Hongwu Daming: Why hasn't my son rebelled?

Chapter 134 That's So Wonderful

Chapter 134 That's So Wonderful

The leader of the envoys sent by the Northern Yuan Dynasty this time is called Chen Quan.

It can be seen that Wang Baobao attaches great importance to Kangba this time.

Naturally, Master Fobao knew about it, so in terms of hospitality, the preparations were particularly grand, and he did not dare to neglect at all.

Although Tibetan Buddhism is very different from the Sinicized Buddhism in the Central Plains in many aspects, they are all the same in terms of diet. Killing and eating meat are not encouraged, and vegetarianism is encouraged.

When Fobao Guoshi entertained Beiyuan envoy Chen Quan and others, he naturally would not only entertain with vegetarian food, there was also fish and meat.

But these fish are exquisite, so they have to kill themselves, not us Buddhist disciples.

And these things, the Buddha Treasure National Master naturally wouldn't eat them.

In fact, Chen Quan didn't care what he ate. The main purpose of his visit this time was to stabilize the national teacher of Buddha Treasure.

So far, the task seems to be done well.

Thinking of this, Chen Quan couldn't help cursing in his heart that the king of Liang in Yunnan, Zaravalmy, didn't even see such a simple countermeasure.

It's fine if you don't see it, but you even wrote a letter to reprimand Fobao Guoshi, isn't this self-defeating?
Don't you know the importance of Qinghai?
But it is useless to say so much, because the throne of Zaravarmi was taken from his ancestors, no matter how stupid he is, no one can drag him down from the position of King Liang.

Especially in the current period of confrontation between Dayuan and Pseudo-Ming, it is even more impossible.

Chen Quan cleared away everything in his mind, and chatted with the Fobao National Master in front of him with a smiling face.

Of course, they are talking about some unnutritious topics.

National Master Fobao was chatting here, when a servant suddenly came beside him with an anxious expression on his face.

Master Fobao knew something had happened at a glance, stood up quickly, and accused Chen Quan of his life in front of him, saying that he wanted to go to the toilet, and then left in a hurry.

When he came to the servant, Master Fobao hurriedly asked what was going on, and the servant said with an anxious expression:

"National Teacher, something is wrong! Daming has sent envoys!"

National Master Fobao looked shocked:
"What? Daming..."

He remembered that Chen Quan and the others were still eating not far behind him, so he quickly lowered his voice:
"Emissary of Ming Dynasty? When did it happen? No, when will you arrive?"

Generally, when envoys come, they will say hello in advance. Master Fobao thought that as long as these envoys from the Northern Yuan Dynasty were sent away before the envoys from the Ming Dynasty arrived, there would be no big problem.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to build a relationship with Daming, so it's easy to talk about what to do in the future, right?

Sitting on this Beiyuan boat alone, Master Fobao was in a panic.

The servant hurriedly said again:

"It's already outside the Buddha seat!"


Master Fobao is really completely stupid this time, why did Ming's envoys come over without any news?
And come here at this time?Didn't that bump into the envoys of Bei Yuan?
Master Fobao felt that the matter was serious, and the envoy of Ming Dynasty definitely couldn't refuse him.

Maybe at some point, I will have to hang around with Daming.

At this time, the envoys of Daming were shut out, what if Daming took revenge?
Master Fobao hurriedly followed his servants to the envoys of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, the envoys of the Ming Dynasty and the envoys of the Northern Yuan Dynasty must not be allowed to meet, otherwise it would be terrible.

When Master Fobao came outside the Buddha Seat Hall, he saw more than [-] people, Han Chinese dressed in clothes that looked like businessmen.

Are they the envoys of Ming Dynasty?

The national teacher Fobao couldn't believe it, but the servant said he was swearing, and the other party also used this to reveal his identity. There shouldn't be anyone so stupid as to pretend to be an envoy of the Ming Dynasty in the Uzang area, right?
Isn't that courting death?

So Master Fobao asked very politely:
"Are you all envoys from Ming Dynasty? Can you show me your official documents and seals?"

The leader was Shen Lao Si, who cupped his hands with a smile all over his face, and said:

"The national teacher should also be aware of the current situation. If we openly come here as envoys, we will still carry the official seal with us.

I'm afraid that if I can't reach Gaochang, I will die halfway. "

After Shen Laosi finished speaking, the Fobao National Master thought about it and felt that it was indeed very reasonable.

Although the plateau is still the plateau of the Tibetans of Uzbekistan, Beiyuan has been operating here since the Mongolian period, and more than 100 years have passed.

There are many places in Wusi, and there are also forces from the Northern Yuan Dynasty. If Daming sends envoys here at this time, they will come here in a big way.

