Chapter 401
"Order, the fleet adopts the No. 3 combat plan to avoid the firepower of the enemy's dreadnoughts! The mothership Crescent evacuates urgently!"

This was the first time Lu Feng encountered a dreadnought, and he was unavoidably nervous, worried that the opponent had some devastating power and would cause a devastating blow to the United Fleet.

But fortunately, the opponent's dreadnought should have relatively old equipment, and the energy recharging time is a little longer for a few minutes, so that the combined fleet that is in full swing can initially adjust its posture and avoid panic like the Vigels back then. against.

The New Moon mothership also took this opportunity to forcibly activate the hyperspace core to launch an emergency short-distance jump, and disappeared alone on the edge of the battlefield.

The main force of the United Fleet was fighting with the Vigels, unable to leave with the mothership.

At the scene of the melee, the ships of the two warring parties were scuffling together, looking messy.

After the No. 3 emergency plan was issued, the United Fleet adjusted its course and flight attitude as much as possible, and tried to hide behind the paralyzed Veiger warships while concealing its own vital points.

Guided weapons cannot be used in the Sapphire system, so finding cover is an easy and practical tactic.

About half of the Veiger fleet remained in the melee, but the firepower points on the surface of the hull had almost been pulled out. Although the joint fleet's behavior of forcibly changing course was a bit risky, the expected damage was acceptable.

Sure enough, the Weigel fleet seized the opportunity.

They fired the main laser cannon at the right angle, and the crimson beam swept across the surface of the Shentang battleship, creating ferocious scorch marks, but failed to penetrate.

The engines of the two behemoth-class ships were hit, and despite the thick black smoke, they still stubbornly turned the bows around.

"Fleet turn completed... not good, the enemy dreadnought is charging its main gun!"

"Hide away!"

Needless to say, Lu Feng, the bridge commanders of all the warships shouted excitedly, trying their best to hide the warships under their feet behind the bunkers, and no one wanted their favorite ships to suffer from this.

On the edge of the galaxy, the bow of the Veigle dreadnought ship, which looks like an enlarged version of the blood blade, glows scarlet, which is an obvious sign of firing.

But unfortunately, there is no suitable Veiger battleship as a shelter on the edge of the battlefield, and the battleship Tianquan located nearby bears the brunt, and its huge figure is inevitably exposed.

Between the Tianquan and the dreadnought, there is only half of the exploded flashing halberd as a cover, but the flashing halberd is too slender to cover the huge Tianquan, so the Tianquan had to adjust its posture and use the strongest side to cover it. A piece of armor resisted the gun.

So just a few seconds later, the still new Tianquan was directly hit by the red light beam that arrived in an instant.

"Report damage!"

The alarm sounded, Captain Zhang Chunhui looked at the status sensor that was instantly red, and urged anxiously.

"The area B17 on the port side is severely damaged, the No. 1 turret is offline, and a fire broke out in the adjacent areas B16 and B18. The damage control is under control! The number of missing people is being counted!"

"Huh? That's it?"

Zhang Chunhui was stunned for a moment, the energy sensor was not working, he thought this blow would split the Tianquan in two based on his visual inspection, but this is the result?

Only one cabin section was blown up. This kind of injury is not a big deal for the crack class. Not to mention sinking, it can even continue to fight!

"This dreadnought doesn't seem to be that strong..."

The same doubt also appeared on Lu Feng.

Lu Feng was also very nervous just now, for fear that his capital ship would be sent to his soul, but things didn't seem to be going in the direction he was worried about.

Lu Feng thought for a moment, and had some guesses in his mind.

The high-energy laser main guns of the Blood Blade class and the Flashing Halberd class are the same model, and they are also the flagship main guns with the most mature production technology of the Vegels. They are powerful, but their rate of fire and range are poor. The laser light is scattered and the energy is not concentrated enough.

The Veiger dreadnought in the distance is likely to also use this type of laser main gun.

However, in order to match the dreadnought's wide bow and surging power, the Vigels integrated two rows of 8 main guns of this type and upgraded them to a high-energy laser array. The 8 black hole muzzles are displayed on the optical image. very clearly.

The idea is very good, but Weigel's technical ability may not be accurate. At that time, the shipbuilding engineers probably didn't get it right, so that the new main gun array could only be fired in groups of two and four batches.

If 8 seats are launched together, the terrifying high temperature will directly melt the bow of the ship!
This inevitably reminded Lu Feng of the Indian engineers who were imaginative in their designs...

far away,
The result of this is obvious, and it directly caused the dreadnought's signature super main gun to become a defective product.

