Chapter 403 Prosperity
In a blink of an eye, half a month passed by.

The United Fleet has already returned to the home port of the Skyrim star, bringing back a large amount of loot and captured warships.

Lu Feng completed the distribution of spoils in a fairly fair way. He deliberately planned and divided the logistics structure, so he had a clear emphasis on the distribution of captured ships.

In his plan, the main force of the Shenzhou Fleet will be the Shenyi-class battlecruisers and the Aegis-class frigates, and the chaotic captured warships, refitted warships, and small ships will be gradually eliminated, and a new round of combat power integration and upgrades will be completed.

In this way, the Shenzhou Fleet can better cooperate with Shentang to carry out important tasks.

As for the other three fleets, Lu Feng didn't have much expectation, as long as they could participate in the defense, no matter how ambitious the leaders of these three families were, they wanted to expand their territory, but Lu Feng really only expected them to defend their home.

The three old hooligans are not fuel-efficient lamps, they all have their own little calculations, and Lu Feng can't make them become as absolutely trustworthy as Zhong Mingzhao, and cooperate seamlessly.

Therefore, except for the initial rising stage, Lu Feng does not intend to let them go out to wander.

The big sharks outside are watching. If they lure the devils home, it will be called a trap.

Therefore, no matter how the three parties appealed to Lu Feng to share the star map information of the Jedi outside at the joint meeting, Lu Feng ignored it.

Without a star map, with the three or two small fish fry in the hands of the Sanjia, they will go out and kill themselves sooner or later. At most, they will use the New Moon to help them out in the big battles, and it will be over after drinking some soup.

Due to Shentang's dominance, the three leaders dared not speak out, and in the end they could only transfer their anger to the murlocs in depression.

The three forces jointly encircled and suppressed them. Even the murlocs were proficient in naval warfare, but they were still defeated in the end and were wiped out by the three allied forces.

The three parties that invested their troops obtained some incomplete technologies from the murlocs, but the most important submarine fort was snatched by Lu Feng.

It wasn't until then that Lu Feng knew,
It turned out that there were 3 undersea defense cannons built by the Proxians. The one in Lu Feng's hand was the prototype, and two imitation models were found by the murlocs.

These three undersea turrets, capable of jumping through high-energy plasma strikes, completely protected the sky star and became the last shield in Lu Feng's hands.

And because of the newly acquired two buildings of the same scale, this spectacle was automatically upgraded and became [Watcher - Sea-based High-Energy Particle Defense System].

Not only did it trigger the rules of the spectacle system, providing Lu Feng with 5 spectacle tokens and 10 legend tokens, but also improved the original spectacle attribute.

At the cost of sacrificing the rate of fire, the new attribute increases the output energy level of a single high-energy plasma strike to 6.4, which is equivalent to the single-shot power of Tianshu's 9 electromagnetic main guns.

At the same time, the range is greatly increased, extending the warp distance of high-energy strikes to a range of 1 light second outside the atmosphere, covering to the edge of the meteorite belt. If there are enemy ships approaching by relying on the meteorite belt, as long as they dare to show their heads, they will meet them. Come to the devastating blow of the battleship class.

To guard the three forts,

Lu Feng sent an increasingly mature engineering corps to build 3 submarine bases around the [-] forts, and stationed a marine regiment in each to ensure safety.

After excavating the wasteland, Zhong Mingzhao helped Lu Feng find a large number of Proxian relics and rescued more than a hundred surviving Proxian dormants.

Let Lu Feng and Lao Popsicle's promise be fulfilled.

With the participation of the people of the tribe, the old popsicle was full of energy and creativity, and made breakthroughs in the mass production of liquid metal and the artificial cultivation of the Zerg Zerg, and achieved great results.

Not only that, but he also tried to combine the two in a wild way to create a steel Zerg belonging to Shentang, but it was still in the experimental stage.

However, Proxians are extremely talented in the biological field. With sufficient resources, their creativity and action amazed Lu Feng. Presumably, there should be good results in the future.

It's not in vain for me to spend so much effort to help the Proxians continue.

Excavating the relics is very resource-intensive and energy-intensive. Shentang needs to focus on high-speed development of productivity, so he entrusted this task to the Shenzhou Colony. For this reason, Lu Feng promised Zhong Mingzhao many warships. It is both affection and cooperation. .


The surface of the three continents of Tianji Star is no longer as desolate as it was when it first came, and the land is full of vitality.

The towering walls of the Gate of Hell are full of factories, giant towers, and steel dragons criss-crossing, like a steel forest.

Cargo ships interweave in the air, the green plants in the tidy factory area are shaded, the canals are gurgling, the green water and green mountains in the central eco-city are intertwined with tourists, it is too beautiful to behold.

The hot lava turned into the blood of industry, flowing into the furnace hundreds of meters high;
The towering mountains have been turned into military fortresses and strategic warehouses. The mountains are covered with dark concrete and alloy steel plates. Railguns and missile wells are hidden under the top platform. In the underground base, there is a cluster of fighter jets from the Panlong Brigade;
The endless canyon has turned into a magnificent dock, where huge Aegis-class cruisers have begun to take shape, countless mechanical arms protrude from the mountains on both sides, and a large number of welding sparks are constantly emerging from the ship's berth , The machine roared continuously.

