Chapter 262 Beast Tide
The natural disaster period will last for one month, which is 15 days and nights when converted into Tianjixing time.

During the day, the sky star will be devastated by the radiation from the star, but at night, the sky star is another scene.

At the beginning of the disaster,

When the Wasteland Continent and the Rainforest Continent spend the day, the Ash Continent is always in the dark.

The difference between day and night on the Continent of Ashes is not obvious.

But for sensitive biomes, it can still be felt.

For them, the temperature at night will be a few degrees lower than usual. This difference in temperature is the time when some beetles like to come out and move around. They are excellent hunting targets.

At the same time, the magnetic field at night will also become softer, making it easier for hunters to use perception to search for prey.

However, natural disasters can disrupt all this.

Hunters are driven almost mad by the magnetic field mutation, and their original hunting habits will be magnified several times. Therefore, the night is the period when the beast swarms are high, and it is extremely dangerous.

However, there are exceptions, the beast tide in the rainforest area is 48 hours non-stop during the natural disaster period~
On the first day of the natural disaster, the first wave of beasts broke out on the Continent of Ashes, targeting the human colony rooted here, which is the gate of hell.

Thanks to the powerful effect of the weather controller,
The artificial magnetic field of the control tower shields most of the disasters from the universe, allowing the electronic equipment in the Hell's Gate area to operate normally.

The temporary monitoring station set up on the base of the wall immediately discovered the riot of native creatures, and transmitted the information to the Hell's Gate Defense Headquarters.

General Ji Shiming was stationed here, and immediately began to deploy the garrison to enter the blocking position, setting up weapons and preparing for battle.

When the colonies were opened up before,

The colonial army has encountered dozens of native creatures.

After repeated fights, very detailed biological information was gradually collected, and the biosphere map of the Ashes Continent was systematically established and quickly completed.

At this moment, these intelligences have been memorized by commanders at all levels.

Seeing what kind of creature is attacking, you can immediately find the corresponding restraint method, such as using different degrees of kinetic energy weapons, freezing weapons, or sonic weapons.

The first to arrive was a group of blade ants, followed by many lava lizards that could breathe fireballs.

This is a wave of beasts combining long-range attacks and melee combat. It can only be said that fortunately, these two races are not predators, so they can form a group to attack the human base.

It's the bad luck of humans.

But the commanders on the defensive line don't think so.

Violent volcanic eruptions, frequent crustal movements, gas explosions...

All of these will generate serious infrasonic disasters and kill the lives living in the surrounding area.

It took hundreds of years for the biome on the Ash Continent to adapt to this, before the internal organs barely acquired resistance to infrasonic waves.

However, extremes must be reversed.

How adapted they are to infrasound, how afraid of ultrasound!

Under the action of ultra-high-frequency ultrasonic waves, the internal organs of most lava creatures will undergo terrifying resonance, and then burst open.

This fatal weakness was discovered by Yang Ying's team from the Department of Life Sciences.

Then the corresponding tactical indicators were sent to the Ministry of Military Industry. Minister Huo Yiyang led the scientific research team overnight and successfully developed a mass-produced military sound wave weapon, which can specifically target the creatures on the Ashes Continent.

At this moment, three disc-shaped new weapons appeared on the defense line.

"Fire at 50% power!"

With an order from the frontline commander, the three sonic weapons pointed at the rushing beast tide.

It was raining cats and dogs.

The soldiers on the ground clearly saw that within the cone-shaped range in front of the three weapons, the raindrops boiled instantly, and then began to tremble neatly according to the same frequency.

Look at those incoming beast tides.

One by one, the herd of beasts fell to the ground, struggled in the muddy water for a while, and then stopped moving. No injuries could be seen on the appearance of the corpses.

At this moment, the targeted weapons of human beings have a massacre-like effect, which can be called terrifying!
Lu Feng also saw the result of this battle.

While he was satisfied, he also knew that this was the difference between natural species and insect swarms.

No matter how fierce the natural creatures are, they only seem to be powerful, and they must have their limitations and weaknesses. The natural world does not produce perfect species. As long as the key is found, human beings can become the upper class of the food chain.

Zerg, on the other hand, is quite different.

Although it is not known who created them, they can be said to be close to perfection, with almost no fatal flaws. Not only are they highly resistant, but their vitality is also extremely tenacious.

They can only be killed by using methods that exceed their tolerance limit.

That is to say, there is no trickery, only positive.

Lu Feng sighed sadly.

"Hey, if only the bugs could be as cute as the creatures on Skyrim~"



The creatures of Skyrim... are they cute?

If others knew what Lu Feng was thinking, they would definitely curse in anger, and then point to the monsters outside the colony and ask him, "Why do you call this cute?"

Time flies, day and night cycle.

Soon, night fell in the wasteland and rainforest.

Lu Feng looked up at the thin morning light cast by the clouds, and comfortably called his subordinates to continue working.

On the other side of the planet, a bloody fight is slowly kicking off.

The beast tide broke out!

Because there was no live broadcast, Lu Feng did not know the specific situation of the couple in the rainforest area.

However, judging from the size of their colony, it should be no problem to deal with the beast tide during the day, but it is hard to say at night~
Even with the bright moonlight of Skyrim IV, the scene in the dense forest is still extremely dark, and the shadowy environment is like a giant beast that chooses and devours people, bringing more pressure and fear to the human defenders than during the day.


Rainforest area, Freemasonry [Dawn Colony].

The name Liming means the dawn of the great victory of "completing personal practice, breaking through the triple darkness, and regaining the light of reason".

It's a great place to stand up, but nothing can change that this is a capital city built on exploitation.

Lao Qiao and other high-level Freemasons have completed the reorganization and cleaning of the main personnel in the association.

right now,

All the financial groups that originally formed the Freemasonry have been dismantled and digested.

Those elites who agree with the concept of Freemasonry are all absorbed into the core layer, even if they are some disgusting careerists, capitalists, politicians, and warlords, it doesn't matter at all.

Under the guidance of the Lord, it is enough for everyone to follow the established power structure and work towards the goal of ruling the world. After success, everyone will share the cake together!

In the end, the core layer of the Freemasonry was reduced to 1 people, and the scale will basically not expand in the future.

The remaining more than 1 civilians have become the targets of exploitation and rule by these core classes. Thanks to the new situation of Tianji Star, this kind of oppression has become undisguised, more iron-blooded and cruel.

Outpost A13 is such a microcosm.


(End of this chapter)

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