Hongwu Daming: Why hasn't my son rebelled?

Chapter 245 The King of Liao's Expedition and No Grass Grows

Chapter 245 The King of Liao's Expedition and No Grass Grows
His Royal Highness King Liao came back at last, and returned to Yingtian Mansion in the hope of everyone's return.

Of course, there are more people who are in the attitude of anger, surprise and doubt.

But no matter what, Liao King Zhu Qi returned to Yingtian Mansion.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the first thing is not to deal with military affairs and prepare for the expedition.

Instead, he came to the palace, saw the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and then wept bitterly, expressing that he had been weak and unable to fight in these years, and hoped that his father could choose a more suitable candidate.

Good guy, everyone was dumbfounded after the news got out.

His Royal Highness the King of Liao is clearly an upright man in his prime, why is he so old and frail that he is unable to fight?

Obviously it is modesty. Of course, more people think that Zhu Qi, king of Liao, is trying to cover up.

I'm afraid I have already been secretly delighted in my heart, but I said this in order to calm down those opposing voices.

In other words, this is clearly an expression of the deepness of the Chengfu.

If ordinary generals are led to the mission of going to Yunnan, they will be really happy.

After all, this Yunnan is already in Daming's pocket. As long as you don't make any low-level mistakes, it is only a matter of time before you take Yunnan.

Who wouldn't want the credit for being recorded in history?You said Liao King Zhu Qi didn't want it?Everyone doesn't believe it.

But believe it or not, Zhu Qi is really troublesome now, and really doesn't want to go to Yunnan to fight.

What's more, I have no experience in leading an army at all. Although I have led the army many times before, I have all kinds of famous generals around me.

And it was also under the circumstances of being forced to go out.

But now the army has just gathered and before they set off, they have already called their names to lead the army to Yunnan.

Since the imperial decree can be written down, it is very difficult to change it.

But it's really not suitable for me, why not change it?

But the problem is that in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, he is the most suitable candidate, but Zhu Qichou's hair has turned gray several times.

Although he didn't have much hope in the first place, but when he finally found out that there was really no way to escape, Zhu Qi still sighed all day long.

And when others asked why His Highness was distressed, Zhu Qi also answered casually.

"I'm so worried about the war in Yunnan."


Understood, let's spread the word immediately, His Royal Highness King Liao is very worried about the life and death of those soldiers who are about to go to the battlefield.

As the saying goes, once a general is successful, his highness doesn't care about his own bright future. Instead, he feels sad for those ordinary people and soldiers.

Take a look, this is our good prince.

The imperial court is intensively preparing for the expedition, and the common people naturally feel it, and they are all elated.

In this prosperous age, who doesn't want the Ming Dynasty to become more and more powerful, especially after experiencing a dynasty like the Yuan Dynasty, the common people have a very strong sense of belonging to the Ming Dynasty.

As for what some people said, after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the common people missed the Yuan Dynasty instead, which is simply farting.

Under the rule of Dayuan, the common people of Damin have no way of life at all.

So many people were forced to rebel, and how many rebels did you see during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty?

Although there are, but compared to the Yuan Dynasty, it is really much less.

The most important thing is that the common people are very supportive of the Ming Dynasty's war against the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

Whether the common people support Bei Yuan or Daming, is there any need to ask?Compete with each other.

This is especially true for the common people in Yingtian Mansion.

Discussing every day, the common people clapped their hands and applauded the news about Daming's upcoming attack on Yunnan.

Especially those elders who have been poisoned by Bei Yuan for a long time, they are the southerners in Bei Yuan's heart.

In the Yuan Dynasty, people were divided into four classes, and southerners like them belonged to the lowest class,

Not only did he bear the heaviest punishment, even if he was killed, he only needed to pay a cow to settle the matter.

Human life is so cheap, it is natural for officials to oppress them without thinking too much,

Even in the later period of the Yuan Dynasty, the contradictions were already very sharp, and the officialdom still did not change at all.

That's why so many peasant uprisings.The reason for the uproar,

As long as there is a way to survive, there is no such person as Zhu Yuanzhang.

And if you want to say who knows the Liao king Zhu Qi best, Liu Bowen is probably the only one.

Liu Bowen and His Highness Liao Wang spent the longest time together, so they naturally knew the sincerity of His Highness Liao Wang.

