Chapter 248 Shiva Colony

In the Shiva sect, the last surviving population is about 4, which is the largest among all forces.

In order to accommodate so many people and more cemetery resources, Yogi ordered to salvage and repair the sunken ship for transportation. At one time, he had a huge fleet of more than a hundred spaceships.

Even Lu Feng was far behind.

Most of these restored shipwrecks are outrageously simple!

It was not obvious when flying at a turtle speed in space, but now once it is about to land in the atmosphere, it will be fatal:

When entering the atmosphere,

The burning rate of the yogi fleet spaceship is as high as 30%!

After landing, landing on the face and falling apart, there are more than 20% again!
In the end, the spaceship that was able to breathe thick smoke and land completely was less than half of what it was at the beginning!

In terms of the degree of disaster at the landing site, individuals would feel their scalps go numb after seeing it.

Just highlight one tragic one!
A large part of the responsibility should be attributed to the amateur professional level and bad work habits of Shiva technicians.

After all, how can a technician who loses a few parts even repairing an airplane be expected to repair the spacecraft!
In the eyes of Shiva technicians,
As long as the spaceship does not leak air, can be powered on, and the engine does not blow up, then the ship is considered repaired and ready to fly.

What bike do you need?
Colleagues from all over the world shook their heads and sighed when they saw it——If you can’t teach, leave!
Regarding the bad behavior of his subordinates,
Yogi was also so angry that he couldn't help it. On the one hand, he swore secretly that he would never board this kind of spaceship, and on the other hand, he was worried about the lack of reliable talents.

Finally he thought of a way.

Whoever repairs the boat rides himself!
Now, the technicians under him finally restrained themselves a bit, and stopped sticking the spaceship with universal tape.

Even so, in the end the Shiva fleet still managed to achieve a proud record of 50% crash rate.

During the whole landing process, there was even a case where the intact ship was smashed and exploded by the disintegrated ship, which made Lu Feng's appetite whetted.

Just... a thief against the sky!

Hehehe, who told you that the technicians of the Shiva sect were all engaged in smuggling spaceships in the first place, and they were the ones who didn’t care about burying them? Who’s to blame!
Occupational disease belongs to it~
after landing,
The landing field that was originally cleared with naval guns was smashed again by the falling fleet, and now there is no grass to grow, and there are fragmented impact craters and burnt vegetation everywhere.

Later, the yogi who took the flagship had no place to land.

The previously planned colonial area is even more of a fart, it has already been smashed into a mess.

Although it was expected, Yogi's blood pressure still inevitably soared. He took advantage of the situation and sent his own guards to board the remaining ships to cleanse dissidents on the grounds of dereliction of duty.

This one-feather colonial operation has caused more than half of the population casualties, and the people at the bottom are in great mourning.

After yogi's special guidance, a feeling of grief and indignation suddenly stirred up in the crowd.

People thought of the landlord class who oppressed and exploited themselves in the past, and the hatred accumulated all day long was completely ignited.

Immediately after the Shiva guards were dispatched, the people spontaneously formed a wave and took the lead in attacking the private guards of the landlord class, and then dragged them out of the safe house for trial and hanged.

While yogi condemned, he called on the people to exercise restraint.

From the beginning to the end, he controlled the development of the situation in his own hands, and he manipulated people's hearts with ease, worthy of the name of a hero.

The big cleaning lasted for 3 days.

During the period, there was a heavy rain in the rainforest area, and the downpour extinguished the fire on the spacecraft, but it did not extinguish the anger of the people.

People want more!

"Damn, these gangsters!"

Yogi was furious, but it was related to his ambition to integrate the three powers of military, government and god in the future. This incident must be resolved properly. If it is resolved, it can further condense his godhead.

In the face of raging public opinion, yogi knows the truth that blocking is worse than sparse.

So he thought about it with his clever little head - well, let's celebrate the festival!

Let's have a festive skewer, give all the festivals that I haven't been able to celebrate before, let these unscrupulous people vent their anger at once, and when they find out, they will go back honestly and continue to be untouchables!
So starting from day 4, Judgment Day transformed into a Colonial Carnival.

First of all, Diwali is held to celebrate the victory of the class struggle of "light over darkness, justice over evil", the successful trial of the hateful landlords, and then the grand ball.

On the 5th day, Shiva Festival begins.

All the congregation prayed and worshiped the Lord God Shiva, thanked him for his blessing since he came to the cemetery, and thanked the Lord God for blessing them invincible in the battle against the enemy;

Yogi, the incarnation of Shiva in the world, came to the stage to give a speech, calling on brothers and sisters to continue to unite with him and create a better future together, and then began a grand dance.

Holi begins on the 6th day.

The festive atmosphere reached a climax. Tens of thousands of people forgot their pain and suffering, and splashed colored pollen on the open space between the spaceships to celebrate the arrival of spring on Skyrim, and then began a grand dance.

On the seventh day, the carnival ends with the Big Pot Festival.

The pollen-covered people came to the river near the colony - the Ganges in another world, where they bathed and splashed water to wash away the sins of the past.

This big river was interpreted by yogi as the projection of the Ganges River on the earth in another world. It is also a part of the holy river, and took the lead in bathing in the water. Fanatical people followed suit and sang and danced in the shallow water area.

So far, yogi's reputation has reached an unshakable level.

Since then, the Shiva sect has completely become his own kingdom of God!

This set of coquettish operation directly shocked Lu Feng's jaw.

Lu Feng quickly shared the news with Lin Yuexi, and he was not satisfied until Lin Yuexi showed the same shocked expression as him.


No normal person can do such a thing!
How come after coming to an unfamiliar environment, not only is he not vigilant, but also sings and dances all day long!

This kind of person is really blessed by God!

It's just off the charts.

Although yogi was also forced by the situation at the time, after all, the atmosphere was here, and the public's emotions could not be stopped by him, and he had to vent them out in a reasonable way.

But such a gamble is somewhat overkill.

Even if there is a flagship in the sky on alert, some dangers cannot be prevented by guns alone.

Moreover, due to the forced landing of a spaceship, there were many wounded in the sect, and many of them died.

The wounded groaned in pain in the spaceship, but there were singing and dancing outside...

Is this really good?

There are also material issues.

Lu Feng didn't know how much living supplies Yogi had stored up before coming here. Although he just ransacked the landlord's house, there was not much to go. Could it be that he expected to hunt and gather from the rainforest?
Hehe, the idea is good, I hope your good luck is not exhausted~
This time, Lu Feng simply called Lin Yuexi to go home, and they ate and watched Yogi's performance together.

as predicted!

In just a few days, a terrible plague broke out in Shiva's colony.


(End of this chapter)

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