The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 272 Reinforcement

Chapter 272 Reinforcement
The mimic followed the broken footprints to the center of the warehouse, where she saw the mission objective.

He was in the poisonous mist, his body was huge, his whole arm was replaced by a huge cannon, his torso was installed on many mechanical feet, and the mechanical feet stretched out in all directions, with many muzzles on his legs, like It's the fluff on the spider's legs.But his upper body was still human, his bloodless flesh was welded to metal, and there was still a dangling green medicine tube hanging from his body, his arms were thicker than the waist of a normal person.

It's also about transforming people, but such a rough connection method only exists in nightmares.Zaun's enhancement surgery has always been known to be reckless, but it is incredible that he can survive after being modified in this way.

Urgot slowly opened his cloudy eyes, and that's when she noticed that the medicine tube attached to his mask was delivering green poisonous gas. He inhaled the poisonous gas into his body, conquered it, and made himself great.

"You are a truly powerful person." There was a thunderous sound in the huge body, like sand and stone being dumped in a mixer.

The mimetic soldier didn't answer. She rushed forward, and her right hand transformed into a sharp steel awl, which pierced Urgot's armor, but was also knocked out by the lead bullets sprayed from the mechanical legs.

Urgot's wounds ooze red and green liquid, blood mixed with alchemy potions, and he is no longer a human being.The body of the mimetic soldier is full of bullet holes. Although the shotgun can't penetrate her metal shell, the huge force is enough to deform it.

Physically wounded, Urgot laughed, his voice sounding like gears sputtering.

"The broken body can be discarded. There are many people who want to kill me, but I have proved to them that true strength is born from suffering and trials. I will regard you as a test, those who cannot kill me Mine will only make me stronger."

He raised the huge cannon in his right hand to aim at the mimetic soldier, and a corrosive injection shot out from under the barrel.The mimetic fighter dodges, and the ground is covered by strong acid sprayed from the broken injection, making the sound of rock melting.

Da da da!
Urgot's machine gun fired a barrage of bullets like a flame-breathing dragon.She dodged the bullets to the side to strike, Urgot's six legs guarding every direction, leg cannons spewing buckshot.But the moment before the bullet was ejected from the chamber, she had already jumped high, with the sharp blade stretched out from the heel of her leg and slashed down.

This blow should have sliced ​​his head, or at least split his shoulders.But Urgot suddenly turned to face her. His steel-embedded spine had been transformed into a rotatable axis mounted on a base, and only in this way could it support the weight of his huge body.Every angle of the Dreadnought is deadly, pointed, and weaponized, a monster of chains, fire, and bullets.

He raised his thick arm to grab the slender calf of the mimetic soldier, the latter's glowing pupils shrank suddenly amidst the fluttering silver hair, the leg blade passed through the grasp of the big hand and split downward The medicine tube in front of Urgot's mask.

Green alchemy clouds spewed out from the flat-cut hose, Urgot let out an angry roar, the artillery aimed at the mimetic soldiers who had pulled away, the hexapods bit the ground like spider fangs, and took a step forward Charge like a chariot.Before he hit the mimic mecha soldier, two consecutive explosions broke his current right mechanical leg.

At the moment of contact, the mimetic soldier planted two miniature bombs on him. In order to complete the task, she would not even kill her. In this regard, Urgot is not as good as her.

The body lost its balance and immediately fell on a tilt. Urgot sat on the ground suddenly, and the base cracked the ground.The remaining four legs swung violently, stirring up a cloud of mist and gravel, but they couldn't support the huge weight.

Urgot, though seated, remained tall.The mimetic soldier walked over and wanted to end his life, but at this time the warehouse was flooded with a large number of people.

They were all Urgot's followers, including the voice and the men, women and children who had just listened to his preaching. They all squeezed into this abandoned warehouse, surrounding them as if they were watching a life-and-death struggle.Among them was Orianna, who had come in after Yurey, worried that the battle in the warehouse would put him in danger.