It is true that he will be assassinated on the way.

Wouldn't this assassination destroy the relationship between the daimyo and Uzang? Why not do it?

But the other party said so, Fobao Guoshi still had to find a way to really determine their identities.

Fourth Shen obviously knew this too, and quickly took out a letter, and said in a low voice:

"This is a letter written by His Royal Highness the King of Liao."

Master Fobao's eyes lit up, he quickly took the letter, opened it to read, the writing was not too long.

In just a few words, it is said that His Royal Highness Liao Wang has already heard about Daming, the national teacher of Fobao, and this time he sent envoys with the intention of making friends.

There is a seal under it, which is the seal of His Royal Highness King Liao.

That's all.

Master Fobao understood and enlightened.

Thinking about it again, most of the letter that was delivered to King Liang was also written by the Great Ming Liao King.

This is the follow-up method.

Of course Master Fobao would not be annoyed, and now is not the time to be annoyed by King Liao of the Ming Dynasty. He could only personally invite these envoys to the side hall, and asked a question on the way:
"Since His Royal Highness King Liao wants to make friends with me, why did he write such a letter and send it to King Liang of the Northern Yuan Dynasty?"

Fobao Guoshi also talked about people when he saw people, and talked about ghosts when he saw ghosts. In front of Chen Quanquan, the envoy of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, he said one by one, and he was false.

But in front of Shen Lao Si, he became Bei Yuan.

Going a step further, it is estimated that pseudo-elements must also be arranged.

Regarding the question asked by the Fobao National Teacher Association, Zhu Qina had of course anticipated it a long time ago, and had already told Shen Laosi how to deal with it.

There is only one way to deal with it - I will not admit it even if I am killed!

Shen Laosi immediately put on a serious expression and said:

"Speaking of this matter, in fact, His Royal Highness King Liao also asked me to wait, which is one of the reasons."

National Master Fobao was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't know whether Shen Laosi's attitude was to admit it frankly or what?
Then Shen Lao Si continued to say:

"To tell you the truth, it really wasn't our Prince Liao who did this.

When His Highness Liao Wang heard the news, he immediately guessed that you, the national teacher, would definitely think that it was I, Daming, who was doing something secretly.

But the national teacher thinks about it, who will benefit the most from provoking the relationship between the national teacher and the King of Liang in the Northern Yuan Dynasty? "

Master Fobao was taken aback for a moment, then asked tentatively:

"You mean to say that it was Ando's national teacher Tuyuan who did it at this time?"

Shen Laosi nodded with a "that's it" expression on his face, and then said:

"Exactly! How heroic His Royal Highness Liao Wang is, in fact, he has long seen that you, the national teacher, have a heart for Daming.

Even if I, Ming, wanted to win over the National Teacher, I would just come here and show it directly, how could I put the National Teacher in a dilemma?

It must have been done by Tu Yuan Guoshi of Anduo! "

When Master Fobao heard this, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, so Shen Laosi put in more effort and continued:
"The Tuyuan national teacher of Anduo must have no good intentions. I'm afraid this is just the first step. In the future, there will be more treacherous methods to deal with you, the national teacher."

National Master Fobao became anxious when he heard this, what he was most afraid of was this, if the Tuyuan National Master joined forces with Northern Yuan Liang King to come, then everything would be over.

Quickly asked:

"His Royal Highness, did you say that there is any way?"

Fourth Shen smiled slightly:
"Our Royal Highness Liao Wang of Ming Dynasty came from the Wenqu star in the sky, so what can be so rare to live with His Royal Highness Liao Wang?

Regarding this matter, His Royal Highness Liao Wang already has a well-thought-out plan, and I have prepared a perfect plan for you, the national teacher. "

Master Fobao was about to hurry up and ask for advice, when he suddenly heard a servant approaching and whispered:

"Master, I've been waiting there for a long time, look..."

Only then did Master Fobao realize that it was not only the envoys of the Ming Dynasty who were in the seat of the Buddha at this time, the envoys of the Yuan Dynasty were also dining in the banquet hall of the seat of the Buddha.

I just said it and went to the toilet.

Even if it's a big meeting, the meeting should be over, so it can't be called constipation, right?
To be honest, it is very difficult for a pure vegetarian to become constipated.

National Master Fobao was anxious and wanted to know His Highness King Liao's perfect strategy, but he also knew that Chen Quan could not be neglected.

Hurry up and confess to Shen Laosi, saying that there are still some kamas from Kham waiting for him outside, and he is going to meet them and talk about some state affairs.

