Chapter 429 Layout
help me...

Lin Yuexi was a little touched.

It is conceivable that a patriarch suffered from suffering, was coerced by others, and was constantly struggling between extermination and righteousness, as well as the courage to give it a go.

It seems that the situation of the dwarves is far worse than imagined, especially the patriarch of the dwarves. His small actions along the way will inevitably be criticized by the Duke, and there is not much time left for both parties.


At the same time, the dwarf patriarch brought people to a secret airport, where a shuttle was already waiting.

Originally, the Duke brought the patriarch of the dwarves to a meeting in order to complete the contact between the dwarves, the chamber of commerce, and the mercenaries, so as to facilitate the smooth progress of the dwarf mission.

However, due to the inexplicable leak of information, the meeting ended in a hurry, so the dukes had an idea and prepared to use the dwarf patriarch to fish out the third-party forces that might exist in the dark.

In fact, Lin Yuexi, the third party, was indeed hooked, and the small actions of the dwarf patriarch were completely within the expectations of the dukes.

But what they didn't expect was that the third party, Lin Yuexi, not only had a psychic level against the sky, but also possessed stealth skills, stealing the information without anyone noticing, and the ambusher hidden in the dark failed to catch the third party at all. On the contrary, the desperate patriarch successfully sent out a distress message.

Such a result naturally made His Excellency the Duke very dissatisfied, so the people around the dwarf patriarch were brutally executed in front of him, and he himself was tortured inhumanely after the shuttle took off and lost half of his life.

The one tormenting him was Aravind Shay, Lin Yuexi's No. 4 target, the mercenary leader, and his relationship with Duke Jinglan was much closer than it appeared on the surface.

With a smirk, he took off an extremely advanced psionic shield from Patriarch Asbi, and it was this thing that prevented Lin Yuexi from reading her mind.

He took it off at this moment for interrogation, he wanted to know who the half-dead dwarf in front of him had leaked the information to.

But it turned out to be a big disappointment.

"Old man, you have a way of calling for help at random... Heh, should I say that you are smart, or are you in a panic? Is this little thing the other party's tracking device? Very good, you will just watch your family's hopes be destroyed. The flames devour!"

With a grin, Xie Yi picked up the energy coin that fell aside, and looked at it with satisfaction.

He didn't expect that the other party could create such fake and genuine spy equipment, and even deceived His Excellency the Duke's screening methods. Presumably, the information of the meeting was leaked in this way. Let the technicians try to crack it?
No, not yet.

The more seamless the method, the more the opponent will rely on it, so as long as you do your best, you can use it to set another trap for the enemy.

The shuttle has now entered unmanned airspace, and the signal of this small device cannot be transmitted very far without arousing the alert of the other party.

Shay immediately consulted the technical advisor sent by the Duke, who assured him that this small spy device must have a positioning range and a communication range.

The positioning signal is weak but has a wide range, and it will not transmit information to the outside. As long as there are no interstellar network nodes in the ambush, then this little thing will not be able to upload data, and it will not arouse the alert of the other party.

This would be a perfect ambush.

Shay immediately reported to Duke Jinglan and began to plan the ambush.

And Patriarch Asbi was secretly transferred to another shuttle, flying towards the unknown deep space.

No one noticed that an invisible warship passed quietly in the starry sky behind the distant shuttle, and followed the shuttle carrying Patriarch Asbi away.

Lin Yuexi and the others had already returned to the ship in the submerged Xinhuo.

As a senior psyker, Lin Yuexi couldn't have guessed that the other party would perform mind reading on the dwarf patriarch.

At first she thought that the dwarf patriarch was hiding something and couldn't be read, but after she recalled it, she was sure that it was the advanced equipment on the other party that was working, and the equipment that could block level 6 psykers was most likely some kind of Ancestral relic.

As a result, Lin Yuexi resolutely gave up the pursuit of the spy robot, and chose a more risky close-range follow-up.

As long as the stealthy follow distance is close enough, the advanced sensor array on the Firewood can always lock on the target shuttle, and even the people on it can accurately lock on it, so that the Asbi patriarch will not go out of sight.

It's just that the cooling of the Mirage system is troublesome. If the other party's sailing time exceeds 1 hour, then Lin Yuexi can only find a way to find another way.

Facts have proved that the little girl's character is still very strong.

After 50 minutes, the shuttle carrying the target went through several stops, transfers, and short warp speeds, and finally arrived at the hidden destination of the dukes—a gaseous planet in a desolate galaxy near Tianci.

