Chapter 314
The pest plague ended early, Tianjixing rarely entered a period of peace, and all parties were licking their wounds.

Of course there are outliers here too.

The Gate of Hell has not been harmed from the beginning to the end, so naturally there is no need to rest, but it is striding forward and building vigorously in the construction yard.

The construction site of the Gate of Hell is thousands of square kilometers wide. Apart from the central plain, there are also a large number of complex landforms such as basins, canyons, and extinct volcanoes. A few months ago, most of these places were still flowing with hot magma. .

These charred and unique features are difficult to use as foundations, but it is still very convenient to mine from them.

Shentang's prospecting team likes to drill in these places the most.

In other continents, they can easily find several precious mineral veins that require skill and luck to find here.

This is the inherent advantage of the Continent of Ashes.

There are mines everywhere.

However, these veins are only marked and will not be mined for the time being.

Now the Gate of Hell is only constructing the skeleton of the colony, and there are large areas of space that are still deserted, and there is no way to expand the development.

These places will be classified as heavy factories, mining facilities, airports and warehouses in the future to create a complete and independent heavy industry system. It is expected that the scale will reach the level of self-built destroyers and even cruisers.

Larger ships will be built in the orbital dock, and a massive orbital elevator is also planned.

However, due to the periodic natural disasters of Tianji, it is very difficult to build an orbital elevator. To build an orbital elevator that can resist natural disasters for a long time, necessary technology accumulation is required.

The creation mode of the subspace is powerful and unique, but it is too dependent on Lu Feng personally, and too dependent on the source energy.

In order to avoid the current situation of being stuck by resources like this in the future, Shentang needs to go hand in hand to establish the industrial chains on both sides of the subspace and the universe simultaneously.

Taking advantage of the production speed advantage of the subspace in the early stage, vigorously support the industrial system of this universe. After this side is formed, it can in turn help the subspace to collect more source energy. Risk capacity has been greatly improved.

This is the core strategy decided by Lu Feng after discussing with Donald and other high-level officials.


Time flies quickly in the busyness, and in a blink of an eye, the second natural disaster has arrived.

As Captain Yin Hang said, the aircraft carrier Daybreak returned to the Hell's Gate Colony for rest.

This time, Hell's Gate designed a professional and compliant mooring tank for it, which did not allow the mothership to be in close contact with the earth again, saving the trouble of follow-up maintenance.

The crew members finished their mission and went to the central ecological city, which has been partially built, for vacation.

Now the center of the gate of hell has become a huge construction site.

Judging from the productivity of the interstellar era, it is not difficult to build such a civilian-level living city. Most of the surface facilities are prefabricated buildings and special cement, and the construction speed is very fast with SCV;

The main ecological park is a ready-made product rewarded by the oracle. The only thing that needs to be worked on is the huge underground refuge facility, which must be strong and safe.

Therefore, the construction progress of this comprehensive ecological city is gratifying, and it has reached the level where people can live and visit.

The 8 dome ecological gardens and 8 hydroponic farms are all installed in place. The dome ecological gardens respectively reproduce the miniature version of the natural wonders of the earth. Although the hydroponic farms can also produce crops, the environment is customized into each Farmhouse with local characteristics.

The output and environment of each farm are different, such as alpine terraces, vast wheat fields, rice fields with crabs, bamboo forests in the mountains, fruits and vegetables at different latitudes, etc.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the crew members who had reappreciated the natural scenery of the earth, and all praised the director for doing a good deed.

Living in the gate of hell for a long time, looking at the surrounding barren scenery, will really produce a kind of depressive emotion, and I will feel depressed after a long time.

Well now, this eco-city has become a good place for leisure and relaxation, and all the residents love it very much, and there has never been a "visit here" situation.

In addition,

Tourists also found small easter eggs specially set up by Lu Feng in some corners—various statues of chief designer Meng Yifu to commemorate his outstanding contribution in the construction of the eco-city.


The natural disaster this time was no different from the first time, but because the beast herd was tossed so badly by the protozoa, the beast tide hardly broke out this time.

After the baptism of the last natural disaster, all parties have also gained experience in dealing with it. The number of human beings who died in this natural disaster was even less than 1000, and most of them died of fighting and famine.

That's right, famine broke out in the wasteland.

The already arid land had no crops under the cover of natural disasters, and some small forces could hardly survive. Zhong Mingzhao couldn't help them impermanently, because the Shenzhou colony didn't have enough food for itself.

The so-called slow step by step.

They used the lull after the pest plague to fortify the colony to ride out the natural disaster, but at the same time, the large colony was growing food.

The development stages of the two sides are different, and the situations that need to be faced when surviving the disaster are naturally different.

One side is calm, while the other is flustered.

That's the same sentence - it's their own choice.

Lu Feng really didn't understand what they were carrying to the death. Wouldn't it be nice to fall into the arms of Shenzhou? Is power really that important?

Perhaps, they are waiting for a turning point.

But the turning point is definitely not now.

Fifteen days later, the natural disaster passed peacefully, and there were no major events during the period.

Taking advantage of the weakening of the herd, the three heroes of the rainforest launched an operation to explore and conquer the rainforest.

Ivan, who has a selective defoliant, obviously has a huge advantage. The North Wind Alliance is the first force to open up a serious road among the towering giant trees, which makes the logistical situation of the pioneering team much better.

But the other two were miserable. They could only weed and cut trees a little bit, and they were accompanied by annoying thorns and vines. The front line often had a last meal, so they could only hunt and barbecue or cook some mushrooms nearby.

But the last protophagia disaster left them with a shadow in their hearts, and they wondered if there were insect eggs hidden in everything they saw.

It's really miserable...

The Shenzhou Colony completed the placement of the rewarded hydroponic farms and put them into planting. They also built a lot of alien greenhouses. Unfortunately, the lack of technical skills resulted in low crop yields.

No way, Zhong Mingzhao moved his target underground.

Although the underground air is thin, the soil is much better than the ground. Even if you can't grow rice, you can survive by growing some mushrooms.

The scientific research team in China is already working on soil remediation technology, and the wasteland will become fertile soil one day.

After the natural disaster passed, all parties breathed a sigh of relief and began to look forward to getting blood back with this reward.

However, after the oracle issued the reward, people were surprised.

Compared with the first time, the reward this time has been reduced by 50%!


(End of this chapter)

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