I really want to pounce

Chapter 4 Start point needs some fresh blood!

Chapter 4 Kai Point needs some fresh blood!
A week later
magic city,

Qidian Chinese website headquarters building, editorial department.

Today is Friday,
A plenary meeting will be held as usual in the morning,

The main content of this meeting is to reconfirm the website and app recommendation arrangement of this week's works,
Make sure that there are no broken updates, eunuchs, or banned chapters in the recommended works in the next week,
If there is such a work, it will be kicked out of the recommendation list, and then a substitute work will be temporarily found.

"Okay, the data statistics are completed, the problematic works of each group have been cleaned up, and there are 14 free recommendation slots. It happens that the 7 groups of you will be evenly distributed, and some works with potential will be given."

The vice president and editor-in-chief of Qidian Group, Xingchen, spoke eloquently and quickly finished handling the website and app recommendations for next week.

No one else commented either,

Xingchen has always done things fairly, and the atmosphere of the editors in the starting point editorial department is relatively harmonious.
If you want to recommend a position for your own author, just get it based on the data.

"Next, I will make a summary of the operation of the Qidian Chinese website in the past month"

Today is not only Friday, but also the end of October.

"I won't talk about the details, the main station data is about the same as last month"

"However, we are Qidian, the number one online novel website in the industry, and an original novel website that has spawned countless popular IPs. Our monthly active users are stuck at 1000 million, which has not increased for half a year. This is very dangerous!"

All the editors were shocked,
Something is going to happen!
"On the surface, we are still the largest leading website in the online literature market, but we know that if there is no new growth point, we will only go downhill in the future, and reform is imminent!"

"We can no longer guard the three-acre land of our own home. We must publish Qidian Novels and expand our user base in order to continue to dominate the Chinese online novel market."

"According to the latest data, the total number of monthly active users of all online novel platforms in Huaguo is only 2000 million. This number has also entered a bottleneck. We have seized 50% of the market share. It is very difficult to increase it. We must find A new track, this track is new media!"

"Through new media channels, we can let people who have never read online novels read our novels. We don't want to grab the 2000 million, we want to eat the 14 billion cake!"

After Xing Chen spoke, the editor-in-chief and responsible editors all frowned,

This is not the first time that Qidian has mentioned new media channels internally.

The so-called new media refers to the current network media platform,

Such as WeChat, Weibo, Toutiao, Tieba, etc.

Put the novel on there and attract readers to read it.

These platforms are all giants, especially WeChat, with more than 10 billion daily active users!
This is a big piece of cake, if some people can be converted from it to read online novels,

Even if it's only 1%,

That's a huge boost for Qidian!

Three months ago, everyone aggressively put the high-quality web articles accumulated by Qidian over the years on various new media platforms.
Prepare to count money from sacks from every channel,
But the effect has not been good, and few customers have been converted.
This frustrates the proud Qidian editorial department.

Xingchen saw everyone's complexion changed slightly, and said sternly: "Our book has not made a name for itself in the past three months. This is not a problem of strategy, but a problem of the book!"

"Come on, let's take a look at the "The Greatest Writer in History" that was pushed by a group last week. At the beginning, there are several ways to write the word 'fen' in fennel beans. It's 500 words. For those who haven't read the article on the Internet, Who can read this? You tell me, who can read this! Still laughing! You still have a smile on the book you pushed?"

At this time, Styx, the editor-in-chief of the second group, came out to smooth things over.
"Hehehe~ Boss is right, the policy must be resolutely implemented, but we have released all the books with the best results in Qidian in recent years, all of which are Wanding's works, and many of them have already been made into TV series Movies, but not many people watch them, we are also very worried, boss"

Editor-in-chief Xingchen patted the table and said:

"Can the readers of new media be the same as the readers of our website! If the audience is the same, you don't need to push, they will come to our website to read books by themselves! You can't use the same old ways to open up new markets! If you want to change, you have to reform!"

"Next week, each of your groups must select some new works that are quite different from the style of the website. New media needs fresh blood, understand?"

The last sentence Xingchen patted the table and said,

The editor-in-chief and editor-in-charge quickly expressed:
"Understood boss!"

"I'm going down to find new books!"

"I'll check my submission mailbox"

The meeting breaks up.

The editors went back to their offices,
two groups,

4 editors form a circle,

Editor-in-chief Styx lit a cigarette, took a deep breath,
"Hey~ This time the boss is serious. It seems that the boss of the new media channel is determined to win, we have to find a way to get something good, otherwise no one will want this year's year-end award."

"Xiaoxing, you are new here, and your thinking is not limited. Recently, you put aside the things at hand, specially signed some new articles, and put them in the new media market. The resources can be properly tilted. Hey! The two extra recommendations this week bit, give you one"

The old editor doesn't like to do this kind of thankless work,

If you do a good job, there is no bonus, and if you don’t do a good job, you will be blamed.
Can only be assigned to new editors.


Xiaoxing took this job, didn't think too much, went back and started looking for works in the new library,

But over and over it is always those texts,
It seems that everyone is rushing to adapt it,

Well written,

But. well, nothing new,
OK in general,
"Hey, if only these books weren't so good"

It was another round of browsing. This time he didn't search for new books, but directly looked for books that had been rejected by other editors.
Books by public authors are cross-reviewed by each group. The first two editors don’t like it, and other editors can read it again.
But generally only newcomer editors like him have time to read,

I can't finish reading the manuscripts submitted by the old editor.

How can there be somersaulting garbage that others don't want?
"Huh? "The Son-in-law of the Dragon King of the City"? It's a strange name, and it has already written more than 7 words."

Xiaoxing dug out an article that had been rejected by three old editors from the trash bin of the library.

Then flipped through it.
Before I knew it, I saw the last chapter,
Xiao Xing glanced at his watch, half an hour had passed.
"Damn it! Why did time suddenly disappear?"

"This unscientific!"

As an editor, the professional quality is to be able to review manuscripts quickly. From the first three chapters of the work, you can see whether you can sign a contract.

I will not read all the books that have not been signed, it would be a waste of time.

But this book made Xiaoxing continue to read it unconsciously, and it was not until the last chapter that he woke up.

I am still working!
But Xiaoxing thought about it carefully, what he just watched,
My mind went blank,
Except for the protagonist's pretense, I didn't remember any distinctive characters, plots, or scenes.

"However. It's cool to say"

He became curious about the author called "Pu Dingle",

Later, Xiaoxing began to think about why the other three editors rejected such a book.

"The plot cannot withstand scrutiny, the characterization is weak, the writing is too low, and there is no value for adaptation."

After thinking about it for a while, I understood the reason why this book was rejected three times.

There is a big gap with Qidian's current mainstream works!

If it were normal, Xiao Xing would probably reject the manuscript, after all, the old editor's vision must be better than that of a newcomer.
But now

"Try it in new media channels"

"Huh? I don't sign a contract to update 1 words every day. Good guy, this attitude is too correct, so I will give you this recommendation reward!"

For these old authors, the daily update of 2000 words cannot be guaranteed.

The current Qidian can maintain a daily update of 4000 words, which has already been praised by readers.

If you can update 6000 words steadily, that would be amazing!Update the man of the hour on the list!

As for 8000 and 10000, non-significant nodes are invisible.
Of course, this may also have something to do with the fact that authors in this world pay more attention to writing.

The choice of words and sentences are carefully considered, so naturally it takes time.

Xiao Xing initiated a signing invitation to 'Pu Ding Le',
"Huh? How does that name sound weird?"

(End of this chapter)

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