Hongwu Daming: Why hasn't my son rebelled?

Chapter 121 The Invitation of the Begging Chapter

Chapter 121 Invitation to the Qiqiao Festival

Liu Bowen's strategy is very simple, a plan to divide!
The method is also very simple, instead of writing a letter to Fobao Guoshi, it is to write a letter to the Northern Yuan Liang King Bazaravalmi, but this letter is not a letter of persuasion.

And it can't be written directly in the name of Daming, but it should be written in the tone of Fobao Guoshi.

The content of it is also very simple, just say that in the tenth year of Hongwu, the national teacher of Fobao will send an envoy to pay tribute to Daming.

To be honest, this is a typical distance meter, but there are problems.

Lu Zhifu asked tactfully:
"Uncle, your strategy seems to be feasible, but what if the Northern Yuan Liang King doesn't believe it?"

Liu Bowen stroked his beard and said with a smile:
"According to the old man's understanding of the Northern Yuan Liang King, this man is brave and intrepid.

They also boss around the big and small national teachers in U-Tsang.

And he has no opinion, he has to ask Wang Baobao about everything.

If King Liang of the Northern Yuan Dynasty saw the news, he would report it to the Royal Court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, whether he believed it or not.

Wang Baobao certainly wouldn't believe it, but as long as Master Fobao knew about it, it would be done.

I have also seen this Buddha Treasure National Teacher, although he is a lama, he is extremely smooth in dealing with people, has a great vision, and can judge the situation and the situation.

He must be able to see that right now, although I, Da Ming, and Da Yuan are divided into two worlds, and we are anxiously confronting each other, the general trend of the world is in my hands.

Moreover, once doubt arises, it is not so simple to eliminate it.

The old man didn't believe that this Buddha Treasure National Master could still sleep soundly.

Besides, according to Wang Baobao's personality, he would also spare more time for him.

Between the ups and downs, as long as there is another suitable time, the national teacher of Buddha Treasure will definitely throw himself into rebellion! "

To put it bluntly, this is a conspiracy.

As for the right timing, it was simply that Wang Baobao couldn't hold his breath, and he couldn't rest assured of Buddha Bao Guoshi.

Either King Liang really went to support Anduo's Tuyuan State Teacher, or there are various other situations.

But as long as they disagree, the rift will grow bigger and bigger, it's just a matter of time.

And the basis for carrying out this conspiracy is to have a good understanding of the situation in Uzang.

Zhu Qi knew that in the history of later generations, this Buddha Treasure National Master soon surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, accepted the canonization of the Ming Dynasty, and became one of the foreign kingdoms of the Ming Dynasty.

So when Zhu Qi heard Liu Bowen's strategy, he felt that it was quite tricky.

After discussing it, everyone felt that this matter could be tried boldly.

Liu Bowen also said that as long as this strategy is successful, it must be effective, it just depends on when it works.

Zhu Qi also nodded in agreement, it was better than just sitting and waiting now.

If you want to write it in the tone of Buddha Bao Guoshi, you must write it in Tibetan.

In Bashu, it is easy to find birds and beasts, but it is really difficult to find someone who can write Tibetan.

Fortunately, Liu Bowen is well-informed and even speaks Tibetan.

After writing the letter, they arranged for a team to pretend to be a caravan and send the letter to Yunnan. As for how to deliver it to King Liang of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, those engaged in intelligence work naturally had their own methods.

Then it's time to wait patiently.


Hongwu nine years, July.

Liu Bowen's divorce plan still needs time to ferment.

Zhu Qi already had nothing to do.

For government affairs, I have people like Lu Zhifu and Liu Bowen to deal with it.

Regarding military affairs, Zhu Qi has completely left it to Mu Ying.

Zhu Di and the others were very active. They followed Mu Ying to the barracks every day, and their main responsibility was to train recruits.

The way they train recruits is naturally the same as Zhu Qi once taught them.

To be precise, it should be a set of bragging, and then it was summed up by Li Jinglong, and it was named "Zhu Zi's Art of War".

This book has recently been widely circulated among the generals of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that many generals now refer to this book for their military training methods.

Mu Ying had read it, of course, but she was still a little skeptical about the contents recorded in the book.

After all, whether it is the strict fixed time, or standing in a military posture, walking forward, and having a tea party in the evening, in Mu Ying's eyes, it seems a bit unreasonable.

But when Mu Ying saw Zhu Di and others training recruits for a period of time, she couldn't help but said with emotion:
"His Royal Highness the King of Liao, you really use soldiers like gods!"

But Zhu Qi didn't know yet that his status as the king of fishing in Mu Ying's heart was constantly rising.

However, this world seems to be difficult for him, but whenever he has a little free time, there will always be some messy things coming to him.

In July, some village elders came to see him.

Although Zhu Qi was the king of Liao, his airs were always shown to foreign envoys. To his subjects and common people, he was as amiable as a spring breeze.

After interviewing those old folks, I realized that they came here for the Qiqiao Festival on the seventh day of July not long after.