The other party hid something in this huge gaseous planet.

Lin Yuexi's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she was filled with the excitement and anticipation of discovering the treasure soon.

What would those two old guys be hiding?

Could it be a super weapon!
Hmm, it must be, Tiancixing lacks the hard power to compete with the empire, and it is only a temporary use of strength, and in the end it still needs to be hard with its own fists.

Just what kind of weapon would make Chief Asbi worried, threatening to bring catastrophe to hundreds of millions of living beings?

Lin Yuexi didn't go deep in hastily. Entering the opponent's lair is not cosmic tracking. The internal environment of the gaseous planet is complicated. Even the Xinhuo can't guarantee that it is always in a camouflage state. The sensor signal is suppressed. If it hits the enemy's trap It will be very troublesome.

Fortunately, the other party's hometown has been found. In order not to startle the snake, Lin Yuexi decided to probe cautiously, and sent the information back home.

On the other side, Lu Feng was commanding the United Fleet to put out fires everywhere, and he was so busy that he didn't even touch the ground. After receiving the information from Lin Yuexi, he was immediately vigilant, and he attached great importance to the possible drastic changes, and immediately began to plan ahead.

The 3-month advent period has now passed halfway. The Skyrim Star United Fleet has lost a lot of battles, but its combat power has not decreased but increased. The long-term bloody battle of the swarm has repeatedly tempered this army. Now all surviving fighters With a calm temperament, rich experience, and a resolute expression, his mental outlook has long been reborn.

Shentang's many shipyards are non-stop, constantly producing new ships and repairing and upgrading old ships. Coupled with the service of a team of black cat engineering ships, the ships of the United Fleet are in excellent condition and their combat strength is strong. .

Such a strong army gave Lu Feng enough confidence to participate in the changing situation of Tianci Star and create a future for the civilization of Tianji Star.

After complicated discussions at the high-level meeting, a series of deployment orders were issued one after another.

A large number of Raven reconnaissance planes came off the production line and were secretly dispatched to the Veiger star field to carry out reconnaissance missions. To determine whether the two dukes have reinforcements, all they need to do is monitor whether there is any abnormal movement of the Vigels.

As long as he can find the hidden Vigel reinforcements, Shentang can take the initiative in this game.

In the next period of time, Shentang is afraid that he will have an intelligence war with the Vegels in the vast Jedi star area.

In the area controlled by Weigel, in addition to the Meteorite Jedi where the Tianji star is located, there are also three larger Jedi star clusters, which are connected to each other by the unstable space channel.

The largest and most fertile one among them is the Iron-Blooded Jedi controlled by Grand Duke Mordiggian.

Although that Jedi is protected by the purple nebula of the Sanctuary Star Cluster, its interior is filled with thick rust-colored radioactive dust all year round, giving people a feeling of depression and madness.

This is where the capital circle of the Fiali Empire used to be. Those terrifying scarlets are like the blood mist and resentment left by countless Fiali people, cursing any life that tries to enter here.

However, compared with the dangerous environment, the Jagged Jedi has the largest starry sky cemetery and civilization relics left over from the catastrophe of that year. Under the scarlet starry sky, there are endless metal wreckage, huge insect corpses, and broken stars. Therefore, it has become a rare resource-rich area in the Jedi, and the leftover resources and ancestors' heritage are the most among all the Jedi.

However, because the environment here is too dangerous, the Vigels can only do a little bit of development, and the biggest beneficiary here, Mordiggian, has become the master of the Veggles without any surprise.

However, not all Jedi are full of treasures. There is no such opportunity in marginal star regions like the Meteor Jedi. At most, there are some relics of lost civilizations, but they have also been excavated by the Vegels.

If it weren't for the hidden Skyline Star and Qianyan Galaxy, the Meteor Jedi can be said to be a well-deserved broken settlement among the 4 Great Jedi.

Moreover, the currently discovered area of ​​Meteor Jedi only accounts for half of the total volume, and the mystery of the other half has not yet been revealed. The dreadnought-class fleet led by Wolawi has entered the other half of the unknown area. It should have caught some secret clue.

Lu Feng seems to follow the past, but the immediate priority is to stabilize the situation and strive for the benefits that can be seen, instead of going to the unknown star field to entangle the enemy endlessly.

In addition to sending the Raven troops, Lu Feng temporarily terminated the formation of the third main fleet. This fleet will not be able to form combat power for a while, and the battle of Tianci Star will be over by then.

