Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 362 Cruiser Battle

Chapter 362 Cruiser Battle
The counterattacks of all parties started one after another after nightfall. There was no temptation, and all parties were racing against time.

Zhong Mingzhao's side was the one that started first.

With Lu Feng's support behind them, Shenzhou was the most well-prepared before the natural disaster. They even had time in the secret base to modify an armed convoy capable of long-distance raids in the natural disaster environment.

After the last ray of sunshine went down, Zhong Mingzhao dispatched this assault team consisting of hundreds of gas and fuel off-road vehicles.

According to the reconnaissance information provided by Lu Feng, the imperial cruiser crashed in the mountainous area on the other side of the continent, completely opposite to the void rift, and looked very safe.

However, in fact,

Man's own kind are sometimes no safer than bugs.

When the huge convoy drove into the rocky canyon near the shipwreck on the Gobi Desert with billowing smoke, the convoy was ambushed by a well-planned unknown.

Obviously, the Shenzhou family is not the only one targeting this warship.

The local snakes here relied on the terrain advantage to launch an ambush, but their outdated weapons survived the natural disaster, which gave them the courage to challenge the Shenzhou team.

Hundreds of earthen grenades made by hand-made workshops were thrown from the mountain. The grenades were filled with outdated explosives and mechanical fuzes. They exploded in the convoy with a bang, and the valley was filled with smoke and dust.

Then scattered gunshots rang out, and there was a crisp impact sound on the vehicle's shell.

The craftsmanship required to manufacture qualified guns and ammunition is far higher than that of explosives, and the technical level of this group is just that, which can be felt from the unintensive and varied gunshots.

Shortly after,
The fat sheep expected by the ambushers did not appear, but was replaced by a ferocious beast.

The solid vehicle armor provided the Shenzhou Army with a not-so-violent attack.

Regardless of that, the Shenzhou convoy in the smoke and dust immediately mobilized several chariots equipped with recoilless guns to fire. The powerful shells directly blew up the mountain where the ambush was hiding, causing heavy losses to the opponent.

Then the Shenzhou commander pursued the victory and ordered the rocket launch vehicle to move to the foothills on both sides and cover the opposite hillside with firepower.

Whoosh whoosh!
The rockets whizzed past, frightening the ambushers to their livers and gallbladders, and they fled in despair.

In order to improve the protection, Shenzhou's vehicle-mounted weapons are usually stored in the rear compartment, so that these naive ambushers think it is a transport convoy.

At this moment, the fire was fired suddenly, instantly extinguishing the courage of the few ambushers.

"Going forward, our goals remain the same."

The commander stopped the pursuit of the ambushes, spending time and ammunition killing a few bandits was of no avail.

The convoy successfully drove to the vicinity of the sunken ship of the empire. After repeated trials, the battleship, which was still intact, had basically lost its long-range fire capability.

But this is only temporary.

No one can be sure when the imperial technicians will fix it.

"Execute the No. 1 combat plan, act!"

The Shenzhou convoy immediately rushed out from behind the bunker, rushed to the side of the imperial cruiser at the highest speed, and kept walking in an S shape halfway, but fortunately, it was not attacked.

The 300-meter-long cruiser in front of them was more than a dozen stories high. When the convoy drove under the hull, the soldiers felt more and more the size and strength of the battleship in front of them.

There are obvious traces of forced landing on the surrounding ground, but there are no detached hull parts near the long drag marks, only some scorched marks caused by friction and fire, which are harmless.

Thinking that this ship will belong to Shenzhou in the future, the soldiers are full of fighting spirit and courage.

"Assault team, go! The reserve team is on standby, and the defense team is on alert!"

The convoy commander is a colonel of the Shenzhou Army. If all goes well, he will also be the captain of this battleship. In addition to the boarding commando, there is also a small team of professional ship technicians in the convoy.

Soon, the back buckets of two heavy-duty semi-trailers were deployed, and two tall ladders were raised, one leading to the surface deck of the sunken ship, and the other leading to a remote small port.

Lu Feng had a rough structural diagram of this type of cruiser in his mind, so he helped them formulate an assault route.

The commando can stand on the surface deck and use the cutting equipment that will be hoisted later to break open some hatches to enter the ship. The connection port on the side string leads directly to the engine compartment, which can also be broken open with a high-power plasma cutter.

