Chapter 258

Pushing open the glass door on the inner layer, the dust dances in the light, bringing a taste of time standing still.

Zell put the suitcase on the table casually, looked around his territory with his hips crossed, and compared it with the scene in his memory.

"Well, it really hasn't changed at all!"

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense."

Roy gouged him out, stretched out a finger to touch the table, and immediately saw the obvious contrast in the color of the table, and the fingerprints of his fingers were even covered by a layer of dust.

"The tables, counters, and counters are all covered with dust, and cleaning is inevitable. There are also snacks on the shelves, cups and saucers in the window, and poro bowls. These things that have nothing to do with eating need to be cleaned and disinfected carefully. See. Look at the water stains on the ground, the snow in the glass room has melted and evaporated." She rested her forehead and sighed: "Hurry up and get started, I hope it can be finished before dark."

Roy ordered like a hostess, and took out the cleaning tools that were not commonly used from the warehouse.Usually, they just need to wipe the table. If they don’t renovate it now, they will be inspected by the Food Sanitation Bureau tomorrow.

"Teacher! I'll help!" Gwen took the initiative to take a rag and started working with Roy.

The cleaning order is from high to low, first the walls, then the shelves, bars, tables and chairs, and finally the floor.

Zell told the three little ones to stay still on the table until they finished cleaning, but as soon as he started the sweeping machine, Xiao Huang jumped off the table and rode on the robot.

No matter how white or clean a poro is, it will turn dusty as the robot walks around the dusty living room.

It was easy for Xiaohong and Xiaohei to stay on the table. One was obedient, and the other only needed some money. Only Xiaohuang had the most ideas.

After being caught and trained twice, he still knew his mistakes and did not correct them, so Zell simply threw them all over to Ashe.The task was arduous in the first place, but if the Poro had to be bathed in the end, the amount of work would be too great.

Saying in the group that they are home, Zell first cleaned the poro glass house, and then filled the snow machine with water.

The core of Hex hummed, the machine vibrated, and a large number of snowflakes were sprayed to cover the entire glass room.

He grabbed a handful of snow and it was chilly.

After thinking about it, he made a snowball in his hand and threw it at Roy who was cleaning the table.

Roy never expected to be attacked in the coffee shop, looked at the snowflakes all over the ground, and immediately looked up at Zell with a murderous look.

"The store manager——!!! It's been a short time since we came here, and you've exposed your nature. We're working and you don't need to help, it's just making trouble!"

"No way, I can help too. Well, the glass room is all done by me."

"Then mop the floor."

"Isn't it fun to have a snowball fight?"

"You'll know if it's fun when I grab a handful and stuff it into your neckline."

Roy crossed her hips angrily, Gwen covered her mouth and snickered, and Zell shrugged her shoulders obediently and mopped the floor.

From what he knew of her, she would really do such a thing.She is a very planned person, and she is very clear about what to do and when.Right now, the Poro Café was far more important than him.

The coffee shop is not too big or too small, but it takes a lot of effort to finish the upper and lower floors.

When he finished the second floor and was about to drag down the stairs, a cold hand suddenly grabbed his neck from behind, making him almost jump up.

"You're plotting against me! Frozen hands, right?" He turned around and grabbed Roy's wrists. Such icy hands had obviously been covered in the snow, so despicable!

"Hmph! Reciprocity is all."

Seeing her rebellious appearance, Zell was thinking of using some kind of trick to trick her back, but she suddenly bumped into his arms, tiptoeing her chin on his shoulder.

"Hold for a while."

Zell was a little surprised, slowly lowered her hands, and put their arms around each other's waists.

"Is all the work done?" he asked.

"Not yet, I'll do it later."

He didn't speak anymore, if she wanted the peace and leisure at this moment, then he would give her reliable shoulders and arms.

Roy completely relaxed and her body became limp.He lowered his head and breathed in her breath, there was a faint fragrance.

People in their early twenties are between green and mature, and it would be a shameful waste to let a trace of fragrance escape from their noses.

Her waist was so thin that she couldn't hang it on her hands, and she slipped down without paying attention.He clicked his tongue softly, but thought that Gwen was downstairs, so he held back.

After taking a long breath, Roy and Zell separated and looked at him with a smile.

"Feeling more refreshed."

"Since it's fully charged, do you want to replenish the magic by the way?"

"Replenishing magic? What is that?" Roy didn't think much, patted Zell's shoulder and went downstairs: "Work hard, Gwen is still waiting for me, I'm going down."

After the cleaning was over, Zell brought back all the poro that had been fostered by Ashe.The Poro Café instantly became bustling, and the atmosphere of the past was restored.

There are groups of poro beside them, excitedly chirping non-stop, rubbing and licking, it is a very happy thing.

Roy favored one by one, this one touched her head, the other shook hands, and the smile on the corner of her mouth never stopped.

Very sweet.

"Xiaolan, it's becoming round again. If you continue like this, you will turn into a ball sooner or later! Look at your down jacket, the threads are stretched."

"Little green, why is the hair on the top of your head slumped? Who pressed you? No one pressed you. Who told you to sleep upside down?"

"Store manager, hurry up and release the food! The Poro are all hungry and bleating."

"I know, I know……"


Roy was in a good mood, and she didn't bother to make some snacks for the Poro after dinner. It seemed that she was full just by watching them eat, and she didn't feel hungry at all when she didn't eat at all for lunch and dinner.

"Girls, it's time to take care of your growling stomachs, what do you want to eat?" Zell asked.

"I want milk tea! I want whole sugar!" Gwen clapped her hands happily, and she was thinking about this all the time she left Piltover.

"It doesn't matter if you are full with milk tea, but if you want to drink it, you can make a cup yourself and drink it as a drink... Oh, there is no fresh milk, I will buy it later." Zell looked at Roy: "And you, lady boss."

"By the way, do you have any special snacks in Piltover?" Roy hugged the back of the chair decadently, and was finally attacked by the hungry demon.

When it comes to snacks in Piltover, all kinds of western pastries pop up in Zell's mind immediately, and then there are special snacks specially provided by wealthy women in Noxus.

"Why don't you eat me, do you think I'm distinctive enough?"


"Hey, or you can go to my apartment to have a barbecue. There are still ovens and charcoal. Just buy the ingredients and sticks."

"Next time, it's getting dark, and it will be too late after eating." Roy frowned.

"It's okay, the apartment is very close to the coffee shop, I'll just send Gwen back after eating."

"After cleaning, I'm completely dirty, and I have to go home to take a shower and change clothes."

"I don't think you're dirty, and isn't there a change in the suitcase?"

"I'm tired of wearing it!" Roy raised the knife in his hand, and if he beeped again, he would be knifed.

"Then I'll go out and buy some, just wait."

Zell sighed, the wonderful cohabitation time is over.

(End of this chapter)

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