Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 204 Next is our exclusive time

Chapter 204 Next is our exclusive time

[Stargate launch complete!Energy remaining: 11 hours and 23 minutes]


"Attention all members of the Shentang Fleet. All irrelevant people have been evacuated. Next is our exclusive time. Everyone is in position. According to the original plan, the battle begins!"

Lu Feng took out a detonator and pressed it with a smirk.

"Take your swarm of insects and wipe them out~"

The entire cemetery was instantly lit up.

The light is so bright, it is far more dazzling than the explosion of the Vajra battleship, it belongs to the unique super unit here—the Vajura mothership that is exploding and disintegrating!
Lu Feng detonated the super-yield fusion bomb buried inside the mothership without hesitation.

Vingado once dismantled a batch of small-yield bombs and was complacent about them, but he didn't know that they were just baits deliberately arranged by Lu Feng. The real nuclear bombs had already been sent back to the heart of the mothership along the vein-like transmission pipeline. middle.

The intelligent program installed on the bomb uses claws to fix the projectile body in the core chamber of the mothership, so as not to be washed away by the liquid.

The nuclear bomb is equipped with remote control, electronic, and mechanical triple fuzes. Even if Lu Feng's remote control fails, it will explode on time, but it will take a little longer.

The explosion was generated from the atrium of the Vajura mothership, and swept across all nearby areas in just a few seconds.

Empress Vajura, who was still high-spirited just now, seemed to be sitting on top of a bomb, and she only had time to scream angrily with all her strength before being swallowed by the dazzling light.

The entire Vajura mothership exploded from the very center, like a watermelon that had been pressurized to its limit, and instantly shattered to pieces, throwing out a large amount of high-energy matter.

Terrifying energy swept across the entire airspace, and the four battleships that had just approached to escort them for a short time were the first to bear the brunt of the explosion, and were involved in it in a blink of an eye, like a ferry in a huge wave that would capsize at any time.

This is also within Lu Feng's calculations!
Under such a terrifying explosion, none of the nearby Zerg individuals could survive.

The strong radiation and particle flow will smash all life around, and a huge amount of matter will be vaporized, and then form a more violent impact wave, enveloping countless high-temperature fragments and ruthlessly crashing into any surrounding objects.

The huge and mighty Vajura battleship looked so pitiful at this moment.

The dark green solid hull was first bombarded by the tachyon jet, and the internal structure collapsed in an instant, and then a large number of sublight shrapnel swarmed in, mercilessly crushing the thick armor shell, leaving large holes in the hull, and then Pierce into the inner chamber and burst open, causing more damage.

Before the bugs in the ship could react, they were killed by radiation, debris and high-energy particles, but most of them could leave a whole body.

The shock lasted for more than ten minutes before subsiding gradually. Finally, the radiation cloud and dust belt caused by the death of the mothership appeared in the center of the cemetery.

For a long time.

When the explosion happened, all the remote sensors of Lu Feng's fleet failed for a short time, and the energy indicator frantically alarmed. The dilapidated Stargate base almost disintegrated under the impact of the explosion, so scared that Lu Feng almost took people away.

Guigui, the power of a dreadnought being killed at close range is so terrifying!
This is definitely one of the most shocking moments for Lu Feng and the crew. The last time I was so shocked was the last time...

But it was the enemy's ship that was blown up, so what a cool thing.

Sitting on the captain's seat, Lu Feng was even more enjoyable.

"Congratulations to Shentang Sanctuary, unlocked the hidden achievement [Ultimate Assassination], successfully killed Queen Vajura, and rewarded an S-class super fighter [Old Dominator]!"

"Congratulations to Shentang Sanctuary, unlocked the hidden achievement [Supernova], successfully blasted the Vajura mothership, and rewarded the complete blueprint of the [Orion-class] assault aircraft carrier!"

Lu Feng's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't care about being intoxicated, and quickly ordered:

"Stop watching the show, hurry up and clear the scene, how much you can gain this time, it all depends on the speed of your hands and feet!"

Following Lu Feng's order, the Shentang Fleet, which was half dead before, immediately revived and exposed its minions to the remaining swarms of insects around.

The space door opened, and a large number of drones swarmed out from it, fiercely drowning the surrounding bugs, as if they were the real bug swarm.

The insect swarm near the star gate was already at the end of its strength, but at this moment it was immediately defeated by the counterattack of the Shentang fleet, and was killed in pieces.

Half an hour later, there were no more insect swarms near the stargate channel.

Afterwards, 10 Falcon frigates sailed out of the space gate, and under the escort of fighter planes, they quietly came to the outer wreckage of the Stargate base.

This type of frigate is short and powerful, with a good wave-absorbing coating and thermal energy circulation device, and the battlefield signal is about the size of a gunboat, which is what it relies on for survival.

The armament on board is very simple, only equipped with two 20mm automatic cannons for self-defense, leaving most of the space for two S4-class photon torpedo launchers.

This kind of torpedo tube is completely different from the one on the Polaris, and it is much larger and more complicated.

The killing principle of the photon torpedo lies in the huge energy released when positive and negative matter annihilates.

In order to ensure a sufficient reaction and prevent the remaining reactive substances from being blown away in advance, the inside of the torpedo was divided into tens of thousands of micro-reaction compartments bounded by magnetic force.

Before launch, the launch tube will extract positive and negative matter from the ship's main storehouse and inject them into these micro-reaction chambers respectively.

The electromagnetic confinement system in the torpedo is time-sensitive. Once the time limit is exceeded, the positive and negative matter that breaks free from the confinement will instantly complete the annihilation reaction.

Therefore, the positive and negative matter on the ship will be stored separately and temporarily loaded into the photon torpedo before launch. After the launch, the torpedo will not fly forever, and will automatically detonate after the time limit expires.

It's a hassle, but it's all worth it for its sheer power.

The scene of launching 20 photon torpedoes at the same time is extremely spectacular.

Each of the 4 surviving Vajura battleships was locked by 5 torpedoes.

These Zerg warships, which were still spouting flames and thick smoke, couldn't exert any decent interception firepower at all, and were hit by photon torpedoes coming at high speed one after another.

The huge energy generated by the annihilation of matter and antimatter crazily tore apart the dilapidated hull. Although the four battleships tried their best to struggle, they still could not escape the fate of sinking and disintegrated in the violent explosion.

Become a member of the new cemetery.

"Congratulations to Shentang Sanctuary, unlocked the hidden achievement [Hunting Fleet], successfully destroyed 5 Vajura battleships, and rewarded the complete blueprint of [Charon-class] cruiser!"

"Congratulations to Shentang Sanctuary, unlocked the ultimate achievement [Graveyard Master], completely destroyed the Vajura fleet entrenched in the cemetery, and won an all-round victory. Special reward for the legendary mothership - [Higora's Glory]!"

"The great contribution of Shentang Sanctuary has been detected, and the advanced AI database upgrade project x1, void crystal core 1m, and hyperspace core 1 will be rewarded as extra rewards!
——Your feat will be forever remembered by this starry sky! "


(End of this chapter)

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