The demolition operation went smoothly. Half an hour later, the side string entrance was cut open first, revealing the dark corridor inside.

The commando immediately poured in along the set up ladder. The first batch of soldiers were all wearing CMC-333 power armor, heavy rifles and explosion-proof shields to open the way, and they were unstoppable to kill into the ship.

Before they had gone far, another red blast energy beam hit the front immediately, causing a violent impact on the explosion-proof shield, forcing the Shenzhou soldiers to retreat frequently.

"fight back!"

The soldiers behind immediately fired back, and the barrage, which was more than 10 times denser than that of the defenders, rushed over the head and face. The firelight reflected the position at the end of the corridor full of metal boxes, and the white stormtroopers hiding behind and firing.

Only the faint screams of human beings could be heard in the middle of the intense firefight, and then the blaster beams became noticeably sparser.

"Forward! Machine guns press them down!"

chug chug——!
Regardless of the backwardness of the weapons on the human side, the single-round firepower density, even the blaster machine guns of the Empire cannot be compared.

The imperial defenders couldn't resist the terrifying barrage of soldiers from Shenzhou at all, and were pressed behind the bunker and dared not show their faces.

Soon, the Shenzhou soldiers behind fired grenades towards the front bunker, and the grenade exploded after passing through the bunker, blowing up the stormtroopers hiding behind, almost completely losing their ability to fight back.

"Shock bomb!"

Pushing forward, in order to prevent the imperial army from counterattacking, the Shenzhou soldiers holding up their shields threw two shock bombs, then strode forward, and climbed over the low temporary bunker at one depth.

"Don't move, hand in your gun and don't kill!"

Seeing that the surviving imperial defenders had completely lost their ability to resist, the Shenzhou soldiers immediately shouted the classic four words, and controlled these bewildered subordinates.

This temporary Imperial Army position is very simple, only some cargo boxes and 10 Stormtroopers are stationed.

Even, the Imperial Army most likely moved their position to this corridor after Shenzhou began to cut the hatch, and everything seemed to be in a hurry.

According to the information provided by Lu Feng, the Aquitense class has a higher degree of automation and has fewer personnel than the Hunter class.

In addition to the 200 crew members, the number of stormtroopers only ranges from 100 to 200 people. In the case of equipment failure, there is almost no resistance.

The battle inside the ship was going well, except that the imperial defenders liked to lock the doors if they couldn't beat them, there were no major obstacles.

After the Shenzhou army captured a few imperial technicians, the gates in the ship were easier to crack, saving the commandos a lot of time.

at this time,

Those staying in the convoy outside were suddenly shelled by an unknown enemy, and the enemy's firepower was very fierce, much stronger than that of the previous ambushers.

The opponent used more than 20 large-caliber mortars, pouring shells at the Shenzhou convoy without any scruples.

"Damn! The enemy's bombardment position is too hidden, our rockets can't reach it!"

The rockets equipped in the convoy are all short-range unguided rockets. When the enemy's position cannot be accurately located, the effect of blind shooting is very poor, and the opponent's firepower does not drop much at all.

"Logistics team, take the ammunition and board the ship immediately, the convoy will evacuate here first, you rely on the hull to hold on."

In this case, it is impossible for the Shenzhou team to stay and be bombed for nothing.

So the colonel asked the logistics engineers to send the last batch of ammunition to the boarding personnel, and then ordered the convoy to evacuate temporarily, otherwise the convoy that was so hard to build would have to be blown up here.

There were 200 motorized infantry and 10 engineers left on the ship, with sufficient ammunition and terrain advantages. To be honest, the colonel was not worried that they would fall.

Despite the heavy shelling of the attackers, he did not think that the other party had the ability to board the ship quickly.

After all, who would build two large ladder trucks for nothing?

In the end, after losing one-tenth of the vehicle, the Shenzhou convoy successfully withdrew from the valley and evacuated to a distant Shenzhou mine.

There are affiliated forces of Shenzhou, which can deal with damaged vehicles and wounded.

The colonel has reported the situation to Zhong Mingzhao through the oracle, and Zhong Mingzhao is also a little embarrassed about this.

