Chapter 783 There is a small village
With the ground veins facing down, Xu Ming could see huge corpses with his naked eyes.

These corpses are bigger than any corpses Xu Ming has seen before. Often a rib and a head may be hundreds of meters huge. As they get deeper and deeper, the tunnels under the abyss become more and more width.

Xu Ming seemed to understand something.

The passages leading to the underground that look densely covered with horned dragons outside are actually the hollow blood vessels and bone gaps after the death of giant life forms, and this clay bodhisattva is the center of the source of life that dominates the accumulation of these giant life forms.

These huge corpses seem to have been absorbed from the outside, and in addition to their various orderly arrangements, the entire pile of corpses of giant life forms seems to have formed some kind of life cultivation circle in the dark, which can continuously feed The existence under the corpse array provides life force.

This reminded Xu Ming of a term that Mr. Cui Fu kept on his lips, the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

What the Fujun said, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is a huge formation, which can include the three realms in a large formation, uniformly incorporate the life and death energy, and then transfer and replace it, and then through the exchange of internal and external, to achieve endless life, life and death. flow situation.

Now seeing the power of life and death circulate continuously here, it seems to be a miniature reincarnation of the six realms.

It's really fun.

Not long after, Xu Ming found the root of the convergence based on the source of these forces.

Not to mention, it is really a big villa in six-dimensional space.

Looking away, this Liuwei villa is much more respectable than the one in Luofu, and it can even be called luxurious.

That bullshit six-dimensional space in Luofu is planted with a large area of ​​laurel trees. At first glance, it looks as bleak as a zombie filming scene. If you play another song and walk around, you can eat directly.

Then look at a small village, the whole body of the village is green, the mountains and rivers are connected, the distance is lush and green, the nearby waterfalls are flying, there are green tile eaves, and there are lives one by one. It is really a paradise on earth.

As far as this living place is concerned, Xu Ming has already decided in his heart that this mud bodhisattva is probably a golden life body, maybe even a ninth-level totem. After entering, he must clean up his face, and it cannot be the same as blackmailing Luofu.

Our Baidi is now the No.1 in the Three Realms in terms of reputation. Lord Cui has recognized it, and Moon God has also recognized it. Nine Heavens responded one after another, and no one in Yuanyuan's hometown dared to say no.

We have to face up.

If Xu Ming wants to be decent, the three avatars are uglier than the other.

The human body is a four-eyed boy, still kind of very decadent and flamboyant.

With his body, he might be called a dog.

The trunk of the tree is too big to be brought in.

After thinking about it, Xu Ming shrunk down his real body to a height of about ten meters, and then came to the gate of a small village.

There are two huge stone steles poked in front of this door, and on the left stele it is written, "Huatang is blessed with Ping'an Mansion."

The stone tablet on the right is engraved with "Yuyu Wuchen Happy Village."

Hengpi, there is a small village.

Xu Ming smiled and walked into a small village.

Upon entering, a spring breeze blows past, and a welcoming willow with its branches fluttering at the entrance of the village seems to be welcoming Xu Ming's arrival.

Xu Ming looked at the willow tree in front of him. The willow tree was big but not tall.

It is only about [-] meters high, but it is flatter and spreads far in all directions. At first glance, it looks like a big umbrella.

The branches of the willow are luxuriant, and the branches of the willow are covered with various colored ribbons, which flutter in the wind. There is also a stone platform under the willow for worship. You can tell at a glance that the willow is a well-respected community tree.

Xu Ming has also seen a community tree. In the tomb of the king, Xu Ming witnessed a community tree that had been dead for many years.

This tree is obviously much larger and mightier than the one that died before.

Xu Ming walked under the community tree, looked at the incense sticks on the stone platform, lit one casually, and poked it into the incense stick in front of the community tree.

The incense was ignited, and as expected, the entire Sheshu tree was flooded with light, as if it had come to life. The huge trunk released a faint halo, sending out a signal that only plants could hear, "Jianmu, you are here."

Feeling the signal between the plants, Xu Ming closed his eyes and said, "I should have thought that from the appearance of Nine Heavens to the present, it can only be a plant. The mud Buddha, the mud Buddha, is actually a willow tree."

The Mud Bodhisattva smiled and said, "When you dig out my roots, you will find that my roots look like a Bodhisattva, a statue of a Bodhisattva who will always live in the mud. Is it wrong for me to be called a Mud Bodhisattva?"

"No problem." Xu Ming said, "Then I'll dig up your roots and come out to bask in the sun?"

The Ni Bodhisattva became a little angry, "Jianmu, are you kidding me? Don't you understand the truth that when a person moves to live, a tree moves to death?"

Xu Ming said, "But, I can run around!"

The mud bodhisattva said, "You were lucky enough to be cut off by Zhuanxu. If I were cut down by the Emperor of Heaven, I would also run around, twitching around, looking for all kinds of spiritual roots, and proudly showing off that I can run around! Unfortunately, I It's not you, and there is no Heavenly Emperor now, at least not as reckless as Zhuan Xu."

Xu Mingdao, "Since everyone is the same living body, then I won't be polite. Can you tell me the location of the old Tianting ruins?"

"Yes." Ni Bodhisattva said, "There is no place in the Nine Heavens that I don't know about. I'll give you the location, so I won't miss it."

In front of Xu Ming, a sky blue wishing crane landed.

Holding the sky-blue wishing crane, Xu Ming said nervously, "This is too neat, it's faster than I imagined."

The clay bodhisattva said, "What do you mean?"

Xu Mingdao, "I think this address is too easy, too simple, and too dreamy. Otherwise, you can take back the address and set up some difficult tests for me, making it difficult for me! Otherwise, I always feel that You gave me a fake address, and I don't feel at ease."

The mud bodhisattva fell silent when he heard Xu Ming's fuss.

Maybe the mud bodhisattva is also the first time he sees the same kind who adds drama to himself.

Xu Mingdao, "To be honest, I can't take this paper crane. I think it's a fraud. You don't make it difficult for me. It must be a trap!"

"It's not a trap." Ni Bodhisattva said, "It's just that I saw the end of the discussion between you and me. I will eventually give you your address. Since I will give it sooner or later, why not give it now. You Jianmu is not very good-tempered. If you don't Happy to bring your body here to compete with me for territory, I will be very uncomfortable, I am not like you, I am good at conquest."

Xu Ming smiled leisurely, "Since the mud bodhisattva knows so clearly and the prophecy has been tested repeatedly, can you tell me what kind of result Li Wudao and I will end up with?"

The mud bodhisattva said, "I can prophesy for you, but you have to pay my prophecy fee. Although you and I are the same kind, the money that should be given must not be less."

Xu Mingdao, "No problem, how much energy do you need?"

"I don't want to be angry." The mud bodhisattva said, "Give me half of the twelve heavenly treasures on your body! I will tell you the final outcome of you and Li Wudao!"

(End of this chapter)

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