The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 380 The Carriage

Chapter 380 The Carriage
The sound of the wind and the rolling wheels entered the ears, Yasuo opened his closed eyes, and met the curious Annie.

"Uncle, is this short sleep enough for you?" the little girl asked crisply.

"Not sleeping, I'm meditating," Yasuo said.

Poro Xiaofeng crawled out of the fur coat next to him. As they left the Winterthorn Mountains, the temperature warmed up slightly and the snow seldom fell, so Yasuo took off his coat to feel the cold wind.

When he needs to be quiet for meditation, Xiaofeng will choose to sleep, even if he can't sleep, he won't make any noise.But even Yasuo couldn't figure it out. Sometimes after he entered meditation, he would see Xiaofeng in the spiritual realm.

"What is meditation?"

"It's just..." Yasuo didn't go on. On the land of Noxus, the effect of meditation is very poor.He could barely feel the spirit of the spiritual realm, but he could hear the echoes of the roars of the ancient warriors from time to time. War has always been the main theme of Noxus.

Here, even if you can meditate, it will not help you. If you accidentally draw madness into your body, it will have the opposite effect.And, the carriage is coming.

On the broad masonry road, a carriage drove up at a steady pace, and the sound of the wheels rolled into my ears.

The horses pulling the cart were fat, strong and smooth, and looked well-bred. The sound of the wheel rollers was also normal, and there was no embarrassing moan, which was enough to tell that the coachman was a decent person.

Yasuo waved to the coachman, who had been paying attention to them on the side of the road. Seeing him make a move, he pulled the rein and let the carriage stop slowly in front of the two of them.

The coachman waited for the horse to finish snorting, and then asked with a smile, "Where are you going? You are lucky, there are no guests in my car."

The other party looks very talkative, so that's good, Annie won't be bored on the way.

Yasuo looked down at Annie. She held the teddy bear in both hands, and kept her eyes on the tall horse in front of her.The horse's mane, braided into braids, attracted Anne's attention, but whether she stood on tiptoe or not, it was only a little above his knees.

"We want to go to the capital, but we don't know if we can go along the way."

"Brother, I hear your accent, it's not from Noxus."

"Is there any problem?" Yasuo spoke the official Noxian dialect with a bad origin. Now he is a ronin in Ionia, and it is inevitable to deal with the Noxians.He understands and speaks a little.

"Nothing, Noxus accepts all outsiders, as long as you are here to contribute to the empire, no one will mind your origin. If you are in a hurry, get in the car, we will talk as we walk."

When the coachman said this, Yasuo saw a sense of pride and honor in his eyes, and this kind of thing is becoming less and less common among Ionians today.

Annie was not as tall as a wheel, so Yasuo lifted her up by holding her creaky nest with both hands, and put her on the carriage.

"Uncle, this is not the way to hold a baby. It's only like holding a baby. After I'm one year old, my father won't hold me like this." Annie, who was originally quiet, suddenly spoke up.

"No one remembers what happened when he was a baby." Yasuo didn't want to admit that he was unfamiliar with taking care of children. If it wasn't for the fear that Annie would cry out in pain, he wouldn't even be willing to free up his hands, and would only use one hand like carrying a kitten Pick her up and forget it.

"Don't you remember? But I still remember my mother's appearance now. I couldn't walk when she left me." After standing firmly on the carriage, Annie put down her backpack and took out from the messy pile of things Out of the picture book.

Yasuo glanced at it casually, and it was full of children's graffiti, and the family stood hand in hand under the sun.Things drawn with crayons can only let others see that they are human beings. As for the appearance and shape, it only means that people are people, the sun is the sun, and fire is fire.

Dao Rong does not rule out that Annie does remember her mother but cannot draw it, but Yasuo really does not remember her father. He came in autumn and left before winter came. Yasuo is not much bigger than a fertilized egg.

He never met his father from the beginning to the end, so he couldn't verify whether Anne's statement was correct, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember any memories before the age of three.

"Then remember, don't forget." Yasuo helped Annie pack everything back into the bag, and heard her say, "Uncle, I want to ride a horse."

"It's dangerous for children to ride a horse. You can learn it when you grow up." The coachman said with a smile. Annie's body shape, sitting on the horse's legs, can't even reach the stirrups. As long as the horse runs, it will be thrown directly.

"Dangerous?" I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yasuo seemed to show a dismissive smile when he saw Annie.

"Are you all in the car?" the coachman asked in front.

"Well, we're all in the car."

Annie looked at Yasuo in surprise. When he said this, he was still standing on the road with both feet, which was obviously lying with his eyes open.

"Brother, don't you go together?" The coachman also noticed Yasuo who hadn't gotten into the car, and frowned.

If he entrusted the child to him to take him to the Immortal Fortress, then he would have to reconsider.This means that in addition to concentrating on driving, he has to find time to take care of the children, which is not at all worrying.But the price has not been negotiated yet, as long as you add more money, it will be easy to negotiate.

"No." Yasuo said.

"What's the matter? To save money." The coachman smiled and said, "The price is the same for one person and two people. The road is so far away. Are you sure you can just give the child to me like this? I'm not afraid that I will sell her to traffickers." ?”

"I can see that you are a good person." Yasuo and Xiaofeng looked at each other and said.

"Uncle, didn't we agree to go together?" Annie held the bear tightly, her expression a little angry: "How can you go back on your word!"

"No, I just... have other places to go." Yasuo failed to say the real reason, he just thought Annie was a trouble and wanted to get rid of her.

"What about when we get there? Where are we going to send it? To be more specific, we can't leave the child at the gate of the city." The coachman asked again.

Before Yasuo could answer, he felt a surge of heat.

The flames appeared in Annie's eyes, and her little face was flushed red, as if she was extremely angry.


Xiaofeng's siren blared, and it stepped back in horror as it stood on Yasuo's shoulder, but it missed and fell down. Fortunately, it hooked Yasuo's back collar with its claws in time, and hung on his back.

"No, Annie—"

Seeing the strong anger in the little girl's eyes, Yasuo suddenly realized something, and stretched out his hand to stop her.

But it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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