Chapter 326
After sending out the communication persuading surrender written in the universal language of the universe, unexpectedly, the other party responded very quickly, as if they had been waiting for a long time, and agreed to surrender without saying a word.

This surprised Ji Shiming, worried that there might be some conspiracy involved.

"Commander, they asked us to allow them to come and take refuge. The conditions on the periphery of the mainland no longer allow life to survive."

After thinking for a moment, Jiming nodded in agreement.

"...Yes. They are allowed to move to the stable plate outside the fortress. During the process, each fortress must be closely monitored and ready to fire at any time."



In the volcanic eruption that shook the mountains in the distance of the mainland, more and more man-made vehicles of various kinds appeared out of thin air and drove towards the colony at high speed. Obviously, they had escaped from the range of the invisible force field set by the oracle.

Collecting pieces of information, Jiming quickly saw the true face of these exiles.

Different from the imagined elite fleet, their vehicles do not have a unified standard, and most of them are modified goods for both military and civilian purposes, which seem to be full of life and vicissitudes.

Most of them use huge suspension systems and metal crawlers as the chassis, supporting the scattered buildings like shantytowns above, and there are several armed watchtowers that stand out among the colorful and green.

Through some transparent glass, you can see the green plants and crops planted between the buildings, and some unknown livestock are moving.


The originally unique "mobile town" is now on fire due to high temperature and lightning, like a marching torch rushing towards the gate of hell, with galloping lava behind it.

"Well, it turns out that they are also some poor people who are forced to survive, no wonder..."

No wonder the other party surrendered so happily. It wasn't a fight to the death. These exiles just wanted a living space.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I don't want to die another clansman.

However, they didn't understand the people on Earth, and they didn't dare to gamble before the human beings expressed their views, so they could only take the risk of launching a surprise attack, relying on a small number of warships to launch a desperate attack, and the group was instantly wiped out.

Their luck was extremely bad, and the oracle chose a hell start.

The Gate of Hell is so strong that it can't be captured in a short period of time. In addition, the large-scale eruption of the volcano made the settlement precarious. Ji Shiming's communication to persuade them to surrender was exactly what they wanted.

The long journey to escape made them understand-it doesn't make any sense to die together.

If human beings are willing to take them in, even as slaves, it is much better than exterminating the entire family.

What's more, what if a benevolent race rules here?
As it turned out, they were right.

As an old man in the earth age, Jiming, facing other intelligent races that can communicate, his code of conduct is more inclined to the earth's morality in peacetime.

Therefore, if the other party is not unforgivable, he is very willing to let the other party go.

Seeing more and more miserable large vehicles rushing to the outskirts of the fortress, Jiming turned to look at his subordinates: "Help them put out the fire."

Soon, one after another "gun barrels" protruded from the wall of the fortress. This change shocked the exiles gathered outside—could it be that the other party really just tricked themselves to come and kill them!
In the next second, snow-white fire extinguishing agent sprayed out, pouring profusely on the burning mobile town.

The fire extinguishing equipment of Hell's Gate is much more powerful than their patchwork escape ships, and the fire that was about to get out of control was suppressed immediately.

The "trains" that could not be poured in the distance were also remotely dosed with flame retardants by the fortress. The white ash in the sky was like heavy snow, which brought life to the desperate refugees.

"Great, we're saved—!"

In the mobile town, alien exiles of different shapes wept with joy.

People who have never been in exile with their families can't feel the touch of being rescued, and they are all grateful to the rulers they have never met in the future.

Maybe, this time, there is finally no need to run away.


When Lu Feng received the report, the conflict in the Continent of Ashes had completely subsided.

Although the volcano and the earth in the distance are still roaring, all the surviving exile forces have all hid in the refuge area planned by Jiming, and accept the condescending surveillance of the armed fortress.

Now that they are here, don't even think about leaving freely.

Either be law-abiding residents of Hell's Gate, or be thrown into a river of lava as a corpse.

Ji Shiming did not contact these exiles rashly. It is not known whether these various alien races carry strange germs, and after this accident, it is best to let the exiles stabilize spontaneously, which will help the colony receive management.

In the future, it is inevitable to support the agent and shape a few aliens to rape or something.

It all depends on whether they know each other or not.

Lu Feng glanced at the preliminary report.

There are a total of 7 exile forces, all of which have that kind of giant suspension technology, which can create huge "mobile towns" for escape.

Armed forces are also more advanced.

Most of them are live ammunition and guided weapons. There is a superficial research on electromagnetic technology, and the level must be much better than that of the earthlings a year ago.

There are more than [-] specially designed battleships, large and small. The shape looks like a land cruiser, and the muzzles lined up on it look good.

It's a pity that artillery fire of this caliber can't penetrate the gate of hell at all. After all, it can defend against orbital bombing.

If placed on other continents, these ground fleets would definitely bring great challenges to all parties without the intervention of spaceships, but it is a pity that they are completely useless on Lu Feng's side.

I really don't know what the oracle's intentions are for such an arrangement. He doesn't think that this level can shake the gates of hell, right?
Will this really bring the right trials for both parties?
Thinking of this, Lu Feng frowned slightly.

Could it be that...the oracle deliberately wanted to send these people to him for shelter?

After such a long time of contact, although the oracle is strict, it is still basically going around to rescue those civilizations that are on the verge of extinction, but the requirements are relatively harsh.

This trial is not so much a war as it is an oracle looking for an excuse to send people to Skyrim to enrich the population in disguise.

After all, it is difficult for a colony with a million people to develop quickly. To some extent, population is productivity.

Huh, wait...

With the urine nature of the oracle, even if the intention is good, it is absolutely impossible to make humans feel better.

If it is a trial, then it must have the intensity of a trial.

Since there is not enough strength on the ground, the strength can only come from... space.

"Heh, space exiles? Even if you call them another name, it's not too much to call them space pirates!"

At this moment, Lu Feng had already guessed the real content of the trial.

It's not a fight with a group of refugees who share the same disease, but a cruel pirate hiding somewhere in the universe!
Lu Feng, who consciously saw the truth clearly, didn't know that there were Earthlings among the exiles. If the Earthlings also became exiles, wouldn't the situation on Earth be...

(End of this chapter)

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