Hongwu Daming: Why hasn't my son rebelled?

Chapter 146 The Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Route Army Decides to Be You

Chapter 146 The Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Route Army Decides to Be You

Hongwu ten years, early January.

At the court, Zhu Yuanzhang, with some core staff and many generals, was discussing the strategy of overcoming the Liao territory.

On the other side, Zhu Qi was waiting anxiously outside the sorted out "delivery room".

Because of Zhu Qi's philosophy and persistence, the environment in the delivery room, as well as the maids and midwives, have been cleaned to the maximum extent.

For a woman to give birth, it is like going through the gate of hell. With the advanced medical methods and the life-saving skill of caesarean section in modern times, there are still deaths and injuries due to various reasons.

Not to mention the ancient society with underdeveloped medical technology. It can be said that giving birth in ancient times really relied on the girl's own physical fitness.

Zhu Qi was pacing at the door, he really felt what it means to live like a year, Xu Miaoyun went in from the morning labor pains.

Until noon, the intermittent cry of pain came out from time to time.

All of a sudden, the cries of pain became more frequent and continuous, and the midwives inside also began to guide Xu Miaoyun to use force and so on.

Zhu Qi lay nervously at the door and listened, that feeling was really more nervous than when the two armies were about to fight.

This painful cry lasted for almost half an hour, and Zhu Qiguang was so anxious that he was sweating. One could imagine how much pain Xu Miaoyun would be inside.

Zhu Qi was listening, when suddenly there was an exclamation of joy:

"Princess Wangfei, the child has come out, please work harder."

Then there was Xu Miaoyun's continuous cry of pain, which lasted for several minutes, and finally stopped amidst the loud cry of a baby.

Zhu Qida heaved a sigh of relief, while the other internal officials shouted happily one by one:

"Your Highness, Your Majesty is giving birth, Your Majesty is giving birth!"

Zhu Qi also had a happy expression on his face. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the door in front of him was pushed open, and then saw a midwife walking in with a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, and said with a happy face:
"Your Highness, it's my son!"

The midwife said, and handed over the swaddling baby in her hand, Zhu Qiping clumsily stretched out both hands to take it, the midwife hurriedly reminded:
"Your Highness, you can't pick it up like this, the child will fall, you have to pick it up like me."

The midwife raised her hand to show it off, and a court lady came up beside her, and helped Zhu Qi adjust her posture with her hands, finally holding the baby in her arms.

However, Zhu Qi felt that what he was holding was not his son, but a piece of fragile porcelain.

Then he looked down at the baby in the swaddle, good guy, the words "ugly and ugly" are hard to describe the appearance of this little guy.

Not to mention the strange thing with a white face, it looks like a patina, and even the head is pointed like an alien.

Although ugly, it was his own son after all. Zhu Qi hugged his son happily, then walked into the delivery room, walked around behind the screen, and saw the weak Xu Miaoyun lying on the bed.

Zhu Qi hurriedly walked to Xu Miaoyun's side, handed the child to the midwife next to him, and touched Xu Miaoyun's forehead with distress.

When you touch it, your hands are covered with sweat.

Xu Miaoyun looked at Zhu Qi weakly, although Zhu Qi didn't speak, but in his distressed eyes, everything was already in silence.

Xu Miaoyun opened her mouth and asked:
"Where's the son?"

The midwife nearby quickly carried the baby up and sent it to Xu Miaoyun's pillow.

Xu Miaoyun turned her head sideways, and saw the ugly boy in the swaddle beside her, she frowned and muttered:
"It's so ugly, is this really my birth..."

Although Zhu Qi also felt ugly, it was true for all newborn children. How could a child be born with good looks?

Seeing Xu Miaoyun's disappointed expression, Zhu Qi said comfortingly:
"Don't worry, it will look better when it grows."

Xu Miaoyun nodded, then raised her hand and took the child into her arms.

I don't know if it was because he smelled his mother's breath, and the child burst into tears all of a sudden, with a loud voice.

The midwife next to her said:

"Your Majesty, the baby is just born and needs to drink milk."

As soon as Zhu Qi heard that he was going to breastfeed, he stood up instinctively and walked outside, but turned his head for a moment, no, why should I go, this is my wife.

At this moment, the voice of the internal officer came from outside:
"Your Highness, the empress is here."

Zhu Qi just stood up, said something to Xu Miaoyun and went out.

When I got to the door, I saw Queen Ma coming over with her skirt in hand, and asked:
"How is my daughter-in-law?"

An internal officer on the side replied:
"Go back to the empress, the empress has already given birth to a boy."

Empress Ma was overjoyed when she heard that, but she still asked first:
"How is Princess Liao's situation? Is the bleeding serious?"

