Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 394 Pre-war Reconnaissance

Chapter 394 Pre-war Reconnaissance
The window period for the opening of the galaxy channel arrived as scheduled, and the huge interstellar combined fleet once again gathered at the exit of the channel.

The leader is the well-deserved battleship [Tianshu], and alongside her are the battleship [Phoenix] and the first iron guard-class battleship [Dingyuan], and the remaining two hunter-class [Zhiyuan], [ Zhenyuan] followed closely behind.

【Dawn】The aircraft carrier was guarded in the center of the Shentang fleet, accompanied by only one Black Cat-class engineering ship and one Farwalker-class supply ship.

The Charon-class cruisers and Aegis-class destroyers in the previous fleet all retreated to the second line. The reason is that the Shentang Fleet needs to send elite old crews to new capital ships. The second-line fleet is filled with a large number of newly graduated recruits. .

Located on the two wings of the Shentang Fleet is the Behemoth Fleet, with 5 ships on each side.

The Shenzhou Fleet is responsible for the rear and prevention and control support, headed by the Minotaur-class battlecruiser [Shenzhou]. More than 4 destroyers and frigates of various types.

Among them, 3 of the Aquitense class originally belonged to the other three companies, but now that the three companies have a brand new Behemoth class, they are somewhat entangled in the three imperial cruisers that were forced to land on the rainforest continent.

One is that there is no suitable tool for salvage, and the other is that there is no suitable place and technology for maintenance.

In the end, he had no choice but to sell it to Zhong Mingzhao at a discount under Lu Feng's leadership, and Shentang was responsible for salvaging and repairing it.

I have already practiced with three ships of the Hunter-level Sharpening Huo Huo Shentang Military Industry Department, familiarized myself with the design style of imperial ships in advance, and summed up a lot of valuable experience. It is not a waste of time, not to mention that the Shenzhou colony will go to hell. The gate paid materials as compensation.

After the establishment of intercontinental trade on Tianji Star, the Gate of Hell no longer needs material support from the subspace, and can even feed back some. The AI ​​panda manages this place in an orderly manner, which is exactly what Lu Feng hopes to see.

Back to space.

Now the command of the United Defense Headquarters has changed hands. Although the Freemasons are not happy, Shentang's strength lies there. The three behemoths in Lao Qiao's hands can't tear up the Tianshu at all, plus Yogi and Ivan's standpoint is "whoever is strong will stand", and in the end the Freemasons worked hard for a long time to build a defense alliance, but it was cheaper for Lu Feng.

Even the Defense Headquarters is planning to relocate. Once the Tiangong is completed, it will be moved to that huge man-made celestial body.

Headquarters officials also need a sense of security, no, Tiangong is obviously much safer than the backward Zeus space station.

Zeus Naval Port has not popularized artificial gravity until now...

"Xinhuo, go out for reconnaissance."

There is a hyperspace communication module blueprint in the spectacle system reward this time. Although it needs to spend a lot of creation resources, Lu Feng gave priority to installing one for the Xinhuo.

With Xinhuo's superb mobility and concealment, as well as March [-]'s real-time data analysis and network intrusion, the combined capabilities are stronger than any professional scout ship.

Coupled with Chuanshan's team of high-level psionic warriors, they are the well-deserved kings of infiltration operations!
Lu Feng even had the confidence to go to the capital circle of the empire to carry out a beheading operation.

Cough, it's a little bit floating, the capital of the empire is still very dangerous...

The Firefire soon activated the mirage system and disappeared into the entrance of the channel. A few hours later, the hyperspace communication was restored, and the Firefire had successfully arrived at the other end, an adjacent galaxy named "Qianyan Galaxy" by Shentang.

Everything works fine, not detected.

"Report, the exit of the channel is blocked by dense intelligent air mines, and the fleet cannot navigate normally!"

The concealment of the Xinhuo did not allow the air mine to activate, so it was able to report safely. If it was other spaceships, it would have been chased and killed by the swarm of hunting mines at this moment.

This kind of air mine is usually a sleeping iron bump. Once an unauthorized ship passes by, it will activate the booster and hit it like a missile.

It's not impossible to intercept and clean up, but the air mines mainly serve as a warning to prevent the spaceships from the Skyrim galaxy from sneaking out.

"Continue to go deep, reconnaissance in the depths of the Weigel defense zone, and mark high-value targets."

On the Tianshu, Lu Feng gave an order to the Xinhuo.

The Xinhuo activated the mirage system, cruising past the air mines without a sound, without causing any response from the air mines.

After waiting for about half an hour, the reconnaissance information ahead continued to gather, and pieces of battle information gradually filled the empty holographic sand table.

Soon, the staff team of the Tianshu made a summary and then reported to Lu Feng.

"Commander, the Macan main fleet has been detected!
A total of 2 Bleeding Blade-class battleships, 13 Shining Halberd battlecruisers, and 51 Death Halberd cruisers were identified. The lineup has been partially supplemented compared to a month ago, and it is now moored in the XN2441 area.

There is also an interstellar fortress under construction in this area. The Veigers mobilized a large number of engineering fleets and supply ships to construct it, apparently intending to completely control the Qianyan galaxy.

In addition, the former imperial mining outposts in the Qianyan galaxy have all been activated, and mineral resources are being transported to the stronghold.

It is worth mentioning that the Firework has detected multiple secret signals in the meteorite belt of the Qianyan galaxy. It is suspected that the Vigels are in ambush, but most of them have been disguised as wandering meteorites, so they cannot confirm their true colors. . "

Lu Feng nodded slightly, "Have you found the wave band of the gravity well generator?"

The staff officer carefully compared the information sent back, and finally confirmed: "No, and no suspected equipment or ships were found."

The gravity well generator is a device specially designed for warp speed maneuvers. After deployment, the device will artificially simulate the gravity wells owned by massive celestial bodies, so as to prevent passing spacecraft from using warp speed to pass through the blocked area.

What Lu Feng is more worried about is that once Makan has this kind of thing, the mobility of the United Fleet will be stifled, and they can only be forced to fight it head-on.

If these forces are only good in terms of intelligence, I am afraid that Ma Kan still has an ambush.

Lu Feng pondered for a moment, then ordered:
"Order the Firefire to continue to dive along the space channel to the outer galaxies to see what the Vigels are hiding in those galaxies farther away. I always feel that Makan shouldn't just have such a little thing."

"The commander-in-chief means..." The staff officer's expression froze.

"Just in case, we don't know the true strength of Ma Kan. Once the opponent hides something, even if we have the Tianshu, we will be very passive. Go ahead, let the Xinhuo act cautiously, we are not in a hurry, hold on Skyrim is victory."

The staff immediately notified the Xinhuo number.

The interval is longer this time, as the Firebolt needs time to cool down the Mirage system.

Finally, later in the day, Lu Feng got an accurate reply.

Sure enough, there are still ambushes!

A total of three squadrons were discovered, hidden in remote galaxies separated by 1 to 3 warp speeds. They arrived at the Qianyan galaxy at the earliest half an hour, and arrived at the Qianyan galaxy at the latest within 3 hours.

Macan was indeed prepared.

Lu Feng let out a sigh of relief, in this way, the plan can be carried out.


 The rest will be posted in a big chapter tomorrow, and I will finish it in one go. Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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