In the past, Liu Bowen also thought that His Royal Highness Liao Wang was pretending to be modest, but it was only later that he found out that His Royal Highness Liao Wang really had no interest in such things as fighting.

His greater interest lies in the common people.

Unlike other princes, other princes said that they only wanted to be idle princes.

And in fact it did.

I haven't seen anyone with such a brilliant record as His Royal Highness Liao Wang.

Even Zhu Di, king of Yan, is very talented in military affairs.

But in terms of civil affairs, it is far inferior to Liao Wang Zhu Qi.

Even if he is talented, it is impossible to say that he can match His Royal Highness King Liao.

But even with so many advantages and talents, His Royal Highness Liao Wang is more concerned about the lives of ordinary people.

Can they wear warm clothes, can they all have a house to live in, can their children grow up happily, and can the elderly have something to depend on in old age?

And so on, the most basic issues of people's livelihood are what His Royal Highness Liao Wang cares about the most.

As early as in Liaoyang, Liu Bowen had already discovered this characteristic of His Highness the Liao King.

And what His Royal Highness Liao Wang does the most every day is to help ordinary people improve their lives.

As for what kind of thing to fight, His Royal Highness King Liao is very talented, and he only makes some suggestions occasionally. Most of the time, he chooses the most suitable generals to do the most suitable things.

But don't underestimate such ability, why Liu Bang can fight the world, is it because he is good at fighting, better than Xiang Yu?

Naturally, this is not the case. Liu Bang's greatest strength is knowing people and making good use of them.

He was able to win over a large number of famous officials and generals under his command, and so did His Royal Highness Liao Wang.

What's more, His Royal Highness King Liao's own combat strength is very good.

In terms of military merit, except for the older generals like Xu Da, among the young generals, there is no military merit that can compare with His Royal Highness King Liao.

Because of this, the people are discussing that as long as His Royal Highness Liao Wang leads the army to go out, there will be no grass.

Even the enthusiasm of civilians to sign up to join the army is much higher, but such a thing as joining the army is naturally nothing to do, and the military household system has long been confirmed.

And seeing the strong desire of the people to join the army, and the desire to defeat Bei Yuan.

Zhu Qi was also affected to some extent, and in his dream he also reprimanded Fang Qiu to lead the army to go out to fight on the battlefield, and his subordinates were burned for [-] miles.

Of course, it's just a dream.

However, when Zhu Yuanzhang's departure was approaching, he still did not change his mind.

Even though Zhu Qi took the trouble to discuss this matter every day, but Zhu Yuanzhang only said one word over and over again.

I still have a lot of trust in the third child.

Come on, we have already talked about this, what else can we do?

He had no choice but to bite the bullet, and when the day of the expedition came, Zhu Qi wore a suit of armor and went out under the eyes of everyone.

Naturally, it is impossible for the entire army to gather at Ying Tianfu's side, and then slowly walk to the southern front.

Then on the way, just feeding and drinking for the army, I am afraid that eating will make Daming poor along the way.

Therefore, the assembly of the army is still in accordance with the previous practice, and some elites are drawn from various provinces, then gather together, and then set off towards Yunnan.

Finally, the gathering task was completed on the border of Yunnan.

Therefore, the number of soldiers that Zhu Qi took away from the Central Plains of Yingtian Mansion was only 2.

More soldiers were gathered from Guangdong, Guangxi and Sichuan and Sichuan.


But it is claimed that everyone understands this kind of thing, and it is impossible to report the real number.

The bigger the moisture, the better, like Cao Cao who claimed millions of soldiers in the Battle of Chibi.

But more than half of them are actually civilian husbands who can really fight, and there are only 20 people.

When it came to Chibi, less than 20 people participated in the battle.

Anyway, from Daming's point of view, Yunnan is an out-and-out paper tiger, but he despises them strategically and cares about them tactically.

At least Zhu Qi was holding tactical meetings every day during this time, and of course this tactical meeting was not requested by Zhu Qi himself.

Mainly those generals, according to Zhu Qi's previous request, spontaneously held a battle meeting.

When Zhu Qi had just taken charge of the army, because he didn't understand anything, he could only hold a tactical meeting and then listen to the opinions of other generals.

But I didn't expect this tradition to be preserved by those generals. Now no matter which road is fighting, they will start it if they have nothing to do.