The best solution at this time is to let the air force support, but now the air force can't go to heaven, it can't send a large force here to search for those attackers all over the mountains and plains.

In the history of mankind, the forces that dared to enter the mountains to encircle and suppress basically paid a heavy price, and it is best not to make such a bad move unless necessary.

It would be best for Lu Feng to fly a plane to support him, but he can't be counted on.

Since they couldn't solve the opponent quickly, they had to wait for the opponent to come to the door. Anyway, the opponent's goal was to occupy the sunken ship, and there was bound to be a battle between the two sides.

Zhong Mingzhao has full confidence in the 200 soldiers left behind.

as predicted,

The attackers attacked the wreck at midnight that day.

The opponent does not have a large ladder, so he can only choose to descend by cable.

The attackers took advantage of the night to appear on the hilltop near the sunken ship, and used rockets to fire a large number of steel cable grapples to the top of the hull, creating a series of strong cableways.

Then a large number of strong black shadows slid down the cableway and directly landed on the spacious surface deck of the sunken ship.

These attackers were highly skilled in tactics, and they were quick in the night, and skillfully moved between the obstacles on the ship's surface, making the Shenzhou soldiers on the ship island who were about to snipe frown.

Without advanced sighting equipment, it is difficult for even a sharpshooter to snipe a fast-moving target in the dark.

"Don't wait, just fire and shoot! It's impossible for them to have heavy weapons when they descend!"

At this moment, the Shenzhou Army has fully occupied the imperial warship, and assigned a small number of guards to guard the imperial prisoners. The remaining half built positions in the weak parts of the ship, and the other half came to the towering island, and deployed sniper attacks with the help of some airlocks and vents. position.

Originally, I wanted to give the boarder a hand.

But since the opponent was so cautious, the sniper position directly became a fire position, and a heavy machine gun was erected, and began to shoot condescendingly at all the shadows who dared to show their heads.

Not to be outdone, the black shadow below fired back at the muzzle flare on the island.

Fortunately, each machine gun has a gun shield welded on it, and the sound of being shot on the gun shield is very dense, which shows that the opponent's marksmanship is accurate and he is a difficult opponent.

However, the Shenzhou Army has the terrain advantage after all, and the enemy is obviously inferior to them. Knowing where the entrance of the ship is, they can only approach the island with firepower. There must be a hatch for people to enter and exit the island.

The firefight continued.

The other party then landed more armed personnel by cable, and the enemy on the top of the mountain was even trying to launch a cable to the bridge, allowing their own armed personnel to land directly on the island.

At this moment, there was the sound of rockets piercing the sky, and under the night, bright lines of fire were coming straight towards the sunken ship.

The rocket was launched by the Shenzhou convoy.

After receiving the information that the opponent started to attack the ship, the colonel led his men to set off again to bomb the area outside the valley where there might be enemies. The assailant's head will do.

Therefore, it was the Shenzhou army that was bombed just now, and now the offensive and defensive momentum is different.

The attacker's artillery also began to return fire, but the Shenzhou convoy came and went quickly, turned around and evacuated after dropping the bomb.

This is the advantage of mastering the initiative of the war. If you stay in the valley and don't leave, then the Shenzhou convoy will be bombed at this time.

A round of rockets bounced off, causing the attackers considerable trouble.

Not only was the enemy on the hull blown away, but even the attack position on the hill was affected, and the cableway that was finally erected was destroyed a lot.

The soldiers of the Shenzhou Army on the ship island could even vaguely hear the roar resounding through the mountains, and they didn't know if it was an illusion.

The assailant was indeed roaring.

The roar came from their Grand Commander, and these raiders were the same Borg marauders who had ambushed the Masonic treasure convoy.

They were well-informed and heard that there were fat sheep here, so they moved here through the unique underground network.

This natural disaster period allowed them to take the opportunity to plunder several small forces, not only made a lot of money, but also made their appetite bigger and bigger.

Shenzhou's convoy has hundreds of vehicles, larger than that of the Freemasonry, but the surrounding commanders still dare to do it directly.

The tactics used were exactly the same as before.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to seal off the valley this time, and finally let the Shenzhou Army run away, which caused him to be so deflated just now, he was so angry that he screamed.

Having said that,

But the cunning Borg still took advantage of the confusion just now and sneaked under the sunken ship.