"Brothers and sisters! This man must be the lackey of the criminals hiding in the light. She attacked him while our Dreadnought was dormant. Now he needs our help. It's time to prove himself!"

The sound encouraged everyone, and he grabbed a crowbar and climbed down the ladder.Those impulsive gang members followed him into the arena, and they jumped out of the library one after another, surrounding the mimetic soldiers with red eyes.Yulei also went down with them, and the alchemy smoke made them cough uncomfortably.

"Yure! Come back!" Orianna whispered from above, but the noise of the crowd completely overwhelmed her voice.

The mimetic soldiers faced the steel pipes and knives and put a few people on them. Some of them were enhanced, but the inferior augmentation body could not allow them to survive a round under her hands.

But there were too many people, she pushed away from the crowd and looked at Urgot, already determined to strangle him here as much as possible.

At this time, gunshots rang out, and a follower fell to the ground.

From the perspective of the mimetic soldier, Zell saw the heavily armed Piltover Guard appearing in the warehouse, aiming at everyone in the field with the Hextech carbine in his hand.

"Put down your weapon and put your head in your hands!" Caitlin, the leader, held the rifle, and the hex crystal in the barrel of the gun glowed with a rose-hued light.On the other end, Wei's hands were itchy and eager to fight. She collided her fists, and energy jumped between the gloves.

Zell called the police.

He thought about it later, and in order to ensure the smooth resolution of the matter, he decided to notify the police station of the matter.

In fact, the police station has long been aware of the fact that the sewer area is so large, but they cannot go down to Zaun, which is not under their jurisdiction, for no legitimate reason.

He asked Roy to go back and report to the family, saying that the secret sect led by Urgot was likely to attack the Hex Foundry, so the Philos Group made an exception and opened an exclusive passage to the Hex Foundry for the police station to let the guards The team bypassed the Alchemy Baron and successfully reached the trench area, and then appeared here.

"Oh." Urgot sneered. "The real trial is just beginning now. Breathe the gas in and conquer it, for true liberation comes from the inside out. This is our message to the enemy, Those who want to oppress us."

As gunshots rang out one after another, the surrounding gas canisters were blown up one by one, and thick green smoke spewed out immediately.Urgot swiped his gun at Catelyn, pinning her down with fire.

"Accept the test of the Dreadnought! These poisonous gases are a baptism, and those who pass the test have the power, and the mission, to bring the same test to this world."

The voice took a big breath of poisonous gas, and led the crazy people into the thick fog.

Panic rose, people fell, and blood flowed from lips and nostrils.

The skin of the voice began to darken, the blood vessels eroded by poison outlined a dark net on the skin, the mouth opened and closed in vain, and finally lost the sound.

As Urgot's preacher, he failed the test.In the terrifying toxicity, only those Augmenters with thick brass throat filters and prosthetic trachea on their chins can survive.

The tentacles of the smoke spread out, harvesting lives regardless of high or low. Some people hiding behind saw the miserable condition of the poison testers and flinched.Yulei leaned his back against the corner, with a surprised and hesitant expression on his face.

As long as you think about it calmly, you will know that ordinary people have no way to survive in this life-threatening trial. He can bleed into the ditch and hit the muzzle of the law enforcement officer, but he cannot accept such a meaningless way of death.

In a trance, he heard Orianna calling his name, and at this moment the poisonous gas had spread to his chest.

"Broken spider, let's go die with your shabby trial!" An angry Vi rushed down and wrestled with Urgot, but Zell let the mimetic soldier take Yurey away.

Urgot, who had broken two legs, could no longer run away. When the guards dealt with the crazy followers, it would be a matter of time before the spiders caught in the web.

Zell isn't sure how traumatizing Orianna would be for her to watch Uray die in the gas, and it would be a loss for them if she couldn't make a good clockwork poro anymore .

(End of this chapter)

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