Chapter 277 Bandle City
Yuumi watched as Xiaolu opened the magic book and opened a portal. The pages of the book shone with the unique dim green of Bandle City, the green of her hometown.

"This is... the way home, do you want me to take you home?! Oh, I'd be happy to help you!" Yuumi meowed excitedly.

Xiaolu nodded and got into the pages of the book, Yuumi followed closely, and plunged into the pages.Zell had always been curious about how the tome would get into his own pages, and then he saw that the tome closed the pages and disappeared into a whirling stream of light.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" The portal slowly opened, and Yuumi spun into the spiritual realm, falling into a vortex of colors in a daze.

They appeared on the banks of a creek, and Yuumi breathed the sweet air of Bandle City, and it felt like a dream.

The sapphire cricket was chirping in the twilight, the brook was bubbling gently, it was full of small fish, and there was a moon moth flying on the horizon. The big white mouse is gone.

Yuumi panicked, without a magic book, would she have to rely on four legs to find her master?I'm so exhausted.Gotta find the grimoire quickly!

She turned around and found that the tome had fallen into the stream, which made Yuumi very sad.She hates water, cats hate water, water is a wet nightmare!

"Oops! The Grimoire is about to drown!"

Yuumi desperately scratched and scratched at a piece of wood next to her. At this time, Xiaolu crawled from the stream to the bank and coughed twice. Seeing Yuumi crying and screaming there, she had no choice but to return to the clear stream. Pressure dragged the tome to the shore.

The magic book slapped the pages of the book to shake off the water, Xiaolu took off the drenched dinosaur pajamas and shook her hair, it was all wet, and now she was not sleepy at all.

"Yeah! Everyone doesn't like water!"

Yuumi's focus was very strange, she leaned over to lick the poro's fur, but the more she licked, the wetter she got, so Xiaolu took the initiative to stay half a meter away from the licking cat.

"Where are you going? Bandle City is huge, and you will get lost without a guide. Do you want to think about me?" Yuumi continued to follow Xiaolu, puffing out her chest and recommending herself.

First of all, she is a white cat with bluish white coat, with a blue necker like a lion's mane, but it is compacted by a gold collar.With a pink nose, golden beard and eyebrows, she is not an ordinary cat at first glance. She thinks she is very suitable to be this guide.

Magic Code slapped the pages of the book twice to express dissatisfaction, and it would be better not to look for Yuumi as a guide.

Apart from eating and playing, this stinky cat has never done anything serious. It is always sneaking around halfway to catch fish, attracted by mice or butterflies on the road, and seems to take a nap when it is in the sun, which makes it always angry for wasting time. , Worried about potential threats.

It suspects that following Yuumi will never find Nora in this life.

"We do need a guide." Zell made a voice.Considering that the communication efficiency of these three cuties was too low, he had to assist from the side.

"Wow! You can actually talk! The little one has such a low voice..." Yuumi walked around Little Green, completely ignoring the details of the Poro not opening his mouth and the mismatched voice. , she asked: "What's your name?"

"Emerald." Yuumi and Grimoire didn't seem to know that Poro couldn't speak, so Zell simply followed the trend and skipped the explanation steps, so as not to arouse their vigilance.

"Hello, Emerald. My name is Yumi, and this flying book is called the Magic should be, anyway, that's what the owner called it, and it can be called books. Do you know what a book is? It's just a pile Dried bark. Books don't like water, and they don't like fish, I don't understand."

The magic book thumped on the ground, and Xianyu turned over, as if saying that the introduction later was redundant.

"Okay, Emerald. My amazing Yuumi will be in charge. Where do you want to go in Bandle City?"

"We're here to find Vigus." Shaking off almost all the moisture on her body, Little Green began to wring out her green dinosaur pajamas, which was very similar to the skin of Gnar [the last dinosaur].

Green loves the dinosaur pajamas from her old mother, because it makes it look like the only poro with a tail.

"Vigus? I don't know." Yuumi looked at the tome: "The tome, do you know it?"

The Grimoire doesn't know Vigus, even if they have been in contact with them, no one would tell a book their name.

"We can go to Nora first, and then find Vigus through Nora. She has returned to Bandle City."

"Woo meow?!" Yuumi jumped up, her eyes widened in shock, "You mean, the master is back?"


After getting an affirmative answer, Yumi Sahuan ran wildly, and after going around a few times, he suddenly turned around and rushed to the magic tome, pressing his paws on its pages. "Magic Tome, let's go home and find the master!"

The grimoire turned around, showing its pages made of dried-up trees. Each page had a door drawn with ink and paint, but it was all wet.

"The portal can only be opened after the tome is dry." Yuumi was a little disappointed: "Is there any way to make the tome dry earlier? Yuumi can't wait to go back."

Zell thought about it. Books are generally afraid of fire, and it is not advisable to dry it with fire. The only way to dry the grimoire quickly is to freeze it.

"No, can't we walk back?"

"It's still too far to walk back, let's take a nap first, and go home when I wake up." After she finished speaking, she lay down on the ground by herself, and soon there was a soft snoring sound, her whole body was wet Xiaolu, who couldn't sleep, looked enviously.

The magic code has gotten used to Yuumi's unreliability, it keeps turning the pages of the book, and speeds up the drying speed by increasing the air flow.

Under Yuumi's training, it has become a mature book, not only to help Nora take good care of Yuumi, but also to urge her to find the master... Life is so impermanent, big intestines wrap small intestines~
Taking this opportunity, Zell asked Little Green to go around and see the scenery of Bandle City.

Looking around, he noticed that the place they were in was a grassy pasture, and the golden sheep lowered their heads and concentrated on grazing.He didn't see the town, maybe on the back side of the hill.There is only one moon in the sky, which is no different from the outside.He doesn't know how to look at the stars, and he doesn't know whether the two places are under the same sky.

It is said that the flow of time in Bandle City and the real world is different, but Zell can see it. In Piltover, it is evening in Bandle City in the morning, but there is always a place in the world that is also experiencing evening at this moment. Nothing unusual.

He was curious, if the flow of time was really different, why didn't he feel it while observing the world inside?
At least the picture he sees now is normal, neither fast-forward nor slow-motion... Observing two different time flow rates by one person is contradictory in itself, and things related to yordles are too strange.

(End of this chapter)

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