As a huge ship more than 300 meters long, the bottom will naturally reserve the entrance and exit of personnel and goods, and the gate of the hangar is also at the bottom.

Fortunately, the ship's hull tilted when it was forced to land, causing one side of the ship to tilt slightly, otherwise the Borg would really have no way to get under the ship.

As for the way of breaking the door, it is much more violent.

They didn't bring any cutting equipment that got in the way, and directly took out the plasma bomb exchanged from the oracle shop and stuck it on the hatch. With a loud noise, the heavy hatch was melted and a big hole was opened.

The Borg marauders who were already in place immediately swarmed in, raising their guns with murderous intent and rushing into the cabin.

After the Borgs raged for a while, they were finally blocked by the Shenzhou Army who arrived after hearing the news and blocked them in the lower deck area, preventing them from dispersing.

Enemies are jealous when they meet each other,

The two sides fought immediately, and the fierce gunshots rang through the entire lower deck, echoing in the corridor for a long time.

The Borg also used gunpowder weapons, and coupled with their large stature, the difference in firepower between the two sides was not too great.

At this time, who has the stronger defense will be reflected.

The Borg only wear normal bulletproof vests, while the Shenzhou side is powered armor.

The commander-in-chief once again cursed in anger, why do you have power armor to wear, isn't all electronic equipment paralyzed!
The only answer to him was more violent shooting by humans and more and more heavy casualties of his own men.

The Grand Commander's face was gloomy, and his heart was bleeding, but he still had a trump card, which was spiritual power.

The Borg are a psychic race, and he himself has powerful psychic powers, as long as he can get close to each other...

The Borg who lost the frontal conflict began to look for opportunities to play dirty tricks.

The Grand Commander is very confident in his psychic powers. As a powerful level 5 psyker, he has mastered the two major psychic combat skills that the Borg have passed down to this day.

Stealth and anger.

Enrage can cause the target to be overwhelmed by anger, thus losing their reason and ability to think. It is a relatively common psionic combat technique.

While stealth is not common, it is a powerful rare combat skill.

This skill can make himself and the equipment on his body completely invisible, not only in terms of optics, sound, radiation, and reflection will completely disappear, which is the true sense of invisibility.

What's more, he can also attack in the invisible state without breaking the invisible state.

Invisibility will be detected when faced with a higher-level psyker or a high-power psychic sensor, but for Muggles with less than level 3 psychic power, it is definitely a god-defying skill.

There are of course disadvantages.

Unleashing psionic combat skills will produce a strange variable called [mind entropy], and this is not a good thing.

After the psyker releases the psychic combat skills, the entropy of the mind will be generated. When it accumulates to a certain level, the psyker will have the risk of falling out of control. The higher the entropy of the mind, the lower the level of the psyker, the easier it is to lose control.

Stealth, as a persistent skill, naturally generates mental entropy all the time. If the Borg leader doesn't want to go crazy, stealth cannot be used unlimitedly.

Having said that, when the Grand Commander appeared behind the Shentang warriors in stealth, no trace of him could be found.

He looked up and down at the Shentang warrior who fired at him with vicious eyes, and powerful spiritual energy immediately invaded the opponent's mind, stole the data about this power armor, and obtained the position of the team commander.

Then he came to the side of the Shenzhou lieutenant, using powerful psychic energy to directly occupy his mind, and temporarily transformed him into his own puppet.

Although the lieutenant was determined, the gap between ordinary people and level 5 psykers was still too huge for him to resist.

The Grand Commander obtained more confidential information from the lieutenant, including the deployment of the Shenzhou Army in the cruiser, its weapons and equipment, the location of nearby friendly forces, and so on.

He thought cunningly for a moment, and then made a decisive move, piercing through the weak point of the back of the armor with the dagger in his hand, instantly killing the heroic warrior.

Then he followed the same pattern like a ghost, assassinating one by one from the end of the position, and releasing anger at the same time, so that the soldiers fighting in front could not detect the abnormality in the rear. In the end, all 20 Chinese soldiers in the entire position died without exception.

The Grand Commander who did it all was released from invisibility.