As expected of someone who has been here, he immediately asked the key question.

And the internal officer on the side quickly replied:
"Empress, don't worry, the empress is an auspicious person, and there is no great harm."

After the internal officer finished speaking, Empress Ma nodded in reassurance, and then went in to visit Xu Miaoyun.

Zhu Qi also walked in behind, and saw that the baby was still breastfeeding, and Xu Miaoyun saw that Empress Ma wanted to get up and salute.

But Empress Ma hurried over to stop Xu Miaoyun and said:
"Lie down and rest, what kind of ceremony is there after you just gave birth.

By the way, third son, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and tell your father the good news, he should just go down at this meeting. "

After Empress Ma finished speaking, Zhu Qi hurriedly responded, he really forgot about it completely.

He hurriedly walked towards the Yizheng Hall, and just after he walked there, he saw Zhu Yuanzhang returning from the Yizheng Hall with his prince Zhu Biao.

Seeing Zhu Qi approaching, Zhu Yuanzhang waved at Zhu Qi and said:
"I'm just coming to see you, third child, come here quickly."

Zhu Qi knew in his heart that nine out of ten he wanted to talk about the Liao land, so he said first:
"Father, Miaoyun has given birth to a boy, so please give birth to a name for your grandson."

Zhu Yuanzhang was also overjoyed, and hurriedly dragged Zhu Qi to the Liao King's bedroom to see his newborn grandson.

As for the name, Zhu Yuanzhang has already thought about it. According to the five elements, the grandchildren are all next to the word fire, so they are called Zhu Jixiu!

Good guy, as expected of a child of the old Zhu's family, each name is getting more and more complicated.

After Zhu Yuanzhang arrived, Xu Miaoyun fell asleep because she was too exhausted.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't let anyone disturb her, but went to see the child in Empress Ma's arms. It happened that Zhu Di also ran over at this time, and shouted outside:

"Third brother! I heard that I have an extra nephew?!"

With that loud voice, I am afraid that others will not know that he is coming.

When he howled like this, he woke up Zhu Jixuan in Empress Ma's arms.

But the little guy was quite obedient, he didn't cry, but wriggled in the swaddle, and then went back to sleep.

After all, at such a young age, besides sleeping, I can only sleep.

Zhu Yuanzhang walked to the door with a stern face. Zhu Di took a look, but he didn't expect his dear old father to be here.

Seeing the accusing eyes of Empress Ma and the baby in swaddle, Zhu Di knew that his voice was too loud.

Quickly said in a low voice:
"Father, mother, eldest brother, third brother, I'm here to see my little nephew."

Zhu Yuanzhang said angrily:
"What are you looking at, come here, I have something to tell you brothers."

Zhu Di immediately shrank his neck and walked over. When passing by Queen Ma, he got up on his feet and looked at Zhu Jixi in Queen Ma's arms.

Zhu Qi's heart was really up and down, and he thought to himself, don't tell me it's the war in Liao, how can I understand these things?
Feeling afraid of what will happen, Zhu Yuanzhang sat down and said at the beginning:

"The ministers and workers have been discussing for several days, and it's time for the third Northern Expedition."

Zhu Qi was startled, coming, coming.

Then Zhu Yuanzhang continued to analyze.

Although Beiyuan and Daming were still confronting each other at this time, after occupying Qinghai, the initiative was completely in Daming's hands.

With Qinghai, you only need to defend Qinghai. No matter whether it is the Yuan army in Monan or the Yuan army in Yunnan, they dare not move easily.

As for the Ming army guarding various places, they can be deployed as one to go straight to the Monan and Liao lands.

Of course, in order to avoid repeating the failure of the Second Northern Expedition, the strategic focus this time will no longer be the Monan and Mobei regions.

Those places are full of wilderness, and people who are not familiar with the terrain can easily lose their way.

But Liao is different. There are many cities and fortresses in Liao. The officials and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are never afraid of attacking the city.

So the main goal of this expedition is the land of Liao!
In this third Northern Expedition, it is planned to fight on the western front, the northern front and the eastern front, three fronts.

Among them, on the western front, Xu Da, who is stationed in Qinghai, is the commander-in-chief, and Mu Ying is the rich commander-in-chief, mainly to contain and look for fighter opportunities.

On the northern front, with Fu Youde as the commander and Li Wenzhong as the deputy general, they pretended to attack the Yuan Ting headquarters, but in fact they also restrained the main force and looked for opportunities for combat.

And the real focus is the Liao land on the eastern front!