After finishing speaking, he asked others to take good care of the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, and at the same time made a wink, the meaning was obvious.

Don't let these Ming envoys and those envoys from Beiyuan meet!

After making all the proper arrangements, Master Fobao hurriedly left the side hall, and then headed towards the banquet on the Buddha seat.

After Fobao Guoshi left, the servants and monks of the Kham Buddha seat here quickly sent some snacks and fruits.

Let the envoys of Ming Dynasty wait for a while, saying that Master Fobao will come back soon.

Shen Laosi was naturally not in a hurry, he nodded casually, and then the servants and monks withdrew.

Shen Laosi stood at the door to make sure that the servants and monks were not eavesdropping, and then made a gesture to the people behind him.

Soon everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at one of the unremarkable people.

This person is Liao Wang Zhu Qi!

To be honest, Zhu Qi actually didn't want to take such a risk, so he pretended to be a member of the envoy and followed him.

But Shen Laosi and the others were just members of the horse-racing gang before, and had no experience as envoys, let alone they were not serious envoys.

In case Master Fobao sees something, if he is at the scene, he will have the opportunity to take remedial measures in time.

This is one of them.

The second is that I am the backbone, if I don't follow along, I can't rest assured no matter what.

What's more, the current situation is complicated, whether Da Ming has a phone available, and if he wants to command in place in time, he can only be at the scene himself.

What's more, with Bai Tang Yu'er and Zhang Sanfeng protecting them, and Fobao Guoshi's heart for Daming, it is unlikely that he will take any hostile actions against the Daming envoys.

Zhu Qi is actually quite safe.

Fourth Shen came over and asked:
"Your Highness, what should we do now?"

Zhu Qi thought for a while and said:

"Judging from the reaction of the national master Fobao just now, the Beiyuan envoy must be inside the Buddha seat now. Let's find a way to let the Beiyuan envoy know that we are here."

Shen Laosi's son heard it, and immediately said:
"Alright, I'll chase after me right away. When they see me, they will definitely ask. Then I'll just report my family name."

Shen Laosi immediately reprimanded:
"Little bastard, what are you talking about, how can things be so simple? Don't be so impulsive in everything, and listen to His Royal Highness Liao Wang."

Zhu Qi smiled and said:

"It's okay, it's good for a young man to have a drive."

As soon as Zhu Qi said this, Bai Tang Yu'er looked at him with strange eyes.

If you really want to talk about a young man, Zhu Qike is much younger than Shen Laosi's son.

I heard Zhu Qi continue to say:

"But Shen Laosi, you are right, things are not that simple.

Although we have asked Fobao Guoshi to trust us for the time being.

The letter delivered to King Liang of the Northern Yuan Dynasty was most likely written by Tuyuan State Teacher of Anduo.

But if we go there so easily and recklessly and meet those envoys from the Northern Yuan Dynasty, there is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

If this Buddha Treasure National Master thinks more, he might not trust us.

Therefore, we have to turn the initiative into passivity, turn the darkness into the light, and let the envoys of the Northern Yuan Dynasty take the initiative, so that we can proceed to the next step comfortably. "

After His Royal Highness King Liao finished speaking, there was another burst of praise around him.

But it's easy to say, but not so easy to do.

You can't take the initiative to get close to the Beiyuan envoys, but let those Beiyuan envoys take the initiative to investigate, how can this be done?

You can't expect those envoys from the Northern Yuan Dynasty to suddenly become like our Royal Highness the Liao King, who have not served the prophets, right?
It may be impossible to put it on others, but Zhu Qiduo's ideas are these.

Zhu Qi turned his head and said with a smile:

"Let's get out of the Buddha's seat first."


Master Fobao quickly went back to Chen Quan, the envoy of the Northern Yuan Dynasty. Fortunately, Chen Quan was not angry and suspicious, and waited patiently there.

After a meal, Chen Quan was very satisfied and felt that he had achieved his goal, but Master Fobao, what he ate was heart-wrenching.

Although what the envoys of the Ming Dynasty said made sense, this trick might have been made by Tu Yuan Guoshi.

But if the Daming envoy deliberately jumped out at this time and let the Beiyuan envoy see it, his head would really explode.

Fortunately, none of the envoys of Ming Dynasty showed up until the end, let alone any accidents.

This can't help but make Master Fobao happy from the bottom of his heart.

And the happier ones are yet to come.

After sending Chen Quan and others back to rest, a servant came to report:

"National teacher, those envoys of the Ming Dynasty said that they are not used to living here, and they still want to go out to live in the posthouse."

What?Can't live in the Buddha seat anymore?
That's so wonderful!
(End of this chapter)

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