The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 502 Fearless Pioneer

Chapter 502 Fearless Pioneer
Lux climbed up the city wall through the tower, and her pupils were shocked by the tragic scene above.

The city wall has been frozen all the way by ice, covered with dense icicle barbs.The corpses of the soldiers lay down among them, or leaned against the walls, their bodies covered in hoarfrost, and they had already lost their last breath.

Is this... a war of magic?Lux suddenly understood why Demacia avoided magic.

After clearing the archers on the city wall, the barbarian group began to advance towards the city gate. Lux was safe staying on the tower for the time being, and there was no need to worry about the ice cubes thrown by the snow monsters hitting her.

She watched the enemy charge up the stone bridge, and the soldiers who ran in the front were riding frost wolves or Juvask wild boars. The visual impact was very shocking.Followed by the barbarian warriors, in the ice and snow, bare to the upper body, wearing horn helmets, holding high two-handed swords as if entering the land of no one.The mages they were covering held staffs in their hands, and ice crystals condensed on the tops of the staffs, ready to go.The swirling ice crystals shot out a ray of frost, completely freezing and brittle the city gate, to the extent that the vanguard troops could break through it as long as they arrived.

This is an army with a clear division of labor, which is not comparable to ordinary looters at all. Once they break through the city gate, the last line of defense of the city will only be the guarding soldiers waiting at the gate.But Lux could tell that these soldiers alone wouldn't last long.

Lux thought that the only way she could stop the barbarian soldiers from attacking the city was to destroy the stone bridge in front of her.Miyin City was built on the mountain, and it was only connected to the inner world by the stone bridge across the waterfall. If it was destroyed, those barbarian soldiers would be beyond their reach.

However, your magic tool has such a small power?Able to destroy the stone bridge large enough to carry a colossus.

Lux's palm glowed, and just when you were about to try it, you saw a blue eagle flying over the distant forest.

This is Quinn's eagle, Cui Yu. It rushed back like a kamikaze, its dagger-like sharp claws hooked the enemy's shoulders, and its seventeen-foot wingspan was exchanged for immense power. He even caught a mage and flew into the air, flew into the stone bridge and threw the enemy on it.

The cry from the enemy was covered by Cui Yu's neighing, and the mages shot a burst of ice arrows, but they were evacuated by it.Galen's surprise attack caused the barbarian army to pause for a while, and then it turned back and flew back into the forest, where it disappeared.

And that was just the end, a few Demacian soldiers suddenly appeared outside the forest, we were wearing white armor and blue robes, in a chaotic formation, like a sharp sword piercing into the loose formation of the barbarians.And the tip of the sharp sword is Cui Yuren's elder brother Hua Luo. The captain of the sword drives the fearless vanguard and starts a close combat with the enemy.

Lux was surprised by the timely appearance of the Fearless Pioneer. You originally expected that it would take a day for Hua Luo to arrive at Mithral City from the time he replied to you.In fact, in order to reach Mithral City as soon as possible, Hua Luo asked the soldiers to board Demacia's falcon ship collectively.

It was a boat that could be handled equally nervously in shallow rivers and in the open sea.The slender shape of the boat is like a white blade in the waves.Eighty oarsman's benches are placed horizontally in the pale hull, like ribs, and oars are stacked on top of the benches.The bow of the ship looks like a black raptor-the traditional shape of all falcon ships, and the hunting raptor spreads its wings and takes off to the rear.

Eight falcon ships were seated in the seventy shield formations, and each shield formation was replaced by a shield formation every two oars. They stopped at full speed and retreated at full speed. It took only half a day or less to arrive at Mithral City.

The sudden appearance of the fearsome vanguard caught the barbarian soldiers unprepared. Our mage shook the magic circle and shot a burst of ice arrows. The tauren Keweier in the first shield formation roared and carried a shimmering stone called "Iron Wall". Just the top of the kite shield.

Shields like the Sparkling Kite Shield are almost twice as small as special shields, and only the smallest soldiers can be fully effective.The iron wall is a solid and indestructible line of defense under the battlefield, almost equivalent to the city wall of Xiongdu.It is an exaggeration to say that, because Shuogang is steel mixed with magic stones, and it uses magic stones like the city wall of Xiongdu.

With Keweier as the center, seven shield arrays are on the front line, and the Shuogang kite shields are staggered to form an iron wall.The enemy's Frostbolts were all taken away by the iron wall, and there was no hoarfrost attached to the shield. The soldiers who followed him dangerously approached the enemy's core through the shield wall's cover.

"It's time to stop, the shield array is up!" Hua Luo roared, and only a few hundred fearsome vanguards charged head-on to the enemy several times their own.

Before resisting a round of ice arrows, the steel wall on the last line pushed back slowly, and with the help of other shield arrays, it became slower and slower, smashing back the enemy's defense line with a huge momentum.

Sithlia, who was staying on the right side of Valor, felt the weak pressure around her body. With a burst of screams and wailing, the first batch of Freljords were all killed.

Dozens of people fell to the ground and were trampled on by others.Our machetes fell under the shield of the vanguard, sparking only a series of sparks.The Shuogang formation pushed back, and the people who stepped on the ground like a steamroller left only corpses in front of them.A dying barbarian grabbed Sithlia's leg, and you stabbed your sword down the throat to start my pleasure.

The Fearless Vanguard's pushback seems to be going smoothly, and it will easily cut into the center of the enemy's battle formation, dividing the loose front into seven.Our strength is concentrated because we are afraid of the opponent's pincer attack. The trajectory from the front is blocked by another shield wall. The all-round three-dimensional defense is like a stick in the throat, so that the enemy's strength can not be gathered in one place.

But the enemy reacted very slowly. We opened the line of defense first, and then the mages cast spells to create an ice wall, which was placed under the bridge to block the fearful vanguard's push back.

The only way out was blocked, Hua Luo asked the shields to open a gap, holding the judgment with both hands, and rushed down with the other soldiers of the first shield.After repeated slashes of the small sword, several cracks were blown out in the ice wall blocking the way, and it collapsed very slowly.

But before breaking through the ice wall, Hua Luo found that the enemy took the opportunity to adjust the formation. The mage who was originally in the center of the battle formation was transferred to the front, and the cavalry were switched behind us. The huge wild boar and frost wolf It was grinning at us, as if it might jump down at any moment.

The leading cavalry came up from the wild boar. My white hair was braided, and the lower body was only wearing a simple vest made of animal skin.Hua Luo watched me pull out a broadsword from in front of me, one was embedded in the hilt of the broadsword with melted ice, and the blade was wrapped in cold hoarfrost.

I'm a fighter, but Valor feels more threatening than these mages.

(End of this chapter)

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