Chapter 531 Giratina
There are hundreds of floating islands in the reverse world.

Xiaozhi also didn't know his current position.

All he knew was that some unknown force separated him from the Reshirams.

"Is this water still drinkable?"

Pour down the black thick liquid from the mineral water bottle.

The ground immediately made a rustling sound of corrosion.

Xiaozhi gasped.

"Mineral water, you died so badly!"

Although he wailed, he didn't panic at all.

Just a bottle of mineral water.

He also brought other drinks this time.


Looking at the same black liquid in his hand, Xiaozhi fell silent.

"Despicable, you actually want to punish me by dying of thirst."

"Have the ability to fight me openly and squarely."


As Xiaozhi's voice fell, the floating island under his feet suddenly began to vibrate.

Terrifying cracks appeared on the khaki ground.

Xiaozhi: "Brother, I'm joking, don't take it seriously!"

For a long time, there was no more movement on the ground.

He realized it wasn't some kind of pixie-induced movement.

On the contrary, there seems to be a passage to other places in the split floating island.

Pull out the glowing Legendary Tablet to use as a flashlight.

Xiaozhi saw the steps in the black crack in front of him.

Is this a coincidence?
Xiaozhi didn't know.

But he decided to give it a go...

Do not go below the floating island.

"Hehe, this kind of step that is obviously a trap also wants to deceive me who has more than ten years of rpg experience. It's too naive."

Xiaozhi sneered, turned and left.


With a loud noise, the ground he turned to face was also cracked.

"I'll go, I don't believe you can..."

"Boom boom boom!"

The floating island suddenly left only the place where he was standing, and the rest turned into dark steps leading down.


Xiaozhi was stunned.

The eyebrows are raised slightly.

Can you still play like this?

It's like a maze boss who can't play with God's perspective and then removes all the right to choose from the breaker, forcing him to move in the direction he set.

It's too deliberate.

He was not convinced: "Then what if I stand here all the time?"


Facts gave him the answer.

Even the last place under his feet collapsed.

Before he could say shit, he fell into the dark abyss.


After a few minutes of tumbling.

Xiaozhi finally used the power of the waveguide to stabilize the downward trend of his body.

Then he reached out and grabbed the steps.

He wiped off the blood stains with his other free hand, and smiled triumphantly:

"Fortunately, I have a higher skill... emm..."

Feeling the materiality of the soles of his feet, his smile froze.

Let go of the hand holding the steps, and the body no longer falls.

Oh, it turned out to be the end.


He picked up the legendary slate that fell to the ground ahead of time, and silently complained.

Then he looked at the space in front of him.

It's an extremely empty place.

Dark and deep, silent.

There is no extra decoration in the whole space.

Except the front illuminated by the legendary slate.

The huge black purple crystal hangs strangely upside down above the space with no supporting points.

Inside the crystal, a huge black crystal-like creature was sleeping.

Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes.

There is something wrong with the opening method.

But after rubbing his eyes, the scene in front of him remained unchanged.

Necrozma floated in the dark purple crystal, bobbing up and down.

The colorful eyes under the black crystals are staring in his direction.

"Nekrozma? Did I cross into the ultimate metropolis?"

The elf in the crystal is exactly what is sealed in the ultimate metropolis.

The legendary elf who stole the light of the world.


It is unreasonable to reverse the world and have something to do with the ultimate metropolis.

This is a derivative belonging to two different forces.

Xiaozhi looked solemnly.

He had a conjecture in his heart that made him palpitate.


One is tens of meters long, gray, six-legged, and looks like a giant python. (The setting of this thing is only four meters, but it is quite big in the animation)
A golden half ring wraps around its neck, and black and red stripes are horizontally distributed on the front of the neck.

Behind it are black and broken wings, like liquid.

Reshiram and Chaomeng felt tremendous pressure the moment they saw this elf.

"The ruler of the inverted world, Giratina."

Reshiram said the other party's name in a deep voice.

However, Giratina didn't seem to see them, and passed directly over the top of its door, flying towards the depths of the darkness.

"Is it our enemy?"

Chaomeng is not sure about Giratina's position.

From the outside, it doesn't seem to have the smell of putrid death and the feeling of being polluted by darkness.

"I don't know."

Reshiram shook his head.

Liekong Zuo interjected, "I didn't feel any hostility from it."

Reshiram pursed his lips.

"I hope it's not an enemy, that guy is not easy to deal with."

"Stop talking about this."

Suddenly, Ladias exclaimed.

"It's a big deal, brother Meng!"

Reshiram turned his head and realized what the big event Latias was talking about was.

Xiaozhi on its back closed his eyes tightly at this moment, as if he had lost consciousness.

No wonder Xiaozhi had no voice before.

Reshiram frowned, and put Xiaozhi on the barren land.

"Don't sleep at this time! My brother Dazhi!"

Latias grabbed Xiaozhi's arm and shook without tears.

In the next second, its head was hit hard.

Reshiram withdrew his claws with black lines all over his head.

"He's not sleeping, he's being affected by something else."

"Ah? Is that so?"

Ladias scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"But didn't the alpaca say that its slate can help us not be eroded by this space?"

Chaomeng's palm touched Xiaozhi's cheek in the air.

Under the urging of superpowers, Xiaozhi still didn't respond.

"It has nothing to do with the pollution. It may be that some kind of external force blocked his brain consciousness."

"Then what should we do next? Why don't we go out first?" Latias suggested.

Xiaozhi is their backbone, the key figure in making decisions.

Now that the backbone is in a coma, there is no other meaning for them to continue exploring.


"Do you know how to get out?"

Chaomeng blocked Latias' mouth with a few words.

Ladias was dumbfounded.

Yes, they didn't think about leaving the inverted world before solving the pollution.

Even all the elves present prepared for the worst.

Both died together with the reversal of the world.

Now that such an unexpected situation occurs, it is impossible for them to evacuate in advance.

"Let's take one step at a time, maybe Xiaozhi will wake up after a while, let's move on."

Losing Xiaozhi's command, Reshiram made a judgment.

It carried Xiaozhi on its back and flew up again.

The rest of the elves did not hesitate and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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