Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 349 Harvest and Distribution

Chapter 349 Harvest and Distribution

There was no need for Lu Feng to conceal the information about Lingchao, and he clearly shared it with all the major forces, which surprised all the bosses.

After all, this is not only an opportunity for all mankind, but also a challenge for all surviving civilizations on Skyrim, and they should face it together and support each other.

However, the submarine technology of the murlocs is another matter.

After research,
The murloc submersible uses a heterogeneous technology based on psionic technology and supplemented by biotechnology, which is far from the human technology system, and even compared with Prothean technology, it is even more extreme.

The brilliant electromagnetic pulse does not rely on some kind of electronic equipment, but a biological pulse excited by the void energy, which is almost impossible to replicate.

The same goes for the heaven-defying psionic manipulation technology.

Lu Feng will not allow his family to use this kind of evil psionic technology, and of course he will not allow other forces to use it, which will cause even greater chaos in the end.

If this kind of technology spreads out, wouldn't there be a lot of forces that are madly chasing stardust on that day.

In fact, the value of the murloc's psionic power and biological technology to Shentang is that it complements and confirms with the Proxian technology, which is also specialized in this field. technology route.

Stay away from the risk of getting out of control, stay away from the void side, so as not to attract bad things.

For Lu Feng, who possesses a whole subspace of pure psionic energy, this is the path that suits him.

Of course, the value of this murloc submersible does not stop there.

The first is the special wave band that can deceive sea beasts. It comes from a special biological organ. Combined with the magnetic field of the entire submarine, it can make sea beasts mistake the submarine for some prehistoric giant beast, although it is still impossible to command the herd. , but can move freely in the tide of seabed beasts during the natural disaster period.

The second is the weakness of murloc submarines.

Poor combat continuity is one point, and the other point is that its hull material is impact-resistant but not resistant to continuous high temperature.

After a general torpedo explodes, the temperature will drop rapidly with the cold sea water, so it is not obvious, but if it is replaced with a plasma torpedo, although it will also cool down rapidly, the effect will definitely be better.

That is, the cost of this torpedo will definitely be a lot more expensive, but yogi has money, so don't cheat him or anyone else.

Finally, there is another piece of important information, that is the detection range of the murloc submarine.

First of all, it is very difficult for underwater submersible units to use electromagnetic waves to detect the surface of the water. Even some kind of psionic sensor can hardly cover too far with the murloc's technology, and it is only a few kilometers to guide missiles.

So here comes the question, how did the murlocs lock onto the human aircraft across the sea?

Furthermore, how to lock on the Xinhuo, which is far away in space orbit?

There is only one answer, the murloc submarine is not the sender of the detection signal, but the passive receiver.

There is another person who is really responsible for monitoring the enemy hunting mission!
According to the general law, this kind of equipment will not be small in size, and must be on the water or land, with sufficient energy supply...

There are two possible conditions.

If it is placed on the ground to the extent that spy satellites cannot detect it, the cooperation of the local snake Borg must be inevitable. However, given the current situation of the Borg, the probability of success is less than 3%.

If it is some kind of stealth floating platform on the sea surface, the possibility is much greater. Not only can it be protected by its own submarine, but it can also secretly replace personnel and materials through the seabed. The probability is as high as 7%.

A full three-month truce is enough for the murlocs to calmly complete the deployment of monitoring nodes for the entire ocean.

When necessary, these platforms may even dive into the water to hide, monitor the world without anyone noticing, intercept signals, and assist submarines to carry out missile strikes on long-range targets.

The very limited monitoring distance of the submarine has been greatly extended, just like access to the satellite monitoring network, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

In this way, there are traces of how to curb the ambition of the murlocs.

As long as they can blind the opponent's eyes, no matter how powerful the murloc's submarine is, it will be difficult to find a target to rob.

In addition, the location of the opponent's lair was also found out by Lu Feng.

The super undersea city that appeared in the live broadcast is hidden in the depths of the trench area in the center of the New Pacific Ocean. It is the lowest place in Tianji Star. It is difficult for humans to reach, and it has a natural protective layer.

However, there are still some murloc strongholds in the oceans, which serve as outposts for resource extraction and fleet replenishment.

For example, the captured submarine came from the submarine colony in the sea area named New Indian Ocean by Yogi.

The base has a total of 12 200-meter-class submarines and more than 30 150-meter-class submarines. It is an extremely large force, but the population is less than 1000, which shows that the number of murlocs is withering.

Although the old nest in New Pacific cannot be fought, this sub-base is still very interesting.

But the premise is that Yogi can get out of this loss and work hard to expand the size of the navy. No matter what, he must form an anti-submarine brigade with hundreds of ships.

As for Lu Feng's concern about the submarine turrets and the powerful erosion missiles, he has no idea yet.

The former is also top-secret among the murlocs, and although the latter has captured two complete missiles that did not explode, the reverse research of the scientific research department has not made any progress, so we can only wait.

After a week of research, Lu Feng announced some information and murloc technology to the human allies, but none of them were in-depth.

The most important thing is to contact all parties and prepare to knock down the detection network secretly established by the murlocs.

As long as it can be destroyed, not only will the sea surface threat be greatly reduced, but even the blockade of the space orbit should be able to be eliminated.

In addition, Lu Feng sold the plasma torpedo technology and biological camouflage technology to yogi at a high price, and yogi could only buy it painfully and happily.

If he doesn't buy it, then the anti-submarine warfare in the next stage will continue to be exhausted, and at the same time, the precious development time during the natural disaster period will be taken away; The status will be lost, it is better to sell it earlier.

The final result is a win-win situation, and only the world where the murlocs are injured can be achieved.

For Lu Feng, earning more and earning less is secondary, the main thing is to get in touch with the space blockade of the murloc fort, so that Shentang can carry out the preparations for the orbital elevator as planned.

The impending spiritual wave is a problem.

According to the information bought from the oracle, the location of the eruption of the spiritual tide depends on the location of the crack in the void, that is, the original weak point of space.

Speaking of weaknesses, Lu Feng first thought of the void invasion that Proxians encountered thousands of years ago.

If the Void Demon had torn apart the space barrier at that time, were these gaps the so-called weak points?
In this way, wouldn't the wasteland continent become a sieve!

(End of this chapter)

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