The Qiqiao Festival on the seventh day of July is a grand folk festival.

The elders and folks in Chengdu will naturally have grand celebrations.

This time, they hoped to invite His Royal Highness King Liao to attend and participate in the event.

As soon as Zhu Qi heard it, he remembered that the Qixi Festival will be in a few days!
It's a pity that after coming to Daming, every year on the Qixi Festival, I was traveling outside, and I didn't have the time and opportunity to accompany Xu Miaoyun well.

Naturally, Zhu Qi would not refuse the invitations of the common people, and readily agreed without thinking too much.

Soon, it will be the day of Qixi Festival...


Needless to say, there are so many versions of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Qixi Festival, which makes people exhausted physically and mentally.

It is said that on the day of Qixi Festival, people will worship the moon, and the most important event is to hold a ceremony to worship the Weaver Girl.

Only on this day, those girls who have not left the cabinet can meet up with their friends, come out to have a good time with each other, and make an appointment for a family to go there, commonly known as the Zhinuhui.

As for the common people in Chengdu, there is also a public Weaver Maid Worship Meeting, which is in Fuchunfang.

There are singing stages built up, a variety of goods all over the street, and vendors selling goods.

Of course, there are more girls in brightly colored clothes, looking around.

However, there are not many love stories such as love at first sight between a man and a woman on this day.

More often, men and women who are already in love with each other sneak out on a date, or take advantage of this opportunity to go to the other party's house to express their intentions.

Of course, the family is right, the order of parents is still the mainstream in the current society, and free love is not the mainstream.

So on this day, for most people, they came out to catch up with the excitement.

I really want to come out to find the right man, the girl of Ruyi Langjun, that probably won't exist.

As His Royal Highness King Liao, Zhu Qi was also a heavyweight guest at the Weaver Maid Meeting, so he naturally started promoting it within the scope of Chengdu City early on.

When the common people heard that His Royal Highness King Liao was coming to attend the Weaver Maid Worship Meeting, they were all very excited.

Some of those who had just been to Yingtian Mansion began to talk about the legend of His Royal Highness Liao Wang.

Everyone already knows most of the legends, but many people don't know the legendary story of His Royal Highness King Liao outwitted foreign envoys and facilitated the marriage of Li Qi and Princess Lin'an.

All of a sudden, a group of people listened with gusto, and after listening to it, they went to tell others, and it spread instantly.

There was even news of His Royal Highness Yuelao descending to earth.

Some unmarried single dogs immediately thought about burning incense to His Royal Highness Liao Wang tomorrow.

As for how the common people know so much, it is of course because there were newspapers in ancient times!

After all, there are mansion newspapers read by the government office, and there are also people's newspapers and tabloid newspapers read by the people.

Speaking of the news industry, don't think that the news industry in ancient China was underdeveloped.

As I said earlier, Confucian scholars and scholars control the public opinion and propaganda of the mainstream of society.

And this process is not only word of mouth, but also those privately circulated - newspapers!
That's right, a newspaper.

Since the Western Han Dynasty, China has had the earliest newspaper, Dibao.

Most of the residence newspapers are for officials to read.

Along with the continuous development of the printing industry, Di Bao is also developing continuously.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were special newspaper deliverers.

When they delivered newspapers, they rode fast horses with bells on them, and pedestrians who heard the sound had to give way.

In the Song Dynasty, the news media industry naturally developed rapidly in this dynasty that was military-stretched but economically and culturally prosperous.

In addition to Di Bao, newspapers such as Minbao and tabloids also appeared.

Of course, don't think that the Song Dynasty's censorship of information was very loose.

Because at that time Song, Liao, Jin, Xia and other countries fought wars from time to time, and the whole East Asia was in chaos.

There are countless spies and spies in every country. Whether it is news about food or military affairs, it is natural that they cannot spread it at will.

However, natural disasters such as floods, droughts, locust plagues, earthquakes, and solar eclipses, as well as abnormal celestial phenomena, cannot be reported, because this will make people think that the emperor was tyrannical, immoral, and punished by heaven.

The spread of such news is not good for the emperor's prestige.

There are also some anecdotes about the emperor's family affairs, such as the concubine had a miscarriage, the eunuch was having sex with the maid, and Mr. Jiao was found in the empress's bedroom, etc.

You don't need to think about it to know that it must not be spread casually.

This comes and goes, this one is not passed on, that one is not passed on, does it feel like there is a blank in the newspaper?
That's right, the mansion newspaper at that time was indeed almost blank.

However, people's need for information is very urgent.

Especially war information.

At that time, there were battles every year, and there were fights at every turn, and the common people really had no place to run.

Always know where to fight, and avoid when you are fleeing.

Where there is a demand, there is a market, and where there is a market, there is a product.

So people's newspapers and tabloids were born in such an environment.

