Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 317 Skyrim IV Raiders

Chapter 317 Skyrim IV Raiders

Now the only way to get high energy gas:
That is, Lu Feng took the modified Xinhuo to Skyrim IV, and then opened the space door, allowing the subspace to directly swallow the gas, and let the creation space complete the refining and recycling work.

How much high-energy gas can be recovered in the end depends entirely on the devouring time.

Thanks to the outstanding performance of the Xinhuo, there was some time left on the road, and Lu Feng should have two and a half hours of mining time.

There is half an hour left to cross the cyclone channel back and forth, and leave time to deal with emergencies.

This plan works.

In fact, after the recent natural disaster ended, Lu Feng had already been there once, and finally successfully recovered 50 units of source energy.

Otherwise, he would not have the confidence to start the construction of the core fortress of Hell's Gate. After all, many of the parts and equipment must be manufactured through subspace.

What is the concept of 50 units of source energy?

It is almost the energy consumption of building 5 standard cruisers.

When building the entire sky garden, Lu Feng consumed nearly 120 million units of source energy!This is still in the case that the structure of the sky garden is not so precise...

As for the core fortress built now,

According to Lu Feng's estimate,
Considering that it is equipped with a powerful planetary fortress-level shield system, a super energy system that goes straight to the mantle, a super armor layer that can withstand the battlecruiser-level main gun, complete internal refuge facilities and a powerful fire control system :

Uh, maybe 100 million won't come down...

During the period, there are too many other places that also need to use source energy, so this output is really not much.

You must know that the eruption of the magnetic storm in Skyrim IV is a cycle of 45 days, that is, every 45 days, Lu Feng can exploit about 50 units of source energy with the help of a short window period.

It's not easy.

However, Lu Feng once thought of a "smart" solution.

That is, he took advantage of the window to go in and open the space door, only opening the door but not closing it, and coming out by himself when the time came.

As long as he doesn't cancel the space gate, the space gate inside Skyrim IV can collect high-energy gas all the time!
After thinking of this idea, he immediately praised his clever little head.

After practice, he found that things are not as simple as imagined.

High-energy gas only exists deep in the dense atmosphere of Skyrim IV, next to the "molecular hydrogen layer", and it seems to be gasified from liquid hydrogen.

According to the research department's speculation, the birthplace of high-energy gas is likely to be in the deeper "metal hydrogen" layer. What humans exploit is only the "scrap" formed by the high-energy gas escaping layer by layer, and finally mixed in the dense atmosphere. middle.

As a result, the high-energy gas content in the safesphere atmosphere of Skyrim IV is low and hardly mobile.

So what happened was,

Lu Feng took out the space door to collect the surrounding gas wantonly, but he soon discovered that the surrounding high-energy gas content was rapidly decreasing.

The swallowing of the space gate created a vacuum negative pressure area, causing the hydrogen in the surrounding atmosphere to escape first, filling this vacuum area.

But the surrounding high-energy gas is a step slower, the space in front has been taken up by hydrogen gas, and if it thinks about it again, it can only squeeze in slowly.

The process of infiltrating, mixing, and finally rebalancing into the hydrogen gas is definitely not a short period of time!

This seems to be related to the production of high-energy gas gasified in the "molecular hydrogen layer".

Only when there is new production of high-energy gas in the deep layer, the gas above will move to fill the empty positions without gas. After the balance is reached, the steady state will be restored and no more gas will be produced.

In this way, if Lu Feng's space door is only opened in one place, then as the devouring progresses, the collected high-energy gas will only become less and less.

Therefore, it is not acceptable to place the space gate in one position, it must be moved, and the swallowing place must be constantly changed to ensure the concentration of the surrounding high-energy gas.

The follow-up of that collection was that Lu Feng took the spaceship and circled around Tianji IV at high speed in the security layer.

The space door was dragged under the spaceship to collect gas ore, and it was kept open because it was always within the range of Lu Feng's remote control.

If Lu Feng wasn't in Skyrim IV, even if an automatic device was installed on the spatial door, it still wouldn't be able to maintain the open state while moving.

Lu Feng definitely can't allow himself to be imprisoned in Skyrim IV for 45 days, so this method is not feasible.

Since the mining of the atmosphere is so troublesome, wouldn't it be enough to directly mine the liquid high-energy gas in the "molecular hydrogen layer"?
Still not working.

Because the salary number can't go down.

There is a reason for the name "Security Layer", which means that except here, nowhere else in Skyrim IV is safe!

If the Xinhuo ventured deep, with the current level of technology, the only ending would be a crash.

Therefore, before the establishment of the mobile mining station, Skyrim IV can only produce 45 units of source energy every 50 days. Of course, other gases as by-products can also supplement tens of thousands of cornerstone substances.

This is the progress of Shentang's second strategy in the near future.

In the absence of other new large-scale manufacturing plans, no surprises, Shentang needs three natural disasters to complete the gate of hell.

Once a war breaks out in the middle, if a large-scale supply of armaments is required, there will inevitably be a gap in the source energy.

At that time, it depends on which side is more important.

Shentang's third strategy is naturally to develop the subspace as the real base camp.

The current subspace has not changed much from a few months ago, mainly due to insufficient resources.

After the first batch of 50 energy was credited, Lu Feng restarted the construction plan of No. 2 Space City.

Compared with No. 2 Space City, No. 1 Space City is a really good place to live.

It is not cramped, the design is more beautiful and convenient, the space is larger, the environment is better, and the facilities are more advanced and complete. It will be built as a permanent space residence of Shentang Sanctuary.

The current No. 2 Space City is very small, mainly government agencies and scientific research facilities.

This expansion plan intends to first expand the residential area of ​​50 to 100 people, and provide it exclusively for outstanding immigrants among the 1000 million people.

After all, it has been several months since they came to the New World, and 1000 million people are still living in narrow dormitories like pigeon cages.

While not abusing them, living in such a small space for extended periods of time with the lack of opportunities to go outside can really create major problems.

Lu Feng still counts on these 1000 million people to revive mankind, but he doesn't want them to become neurotic after they are released.

The 100 million new city residence quota is sweetness and an example, so that everyone has something to look forward to and the motivation to study hard.

And liberate the most obedient and talented immigrants, let them adapt to the new working and living conditions, and prepare for Shentang's next stage of colonial expansion and space industrialization.


(End of this chapter)

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