The beginning of the dragon race on the Maybach

Chapter 194 The Nibelung in the Abyss

Chapter 194 The Nibelung in the Abyss
There was a trace of regret on Caesar's face, but it was a pity that another good seed was poached away by the Lionheart Society early.Immediately, he looked at Chu Zihang: "Well, it seems that our S-rank juniors support the continuation of the mission, what about you?"

"I don't think you need to ask this kind of question." Chu Zihang said lightly.

Caesar smiled: "Yes, then unanimously approve and continue to implement the 'Yongyeon' plan."

"By the way, have you noticed a red light coming in from outside?" Lu Mingfei's voice was a little heavy, as if he had discovered something terrible.

Both Caesar and Chu Zihang were silent, and they were also aware of this problem.

The Trieste is now in a power outage protection state, only the warning lights on the dashboard are flashing red, but they can clearly see each other's faces
"It's the light coming in from the porthole!" Caesar threw himself in front of a porthole, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "This is really a miracle!"

In the depths of the ocean 7900 meters away, there should be a dead silence, and this place should be a dark world.But unexpectedly, it is illuminated by warm red lights, and countless lives are conceived and multiplied here.

And this is just above the Japan Trench, the left side is a relatively gentle seabed, the right side is a steep and rugged cliff, and the submarine Grand Canyon in the middle is formed due to the collision between the Eurasian plate and the Pacific plate. The red cracks in the earth's crust are "wounds".Magma gushes out of the "wound" from time to time, blending with seawater to form a red rock formation, echoing with thunderous roar.

Surprisingly, this piece of sea water shrouded in red light like a setting sun is full of vitality. Fish schools composed of thousands of fish swim in this setting-like sea water, like flying fish in full bloom. It is flying in the setting sun, sometimes spiraling into the air, sometimes leaning down and diving, the shining fish scales are like silver, like sapphire, and the colors are ever-changing.

If you look closely, you can see that there are a few huge red sea turtles right in front of the school of fish. They swim clumsily with their wing-like fins.

In the food chain, although sea turtles are not natural enemies of fish, they occasionally prey on small fish and feed on fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and seaweed, especially squid and poisonous jellyfish, seaweed .However, although turtles prey on small fish, they rarely scare them away, and sometimes they even actively cling to them.Turtles will not drive them away, because fish schools also come to forage, they are looking for parasites attached to the turtles, and feed on the parasites on the turtles, just like the relationship between a toothpick bird and a crocodile, so the turtles do not drive them away.

In just a few minutes, the three of them seemed to have watched a marine biology science and education film. They saw countless marine creatures that they had never seen before. Even if there were a few marine creatures that they knew, they would be somewhat different from their cognition. .For example, the devil fish with black and white patterned exoskeleton, the sea turtle shell like cracked red basalt, and the highly poisonous jellyfish with blood lines
Most of these fish have never been seen before, and even if they are similar to some fish, they are very different. For example, the manta ray has a black and white patterned exoskeleton on the head, which makes it look like fantasy. The flying dragons in the novel are wearing helmets; the carapace of sea turtles is not hard but fleshy, like cracked red basalt.

This vast and glorious scene completely subverted the worldview of the three of them.No one has ever thought that there is such a dreamlike beauty in the 8000-meter-deep seabed.
"Dosaurus, Mosasaur, Megalodon, Laminosaurus, Keroulong, Leeds, Calicispondylus, Liopleurodon, Dunkleus, Swordfish, Odd Shrimp, Limulus, Melville's Whale There are many differences between the appearance and the simulation pictures made by scientists through fossils, but it should be them, and this is simply an aquarium of extinct marine life!" Caesar rubbed his eyes, and he doubted the scene in front of him.

Chu Zihang looked at the source of the red light, took a deep breath and said, "That should be the hatchery chosen by dragons. It is indeed an excellent choice to use the exposed mantle layer as a hatchery. Tens of thousands Hundreds of millions of tons of magma are stored there, and the sufficient heat is converted into the energy required for the embryo to hatch, accelerating the hatching of the embryo. Moreover, I am afraid that neither humans nor dragons would have thought that there would be a dragon embryo in such a place .”

Lu Mingfei blinked his eyes, and asked like a studious student: "Two brothers, it stands to reason that there should be no large marine life in this place? Why are there so many marine life that have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years instead?"

