The beginning of the dragon race on the Maybach

Chapter 148 Are you talking about the country that will surrender as long as it can eat spaghetti?

Chapter 148 Are you talking about the country that will surrender as long as it can eat spaghetti?

([-] words, two in one)

Looking at the results written on the last page, the school managers couldn't help being silent for a long time.Although they have already learned about this matter through their respective channels, this is the first time in history after all, and no misjudgment can be allowed.So they specifically asked the night watchman Nicholas Flamel to participate in the final report of this incident.

No one would question the name "Flame the Terrible".

Therefore, this report and this result are of epoch-making significance.

After a while, the school directors looked at the two young people in the last seat and couldn't help applauding again.The applause this time is indeed exclusive to them, and it can be heard that it is not a polite applause, but a heartfelt admiration.

Frost, who was leaning on a metal crutch, seemed to have forgotten how Caesar had slapped him just now, with a faint smile on his lips, and his thumb stroking the family ring on his middle finger.

However, even though he had already known about Norton's death, he jumped out untimely and rang his own bell in order to reap more benefits for the family.

"After all, killing the first-generation species is unprecedented, so I need Angers to show you some substantial evidence."

Caesar looked at this uncle coldly, and Chen Hongjian couldn't help but look sideways, thinking inwardly.

How to say that Caesar was also one of the powerful exporters that led to Norton's death. Frost questioned Norton's death at this time. Isn't this slapping Caesar in the face?
Angers didn't care about Frost's doubts, snapped his fingers, and a prism-shaped crystal appeared from Angers hands as if by magic, and slid out against the surface of the long table, just stopping at the twirling In front of the school manager with a string of prayer beads.

The school managers looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Among the school managers present, neither Elizabeth Laurent, the girl school manager, Frost nor the man in the yellow sports tights had really participated in the dragon slaying.

And the old man twisting the Buddhist beads was an old guy who was killed from the sea of ​​corpses and blood. Among the school directors present, he was the only one who could identify such things.

The old man twisting the beads squinted his eyes and smiled, picked up the prismatic crystal in front of him, and looked at it carefully.

It was a man-made quartz crystal with the logo of an optical company in Texas on it.The surface of the crystal is slightly raised to create an effect similar to a magnifying glass.And in the center of the transparent crystal, there is a hair-like dark red.

The old man stopped shaking the beads, clutching a beads tightly, his old hands trembling slightly, and passed the crystals to Elizabeth Laurent beside him.

"It is indeed the Philosopher's Stone, and it was made recently."

The glamorous female school manager raised the veil on her face, and also looked at this precious and abnormal crystal carefully.

When Elisabeth Laurent raised her veil, Caesar couldn't help but look over.

She looks like a woman in her 20s, but she has eyes in her 30s, and she wears the makeup of a European lady.

The corners of Caesar's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, as if he had thought of something interesting.

The female school manager didn't notice Caesar's offense to her, and everyone except Chen Hongjian was looking at the Philosopher's Stone carefully, even though it hadn't been handed over to them yet.

"Exquisite and unusual."

Elizabeth Laurent handed the Philosopher's Stone to the school manager on her left. The girl's innocent disposition made her eyes light up the moment she saw the Philosopher's Stone.

It's not that she really longs for the power contained in this stone and cares about the value of this stone. Girls are not very resistant to shiny and beautiful things.

"It's so beautiful~"

Of course, even though she wanted this beautiful stone very much, she also knew that it was impossible, so she could only reluctantly pass it to the middle-aged man in a tight-fitting yellow sportswear opposite.

Middle-aged people are not very interested in this stone.

He just wanted to finish the meeting early and go home early. His wife cooked a big meal for him today.

To him, slaying dragons is just the glory of his family ancestors. In his generation, the dragon blood in the family is even very thin.If a bloodline like his was placed in the previous era, he would be an "ordinary person" in the family who was not qualified to participate in the great cause of slaying the dragon, and he himself has already lived the life of an ordinary person, even if the family background is not weak Yu Gattuso's family, but he has no ambitions or the idea of ​​​​reviving the family's glory.

He just wants to continue to settle in Portofino honestly, ride a bicycle to and from get off work every day to exercise, and live an ordinary life with his beautiful and virtuous wife day after day.

As for Tulong, don't be ridiculous, he just symbolically participates in the meetings of these heavyweights every year.He just wanted to finish the boring school board meeting quickly, and it would take him three hours to ride home by bike, just don't delay him going home for a big meal.

It was Frost who finally took over the Philosopher's Stone. He actually didn't pay much attention to the Philosopher's Stone in his hand. What he pursued was greater interests.

