Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 157 Journey Speed ​​Edition

Chapter 157 Journey Speed ​​Edition
Fortunately, although Dawu discovered Xiaozhi's identity, he did not disclose his identity to the public.

After Xiaozhi changed his name back to "Brother Zhi, what's for dinner tonight", the Gongkou manga teacher who successfully announced that he had hidden his achievements quit the arena of online battles.

There are legends about him in the rivers and lakes, but this character is never seen again.

And Dawu's kind "greetings" made Xiaozhi make up his mind.

You can't go to Fengyuan anywhere!Or wait until his strength is high enough.

After all, Xiaozhi is probably the only person who beat Dawu and ran away from ancient times to the present.


September 22, Monday.

With the end of the vigorous Fengyuan online battle competition, the teacher who won a mine and the honor of defeating the champion became popular all over the Fengyuan area.

A certain Xiaozhi is climbing a mountain with Sirona.

The airport in Shuangcheng is set up on the mountain, and it is not an "airport" as ordinary people understand.

It is an elf long-distance flight transport similar to the Galar region.

"It is said that the aircraft could not operate normally because of too much undefined airflow over the twin cities.

In addition, it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the high-speed rail is also difficult to pass. The latest high-speed rail to Nanhai Town will take three days. "

Sitting on the box pulled by the elves is indeed a bit dangerous. If you stay on it, you are not sure that you will fall if you encounter any danger.

Xiaozhi also explained the reason to Sirona clearly.

However, although Xiaozhi's elf does not have a flight visa for other cities, it can be used when encountering danger.

Even if Bi Diao, who was doing long-distance transportation, overturned his car, Reshiram could still catch them both.

No matter how hard it is to bite land sharks, Polk planes can also carry people.

This is called fair use.

For the two of them, it was just a drizzle.

Sirona didn't answer Xiaozhi's words, but said with emotion while walking: "I didn't expect the mountainous area of ​​the city on the Chinese side to be so well protected.

Sinnoh's Tianguan Mountain has been developed as a tourist attraction in the past two years, but it is no longer what it used to be. "

Today she is wearing a more casual blue sportswear, which is completely different from the black skirt of the past, and it does not give people a very serious feeling.

After all, when climbing a mountain, wearing such tight clothes can cause prickly heat to come out.

Of course, even in casual clothes and sunglasses, you can still see the slight sweat on her forehead.

"Urban development is the general trend. It's just that the inland development here is a little slower, and it will definitely be developed into a scenic spot in the future."

Xiaozhi handed her a pack of wet tissues and said, "Are you tired? Wipe off!"

Sirona took the tissue, it was useless, and said lightly:
"Fortunately, our trainer's physical fitness is not that bad."

"I feel like you're mocking me." Xiaozhi, who was sweating profusely, smiled and said, "I'm also a trainer, but my performance is much worse than yours."

Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi cannot be generalized.

Some Xiaozhi picked up a one-ton elf with his bare hands without panting, and some Xiaozhi was too tired to climb a mountain.

"Ang~ It may be that you have been a trainer for too short a time."

This was the first time Xiaozhi was called short.

He took a breath, wiped the sweat off his face and waved his hands: "It's not that the time is short, it's that I didn't go to exercise, I feel that I have to practice physical fitness."

Sirona nodded: "Indeed, the trainer's physical fitness is also an indispensable part of the battle."

The physical fitness that Sirona is talking about is not to train Xiaozhi to become a muscular brother, but to train the trainer's endurance and endurance.

In the battle, there will often be a long protracted battle. This kind of protracted battle not only tests the stamina of the elf but also the endurance of the trainer.

Therefore, stamina is also a link in determining the ability of a trainer.

Before Xiaozhi became a trainer, he was a squatting anchor at home, so it's no wonder his physical strength is good.

Feeling the pain of mountain climbing, Xiaozhi's head became hot, and he clapped his hands and said: "It's decided, I will train with my little elves in the future. If they run 1000 meters, I will run 1000 meters. If they run [-] meters, I will run [-] meters." .”

"Hehe~ I remember what you said."

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Reshiram's voice appeared in his heart.

Xiaozhi was speechless.

You are deliberately finding fault, aren't you!Don't let people say big words!
Thinking this way in his heart, he smiled and said: "Just kidding, how can a human be compared with an elf! In this way, reduce it a bit, if you run 1000 meters, I will run 100 meters, and if you run 1000 meters, I will run [-] meters. how?"

"Tch! I knew it." Reshiram's voice was full of disdain.

Sirona was curious about Xiaozhi's inexplicable soliloquy.

"who are you talking to?"


"It can use telepathy? Is Reshiram an elf of the super power system?"

Xiaozhi shook his head: "No, it just happens to happen."

"That's great! Can it communicate with my heart?"

All things have animism, but not all things have the same language.

It is a very magical thing that the elf can communicate with the trainer.

Sirona's own elves don't know this trick, so she is full of curiosity about this kind of thing.

"Let me try."

Xiaozhi adjusted his neck, held Reshiram's elf ball and said softly: "Reshiram, talk to her!"

Reshiram's slightly hoarse voice said impatiently: "Who is she!"

"She is my friend."

"Then who are you?"


"Retreat today, goodbye!"

Xiaozhi: "..."

With a helpless smile, he put the elf ball back into his pocket, and said to Sirona, "This child is afraid of life."


Sirona didn't say anything.

A beautiful and elegant elf like Reshiram must be a quiet and shy girl behind her back.

It is understandable that it is difficult to speak to strangers.

Of course, if she knew that Rashiram was an "advanced element" who surfed the Internet with Xiaozhi all the year round, full of Internet words, she would not have such a beautiful imagination.


The two hurried all the way to the top of the mountain, took the No. 22 bus No. 30 Shunfeng, and rushed from Shuangcheng to the coast of the southern border, Nanhai Town.

It is also the penultimate stop of Xiaozhi's journey, the location of the ghost gym.

Because it is a passenger-carrying Bidiao, and Bidiao is not as awesome as Rashiram and can use superpowers to protect passengers.

Taking care of the wind speed that the guests can bear, naturally it cannot play its true speed.

So this time the air shuttle bus is slower than the car, and it is conservatively estimated that it will take more than four hours to arrive at Nanhai Town.

"The journey to China is finally coming to an end."

Wearing a seat belt, Xiaozhi stuck his head out of the seat to face the hot wind, and sighed.

Although he is not a journey at all.

People's journey is to travel all over the region with their legs at the beginning of a year, grow step by step, from rookie to veteran, and work hard to collect eight badges to participate in the competition.

Xiaozhi is the speed version of the journey, flying around and taking the high-speed rail, he has beaten eight gyms in a month or two, from a rookie to an unknown level of strength, he has beaten all eight gyms.

I didn't see much scenery, I didn't collect two illustrated books, but I made a lot of enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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