It looks scary, but the actual power has not yet reached the level of qualitative change. The output energy level is still estimated to be the battleship level, 6.8~6.9, which is still far from the 7.0 of the dreadnought.

The other party is obviously a little playful.

After all, with the current level of the main guns, it is enough to severely damage their own blood blade battleships. What good ships can they have if they are replaced by a little-known force like Shentang?
Even if the Empire-class battleship comes, it won't be able to hold it~
In the end, who would have thought that the Tianquan is so much tougher than the Imperial class!
Really, why do people still use polarized armor these days? It is expensive, heavy and consumes energy. It has long been eliminated by the cost-effective deflector shield.

What's even more outrageous is that the polarized armor and deflector shield are still used together. What kind of reactor is your home?

The dreadnought commander was very frantic.

On the other side, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Feng's mouth.

That being the case...

"Order, change the No. 5 combat plan immediately!"

The fear of the dreadnought in his heart was slightly reduced, and Lu Feng decisively changed the battle plan. He wanted to kill this dreadnought!

A new order is issued,
All members of the United Fleet are refreshed and counterattack!

The main forces of the United Fleet leaned out from behind the bunker one after another, and 3 Fissure-class battleships and 3 Iron Guard-class battleships rushed out of the battlefield of the melee, and rushed towards the Weigel dreadnought from 6 directions respectively. The turret fired frequently, and the artillery fire shrouded the enemy ship like a storm.

The fierce artillery fire came in an instant, and the ping-ping bombardment hit the surface of the dreadnought hull.

However, the seemingly powerful artillery fire cannot shake the dreadnought's terrifying defense. Although this dreadnought's attack power is lacking, its defense is a solid dreadnought. Even without the shield, the hull armor is still strong Outrageous.

All kinds of shells hit the surface of the dreadnought, except for giving it a slight tremor, blowing up a few anti-aircraft guns, and knocking out some craters and folds, there was nothing to achieve.

The Weigel dreadnought had anticipated this situation a long time ago, turned around slightly as if a little disdainful, and the bow of the ship lit up again.

"It's going to fire again! A total of 4 rounds!"

The United Fleet already knows the firing mode of the main guns of this dreadnought. At the expense of the firepower level, part of the rate of fire has been increased. One charge can fire 4 guns, and it can instantly kill 4 ships against battlecruisers. Only if all hits are possible.

Therefore, it is no surprise that the main gun is still aimed at the Tianquan this time!
"Damn Xipi, flip the hull!"

Seeing that he was being shot again, Zhang Chunhui was furious and commanded the battleship to perform a barrel roll.

The huge hull that was advancing rapidly rolled 180°, and the next moment a red beam descended, shining on the No. 3 gun turret on the belly of the ship.

There is no sound in space, but it can be transmitted in the ship.

The crew members of the Tianquan felt violent tremors and roars, as if the warships under their feet were whining.

Then Zhang Chunhui asked, until his No. 3 turret was gone, and was directly blown into the sky by the hit of Weigel's main gun.

"You wait, this revenge will be avenged sooner or later!"

The assault continued, the firing continued, and the secondary guns of the Veiger dreadnought also began to return fire, but compared with the raging artillery fire on the other side, it fell silent after a while.

Under the anger of the United Fleet, all firepower points that dared to show their heads were sent to the sky by saturated artillery bombardment.

Soon, the dreadnought's third round of main guns fired.

The target is still Tianquan!

It is clear that one of the thighs of the United Fleet must be broken first. There are only 3 Rift-class ships present that can pose a threat to it. After killing them one by one, they will be invincible.

But this time, the main gun failed to hit Tianquan again, because a huge shadow of the ship lay across the path of the light beam, blocking the fatal blow for her.

Yuheng number.

At this time, Shentang's six battleships were already very close to the Veiger dreadnought, and the distance between them was also not far away. The Yuheng turned ahead of time, just in front of the Tianquan.

This round of shelling was unsuccessful.

The blazing light beam swept across the surface of Yuheng's hull, depicting a hideous and ugly black ablation zone on the surface of the main armor, all the turrets and sensors passing by were scrapped, many hulls were damaged, and the burning cabin structure was exposed at the fault , thick smoke billowed.

Although it looked like the damage area was larger, compared to the depth of the Tianquan's damage, it was already considered a minor injury.

The crack level has excellent anti-sinkability, and this damage will hardly affect the Yuheng's continued operations.

With one more shot, the main gun of the Veiger dreadnought will enter a period of cooling down, and victory is in sight.

Commander Weigel's face was grim, and he was about to seize the last chance to severely damage an enemy ship.

However, Lu Feng was not even prepared to give him this last chance to shoot.