"Everyone here knows that this is the crystallization of the 'fifth element' in alchemy. The most sacred and mysterious thing." Anger looked around the expressions of the school managers, "Of course, everyone should know that we have lost the method of refining it more than 600 years ago. It was the last one in history to put the Philosopher's Stone The alchemist who successfully refined it was Nicolas Flamel at 1382 o'clock in the evening on April 4, 25. In the next 5 years, no one successfully refined it, and the sage we have The stones were all excavated from the ancient tombs of mixed-race kings and dragons in various history. But it was just three days ago."

Angers paused, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he took a sip of the coffee on the table, as if he wanted to cheer up the school directors.

"But just three days ago, on October 2008, 10, which is my 28th birthday, the night watchman Nicholas Flammel refined this piece next to the ruins of the Kassel estate in Hamburg, Germany. A brand new Philosopher's Stone. Although this Philosopher's Stone is small, it is extracted and refined from the bones of the Dragon King. As for his name, it is Norton!"

There was a fiery light in Ange's eyes, it wasn't golden pupils, it was just a 130-year-old vengeful god who saw the hope of destroying the dragon clan.

"The fate of the so-called abandoned people is to cross the wasteland, raise the battle flag again, and return to their hometown. Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before I can devour this world, it is better to sleep peacefully than to trek alone. We will still wake up Come." The young school manager softly recited this ancient scripture.

"Oh, it's a pity that Norton won't wake up again! And his battle flag has become a trophy of mankind!" Anger's voice was ancient and majestic, and he clapped his hands.

The curtain fell, and the projector hit the curtain, but the flag of the War of Fire, which went straight into the sky like the ancient Jianmu, lay quietly in the special long box.

"Ange, how did you break the rule that the first-generation species cannot be killed?" Elizabeth Laurent asked.

"This is not a rule, but a dogma you believe in. In the past tens of millions of years, the first-generation species would transfer their souls from the bones to the cocoon when they died. And those bones that lost the spirit of the first-generation species are It’s not even as good as a cow’s bone, and nothing can be extracted.” Anger put his hands on the conference table, “So, we just killed Norton before he made the cocoon, that’s all. You can also report on the mission. I see, our executive officer found Constantine who was slowly waking up in the Bronze City under Qutang Gorge. Although Norton had already awakened, he seemed to have been guarding Constantine nearby, and did not create his own cocoon."

"The Kings of Bronze and Fire are twins, so can it be confirmed that the other three of the four monarchs are also twins?" asked the monk school manager.

"It's not certain yet, but it's very likely."

"Isn't there no emotion among the dragon clan? Why would Norton guard the awakened Constantine? According to Angers, shouldn't he choose to devour his younger brother and become a complete dragon king?" the girl school manager was curious. asked.

"When the first generation just woke up, their memory, strength, and body were incomplete. They needed to retrieve their memories and reshape their dragon body in order to control the once powerful power. Perhaps Norton wanted Constantine to fully recover his strength. I will devour him later, but it is undeniable that dragons have feelings, especially between twins, wanting to devour each other and loving each other are not conflicts for the first generation."

"There is another question. Constantine escaped and took a third of the Keel Cross. Will he find a place to cocoon and come back with stronger power for revenge?" The middle-aged man said a little Worrying, after all, if a world-destroying crisis reappears, it might affect him.

"No. First of all, Constantine's combat effectiveness is very weak, and he has no combat experience at all. Secondly, according to various ancient books, Constantine has deep feelings for Norton. Facing Norton's death, he will be sad, He will be furious, and his first choice will be to accumulate strength, devour that one-third of the keel cross, and then take revenge immediately." Anger looked at the fire battle flag on the curtain with a sharp blade-like gaze, "as long as He dared to show up, my students and I have already killed Norton, I believe Caesar and Chen Hongjian would not mind adding the achievement of killing Constantine to their resumes."

Frost played with the Philosopher's Stone in his hand. He raised his head and looked at Angers with falcon-like eyes.

"Ange, is such a large keel cross, did you only make such a small piece of the Philosopher's Stone? As far as I know, in order to kill Norton, you ground a 2.75-gram Philosopher's Stone into a bullet warhead."

"Of course not. Only one of Norton's knuckles was used to extract such a Philosopher's Stone. If all of Norton's bones were used to make the Philosopher's Stone, we would get hundreds of thousands of Philosopher's Stone bullets, but we I'm still reluctant to do this, after all, Norton's bones have high research value. What's more, I asked Flamel to refine this Philosopher's Stone just to prove that Norton is indeed dead."

"What about his bones? Are you going to monopolize them? This is the wealth of the secret party, and it should be kept by us school managers." Frost's words made the atmosphere in the conference room cool down.