Caesar looked at Chu Zihang with a look of embarrassment. His academic performance is not enough to answer such questions. He just recognized those extinct marine creatures. I just learned a little bit about marine life.

Chu Zihang pinched his chin, lowered his head and pondered for a moment and said, "I'm not sure, but the biggest possibility is that the dragon embryos rebuilt the ecological environment here, and the sufficient energy here can speed up the evolution of marine life. Therefore, those marine organisms that have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years due to the environment will reappear in the water. As for the purpose, I guess, one is to hide the position of the embryo; Food reserves for periods of weakness."

"Why do I have the feeling that you are saying that we are also one of the food reserves." Lu Mingfei Lu Mingfei lay on an intact porthole and spit out, "Hey wait, there is Isn't there a sunken ship?"

"Tortoise, let go of the safety line a little more, and send us down slowly."

Caesar called Yuan Zhisheng on the Sumeru Seat. Now they can dive slowly thanks to the safety line tied to the Ditrieste, which is lowered bit by bit. Fortunately, the range is very small. Little, otherwise the three of them might spit it out again.

"Received! Pay attention to safety, you have broken through the depth of 8000 meters."

There was a noise in the voice channel, and Chu Zihang suddenly felt that a certain part of his shoulder was heating up, and suddenly turned his head and grabbed the microphone: "Yuan Zhisheng! Yuan Zhisheng! Call the Xumi group!"

Caesar and Lu Mingfei were taken aback by Chu Zihang. Lu Mingfei was about to say something bad about the communication signal when Chu Zihang raised his head.Chu Zihang didn't know when he turned on the third-degree violent blood. His body facing away from them was covered with smooth scales, his face was ferocious, and his bright golden pupils illuminated the cockpit.

Lu Mingfei looked at Chu Zihang's appearance that seemed to choose someone to eat, and was startled: "Senior Brother Chuchu."

Caesar also frowned and looked at Chu Zihang. He had never seen Chu Zihang lose his composure. This beast-like expression almost overturned his understanding of Chu Zihang until he said four words.

"Nibelungen." Chu Zihang said hoarsely, "Don't question it. This is definitely Nibelungen."

In this world, there are probably few people who know more about the Nibelungen than him, and if there are, they definitely don't know how to judge whether they have entered the Nibelungen better than him.However, if possible, he would rather not understand this country of the dead for the rest of his life, because this understanding was bought at the price of one of the most important people in his life.

The Odin brand on his shoulder was still faintly hot, and Chu Zihang's hands were firmly grasping the handle of the knife at his waist.

Caesar didn't speak, walked to the loudspeaker and released the spirit of words, Kamaitachi.

The Trieste was still diving with the safety line lowered, but there was no one and no response.

In Caesar's hearing, there was no voice in the loudspeaker, only the frightening hollow noise came out, as if it came from the far end of the world, just like the person standing on the other side of Huangquan Hirazaka and the fallen Entering the dialogue with the undead in Huangquan Biliangzaka, people can only hear the piercing screams of the undead.

However, for the trio at this moment, they are the ones who fell into the underworld, and the undead seem to be quietly approaching them.Caesar shivered fiercely. It was the first time he entered the Nibelungen and fell into this country of the dead. He had some doubts whether they were alive or not after entering the legendary country of the dead that the living could not enter. Dead, he dare not say for sure.

As if seeing the panic in Caesar and Lu Mingfei’s heart, Chu Zihang explained: “Nibelungen is not so much an independent alien space or illusion, but an extension of the human world, much like the human world. , but completely different from it. It can be understood as a modified human world, a paradoxical space, between reality and fantasy, if you find that the rules around you change, then the Nibelungen is opened. As for the legend that living people cannot enter the Nibelungen, but the owner of the Nibelungen usually does not allow living people to enter, and those who enter it will either die or become a dead waiter, so this is the origin of the "Land of the Dead". The reason for the name."

Hearing what Chu Zihang said, Caesar felt relieved and began to look around curiously, lying on the porthole with Lu Mingfei and looking out.After all, the experience of entering the Nibelungen is probably the only one in the world, and it is also the dream of countless alchemy masters.

Lu Mingfei didn't show much fear. Before his parents left at the age of 12, he always thought that his parents were the kind of scientists who needed to go out for adventure frequently, so he was still somewhat interested in such things as adventure.