Just when the dreadnought's main guns were shining for the fourth time, more than a dozen battlecruisers who had been hiding behind suddenly launched an attack. There was no energy warning, and the dreadnoughts did not notice that these humble "small boats" were holding back their big moves.

The next moment, more than a dozen huge fiery red plasma light clusters were launched from the center of the hammerhead-shaped bow, dragging a beautiful flame tail, and hit the Veiger dreadnought one after another.

The target is its main gun that is accumulating energy!

A silent explosion swept through.

The high-energy plasma clusters of the Yamato guns hit one after another, making the dreadnought's main guns in a high temperature state extremely unstable. The armor at the muzzle showed faint signs of melting, and the huge heat dissipation system issued a serious alarm. Sparks erupted, and several cabins burst into flames.

The blow was good enough to cause trouble for the dreadnought, and the main guns would probably be disabled after this firing.

But not enough.

The strong protection and stability of the dreadnought made the power of these dozen Yamato cannons offset by more than half, and it was not enough to break through its key defense compartment.

If a huge dreadnought was hit by a small plane from the muzzle because the main gun was fired, the team that designed it could be sent to a military court, and no one was innocent.

The crash of the dreadnought was not only the death of tens of thousands of crew members, it was also a waste of incalculable and precious resources, and the loss of an important battle that was enough to affect the fate of the country.

Therefore, after this round of attack, the Veiger dreadnought can still fire smoothly, but the sequelae are more serious.

But don't forget, there are 6 battleships close at hand.

With almost no delay, the modified laser main guns of the three Iron Guard-class battleships fired at the same time, and the beams locked on the dreadnought guns.

Both sides are the same color so that it is impossible to tell which end the beam is coming from.

Not finished yet.

The next moment, the main guns of the three crack-class battleships that endured all the way opened fire, and the three particle beam cannons spewed out bright green beams. The thick beams instantly covered up the red color of their companions, and then converged on the Weiger dreadnought guns.

It was at this moment that the energy of the dreadnought's main guns had accumulated to the extreme, and it was impossible to forcefully terminate it.

In the desperate eyes of the Vigels, two streams of energy converged on the bow of the dreadnought ship, and the intertwined energy splashed and expanded violently.

The already damaged bow protection could no longer last.

The armor at the gun muzzle melted and evaporated, the internal pipes and coils were wiped out, and the energy that had not been emptied instantly lost control. The unprecedented energy impacted on the inner wall of the main gun, and swept across the surrounding cabins, crazily devouring everything along the way.

After a few seconds,
The majestic bow of the ship is like a rotten persimmon that has been squeezed and exploded. Dozens of bluish-white hot plasma jets gushed out from the inside of the hull, flying all the hatches, turrets, and covers that blocked the way, like a The ignited flowers seemed to have endless lava tumbling inside.

After spraying for about half a minute, the tongue of flame gradually went out.

Everyone saw that a large part of the center of the dreadnought's bow was evaporated out of thin air, as if someone had bitten it off, and the surrounding hulls were seriously twisted together. It was quite impressionistic and colorful. It was a large amount of metal. The color after recasting contains a lot of impurities.

It is impossible for the equipment and personnel in the bow area to survive, because one-fifth of the front section of the entire giant ship was ravaged by the explosion, and now there is only a twisted shell, and all functions have been completely lost.

Even so, the giant ship still did not sink.

The extraordinary anti-sinkability allows the equipment in the rest of the cabin to still operate normally, and can even continue to fight, but anyone who sees the miserable appearance of its bow can guess that its combat capability has long been greatly reduced, just like Like a toothless tiger.

Come on, face off in the middle~ Let's see who gets caught!
The United Fleet looked at this scene excitedly, as if killing the enemy with their own hands, and the vengeance was avenged, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

"Lean up and immediately paralyze the opponent's power, don't let it run away!"

When the soldiers were cheering, Lu Feng was the calmest.

This Weigel dreadnought is too strong, even if it suffers heavy damage, it can still start the warp speed engine and run. This time, the opponent underestimated the enemy, and the next time it will definitely not be as smooth as today.

One's own people can't die in vain, and absolutely can't fall short!
Six Shentang battleships with various damages immediately surrounded them and fired fiercely at the Veiger dreadnought sideways. The artillery fire was concentrated on the tail of the dreadnought. The hull was like a stranded whale, struggling to twist under the siege of sharks, trying to turn its course with difficulty.

At the same time, the few secondary guns opened fire crazily, creating some explosions on the Shentang warships participating in the siege.

