I really want to pounce

Chapter 22 This is the biggest public opinion trader I have ever seen in my career!

Chapter 22 This is the biggest public opinion trader I have ever seen in my career!

"If you think "The Dragon King of the City's Son-in-Law" is a no-brainer novel, then you have read it wrong." This article caused a lot of waves!

Comments explode!

Almost everyone thinks that Pu Ding only has a special style that caters to the tastes of the new media market, so that he can exert his strength in new media channels. Others are not popular because they don’t bother to write this kind of writing, which gives everyone a feeling that I can do it myself. illusion.

Now it seems that it is completely wrong!
In an ordinary little white essay, there is actually a high-level wisdom contained in it.

"Horror! Now the bosses are not satisfied with pretending to be cute, and have already started large-scale performance art?"

"I read this article quickly, but I really didn't notice such a good sentence, wait for me to read it again!"

"What a life, if it's just like the first time you saw it, I'll accept it!"

"The author of this book has taken a path that we have never imagined. I would call him a master!"

"He understands the readers of Huaguo too well, and he also understands the author too well!"

"Pu Ding, master of manipulating people's hearts!"

"Master, I understand!"

"Master, I peed!"


As soon as this article came out, the comments instantly reversed in two levels!

The author of the blockbuster is Aite Puding below this article.

"Does the author agree with what is said in the article? @苏定了"

"The level of the author is too high, you. No, you! How did you come up with so many good words and sentences? @拉定了"

"Is that what you think? @拉定了"

Many people hope that Pu Ding will speak out and prove his performance art.

Now that the atmosphere has been heightened to the extreme, just wait for Pu Ding to make a final decision and reveal the truth to the public!
Pu Jie sat up from the bed, opened his mouth wide, and pointed to the phone screen in disbelief,

He pointed to himself again.

"I... I think so?"

"If you say that you don't think so, the atmosphere is already here. If you say you think about it, you really just thought of it."

Pu Jie re-examined his works, and found that there are indeed many words and phrases of the earth inadvertently brought out.

There is no way!

His own material library and knowledge base are all knowledge learned on the earth. Before writing a sentence, he can go to this world to check if it has appeared before, right?
That's too much fun!

Pu Jie can maintain high-speed codewords because of his fluency.

Anyone who has written online articles knows that if you keep coding, the speed is very fast. Once you want to check something, read the information.
The speed drops by half in an instant, and it will take time to enter the plot after checking.

Those ten steps to kill one person, not to stay behind for thousands of miles, have been used badly in the Internet articles of the previous life, okay?
Who would have thought that this line of poetry has never appeared in this world!
There are many other words that I typed down casually, and Pu Jie himself can't think about it, there are too many.

Below the article.

Everyone started to wear a pair of high-gloss glasses, and re-studied the book "The Dragon King of the City's Son-in-Law".

I never tire of looking for the "easter eggs" left by Pu Dingliao inside.

"Look at Chapter 102. The protagonist said that I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone. It is so imposing! If it is completed, it can be included in the language document!"

"I also found one, Chapter 49, about honest people being bullied. If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence. What a sharp writing style, awsl!"

"Chapter 120, the path in the forest that you yearn for through the goddess of university, is covered with white dew no matter day or night. Although I don't understand what it means, I still think it's very powerful. What do you think?"

"The Dragon King of the City's Son-in-Law" began to bring about a wave of literary upsurge.

Everyone analyzed those amazing poems, words and sentences like a pilgrimage.

Pu Jie was speechless after seeing so many interpretations of his novels.

"This writer is too busy! He must be too full!"

After Pu Jie scolded a few words, he felt something was wrong.
"Why am I angry?"

"Damn it? Isn't that a compliment to me? Why am I scolding him? Now the manuscript fee has exceeded 10 yuan, and the subsidy is no longer available. Wouldn't it be better to earn more? 1% is also money!"

"The more you praise, the better the book will sell! More praise!"

"Yes, that's what I thought!"

Change of thinking, two-level reversal!
Suddenly, Pu Jie sat up from the bed in a jerk, howled loudly:


As the topic fermented rapidly in Qidian Writer Assistant, many people took the initiative to forward this topic to various platforms such as WeChat Moments, Weibo, Toutiao, Zhihu, and Tieba.

Users of these platforms already have some memories of this book, after all, they have seen advertisements before.

Seeing such a reversed article, I couldn't help but go in and have a look.

Then it went viral!

Never underestimate the speed at which information travels on the Internet!

During the time when Pu Jie was in class in the morning, the Internet was already surging.

He only saw the discussion on the writer's assistant, but the editors of Qidian had already discovered signs of going out of the circle.

The second group editorial office.

"Sure enough."

Xiaoxing closed the webpage and adjusted her black-rimmed glasses.

The editor-in-chief Styx was sucking her teeth beside her.

"Hiss~ You really expected it! This is a performance art by Pu Ding, and we all became his helpers before we knew it."

When Xiaoxing said it last time, he just didn't know what was going on and was skeptical.

Once this article comes out, there is no need to wash it!

Real hammer!

"Editor-in-Chief, look, this is the message that Pu Ding sent me just now."

"Liu Bei's Luma ran off the rein and ran towards the cliff, Zhang Fei shouted anxiously: "Brother, rein in your horse quickly! ", do you know what Liu Bei said?"

Styx was a little puzzled: "What does he mean?"

Xiaoxing tidied up her hairstyle and adjusted her glasses.

"I'll try to analyze it."

"The Liu Bei mentioned here refers to himself, and the cliff refers to the negative public opinion he faces for this book, which seems to swallow him up. Zhang Fei is an outsider who can't see the situation clearly and wants him to stop. , don't fall into the cliff of public opinion, and what will Liu Bei say?"

"I think Zhang Fei's words are a trap, representing what all of us have seen on the surface. Pu Ding has seen the truth for a long time. He will definitely understand it from another angle, 'Brother, are you happy?', Liu Bei replied, 'I am very happy. Happy', because he knows that sooner or later someone will discover what he has done, the so-called cliff is just a prejudice in the eyes of mediocrity, and under the witness of time, public opinion will eventually reverse!"


Editor-in-chief Styx was shocked.

"This is the biggest manipulation of public opinion I have ever seen in my career!"

Xiaoxing smiled lightly: "No one understands better than me, Pu Ding."

Ming He gave a thumbs up: "As expected of the author brought out by you, he has a good heart. By the way, the last time he didn't sell the copyright, has this day already counted?"

"That's right! He knows that his works are worth more than 20 yuan"

"Hurry up, let the colleagues in the copyright department forward this article to that little director named Wei Fan. By the way, send the screenshot of Pu's manuscript fee and the estimated manuscript fee for next month, and let him think about it again. He will definitely quote a more suitable price next time.”

"Pu Ding, people are thousands of miles away, has this day already been counted? It's really terrifying!"

(End of this chapter)

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