"Although I don't understand it very well, I feel that the so-called Nibelungen is so low. I feel that it has no other effect except breaking our connection with the tortoise."

"Are you sure? We have been diving, heading towards the hatching place of the embryo, approaching the exposed mantle layer."

Caesar and Lu Mingfei suddenly realized the meaning behind what Chu Zihang said, and looked at the thermometer. The number on the display was -20 degrees Celsius. How could this be possible!

However, according to the water pressure here and the high temperature released by the magma flowing out of the mantle layer, the boiling point of the water may have even exceeded 300 degrees Celsius, which means that the Dirieste is now in seawater of at least [-] degrees Celsius , This is equivalent to steaming them in a giant pressure cooker, but they don't feel the heat at all?

Because no one has ever come down, according to the conventional situation, it is speculated that the bottom of the abyss must be an extremely low temperature environment, so the combat uniforms they wear not only have the effect of compressive resistance, but also include the effect of keeping warm.But in such an environment, if they continued to wear combat uniforms, they would definitely suffer from heat stroke. How could it be possible that they didn't even shed a drop of sweat!

"The essence of the word spirit is to modify the rules by controlling the elements, and the essence of the Nibelungen is also the same. The rules in the special space extended by the human world in the Nibelungen are also different from the outside. It was originally a high temperature of 300 degrees Celsius, but now But it became -20 degrees Celsius, which is a kind of rule modification."

"Wait, don't talk yet!" Caesar stretched out his hand to signal the two to be quiet.

Caesar's ice-blue eyes were closed tightly, and his face became paler: "In the domain of the weasel, there seem to be many unknown creatures approaching!"

"A school of fish?"

"Maybe, if the school of fish can live without a heartbeat"

Sumeru on the seat
"TMD!" Yuan Zhisheng threw the walkie-talkie to the ground with a gloomy face, and they completely lost contact with the Ditrieste, and the only response to his shouts was endless noise, "Pull the safety wire! Hurry up!" !"

"Young Master!" A member of the mountain team tremblingly said, "The safety cable can't be pulled up! The power of the winch can't pull the safety cable, it's like... like someone is pulling hard from below!"

"Young master! The sonar detectors discovered a large number of unknown objects floating up from the bottom of the sea!"

Another member of the mountain group relayed the discovery of the sonar detector, and there was already a lot of gunshots not far away.

"Human body with a snake tail! It's a corpse guard, with at least seven thousand heads, maybe even tens of thousands!"

Yuan Zhisheng took a deep breath. According to legend, except for the first-generation species, the corpses of dragons will not decompose for many years after death.So the dragons will collect the corpses of the same kind and make them into guardians who only know how to obey orders.This taboo technology was once mastered by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. They thought it was a mysterious technology that could make them immortal, and used it on the corpses of themselves and nobles, but they only preserved the corpses, and could not preserve the various tissues and organs of the corpses. activity.

"Sound the alarm! Notify all members of Fenglin Huoshan's fourth group to be on alert, and open fire immediately when encountering unknown creatures, no need to report!"

All the warning lights on the Xumizuo were turned on, and the searchlights were also rotated. The violent storm was raging on the sea, and the lights illuminated the sea like a boiling sea.The ammunition belt slipped into the barrel, the torpedo warmed up, the honeycomb rockets began to idle, the sirens became more and more intense, and everyone's eyes were on the sea.

These weapons were originally used to deal with the attacks of the fierce ghosts, but unexpectedly they were used to deal with the corpse guards.

Yuan Zhisheng put on the earphones and walked into the main control room of Xumizuo.Dense dots of light have already lit up on the sonar detection screen. They are the vanguard of the Corpse Guard, and there are about seven or eight hundred of them.

"Patriarch Miyamoto, please!"

Shio Miyamoto ignored Yuan Zhisheng. Although it was a bit disrespectful, everyone in the Snake Ba Family knew that the head of the Miyamoto family was a character. Once encountering important things, he would ignore all disturbances, even if it was his life. crisis.

On the sonar detection screen, another batch of dense light spots fell into the sea like a big net, rushing towards the floating corpse guards.

It was a depth charge jointly modified by the Yanliu Research Institute and the Equipment Department. Although mercury and other ingredients that were fatal to dragon creatures were not added, it was definitely powerful enough.

"It's started..." Shio Miyamoto murmured with his head down.

(4251 words)
(End of this chapter)

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