Chapter 151
The steam engine roared.

The airship engraved with the Howard family crest rises against the newborn sun.

The soft light illuminated the streamlined hull, and the three-blade propeller was spinning faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, the huge airship had embraced the clouds and disappeared.

Although it might be more meaningful to stay in the capital of the Holy Emperor, Roy still made the decision to return.

Because he doesn't like this royal city.

Under the construction of several generations of kings, the king's capital is from bottom to top, from humbleness to grandeur, from humbleness to nobility, from pursuit to desire, from commoner to powerful, layer by layer, clear and distinct, as if the class is complete separated as well.

Slaves will always be slaves, and nobles will always be nobles. This kind of thinking has almost melted into the bones of the capital of the Holy Emperor, into the hearts of every commoner and every dignitary, even if the king and the church fall. .

Making a change is never easy, and Roy knows he still needs some time.

He decided to concentrate all his resources in the city of steam. Although the city was full of smog, it also had a vibrant Violet Academy and many young people with dreams.

Coupled with the continuous improvement of industrial technology, the city of steam is indeed the first seed that gave birth to the deep sea empire.

The Church of the Holy Light and the royal family have disappeared, and now is the best time for the Storm Lord to expand his power in the deep sea.

The basic work of changing people's inherent thinking has also been officially put on Roy's agenda.

But from the very beginning, Roy knew that he would not create a utopia where everyone was equal and happy, after all, it was unrealistic.

As a god who guides people forward, the Storm Lord just hopes to guide people from ignorance, weakness and ignorance.

Little by little, He will give mortals the courage and strength to take the first steps towards a less dark future by themselves.

Roy believed that would be enough.

"However...the harvest this time is really quite a lot."

The gray-haired boy muttered to himself. He was standing in front of the round window of the airship, looking at the endless sea of ​​white clouds. Roy was sorting out this wonderful journey in his heart.

Get acquainted with fate and night, and swallow the authority of the Holy Light, all the nobles who were invited to join the Deep Sea Company...

As for the wealth obtained, it is even more innumerable, and the resplendent palace is still in the captain's bottle.

In a sense, it can be said that Roy is the sole owner of the Savola Kingdom today.

It's a pity that although this sounds good, what fell into Roy's hands was just a mess. This kingdom was already under the heavy burden of the king's tyrannical rule, and the suffering of the people did not happen overnight.

"It seems that there is still a long way to go if we want to govern this ownerless kingdom under our feet..."

The boy fell into deep thought, and at this moment, Roy felt a familiar call.

The red moon imprint on the back of the gray-haired boy's hand emitted a faint crimson light. Someone was building a dream bridge and was preparing to report some news to him.

At the same time, the world in front of Roy blurred for a moment. He saw an illusory moon rising from the sea of ​​clouds, and layers of streamering wings paved a crimson path of moonlight.

The gentleman wearing the top hat stepped on the bridge of dreams and jumped into the silver-white steam airship.

"Long time no see, Charles."

Roy smiled: "During my absence, have there been any problems in Steam City?"

"Under your light, everything is going in a good direction, my lord."

The Red Moon Angel took the initiative to take off his hat, and bowed solemnly to the Storm God in front of him.

Then Charles raised his head, and the middle-aged gentleman looked at the lazy young nobleman in front of him, and the angel was in awe: "Congratulations, you have defeated the nightmare of the Holy Light that has ruled this land for thousands of years..."

"It's not a head-on victory..."

Roy stared at the beautiful scenery in the sky, and the gods sighed: "We just took a chance."

Strictly speaking, what the storm did can be summed up in the word 'sneak attack'.

Devour the bishop in the dream, sacrifice the soul in the history, destroy the chrysalis in the church, seriously injure the pope in the night, and finally replace the ritual in the stage.

The storm has been developing secretly according to the original plan.

It wasn't until the moment when the will of the holy light, the "sage of the end", came to the world regardless of everything, that the holy god discovered that behind the fate, the red moon and even the night, there was still the storm lord in charge of the ocean and thunder...

But by then, it was too late.

Roy used his kingdom of God to curb the rapid growth of the embryo of the Holy Light, and finally swallowed the power of the Holy Light by using the laws of the gods.

Everything seems to be going well, but if you take a wrong step, maybe Savole's ending will usher in a desperate reversal.

But Charles didn't answer, and the Red Moon Angel didn't believe Roy's so-called 'trick' words...

How can there be any luck in the contest between gods?

In his eyes, this tyrant of the deep sea who has strategized and holds everything in his hands is just humbled...

Charles' expression was as respectful as ever, and the boy was still telling the truth buried in the world.

"In the end, when He fell, I also realized... the nature of the God of Holy Light is not ugly."

Roy sighed: "I saw it... the starry sky permeated humanity little by little, and the gloomy humanity gathered together drove the supreme sage who guarded the end of human reason crazy..."

"He was born with human reason, but he gave up human reason under the bewitchment of the starry sky, thus betraying the duty entrusted to him by the abyss..."

"It's just that now, the ending has been decided, and the will of the 'Sage of the End' has disappeared forever in my ocean..."

Finally, Roy patted Charles on the shoulder and said with a smile, "This is a victory for all of us."

"Praise the storm..."

The red moon angel nodded blankly: "In my eyes, you are really the true gospel in this land..."

At the moment when he called the incarnation of the gods in the fragmented dream, he never imagined that the future would be so full of hope...

Charles is very grateful for the choice he made at the beginning.

"There is no need to say more words of praise."

Roy waved his hand and asked casually: "By the way, you are calling me now, do you have anything to explain?"

"Well... it's actually not a big problem... I'm just making a routine report..."

The Red Moon Angel pondered for a while: "First of all, the little princess who is a descendant of a giant in your club, she blew up a lot of equipment that our company bought with money during the company's communication engineering project..."

Roy's smile froze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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