Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 240 Colonial Planning

Chapter 240 Colonial Planning

After the Continent of Ashes calmed down, the Shentang Colony gained a vast and solid construction site.

Looking down from the air, the solidified land is a vast circle, with hills and ravines interlaced on it, and the terrain is not flat.

Because of the outflow of energy, the entire construction site is surrounded by more turbulent magma, like a continent floating on lava. The lava separates the construction site from the continent of ashes like a moat, which is very spectacular.

This is not without its disadvantages.

Because the lava below the construction site solidified, a large number of native organisms in the magma were petrified, and even the life on the surface is estimated to take a long time to adapt to the new environment.

However, near the newly formed magma belt around the construction site, a large amount of minerals were poured ashore, making a particularly prosperous life corridor here.

A large number of lava life have come to take root here, bringing an unprecedented strange biosphere to the colony.

When the colony develops, maybe it can develop a tourism industry or something.

In the next three days, Shentang still needs to wait for the construction site to cool down completely before building the first phase of the base building.

The first phase of construction mainly includes the colony's energy structure, weather controllers and some mines.

First of all, the outpost where the six stabilizers are located will be expanded and upgraded from a temporary outpost to a small fortress to protect the safety of the stabilizers for a long time and serve as a geothermal power station to transmit electricity to the construction site.

The 6 main power pipelines will gather energy towards the center of the colony like blood vessels, then transform it through the central power station, and then deliver it to various locations in the colony.

Next to the central power station, construction of the weather controller will begin.

According to the plan, this huge technological building will take 2 months to complete, and the construction period of other infrastructure will be synchronized with it.

Therefore, the first phase of the entire colonial project will be finished at the same time in two months.

The industrial production mode of the colonies now,

Except that Lu Feng used 1000 points of source energy every day to manufacture some complex and precise parts, the rest were completed by the base production line of the New Moon mothership, and then transported to the construction site for assembly and fixing.

The installation efficiency of this method is very high, but it does not mean that the production efficiency is high. After all, there is only one production line and the production capacity is not large.

Therefore, the best solution is to find some high-energy gas veins.

However, the spy satellites circled the Skyrim star again and again, but never found traces of high-energy gas springs. Either the gas mine was buried deep underground, or the gas had already been harvested by the previous owner of the Skyrim star.

After thinking about it, Lu Feng fixed his eyes on the gas giant planet of Skyrim IV in the distance.

Maybe there will be?
"March [-]th, include Tianji Ⅳ in the next batch of key exploration targets, and let me know as soon as there are results!"

"Okay, I'll arrange for a new batch of satellites to be produced~
But be careful, the magnetic field around Skyrim IV is extremely chaotic, and the spy satellite may find nothing or even crash!
So brother, you have to be prepared to lose everything~"

Lu Feng nodded helplessly.

"I have to go even if I lose everything, this is the price of exploration..."

He can't go away now,

One is to follow up on the construction of the colony at any time and provide cutting-edge support, and the other is to keep the space door open on the ground at all times, so that the materials of the mothership can be directly transported to the construction site, saving transportation costs.

It is estimated that only after the colony is on the right track, can he go to other places in the galaxy with peace of mind!

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to a month after the Stargate Battle ended.

It has been more than ten days since Lu Feng came back from Earth. Thousands of SCVs and base components shining with metallic luster appeared on the construction site of Ashes Continent.

Most of the drivers are Shentang warriors who came to help temporarily after receiving the mission.

If you see any SCV driving particularly wildly, then the pilot must be a fighter pilot, most likely an ace pilot!

It's very reckless.

No way, those engineering drones in the subspace are all space models, which cannot overcome the gravity on the planet.

Shentang can only use the production line of the New Moon mothership to manufacture a batch of engineering robots and SCVs for emergency.

It has not yet formed a scale.

The SCV's huge crawlers rolled over the black gravel, and it used its huge multifunctional robotic arms to dig straight ravines on the scorched surface.

Then the inverted trapezoidal prefabricated frame was neatly sunk into the ditch and fixed, and a large amount of special cement was poured in by the engineering team, and it would dry and solidify in less than an hour.

This cement is the latest achievement of the Academy of Sciences, and the addition of zeolite makes it very suitable for use in high temperature areas.

In the end, this project created a total of six inverted trapezoidal concrete ditches starting from the geothermal power station and extending straight to the central power station, with a width of 10 meters and a depth of 5 meters.

Looking down, it looks like a six-pointed star on the dark land!

There will be a large number of branch roads extending from the main road in the future, and finally form a snowflake shape, full of beauty.

In fact,
This set of large-scale projects like a vein is the transportation network and pipeline network of the future colony.

The center of the groove will be built into a high-speed rail transportation system that runs through the entire colony.

On both sides of the track are the main and auxiliary pipeline networks.

It is used to transport the huge energy of geothermal power plants, as well as communication cables, water sources, etc.

Compared with surface engineering, this complex design sunk into the ground has doubled the cost and engineering volume several times.

But compared to Lu Feng's ambition,
It's all worth it.

Different from the gradual development process of other human colonies, Shentang has no need to make a trade-off between construction period and quality because it has a stable rear base of space city and crescent mothership.

Other people's colonies need people to live in, develop, and run out of time.
Therefore, we must first develop the functionality of the colony vertically, and then expand the scale of the colony horizontally.

Shentang is not the case.

Now Shentang can completely use the colony as a power plant, outpost, or mining field, and wait until everything is almost built, and then move a small number of people to work there.

He didn't even want to colonize too many people here.

As long as there are no problems in the subspace, then there is no better place to live in the subspace than your own!
Besides, this ghost place is not suitable for living at all~
Therefore, Lu Feng put forward extremely high requirements for the construction of the colony:

One step is in place, look to the future, plan ahead, keep improving, and build a complex integrating energy, mining, smelting, heavy industry, precision manufacturing, and military industry.

Large Industrial Colony!
Not only that,

The colony is also planned to have at least two surface wonders, one of which is a long-planned orbital elevator, and the other will be a characteristic building for ore smelting.

Corresponding defense measures will not be less,
The specific situation will be determined according to the future situation, but the orbital defense base and the local biological defense line are both essential.

Based on these,

Looking at the construction indicators of these sunken pipe network transportation systems at this time, it is not so outrageous.


(End of this chapter)

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