood, Er Tao went straight back to the house, charged his phone, and prepared to continue watching.

Then found out that you need to pay.

"Hey! Reading novels still cost money?"

It was the first time he read an online novel, and he never knew that it cost money.

"1 cents for a chapter? That's not expensive, wait, can you ask someone to help you get a free chapter?"

"Oh oh oh!!! I understand! Hei Liu asked for help for this."

"Help me back quickly, bring it to you!"

He sent the link to Black Six, Uncle, Uncle Er, etc.

Squeeze wool, first pluck your own family.

Just like running insurance.

"Hurry up, hurry up and help me!"

Uncle Zhao is over 40 this year, and he is not as good as those young people. After dinner, he walked around twice, and then got into bed when he came back.

"I have to go to work in the field tomorrow morning, so I have to go to bed early, but I can't stay up late."

In winter, you can go to bed later, since no one is alive anyway.

Tomb-sweeping season is a good time for farming. You must go to bed early and get up early. At 4 o'clock, you have to get up to work in the field just after dawn.

But it was too early, it was only after 7 o'clock, and Uncle Zhao couldn't fall asleep, so he simply picked up his mobile phone to see what the crowds in the village were talking about recently, and by the way, give others a like in Moments.

He heard that giving praise to others can improve the relationship between the two of them.

Then I saw the link that Er Tao sent to me.

"Hurry up, hurry up and help me!"

"This kid, didn't he say that he never let others help him? I can't help it anymore. Laugh at him tomorrow!"

Er Tao relied on his junior high school graduation, and always pretended to be a cultured person in front of them who graduated from elementary school.

He also said they were half-literate.

Laugh to death!

I don't know what a half step is.

But even though he was ridiculed in his heart, it was still the right point. The uncle was recognized as a good old man in the village, and he almost responded to every request.

I clicked the screen clumsily, and after I entered, I clicked on Assist and got a "Smooth Reading Card".

"What the hell? What are you reading? "Country Scoundrel Doctor"?"

"Hey~ Er Tao, you really think of yourself as a cultured person, and you still study at night, what kind of big cloves are you pretending to be!"

He wanted to turn off his phone and go straight to sleep, but turned his head and thought again.

"No, I have to read two chapters anyway, otherwise Er Tao will have to laugh at me for being illiterate and unable to read novels when I go to the field tomorrow."

Holding his breath, Uncle Zhao swiped the screen with his calloused hands.

【Chapter 1:】

Next to him, the daughter-in-law also got into bed: "Old Zhao, go to bed early, you have to go to the field tomorrow."

"Go to bed first, I'll watch it for a few minutes, and sleep when you're sleepy."

"Go to bed early, or tomorrow will be boring."

"Okay, okay, I've never been addicted to playing with my mobile phone!"

4:[-] am.

Uncle Zhao's daughter-in-law opened her eyes and saw the faint light from the mobile phone next to her.

The husband kept the same posture as she did before going to bed yesterday, and was still swiping the screen a little bit
"Old Zhao, did you wake up so early today?"

Uncle Zhao turned his head away, two big dark circles under his eyes.

( ̄△ ̄;)
"Eh? Why are you awake? What time is it?"

Old Zhao's wife: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ

"You didn't sleep all night???"

Uncle Zhao realized something was wrong, so he quickly turned off his phone and pretended to be dead.

Daughter-in-law: "I×&%¥#@..."

When the daughter-in-law was about to scold her and went to relieve herself, Uncle Zhao, who was supposed to be in a deep sleep, took out his mobile phone and forwarded the link of the book to several groups in the village.

"Click to help, thank you!"

Then I fell asleep peacefully.

This morning.

I don't know why, but the fields in Zhaojia Village have lost a lot of working men.
It's not just Zhaojia Village. Last night, many people were sleepless.

With Qidian's marketing methods, "Country Rascal Doctor" is spreading virally in the rural market.

 There will be another update in a while, I will stay up late to write, but I suggest you read it tomorrow.The data has improved, thank you for your support, please keep reading, Binghuo will try to update as much as possible recently.

(End of this chapter)

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