The NBA started with helping Iverson win the championship

Chapter 336 Anthony Joins the Mavericks

Chapter 336 Anthony Joins the Mavericks

With the 44th pick finished, the Mavericks' draft this year is officially over.

A total of seven newcomers have been harvested.

They are Embiid, LaVine, Nukic, Joe Harris, Dinwiddie, Jokic and Clarkson.

The strength and potential of the seven rookies vary.

In Li Xun's view, the one with the lowest value must be Clarkson.

Don't look at Clarkson's data is much better than Harris, but Clarkson has many disadvantages.

First of all, he can't hold the banner of the team's offensive end, so he can only be a sixth child, stealing points from time to time.

Then he played very selfishly. After all, they came from the Lakers, and they all wanted to show their faces in front of the fans. Yang Shaoxia and Clarkson can be regarded as inheriting Kobe's mantle.

Finally, there is defensive thief garbage, which is basically a Nash-level defense.

Although Harris' statistics are not as good as Clarkson's, he is a typical championship puzzle player. He is placed on the bench and can really play a big role at critical moments.

That precise three-pointer, if you are lucky, you will get three three-pointers in a row on the court, and you will be able to solve any kind of dilemma.

However, the value of Harris is still not as good as Dinwiddie and Nukic.

The three most valuable are of course Jokic, Embiid and LaVine.

With the addition of these three, the Mavericks' lineup for the new season can truly be called perfect.

If there is another season of growth, the Mavericks will definitely be like the invincible Pistons back then.

Seven people entered the team, and the Mavericks' lineup for the new season has also been determined.

Center position: Gobert, Nukic and Embiid, who can play or not.

Power forward position: Dirk Nowitzki, Jokic
Small forward position: Li Xun, LaVine

Shooting guard position: Klay, Dinwiddie and Harris

Point guard position: Antetokounmpo and Clarkson, and there is also a veteran Terry.

There are a total of thirteen players, and only 12 can be activated at that time, so one player must be placed on the inactive list.

Both players, Clarkson or Harris, can be delegated, so the Mavericks' current lineup is fully formed.

Wait until the morning after the end of the draft, the Philadelphia 76ers and the Dallas Mavericks held a trade conference.

The two teams traded, and the Mavericks successfully got Embiid and LaVine, and let Giba go.

This deal directly shocked the entire league.

So the Mavericks picked more than just five rookies in this draft?but seven?

The most important thing is that they let go of Jiba, an important member of last season's championship.

The championship team does not dismantle the team. This is an unspoken rule. I didn't expect the Mavericks to be so courageous.

But thinking about it, it's not that Li Xun has never done this kind of thing before. In addition, Jiba is in a contract year, so the fans are not very surprised that Jiba was traded.

Both Embiid and LaVine were stunned when they heard the news of the trade.

They now understand why the 76ers didn't contact them at all after they selected them.

The reason turned out to be that they will not play for the 76ers at all in the new season.

Embiid immediately called LaVine, "Man, we were traded to the Mavericks."

"I just got the news, God, I can't describe how I feel right now."

Although Lavin said so, the surprise could not be concealed in his tone.

Because Jiba was traded, according to his expectation, if he performs well, he may start the Mavericks as the starting small forward in the new season.

Starting in a championship team, and Li Xun's team, has received a lot of attention. As long as he performs well, he can definitely be called a take-off.

The starting price of the championship team is much higher than the starting price of the weak chicken team in the free market.

"You are comfortable, I think you can have the opportunity to start directly."

"I'm screwed, Gobert was the third-ranked player in DPOY last season, and even made the best third team."

"I went to the Mavericks, how could I squeeze him out of the starting lineup."

"Unless I go to play the fourth position, but there is Dirk in the fourth position, the Mavericks can't let Dirk play me as a substitute, right?"

"The key point is that I haven't played the fourth position before."

Embiid complained to LaVine like a chatterbox.

"Dude, don't worry, since Li Xun chose Ni, he must have already figured out how to use you."