It can be found in the tabloids, such as the emperor's decree, the court minister's memorial, Taiwan remonstrance, and border wars, as small as a certain official was summoned by the emperor, someone was dismissed, and someone was promoted. The information cannot be reported by the Dibao.

For example, in the Southern Song Dynasty, when the treacherous official Qin Hui murdered Yue Fei, why did everyone in the world know about it?
It was because Hu Quan, an official of the main combat faction, gave a memorial to Song Gaozong, scolded Qin Hui severely, and immediately published the news of the entire memorial in the tabloids.

The common people are angry. It has been thousands of years, but nothing has been dismissed.

Of course, in addition to these wars, or news that resonates with people, there will also be fake news.

At that time, some people had already started to make up stories, such as Cai Jing at the end of the Song Dynasty, the common people hated him very much.

According to historical records, in September of the fourth year of Song Huizong's Daguan, the tabloids published the emperor's edict reprimanding Cai Jing, scolding Cai Jing bloody.

The common people clapped their hands and set off firecrackers to celebrate. They all thought that Cai Jing was going to be dismissed from office and it was over.

Unexpectedly, this is fake news, and it gave the common people a lot of joy.

The government naturally hates such newspapers. Since the emergence of civilian newspapers and tabloids, the government has been suppressing them, announcing laws and so on.

But as I said earlier, if there is a market, there is demand, and if there is demand, it is not something you can ban if you want.

Ordinary people watch it secretly, and don't hide it at home after watching it. They go to a teahouse during the day, chat with two cups of tea for a day, and finish all the gossip.

How will the government investigate?

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the people's newspapers and tabloids were naturally very developed. Like the Song Dynasty, the common people needed to see where the war was going on. The king of heaven and my father put life first.

By the time of Hongwu, except for the border wars, the rest of the places had actually entered the stage of peace.

The information in the public newspapers and tabloids began to gossip to some extent.

Then His Royal Highness King Liao, a young man with news all over his body, can escape the arrangement of those scholars?
Good guy, it's the prince again, less than [-] years old, all kinds of battlefields are slaughtered, and the news in various newspapers is rewarded, it really took off.

Since historical records began, it was the Ming Dynasty, which was slandered as a literary prison, and had the most lenient censorship of information.

Especially in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, little pornographic books were flying all over the sky among the people. Do you think it is exciting or not?
It was only at the end of the Ming Dynasty, when uprisings broke out everywhere, that information censorship began to be strictly controlled, which is of course another story.

The common people chatted happily in the teahouses and restaurants. In one of the taverns, a girl with twin ponytails, hairstyle and clothes different from those of the people in the Central Plains was looking around excitedly.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with his eyes closed, dressed as a knight, but neither of them had any weapons around their waists.

Because this is Chengdu, if you go out with a weapon in such a big city, unless you are like Lan Xianer, flying over the walls when you go out, it is better to be arrested by the officials as soon as you go to the street.

Heroes are prohibited by martial arts, and the government naturally takes a crackdown on these knights in the rivers and lakes.

This is why for martial arts people, the government is always the villain, and it is always the reason why the imperial court hawks scold them.

The little girl listened to the people chatting frantically about His Royal Highness Liao Wang, and couldn't help asking the middle-aged man beside her:

"Father, is His Royal Highness Liao so powerful? Is what they said true or false?"

The middle-aged man opened one eye and said with a smile:
"The battle in the cloud is real, and the battle of Bohai Sea is also real. As for the battle of wits against Fanbang, it should also be true, but this three-headed, six-armed, moon-old descendant, nine feet tall, I guess it is fake."

The little girl propped her chin with both hands, starlight appeared in her eyes, and said:
"Really? He's only in his teens, so he's so good? I'm almost there too. If I'm asked to fight or something, I'm sure I can't do it."

The man said again:

"How can a girl go to the battlefield at home?"

The little girl was unhappy when she heard it, and said:

"Daddy, that's not what you said. Women don't give in to men. There is Hua Mulan in ancient times. Why can't I go to the battlefield?"

The man was taken aback by what was said, and he was quite speechless, so he could only drink a cup of tea by himself.

Then I heard the little girl ask:
"Father, you said that His Royal Highness Liao Wang is also here to participate in the Qiqiao Festival, can I meet His Royal Highness Liao Wang?"

The man rolled his eyes:
"Why did you meet King Liao? He is a prince, and you can't even get close to him."

The little girl also learned to roll her eyes:
"I am so beautiful, how do you know that King Liao won't let me get close?"

"This...he has a wife, and such a heroic young man probably won't be addicted to women."

"Then I will grow up to look like a country and a city, just let him indulge in it."

The man couldn't help frowning:
"You see, you learned from your mother. You don't speak properly. You shouldn't have been allowed to leave with your mother back then."

The little girl muttered a few words, looking very unconvinced.

The man was still talking, but he just saw an old Taoist wandering around the door, looking like he was drunk, the man quickly stood up and whispered:

"Nizi, get up quickly, Daoist Zhang is here."


(Guess who Zhang Daochang is?)
(End of this chapter)

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