Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 266 Hunting, Persecution

Chapter 266 Hunting, Persecution

At last,
Less than 13 people were successfully evacuated from outpost A10.

They fled towards the colony in embarrassment on pack walkers. Including Lucas, only 4 of them still had guns in their hands, and most of the ammunition was used up.

Lucas didn't care to be happy too early, because he clearly felt that something was entangled with them, following closely like a ghost.

"Don't let your guard down, we're not safe yet! Sergeant, fire the signal for help immediately, we need to respond!"

"Okay, okay!"

A blue flare went off immediately.

This color signal means "the outpost is lost, and the evacuees need emergency response."

At this time, Lucas didn't care about exposing his position.

Because they have never been able to escape the surveillance of those damned native creatures!

For outsiders like them, this is the home of native creatures, and the wild beasts walking through the woods are like going home, and the advantage of fighting at home is undoubtedly revealed.

The gunfire behind him gradually subsided, and Lucas knew that John, who was left behind, was probably dead.

There is no one alive in the entire outpost.

In the dense forest, only the howling of beasts one after another in the distance, as well as the brushing leaves and rustling bushes around.

Suddenly, Lucas felt something flying towards him, and he jumped off the pack walker and lay down on the ground without hesitation.

However, the expected explosion did not come. He looked back, only to find that there was an extra head attached to what he had just done.

What frightened him even more was that this head belonged to John!

At this moment, the expression on John's face was still at the most horrified moment, as if he had seen the most terrifying scene, his empty eyes were waiting for Lucas, as if he was questioning why he was left behind.

"Who did it!"

Lucas raised his gun and looked around, but he found nothing but tree shadows.

cluck cluck~
Suddenly, a piercing strange laughter came from above his head.

Lucas, who was highly nervous, immediately fired in the direction of the laughter, and his companions on the pack walker saw him firing, and followed suit.

However, except for the bark and branches flying around, there is no hair.

And that weird laugh sounded from another direction.

"Damn it, get out of here as quickly as possible, these beasts are teasing us!"

Lucas regained his sanity in an instant, jumped back on the packwalker, and urged the group to leave.

At this moment, puff!
A stream of liquid splashed on the mask of Lucas's protective clothing. He hurriedly wiped off the liquid on the mask, and suddenly found that the support team member sitting beside him had turned into a headless corpse. At this time, the blood was flowing out like a fountain The neck spews out.

Who is the murderer!

How could I not notice it at all~
Lucas was terrified and could only helplessly shoot around.

The pack-walker under the buttocks ran towards the colony at high speed, and the companions on the other pack-walkers also yelled like crazy and shot indiscriminately.

After they left, the trunk where they had just stopped suddenly twisted like water waves, and a humanoid creature less than 1 meter in size appeared on the trunk.

Its dagger-like sharp claws were shiny and not stained with a trace of blood.

There are only 6 pairs of eyes on the flat head, and a big bloody mouth grows on the chest. At the moment, it is chewing on the head of the logistics team member!
Hard skulls are as delicious in its mouth as brittle bones.

cluck cluck~

The command room of the flagship Pravda.

Not long after Hyperon stopped, the situation at A13 outpost deteriorated rapidly, and the news of the final fall reached him.

His handsome face finally darkened, and his sharp eyes gleamed with anger.

"How many people have been withdrawn in total? Has the battlefield recorder been brought out?"

"Uh, Captain Lucas only sent a blue signal, we can't get any more useful information..."


Hyperion snorted coldly, and the psionic energy around him went berserk in an instant—he was about to advance, and he had been in contact with the void for a long time recently, making it difficult for him to perfectly control his own power as usual.

The subordinate quickly took several steps back.

In the morning, there was a woman who didn't know how to live or die. Because she was too close, she was driven crazy by the whisper of psionic energy that had not been transformed in her psychic energy. As a result, she was sent to the officer's guest house that day...

That woman turned out to be Hyperion's adjutant, who knows if Hyperion wanted to replace her on purpose?

Just thinking about it makes me chill!
After a few seconds, Hyperion's spiritual energy finally calmed down.

"Let Moriyama Takuya's delta team go to meet it! Where's the anti-gravity tank of the Venerable Basel? Take it with you too! Be sure to recover the first-hand information about the beast tide!"

"Yes! My lord!"

"In addition, I think there is still a lack of a liaison officer in the commando team. You get a set of equipment and go with you!"

The male adjutant's face suddenly changed, he forgot that Hyperion should be a mind reader!

But now everything is over, Hyperion is the supreme commander here, and there is no room for him to refuse orders.

So, he's screwed.


Soon, a ready-to-go response team set off from a military cargo ship on the edge of the colony, which was the colony's barracks.

The leader is Takuya Moriyama, one of the third-level psykers of the Masonic Society. Although his ability is not as good as that of Hyperion, he is not a good stubble.

not to mention,
This time they took a prototype vehicle manufactured by Basel-the anti-gravity assault vehicle.

This assault vehicle is equipped with an anti-gravity chassis and an electromagnetic turret. Up to 10 fighters wearing exoskeletons can be attached to the shell. It can rush through the jungle with complex terrain at high speed and launch powerful shells for support.

The male adjutant just now was also in the team.

Due to time constraints, he only buckled on a protective helmet and carried a pistol, and then was thrown into the radiator grille on the back of the tank.

The perfunctory treatment made it clear that he wanted him to die in this operation.

He only has a single shirt on, and the mosquitoes in the forest can kill him!
However, apart from fear, he dared not curse Hyperion.

Because, Mori Shantaku who leads the team is also a psychic!
Moreover, compared to the sanctimonious Hyperion, this guy is a complete butcher, the kind who kills when he says he will.

Compared with Shentang Sanctuary, Masonic psykers abused mind reading more.

In their lives, they will probe other people's thoughts at will to show their superior privileges, in the name of looking for spies with ghosts in their hearts.

Every day in the colonies someone is branded a spy and disappears.

But Lu Feng and Lin Yuexi are completely different, they use telepathy as a tool, and only use it when needed.

Because of this, Shentang's prejudice against psykers is gradually changing.

"Telepathy, which is supposed to be used to increase understanding between people, should be two-way.

When psykers try to use it to create one-way transparency in order to achieve some selfish purpose, then they are not far from being isolated. "

Lu Feng said so.


(End of this chapter)

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