"After all, you are a talent show. It is impossible for Mavericks to choose you and not use you."

"You are the highest-ranked player on this Mavericks team. Maybe they will sell Gobert next season and focus on training you."

LaVine is a warm man, and he opened his mouth to appease Embiid.

What he said made Embiid feel a lot more comfortable, because according to Li Xun's urination all the time, he is really likely to sell Gobert again.

Thinking of this, Embiid was in a better mood, and he also began to fantasize about the future of joining the Mavericks.

There is no doubt that playing next to Li Xun is very attractive to rookies.

First of all, there is no need to worry about bullying in the team. Li Xun has played in the league for six seasons in the blink of an eye.

Everyone in the circle knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for Li Xun's team to be bullied, and Li Xun completely prohibited even some bad pranks on newcomers.

The last player who bullied newcomers in Li Xun's team was Stackhouse, and now his grave is two feet high.

The second is the high degree of attention, which is also very attractive to Embiid.

Embiid is a funny character. His character is eager to get more attention. Is there any other team in the league today that can match the Mavericks?
Of course, the most important thing is that almost every high-ranked player who played next to Li Xun has become a top star.

A high ranking means that in Li Xun's eyes, the priority is higher and the potential is greater.

With Li Xun's endorsement, Embiid is full of confidence in his future.

After the two chatted, they were both in a good mood, and now they are looking forward to the new season in a few months.

After Li Xun finished the draft, he immediately boarded the plane to Spain.

This World Championship was officially renamed the Men's Basketball World Cup, so the significance is still quite big.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the Tianchao Men's Basketball Team did not play in this Men's Basketball World Cup.

Because in the 2013 Asian Championships, after the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Bangzi and Wanwan by a big score, they only got the No.5 result in the Asian Championships.

With such a result, there is still a chance to play in the wild card competition.

But because of preparing for the next Asian Games, the Tianchao men's basketball team gave up the chance of a wild card.

But because of Li Xun, this tragedy did not happen.

Li Xun has so much free time in the offseason every year. Of course, he can't miss the Asian Championships. He participated in the 2013 Asian Championships, and almost made those teams cry.

Not to mention the Asian Championships, as long as it is the Tianchao men's basketball game, as long as Li Xun is in the offseason, he will definitely not miss it.

As soon as he got off the plane, Li Xun received a call from Little Nelson.

"Li, there are two very important things, I think it is necessary to tell you."

"The attitude of the boss is also to ask your opinion."

Li Xun was curious. Judging from Nelson's tone, it seemed that something more important had happened.

"We received calls from Wade's agent and Anthony's agent this afternoon. Both of them wanted to inquire about the possibility of joining the Mavericks."

"You know, these two are free agents now, they are free to join any team they want to join."

"Wade's side is more of a temptation, and Anthony seems to be really interested in us."

Because both of them are veterans, they have already executed their first contract after the rookie contract, so they are both completely free agents now.

Li Xun knew it in his heart, no wonder the free market was so calm before, there was no movement at all.

Dare they are waiting to see if they can join the Mavericks.

Anthony wanted to come to the Mavericks, and Li Xun was not surprised at all, because Anthony had stated several times before that he wanted to play with Li Xun.

Now Anthony has not even played in the finals, and he has an unparalleled desire for a championship.

Of course, the premise is that the Mavericks have to give the maximum salary. If the Mavericks don't give the maximum salary, then Anthony probably will continue to stay in New York.

Sometimes the maximum salary for a player is not only the money they can get, but also the status of the league.

What Li Xun didn't expect was Wade, who also had the idea of ​​leaving the Heat.

Under normal circumstances, Wade is waiting for Bosh to renew his contract with James this offseason. In order to keep the two, he took the initiative to cut his salary and only signed a two-year 3100 million contract with the Heat.

You must know that Gao Yuanyuan is currently holding a contract of 1500 million US dollars, and there are a lot of people in the league with an annual salary of more than 2000 million. Wade's contract is simply too cheap.

Then Bosh renewed his contract with the Heat, signed a maximum salary, James ran away, and Wade's salary cut made him feel lonely.