Lu Feng mobilized most of the freed-up creation resources and put them into the improvement of Qianyan Fortress.

Once the Qianyan Fortress is completely completed, it will not only add another wonder to Lu Feng with a high probability, but will also play an important strategic value in the next battle.

The main weapon system of the fortress has not yet been developed, and many core technologies are still missing, but now Shentang has accumulated a lot of combat achievements through three high-level trial tasks. Although the core technology is still unaffordable, the ready-made core components But it is affordable.

Lu Feng decisively consumed 80% of the current combat achievements, and exchanged a complete set of cutting-edge components for the core parts for Qianyan Fortress, and built a poor and useless advanced system at once. Stop adding bricks and tiles to it, this most advanced interstellar fortress in Shentang is expected to be completed within half a month!

Before that, Lu Feng ordered Lin Yuexi to stand still, to secretly investigate and sabotage the plans of the Tiancixing forces, instead of rushing directly to his old nest.

Psionic perception told Lu Feng that even with the current strength of the Xinhuo, a single ship entering the gaseous planet that is the enemy's lair would be close to death!
The Xinhuo is not invincible, and Lin Yuexi is not invincible, so we must maintain the minimum awe of a huge old interstellar force.

Although Lin Yuexi was a little anxious and worried about the situation of the dwarves, she agreed with Lu Feng's judgment and resolutely shifted the focus of infiltration to the No. 026 logistics base.

Lu Feng searched for reinforcements from the Duke's side in the Weigel star field, while Lin Yuexi started from the second and fifth boys in the empire to investigate how the other party planned to stab the back.

As for the void threat that was originally planned to be investigated, it was very strange. Except that the sensor could still receive a little signal when it first arrived in the Tianci galaxy, the sensor has been in silence since then.

Could it be that the void aliens found someone following them and left this galaxy first?
This is very possible. If the level is high enough, the void aliens are likely to be sensitive to the fluctuations of the void sensor, thus fleeing in advance.

Lin Yuexi doesn't have the time to continue to investigate now, if the issue of Tiancixing is not resolved, the situation of the empire will collapse if one mistake is made.

Sure enough, human beings have extraordinary talents in fighting to death and fighting among themselves...

While Lin Yuexi was investigating the 026 base, she was not idle making trouble for the two dukes.
For example, the mercenary leader Xie Yi planned to use Lin Yuexi's spy robot to set a trap, but Lin Yuexi backhandedly led the investigation team's spaceship over, causing the two sides to fight, and finally the investigation team was wiped out.

Because it was a space battle after all, the performance of the high-level titanium fighter piloted by the imperial guards was limited. After killing several times as many outlaws as himself, he was finally besieged and shot down.

In this battle, the two sides were not prepared to hold back their hands when they came up, and they couldn't hold back their hands, so they simply fought with real swords and guns.

Taking advantage of the favorable location, the Duke's side sealed off the scene first, and managed to make the investigation team disappear.

But the consequences naturally aroused the vigilance of the imperial military. The military is not sure whether the investigation team died at the hands of the rebels or the aliens in the void, but it is certain to increase their vigilance against the forces of the Tianci star.

This has caused a lot of trouble for the dukes' plans, but the good news is that it has been cleared for a few days. With the arrival of more investigation teams and military police, the battle between the two sides has become fierce, and the dukes can't bear it for long.

Of course, Lin Yuexi can send all the information she has investigated to the imperial military.

But in this way, the Tianci star was ruthlessly suppressed, the empire stood firm, and the Sanctuary star cluster was as usual. Except for Shentang's 3-month death with the worms in the Jedi, the outside world will not change much .

Is this really good for Shentang?
Lu Feng has been thinking about why the oracle chose poor and poor refugees from the earth instead of supporting the local forces that have become a trend.

Although there is no evidence, is it possible that they were disappointed?

Is it possible, after the analysis of the super AI of the oracle, that only fresh blood can bring hope to mankind?

Considering from Lu Feng's standpoint, he is willing to believe this guess.

Since the decaying empire and the frenzied Vigels can't save the Sanctuary Star Cluster, why not take the opportunity to attack them and let the Skyrim people receive their inheritance?

That being the case, it is impossible for Lin Yuexi to stand on the side of the empire.

She doesn't stand for anyone, she wants to balance the two sides, so that the blood from the two sides fighting will go to the belly of the star in the sky.

Time flies, and there are only 3 days left before the 10-month period.

Today, the upheaval finally came.


(End of this chapter)

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