Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 214 Level 1 combat readiness!

Chapter 214 Level [-] combat readiness!

The bridge was boiling, the refugees from the earth had already burst into tears, but the clone crew members cheered because they successfully arrived at their destination.

The two completely different emotions made the atmosphere in the bridge a little awkward for a while.

This can't really be blamed on the clone crew, because they really have no memory of the earth, so naturally they can't empathize.


"Silence! The whole ship immediately enters a level 1 combat readiness state, releases escort fighters, raises shields, reloads missiles, recharges auxiliary guns, and is ready to fight at any time!"

There was an instant silence on the bridge.

Although the crew didn't understand why Lu Feng was so excited, their good qualities made them carry out the order without hesitation.

A shrill siren sounded immediately inside the ship.

All the crew members quickly ran to their posts, the explosion-proof isolation doors inside the ship were lowered one after another, blade fighters loaded with ammunition were ejected, the missile port opened, the turret turned to the outside, and then a light blue light curtain came from the ship. The body rises.

The radar officer stared at the sensor interface in front of him, trying hard to find any possible enemies.

Everyone didn't dare to breathe, and their spirits were highly tense.

Where is the enemy?
No one dared to ask.

Since the boss is on guard, there must be a problem!


Lu Feng was sitting on the captain's chair at the moment, with a particularly dignified expression.


The subspace connection that was interrupted while driving was still not restored at this moment!

He originally thought it was because of the space channel, and he would reconnect after he came out, who would have thought...

Lu Feng, who had always had subspace as his trump card, felt a long-lost panic at this moment.

That was the fear of being drawn away from the ultimate hole card. If the Daybreak sank, then he and everyone on the ship would die without a place to die!
There will be no more chance to hide in the warp!
That's why Lu Feng sounded the alarm immediately. They won't have reinforcements until the subspace connection is restored. He... can't make a mistake!
He must lead everyone to live.

"Is there a response on the sensor?"

Lu Feng took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Report to the commander, no units have been found in the nearby universe!"

"Continue to monitor!"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, silently staring at the beautiful planet on the screen and the half-shattered satellite next to him.

Didn't it mean that the earth was invaded by mysterious enemies?

With so much peace in space, doesn't the enemy have a fleet?

The movement of the Akatsuki leaving hyperspace should be loud enough, the enemy's space forces cannot remain indifferent...

Also, what is the reason why the subspace cannot be opened?
Even the wonder system didn't respond. The oracle didn't talk just now. Why didn't the wonder system, which is an auxiliary system, respond?

At this moment, Lu Feng had doubts for the first time—isn't the spectacle system not part of the oracle?

A series of previous signs immediately appeared in Lu Feng's mind, and they were instantly connected.

The golden meteor that came late when qualifying...

Capabilities completely ahead of other systems...

Too strong a training system...

Psychic infusion, pure psionic energy...

The ability to block oracle signals...

A smarter style of acting than an oracle...

There are various indications that the oracle in his creation system seems to be a counterfeit?


Is the current loss of contact due to being discovered by the real oracle?
Or for some other reason, temporarily dormant, ready to avoid the limelight?
Lu Feng didn't know.

But he now knows that there are hidden dangers in the spectacle system. From this moment on, he must be prepared. If the subspace cannot be restored, then this ship will be his only reliance.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Lin Yuexi in the corner.

The little girl was sitting obediently on the chair at the moment, looking at the earth through the porthole in a daze, as if feeling Lu Feng's gaze, the girl turned her head and showed him an encouraging smile.

so far so good……

Lu Feng's frown was finally loosened, and his eyes became firm.

Immediately release the reconnaissance drone and approach the back of the moon wreckage for orbital reconnaissance.

[-]st and [-]nd Interceptor Squadron escort the drone over, but not near the moon.

The third and fourth brigades escort the mothership, and the fifth brigade is on standby on the ejection deck.

No. 1 and No. 2 main guns are pre-charged.

Reset the parameters of the No. 3 sensor array, increase the power, and immediately conduct a remote scan of the earth's surface. I want to know the situation inside the atmosphere! "


The engines of 48 blade interceptors flashed, and the squads formed 12 formations of 4 aircraft, escorting 4 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to fly over the moon debris.

The shattered moon was surrounded by a mass of rubble, exposing mineral dust that seriously interfered with remote sensors.

The results can only be obtained by using a reconnaissance aircraft to detect at close range.

The drone lowered its altitude and began to scan...

The atmosphere inside the bridge was tense.


"Report to the commander, the reconnaissance plane found an abnormal signal, the signal is unstable, and the tracking is being strengthened!"

"Immediately send a nearby reconnaissance plane over there, keep the current altitude, and don't approach!"



"Report to the commander, the direction of the ship's bow, azimuth 17-33 B found the target, suspected Zerg unit, can be tracked stably!"

"Yes! Azimuth 17-33 B is target No. 1, prepare main gun No. 1, and load anti-ship ammunition!"

At this moment, a huge rift on the back of the moon suddenly trembled, a large number of rocks were thrown into the sky, and moon dust was everywhere.

Suddenly, a ferocious giant claw protruded from the ground, and the raised claw tip pierced the starry sky, and the ferocious barb on it could be clearly seen.

Then the ground shook and cracked, and a giant insect-like monster with a body length of more than 300 meters protruded out of its body. Its huge and terrifying triangular head roared silently towards the reconnaissance plane hovering above it.

"Target No. 1 is confirmed. It is a reptile unknown Zerg, suspected to have long-range firepower, and the threat is medium!"

"Report on the charging of the main gun."

"The No. 1 main gun is fully charged, and the No. 2 main gun is on standby with 50% energy!"

"Order, No. 1 main gun shoots No. 1 target, fire immediately!"

"Yes! Launch!"

The hull of the Daybreak shook slightly, and the bow released a dazzling light. A solid projectile flew away in an instant, and bombarded the giant beast that had just emerged in a blink of an eye.

The terrifying power directly smashed the unknown Zerg in half, and together with the rocks under it, the violent explosion formed a huge wave, and countless rocks and dust were carried by the huge waves and rushed to the universe thousands of meters away.

"Successful hit! No. 1 target is silent!"

Well played!
The crew members showed joy, secretly cheering for the clean blow just now!

However, a beeping siren suddenly sounded on the bridge.

"Detected 3 other biological signals, the characteristics match, it is Zerg! From the earth!"


(End of this chapter)

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