After the two-year contract ended, the Heat did not give Wade a decent pension contract, which also made many fans criticize Riley as shameful.

Li Xun guessed that Wade might also want to win a few more championships, and now he has a championship with a very high gold content in his hand.

However, this is only a championship, and it does not improve his historical status too much.

Li Xun was thinking now, what kind of contract did the Heat offer Wade?
It is expected that it should be impossible to be 2 million in 3100 years.

In addition to wanting to win the championship, Wade may also want to get a maximum salary contract with the Heat, but Riley was unwilling.

This should be the main reason why Wade wants to leave the team.

Nowadays, Wade's physical health has experienced a lot of problems, and it is rare to guarantee that he will be completely healthy for a season.

In the past three seasons, he can only play about [-] games in the regular season in almost every season.

And the data also showed a fairly obvious decline.

With Riley's shrewdness, he is obviously unwilling to give Wade a five-year contract of about 1.2 million US dollars.

"What does the boss say?"

Li Xun asked curiously.

"The boss said it depends on what you mean. If you want to sign one, we can sign one with our salary."

"However, we can only sign a one-year contract. After all, we have to prepare a maximum salary for Clay."

"According to the boss, he wants to sign one. After all, the probability of winning the championship is more stable after signing."

"We have now won two consecutive championships, and we are only one step away from the dynasty. The boss would rather spend more money than have any accidents."

"I think Cameron is more suitable for us."

Little Nelson said slowly.

Judging from Nelson Jr.'s tone, it seems that he also feels that he should sign one.

It's all about mutual benefit.

Anthony needs a championship, and the Mavericks need stability to start a dynasty.

The Mavericks are now on the edge of the poor ghost line, and there is still a lot of room for the luxury line. It is completely enough to sign another maximum salary.

Cuban spent an extra 2000 million, which is tantamount to buying peace of mind, which is not a loss.

Li Xun smacked his lips, hesitating a bit. Seeing that they meant to sign Anthony for a year.

The arrival of Anthony will indeed make the Mavericks' championship more stable, but it will also reduce the opportunities for the team's newcomers to exercise.

"Whatever you want, I have no objection."

"If I don't sign, I am sure to win the championship. If I sign, of course it is not impossible. It is icing on the cake."

Li Xun did not give his own opinion, he really didn't care whether he signed or not.

Little Nelson smiled and chatted with Li Xun for a few more words. He probably called Anthony's agent after he was about to hang up the phone.

Anthony did not come forward to contact Li Xun, probably due to the reserve of the top star, if Li Xun refuses, where will he put his face.

In the evening of that day, the Mavericks officially announced a very important news.

The Mavericks signed free agent Carmelo Anthony to a one-year, $1965 million contract.

This news directly exploded in the league, and countless teams felt extremely desperate for this signing.

The Mavericks are already perverted enough, but now that there is another Anthony, the offensive threat is even greater. Which team can stop the Mavericks?
"I'm enjoying being right now and enjoying playing in a non-leader role for the first time."

"Now if the team loses, I don't think anyone will blame me again."

Anthony wrote on social media that he appears to be happy with the signing.

"Don't think that you will win the championship. You are not as good as Jimmy Butler, and your defense is not as good as him."

"This year's championship will definitely be the Warriors."

"I bet the Warriors will win you."

A trumpet who just registered recently commented on Anthony's social media.

Half an hour later, it was revealed that this was Durant's trumpet.

James urgently contacted the reporter and held a press conference, "This kind of signing alliance should be banned."

"The atmosphere in the league is really getting worse and worse. How can it be possible for us players to win the championship if we have a group of powerful players?"

"I have never joined a super strong team, and Li Xun always has the top teammates in the league."

Anxiously, James even said the famous quotes in the classics.

Now James is really panicking, because in the 03 platinum generation, Wade has already won the championship. Now that Anthony has gone to the Mavericks, he will almost certainly win the championship.

At that time, he will be naked without a ring, which will be very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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