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the internal officer beside him to bring the map, spread it out and placed it in front of the three brothers Zhu Qi, Zhu Biao, and Zhu Di, pointing to the Liaodong Peninsula and said:

"Naha now occupies Shenzhou, which is a vast area in Eastern Liaodong, and wants to conquer Shenzhou.

You must take the Liaoxi Corridor, and this long and narrow road has countless fortified cities along the way.

If he blindly attacked the city head-on, he would be playing in the enemy's arms, and he would suffer heavy losses before reaching Shenzhou.

To take the Liaoxi Corridor, I, Daming, have to use heavy troops, and I may not be able to take them down.

What's more, it is impossible for King Baobao of the Northern Yuan Dynasty to sit back and watch my Ming Dynasty attack the Liao territory without any reaction. "

After some analysis, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Qi, Zhu Di and Zhu Biao asked:
"Boss, third, fourth, tell me, if you want to fight the Liao land on the eastern front, how should you fight?"

Both Zhu Biao and Zhu Di fell silent, only Zhu Qi pulled Zhu Di who was next to him, then lowered his head and mouthed to Zhu Di:

"Sea route, sea route."

This attack on Liaodong by sea was not thought of by Zhu Qi, but by Zhu Yuanzhang in history. It is also an extremely successful long-distance naval landing operation that is rare in history.

It is to send the navy directly from Tianjin Wei, go straight to Lushunkou, and then sweep the entire Liaodong Peninsula, and then cooperate with the Ming army in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to take the entire Liaoxi Corridor and Liaodong Peninsula!

This is what Zhu Yuanzhang did in history. He directly wiped out all the territory of Naha, and he will definitely do it now.

After all, Liaoyang Pingzhang Liu Yi of the Northern Yuan Dynasty is dead, and there is not a single ship left in his navy.

Not to mention Goryeo, who has already surrendered secretly, and there is no power on the water that can stop the Daming Navy.

This is a great time to attack by water!
Zhu Qi just intends to remind Zhu Di to let Zhu Di speak out about this strategy.

At that time, I will sigh and admire him wildly, and then take the initiative to recommend Zhu Di as the commander of the East Route Army.

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Zhu Di was so talented in military affairs, he was able to think of going with him, maybe he made Zhu Di the commander-in-chief!

Zhu Qilian had already thought about his flattering words, such as "I think the fourth brother is definitely capable of being the commander. I have already seen it in many battles before, and the fourth brother is a general who is no less than Uncle Xu!"

Also, "As long as the fourth brother goes out, Naha will definitely destroy Gulaxiu!"

With a bunch of blah blah blah, this matter will be stable.

Zhu Qi was thinking to himself, while Zhu Di looked at Zhu Qi's mouth-shaped reminder, and was a little distracted, then looked at the map, and then at Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qi gave him a look of encouragement, and continued with his mouth: "Sea Road, Sea Road..."

Zhu Di immediately opened his mouth and shouted:

"Yes! Third brother, you are too strong! We can go by sea!"

Zhu Qi was taken aback for a moment, wishing he could go up and give Zhu Di a slap, and then physically choke his throat.

But now is not the time to beat up his younger brother, he hastened to make amends and said:
"Oh, it's not your first thought..."

But before Zhu Qi could speak, Zhu Di continued to shout:
"I understand the meaning of the third brother, starting from Tianjin Wei, going straight to the Liaodong Peninsula, attacking from the rear of Naha, and hitting him by surprise!
This Naha Chu must have never expected, we will attack from the waterway!When the time comes to attack with the defenders of the Sixteen States of Yanyun, Naha will undoubtedly lose! "

When Zhu Qi heard Zhu Di's words, he immediately nodded and said:
"That's right, as expected of the fourth child, but this method is really not what I thought."

Zhu Di immediately said:

"How could it not be what you think, third brother, isn't it just that you have been talking about sea routes and sea routes, and this strategy, you told us before when you were in Tianjin Wei.

You said that after defeating Liu Yi, there would be no naval forces in the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and they would go directly to the Liaodong Peninsula by sea. This must have been unexpected by Nahachu! "

After Zhu Di finished speaking, regardless of the hints from Zhu Qi's crazy eyes, he continued:

"Father, I recommend third brother to be the commander of the Eastern Front!
I think the third brother can definitely be the commander. I have already seen it in many battles before. The third brother is a general who is no less than Uncle Xu!
As long as the third brother comes out, Naha will definitely destroy Gulaxiu! "

I'm stupid!You are like a dog, Zhu Di!

Are you a mind reader?
Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed, clapped his hands and shouted:

"Good! As expected of my son!

Qi'er, for our Ming Dynasty's third Northern Expedition, the commander of the Eastern Route Army is decided to be you!

Lieutenant General, Sapphire! "

(End of this chapter)

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