There is a settled group of gatekeepers stationed outside the gates of hell. A trade hub centered on the settlement of gatekeepers has been established. A flat and wide steel viaduct extends from the shield gate to a new type of trade port by the sea. place.

In the port, a large number of sea-going ships with the logo of the Shiva sect printed on them are busy loading and unloading, undertaking huge ocean transportation work, continuously transporting massive resources for Shentang, and taking away bulk commodities.


The wasteland continent is still full of yellow sand,

Under the wind and sand, there are endless hydroponic farms and primary processing factories, and the huge and majestic buildings are crawling in the yellow sand, like a behemoth awakening.

Human footprints bloom everywhere in the wilderness, and settlements are clustered together. Mines, excavations, wireless charging towers, sandy airports, and animal husbandry farms complement each other. The intertwined sandy convoy shuttles through the settlements like army ants, integrating production materials and production. Matter works.

The building coverage rate of the entire wasteland continent is higher than that of the ashes continent. The strong industrial style is filled with these magnificent man-made buildings, all of which are the proud works of Zhong Mingzhao's infrastructure system.

In places that cannot be seen, the Shenzhou colony has expanded the underground space and built a magnificent underground world. The underground ecology full of Tianji star characteristics spreads out in it, and finally forms a garden city full of exotic vitality, where hundreds of people live. Tens of thousands of Chinese immigrants have avoided the harsh living environment outside.

The aliens who were exiled here also survived tenaciously and were incorporated into the civilization circle of the wasteland. The sights of trading and cooperating with humans can be found everywhere in hundreds of desert markets. The desert bandits have almost disappeared under the combined attack .

Although the scenery of the entire continent is rough and wild, the civilization has its own majestic and prosperous vitality.


The rainforest continent is still as vibrant as ever, and now human immigrants have made great progress in the long-term running-in with nature, and are gradually getting better.

First of all, the boundary between humans and beasts was drawn. The beasts no longer harassed humans day and night due to the power of human warships, but silently moved to the depths of the mountains, avoiding the increasingly dangerous human activity areas.

However, during each natural disaster, the intelligent species will still drive some surplus beasts out to die. Human colonists are also happy to accept these free prey. In order to obtain complete corpses and furs, they even developed special anesthesia bombs. The three colonies There is even a safari park set up for residents and tourists from the other two continents.

The surrounding areas of the Freemasonry are still barren of grass. It is estimated that the sins that Hyperion did at the beginning cannot be recovered in more than ten years.

There is no way, the Freemasons can only classify large areas of scorched earth as industrial land, develop manufacturing and processing industries on a large scale, use this to earn money, and then buy food from China.

The research building of the Dawn Colony is very famous. Since Shentang seldom announces advanced technologies to the outside world, this place has instead become the technological center of Tianjixing. Epoch-making technologies are often released from it, and then through the globally integrated trade network, in three spread between continents.

Dawn Colony took advantage of this to recover some disadvantages that had been severely damaged in the environment, and its own industry also took off due to the track elevator. The two forest railways went directly to the transshipment hub under the elevator, and there was an endless stream of freight trains coming and going.

The Northwind Alliance has high-efficiency defoliant technology in its hands, so the Northwind Colony is perfectly planned. The buildings full of northern style are scattered in the rainforest in an orderly manner. The man-made buildings and the natural environment live in harmony and complement each other.

Lao Maozi has a good background, so he also developed a considerable industrial area, and developed mining resources. At the same time, he opened up a high-speed railway between the three colonies, and monopolized the land transportation industry by producing electric locomotives by himself.

With the help of Shenzhou, the North Wind Alliance also launched a large-scale infrastructure plan. Ivan has no shortage of people, so before digesting the huge clone productivity, the North Wind Alliance can develop in the rainforest at a very high speed. Expand the territory and expand the foundation.

At the same time, the scientists of Beifeng also specially designed a forest farm full of rainforest characteristics. The elevated planting platform like a garden in the sky hangs high among the giant trees, layered on top of each other, and has become the largest food production area on the rainforest continent. Save a lot of time spent hunting for food and complete the export.

Yogi's largest port in the Sky Star has finally been successfully established as it wished, and it is responsible for the global ocean transportation business and seabed mining business.

Although the focus of development is not the rainforest, a large amount of rainforest has been deforested for the construction of Navi Mumbai, and the urban area is very vast. Unfortunately, the architectural planning is no different from that on the earth, and it is still a mess.

At the same time, there is also the largest traditional shipyard in Tianjixing, which manufactures seagoing ships. All the seagoing ships of Tianjixing are produced here, and they all belong to yogi. After all, they monopolize the field of shipping, and the advantage is that the cost is low.

Dozens of mining stations have also been built offshore to exploit mineral and oil resources.

The energy level of oil in the interstellar era is already considered low, but it is very suitable for cheap shipping. Not everyone can squander with a steady stream of high-energy gas like Shentang.

Yogi, who has obtained most of the murloc technology, wants to make big news.

That is to establish a modern floating dock on the sea to undertake orders for relatively low-end space cargo ships, engineering ships, and passenger shuttles, expanding his shipping empire to space.

Everyone has a bright future~

(End of this chapter)

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