Even, hundreds of Vigel fighters ventured into the sky, and against the strong electromagnetic interference, they drove the fighters into space. Their avionics systems were almost paralyzed, and it was almost impossible for them to return to the voyage smoothly. The difference between early death and late death That's all.

This is also the reason why the United Fleet has not released fighter units.

These Vigel fighters came with the will to die, and launched a suicide attack on the besieging Shentang battleship. The nuclear warheads they carried detonated one after another. In the end, one or two lucky hits blew up the side of an Iron Guard. broadside group.

But that's it.

The remaining fighter planes were quickly swept down by intensive anti-aircraft fire, and the dreadnought still couldn't get rid of the ending of being besieged and killed.

As time passed, Shentang's artillery fire was as fierce as ever, and the ammunition was poured over as if it didn't cost money. Even the dreadnought's armor was strong, but it was blown dizzy, and the hull shook violently.

Shentang doesn't have many other things, but high-energy gas is enough, so the energy supply of turbo laser cannon and beam weapon is endless, without any sign of stopping.

Soon, the Tianquan found the right opportunity and pointed the bow at the tail of the dreadnought. The four Styx heavy torpedo launchers on both sides of the bow were already ready to launch. The torpedo was thrown out.

The unguided torpedo shot straight away, hitting the stern of the Veiger dreadnought.

Four spectacular light groups exploded at the tail of the enemy ship, more dazzling than a nuclear warhead. After the light disappeared, the solid tail armor became incomplete, and finally the defense was broken. The power cabin ignited a raging fire. There is no way to warp anymore.

So far, this huge super battleship has been doomed.

Just like the siege of the battleship Bismarck during World War II on Earth, although the single-handed super battleship is powerful, it can only end in hatred due to the lack of fleet cooperation.

At some point, the phantom fighter that Lin Yuexi was driving appeared in the hangar on the side of the dreadnought lightly. The hangar gate had already been blown open by one's own naval guns, and the depressurized hangar was in a mess.

After Lin Yuexi broke in, Lu Feng immediately activated the psychic leap skill. After his psychic energy changed, the distance of his leap reached 5 kilometers, and he could choose the location of the leap, as long as he was within 5 meters of Lin Yuexi. .

On the contrary, he can also leap Lin Yuexi 5 meters to his side.

In this way, Lu Feng invaded into the enemy's hull in the blink of an eye.

Then he opened the space door, and there was already a large army ready to go out inside. After the passage opened, 300 Snowman warriors took the lead and rushed out from inside, screaming. Two automatic cannons are mounted on the shoulders.

Lin Yuexi used a fighter plane to help the landing troops blast open the internal gate, and 300 giants swarmed in, propping up the spiritual energy barrier and killing inward.

Upon hearing the news, the Vigels who rushed over immediately opened fire, and the rifles in their hands poured bullets crazily, but the effect was not ideal, and they couldn't even penetrate the spiritual energy barriers of these monsters.

The snowman warrior bravely launched an assault on the enemy. The machine gun on the shoulder automatically searched for the enemy and opened fire. The huge ammunition box on the back of the snowman continuously supplied ammunition for the machine gun, so that the snowman could still be used as a mobile firepower point while chopping melons and vegetables. Crazy tear the enemy's front.

The Vigels had never seen such a strong fighter. The defense line of the temporary organization was torn apart in an instant, and hundreds of pirates were killed.

The Snowmen continued to advance, and a large number of marines wearing CMC power armor came out of the space door. The goblin rifles in their hands were powerful and efficiently cleaned up the enemies in the ship.

Not long after, the landing team encountered tenacious resistance in the spacious main passage. The Vigels mobilized mecha troops to cooperate with the automatic defense facilities inside the ship, suppressing the landing team so much that they couldn't hold their heads up.

At this moment, everyone heard the blood-boiling sound of the accelerator from behind.

Then a huge siege tank came rushing from around the corner, the blue light of the 180mm electromagnetic main gun flashed, and the shells bombarded the Veiger's position heavily.

A mech that was shooting was instantly blown to pieces, and a pair of smoking mechanical legs fell to the ground.

Later, two siege tanks came and bombarded the Weigel position, accompanied by a large number of raider armor. Their smart grenades were very effective against the Weigel armor, and the firepower instantly suppressed the enemy. .

The Vigels could not wait to curse.

Don't even talk about Wude!
Lao Tzu is the defender. Why do you land later with more heavy firepower than the defenders?

Half an hour later, the firefight inside the dreadnought basically subsided.

After a bloody battle (ruthless crushing), the Shentang guards completed the occupation of the giant ship, and the dragon flag was flying in the ship.


(End of this chapter)

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