Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 117 Battle Factory

Chapter 117 Battle Factory

"Little Chi."


"The way you see it."

"What are you doing here?"

"A batch of electricity has been booked."

"Take off the mask and let me see."

The rules of private power plants are too strict, and Xiaozhi has no choice but to take off his mask.

The security guard in front of him was obviously stunned, and then burst out in exclamation.

"I'm going, you are...you are...you are the one..."

"Little Chi."

The security guard stammered for a long time before saying: "Yes, I've seen your ghost video, and I'm old."

"I'd rather you met me some other way,"

"I'm your fan, can you sign me? I like your sentence the most, 'Who says a bad show isn't a hero', it's so domineering."

Xiaozhi: "I never said that kind of thing..."

"Haha, you are too modest." The security guard laughed, and took out nothing else in his pocket for a long time, only took out a mobile phone.

"I didn't bring a pen and paper, Brother Zhi, let's take a photo together!"

Fans of ghosts and animals are also fans, and it is not easy for Xiaozhi to refuse enthusiastic fans.

Reluctantly took a picture with Uncle Security before being put in.

In summer, Seoul is hotter than other cities.

After entering the power plant, you can see sweaty workers everywhere, and electric elves running around.

Magnemites are the main ones, with the largest number, and there are many naughty bombs with grinning teeth.

Magneto is a gray, mechanical-like elf.

They have only one eye, located in the center of the spherical body, and there is a horseshoe-shaped magnet on the left and right sides of the body, with opposite magnetic poles at both ends.

All parts of Magneto can rotate freely, and the appearance is quite cute. The self-explosive Magneto after three stages of evolution is also the favorite of many trainers.

And Naughty Ball is just the opposite. It looks like a school bully, with white top and red bottom, somewhat similar to a Poké Ball, not attractive.

(I don’t know why it was changed to Naughty Thunderball, it’s quite awkward)
In addition, elves like Naughty Bullet are not easy to tame and are stubborn by nature, so the burden of power generation in the power plant is basically placed on the little magneton.

Compared with Naughty Bullet, Magneto is not only docile, but also good at operating equipment, and has much more uses than Naughty Bullet.

Although the food of the little magnetite is electricity, the power generation is a little less, but it does not affect the whole.

When the huge power production machinery in the entire power plant is running, the power consumption of the food of the little magnetites is just a drizzle.

After walking inside the power plant for a long time, Xiao Zhi found the office of the director of the power plant.

The white-bearded old man in a vest with big trousers was lying on a cool chair and fanning himself with a tattered fan. He didn't look like a capitalist at all.

On the contrary, it looks like an old man enjoying the shade under a big tree at the gate of a certain village.

Xiaozhi confirmed the sign on the lower door and knocked on the door after confirming that this was the factory director's office.

"Director Li."

Seeing Xiaozhi, the old man regained his energy immediately, sat up straight and asked:

"Are you the customer who pre-ordered 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity at our factory yesterday?"


"Come in, sit down."

Buying 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity is an absolutely rare big customer anywhere.

It is the first time that Director Li has received such a large private order since he opened the power plant.

In the past, private orders of up to [-] kilowatt-hours were a big deal, and only the alliance purchased more public electricity.

Xiaozhi sat down opposite to Director Li in an unceremonious manner.

"I don't know what the customer is buying electricity for?"


"Don't get me wrong, this is what the coalition needs, let us register the names, identities and purchase purposes of customers who purchase large amounts of electricity.

The Shenzhou area is relatively strict, and ordinary people generally have to record the sudden purchase of a large amount of electricity. "The old man explained.

"Oh~" Xiaozhi nodded, and replied calmly, "It's for the elves."

"What? Feed the elf? What elf needs a million degrees of electricity?"

"Lightning bird." Xiaozhi said bluntly.

"Flash... Lightning Bird!"

The old director of the factory is not so ignorant. The name of Lightning Bird is heard all over the Taiwan Strait. As the director of the power plant, he has heard of it.

But in his cognition, Lightning Bird...

"That's the legendary elf!"

His voice trembled a little.

Some people have heard of or even seen Lightning Birds, but they must have never subdued Lightning Birds in their entire lives.

Even in the history of Shenzhou, Guandu, and Chengdu, there are very few trainers who subdue the lightning bird.

The elf that many trainers dream of subduing.

Now Xiaozhi said it in a very normal and calm tone, which made Director Li feel unbelievable.

It's like everyone has never seen aliens.

Suddenly, a primary school student calmly held an unknown creature and said to you: "This is an alien. I usually keep it as a pet." Such a shocking level.

"No... I don't know, can I touch... your lightning bird? I like this elf very much." Director Li said this sentence almost in a pleading tone.

Xiaozhi spread his hands: "No problem! But my bird is a bit big, so I can't fit it here."

The lightning bird is not an ancient cultural relic, and it will not be patted out. It is understandable for an old man who likes the lightning bird to touch it.

But Director Li's office is only about ten square meters, and now the Lightning Bird, which is about 1.5 meters wide and long, is a bit crowded in it.

Factory Manager Li showed joy in his eyes, and hurriedly said: "It's okay, there is an open space on the lower floor of the power plant, we can go there to chat, and pay for the electricity you bought by the way."

If someone offers a place, Xiaozhi will naturally not refuse.

So Director Li led the way, and the two went to the open space he mentioned through the huge steel elevator inside the power plant.

All kinds of mechanical equipment flashed in front of the two of them, and after a while, the elevator landed to the bottom with a bang.

The empty space was unobstructed, and the walls of the underground factory shone with faint black light.

Xiaozhi doesn't know mechanical engineering, so he can see the difference between this place and the upper factory.

He asked the old man curiously: "Why does your factory build such a large underground parking lot? There is too much money and no place to spend it?"

"Cough~" Factory Manager Li was almost speechless when asked, he explained: "This is not a parking lot, we call this place, Battle Factory."

"What a great name."


Factory Manager Li looked a little embarrassed.

There is one thing to say, the person who named this place the Battle Factory was a bit casual.

But the name was not given by him, and he does not take responsibility for it.

After sorting out his mood, Factory Director Li said in a deep voice: "Our city of Seoul is a big power supply city in China, and various private power plants emerge in endlessly, and there are also many alliance power plants.

The number of people working in power plants every day is unimaginable.

Boredom and boredom are the mainstream of power plants, and workers are not machines, they also need to vent their emotions.

So 20 years ago, the largest power plant in Seoul independently developed an underground project and established the first battle factory in Seoul to adjust the life emotions of workers, and the effect is remarkable.

So many power plants scrambled to imitate, and later formed this habit that was handed down. Every power plant in Seoul needs to have a supporting factory for battle. "

Factory Manager Li explained Xiaozhi a little bit and he understood.

Isn't this the kind of place in the game that gives experience to novices?
(End of this chapter)

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