Anger raised his eyebrows and said: "Frost, I want to remind you of one thing first. This is not the wealth that belongs to the secret party alone, because I applied to Huaxia to explore Qutang Gorge and proposed cooperation with Tulong. Request, so half of the keel cross belongs to Huaxia."

"Why! They didn't participate in the dragon slaying, they just allowed the Moniah to sail into the Qutang Gorge to explore! These greedy guys actually want to take half of the spoils with this insignificant contribution!"

Frost patted the table vigorously, a little annoyed that half of such a treasure should be given to Huaxia.

Angers did not speak, but looked at Chen Hongjian. He knew that Chinese people had a strong patriotic spirit and cohesion, and he would not like Frost's speech.

"Principal, I have something to say." There was no bell in front of Chen Hongjian, because he and Caesar were not qualified to speak on their own initiative, but he was indeed dissatisfied with Frost's words as Angers thought.

Caesar looked at Chen Hongjian with a smile, he was looking forward to seeing Chen Hongjian angering Frost.

"Hasn't Huaxia participated in the dragon slaying? The main force of the dragon slaying this time, apart from Principal Angers and two professors, are our nine students. Among these nine students, six are from Huaxia, and I personally Beheading Norton's head, is this a so-called insignificant contribution?"

Chen Hongjian stared at Frost, the golden pupils in his eyes were ignited, and the bright golden light illuminated the dark conference room.

Frost's pedigree was inferior to that of Chen Hongjian, and it was difficult for him to even breathe under Chen Hongjian's gaze, but as the acting head of the Gattuso family, it was impossible for him to succumb to such coercion.

The other school managers looked at Chen Hongjian in surprise, completely unexpected that he would dare to attack a school manager directly at the school board meeting.

At this time, Chen Hongjian was like a majestic lion king, glaring at the ants who dared to stretch out their claws.

Chen Hongjian looked at Frost, who was having difficulty breathing, and didn't stop.He had already shown mercy, otherwise he would have turned on the second burst of blood and looked at each other again.

A hand patted Chen Hongjian's shoulder, Chen Hongjian turned his head to look, and found that it was Angers.

"Son, it's almost over. Although he is indeed annoying, he must be forgiving and forgiving."

Chen Hongjian shrugged, and the majestic aura instantly dissipated.

"Mr. Frost, I don't want to have any conflict with you, and I have no interest in attending today's meeting. To be honest, in my eyes, attending the school board meeting is just a waste of my rare vacation time." Chen Hongjian paused , aggravated the voice, "However, I will never allow anyone to insult my motherland. China is an ancient civilization with a history of 5000 years, and it is also a powerful ancient country with many splendid histories and outstanding figures. Indomitable and unyielding will to fight. On July 1953, 7, Huaxia proved his rise to all countries in the world! As for Italy, hehe."

"What do you mean, my country is not as good as your Huaxia!" Frost looked at the boy angrily.

"You mean the country that would surrender if it could eat spaghetti?"

Chen Hongjian tilts his head.jpg
"Pfft ha ha ha ha!" Caesar laughed unscrupulously, he knew the stalk, and he didn't care about it, because he didn't have that illusory patriotism.

 PS: Regarding the seat of each school manager, I specifically read Chapter No.14 and Chapter No.15 of the Ryuji manga to confirm.Also, the personalities of the various school managers, including the innocent young school managers and middle-aged school managers, are all based on the original works, not just fabricated by me.

  PPS: I won’t talk about Italy’s surrender in the two world wars, everyone knows it.

  There are still things that people may not know about the Italian army and pasta.

  The rations of the Italian army are very delicate, and they must have pasta, and nothing else will be accepted.And during World War II, they even used precious oil to ignite the noodles in order to eat a bowl of hot pasta when they were short of oil.And when fighting in the desert, they did not hesitate to use precious water to cook noodles.

  Once there was an Italian army, because it heard that the British army gave preferential treatment to prisoners of war and could eat pasta every day, so it voluntarily surrendered, and asked for materials to build a prisoner-of-war camp and lock itself in.

  There was a riot in one prisoner-of-war camp and they fled to the next-door prisoner-of-war camp on the grounds that the prisoner-of-war camp had three meals of pasta a day, while the original only had two meals.

  Also, the Italian army surrendered to the British army because they claimed that they had no forts. In fact, they did not find a tool to open the box containing the shells, and then surrendered.

  Also, a group of German soldiers found two British soldiers escorting hundreds of Italian captives, and then wanted to kill the two British soldiers to save their allies. When the gunshot rang out, a British soldier fell, and the Italian captives exploded in an instant. Rush to the German ally, and beat the ally to death in hand-to-hand combat.

(End of this chapter)

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