The map will be used, which is also a content customized by His Royal Highness Liao Wang himself, a high-standard tactical map.

Not to mention, the effect of such a combat meeting is very good.

Then this is the prototype of the staff department, can't it be okay?
There are not only combat meetings, but also advanced tactical arrangements, just like the generals on the Ming side have come up with no less than 10 tactical arrangements for conquering Yunnan.

The tactics that Zhu Qi saw were all very professional. Even though he had participated in so many battles, it still seemed very difficult.

But I also know that these tactical arrangements are quite powerful.

I am afraid that just because these generals strictly implement these tactics, they can defeat Yunnan without their own commander-in-chief.

After all, Yunnan is that big, and there are many people in Daming who know the map very well.

Tactical equipment and intelligence have surpassed Beiyuan's side, so there is nothing to say.

But you say that Zhu Yuanzhang is fine, so you insist on letting me, an idle prince, become some kind of general. What are you doing with this military merit?

How nice it is to let Sapphire go.

When Zhu Qi thought of Sapphire, he felt a little pity in his heart. To be honest, Zhu Qi still admired Sapphire very much.

Although this Sapphire is a bit arrogant, his ability is indeed very strong, and in history, he also helped the Han Dynasty to vent a bad breath.

Now that the army has been assembled and the tactics are all done, there is no need to mention it.

After all the supplies were ready, the army set out to march south.

Before Zhu Qi left, he wanted to visit Lan Yu and reconcile with him if possible, so that the relationship between the two should not be so tense.

But after Liu Bowen heard about Zhu Qi's plan, he persuaded him to give up this idea.

Liu Bowen understands Sapphire's mood and character the most. If he can change his view of you with just a few words, then he is not Sapphire anymore.

After hearing this, Zhu Qi could only sigh helplessly.

Such a famous player naturally hopes to get along well with him.

It's just that it's too difficult to listen to Liu Bowen's meaning, so forget it.

After the army set off, Zhu Qi basically followed the army every day. It was impossible to run around, and there were all kinds of supplies along the way, so there was no need to mention it.

It's just that the south is no better than the north. The north can still transport troops by water, while the south has more words, and the water and mountains are high, so the march will take a lot longer, from Yingtianfu to the Yangtze River.

It took more than a month to go.

Seeing that it was about to arrive in September of the 15th year of Hongwu, the army took a mobilized ferry across the river in batches after a short rest.

When they arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, there would naturally be soldiers from the south of the Yangtze River, and the number of people added was 5.

This breath expanded the team to 7 people.

There are still 2 in Guangdong and Guangxi, and 1 in Bashu, which adds up to exactly 10.

This is just the number of battles, and there will be more civilians in the back. In total, there must be 50 million people.

Zhu Qiguang looked at the data one by one, and it was a big headache. Fortunately, he didn't need to control them all.

Famous generals like Fu Youde and Feng Sheng followed the whole process.

Naturally, they were in charge, and Zhu Qi also brought his personal guard generals, Zhang Yu and Zhu Neng, with him.

As for Liaodong, there will naturally be other generals to take over.

As for these generals, it is reasonable to say that a prince like Zhu Qi cannot be brought along casually.

But Zhu Yuanzhang is obviously very concerned about the battle in Yunnan, and he hopes that Zhu Qi can make a difference in one battle.

So if Zhu Qi was asked to bring all the generals he was used to, then of course Zhu Qi would bring such strong generals as Zhang Yu and Zhu Neng.

To be honest, if possible, he would also like to bring Sapphire with him, so that he can be a hands-off shopkeeper, not caring about anything, just let Sapphire take charge.

It's a pity that the relationship with Sapphire is so tense now, so there is no need to think about it in the future, as long as Sapphire doesn't speak ill of herself behind her back.

With an army of 7 people, after crossing the south of the Yangtze River, they headed towards the border of Guangdong and Guangxi. The two provinces had already heard the news that Liao King Zhu Qi was coming to conquer Yunnan.

And Zhu Qi's reputation in Guangdong and Guangxi is very good. Before that, Zhu Qi beheaded Zhu Liangzu, the evil governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

That can be said to be very gratifying, can the common people not like it?
And those generals saw the common people's support for His Royal Highness King Liao.

They also nodded one by one to see what a teacher of the benevolent is, His Royal Highness Liao Wang, this is it.

(End of this chapter)

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