At this moment, instead of the excitement of winning easily, he was like a dehydrated salted fish, kneeling on the ground panting heavily, his eyes turned white, and the surrounding sundries visible to the naked eye were crushed and exploded by powerful spiritual energy.

After struggling for about 3 minutes, the Grand Commander finally recovered.

He had just walked on the verge of losing control of his psychic power. Because of excessive use of invisibility and anger, he had accumulated too much entropy in his mind. In addition, the psychic power he practiced was obtained from the dangerous void, and his own psychic power could not be cultivated at home. , further increasing the risk of loss of control.

Fortunately, he turned the loss of control back by relying on strong willpower in the end. As long as he rests for a period of time, preferably through meditation, he can return the entropy of his mind to the normal level.

But to be on the safe side, the following spiritual combat skills should be used with caution.

The Borg subordinates were no strangers to this, and while the Grand Commander was calming down his psychic powers, they tacitly took off the power armor from the Shenzhou warrior, and then put it on himself.

The Grand Commander used a slower dagger to attack one by one, in order to capture these 20 complete sets of power armor.

After breaking through this position, the Borg can drive straight in, and with the help of the complex internal structure of the ship, they can have a good fight with the garrisoned Shenzhou army.

The Shenzhou Army didn't know that their deployment information had been leaked, and the subsequent battle was brutally attacked, and the battle situation immediately fell into a passive state.

After that, the commander briefly used invisibility twice, and dropped a powerful bomb into the crowd of the Shenzhou army, causing heavy losses to the Shenzhou army.

The Shenzhou army retreated again and again, and the area they were stationed at last was less than a quarter of the entire ship.

Finally, a third-level psychic from the Shenzhou Army finally noticed the abnormality. Unfortunately, his level was too low to counter the commander. Instead, he was defeated in the thrilling psychic confrontation and was seriously injured to the point of death.

"Headquarters, we have been attacked by powerful psykers, at least level 4, please support! If there is no support, our department will detonate the battleship and never let her fall into the enemy's hands!"

In desperation, the Shenzhou garrison sent a final farewell text to the headquarters.

Shenzhou also lacks high-level psykers, so the defenders don't think that there will be reinforcements arriving. They have set up time bombs and destroyed the cancel password to prevent their consciousness from being read by local psykers.

At this moment, this text suddenly came from the oracle chat channel:
[Reinforcements are on the way, hold on! 】


Even if someone can deal with the monster on the other side, how can reinforcements arrive so quickly even if the plane can't take off?
They obviously don't know that there is a piece of equipment called a super fighter.

And obviously I don't know that there is a kind of person called a hanger.

In the confusion, a beautiful female voice emerged in the minds of the Shenzhou defenders: "I've been waiting for a long time, let me move a little bit~"

The surviving Shenzhou Army subconsciously took a few steps back,

next moment,
Sparks flew from the roof in front of the ship, and a large hole was melted with a high-energy laser at the position of the hull connecting to the outside of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman descend from the sky from the molten ceiling.

The man they knew was Lu Feng, the leader of Shentang, and the beautiful girl exuding hazy moonlight was like a fairy, which made the soldiers feel slightly warmed up.

I saw the girl approaching with light steps, and waved her slender palms in front of the wounded, taking away their pain in an instant, and the fatal injuries have stabilized and can survive until the arrival of first aid.

And the Shentang psychic who had been severely injured also fell into a deep sleep peacefully, his frown was loosened, and the cracked soul was nourished by a vigorous spiritual energy and gradually recovered.

All the soldiers around were stunned, and they were even more convinced that this was a benevolent fairy.

On the other side, Lu Feng was not surprised.

He waved his hand, and opened a space door beside him, and then, a plush monster with a height of nearly 3 meters 6 stepped out of it, holding a giant sword that was not much different from the door panel.

"Shuang Lei, grab that high-level psyker and bring him to see me, and kill the rest!"

Shuanglei was wearing a brand new rune armor, and the rune sword in his hand was fused with more precious metals, cutting iron like mud.

I saw him swaying his chest loudly, hiccupping and promising:

"Okay, he shouldn't try to escape, I've already asked about the stench from his soul! I hope that guy's life is worth a roast duck, hehe..."

As he said that, he sprinted wildly in the corridor with his cat waist shaking.


 6500 words, add more to complete~
(End of this chapter)

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