Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 188 One Gun and One Cruiser

Chapter 188 One Gun, One Cruiser
Five minutes later, the Firewood appeared quietly behind the No. 5 Vajura Fleet.

The Xinhuo was along the edge of the cemetery and surrounded it from the outside, so it appeared directly behind the No. 3 fleet, and there were no wreckage in the middle to block the shooting range.

The Firefire's perfect stealth system was naturally not discovered by the Zerg.

"Very well, we sneaked in. The bugs would never think that they could be attacked from behind by humans."

Lu Feng sat leisurely in the large captain's chair, completely different from the previous state of commanding operations.

This time, he is the hunter.

"This battle is to help you familiarize yourself with the operation of the ship, so we only fired one shot, and then immediately retreated in cover. Of course, you now have plenty of time to prepare for this shot~
What are you waiting for, let's get started!

Command passed to the first officer. "

The crew of the Firefire is already a mature fleet and should learn to fight independently.

Lu Feng simply acted as the shopkeeper and started chatting with San Yue Qi.

Not to mention, March Seventh inherited part of Lin Yuexi's past memories, and was able to share many things about her childhood with Lu Feng.

very interesting.

Soon, under the leadership of the first officer Yin Hang, the crew began to study the sneak attack plan.

Yin Hang is from Guanghanwei. He is an excellent commanding talent. He was appointed by Lu Feng as the first officer of the Xinhuo, responsible for commanding the ship when he was out.

Soon, the Battle Situation Center came up with a battle plan, and after handing it over to Lu Feng for review, Lu Feng nodded in agreement.

The plan is very simple, that is, the chrysanthemum that explodes the bugs.

The Firewood is now behind the 3rd Fleet, and the tail nozzle of the Vajura cruiser is unobstructed.

The tail nozzle connecting the engine and the reactor has always been the weak point of human battleships. Although I don't know if it is suitable for Vajura, it is always right to try.

So the Firework came quietly to the rear of a Vajura cruiser under the control of Hartman, and the main gun of the bow was aimed at the tail of the unsuspecting enemy ship.

With the assistance of March [-], the crew began to aim the main gun and recharge energy. Huge energy began to gather in the ship, but it did not leak the slightest due to the legendary stealth feature.

This feature is simply born for black guns!
Lu Feng naturally accepted it with pleasure.

After all, who doesn't like being the sixth child~
In just 3 minutes, the main gun of the Xinhuo was fully charged, which was much faster than that of the Holy Shield.

Chief Officer Yin Hang stood solemnly in the center of the CIC, calmly watching the data on the holographic screen.

He suddenly raised his left arm, revealing a retro mechanical watch on his wrist:


The muzzle below the bow of the Firefire immediately lit up with a dazzling blue light. The blue light was much thicker than the ion beam of the Holy Shield class. It was a plasma jet accelerated to sub-light speed!
The bright blue beam hit the dazed Vajura cruiser in an instant.

The power level as high as 4.8 has reached the higher level of the cruiser level, not to mention that this is not a short-term kinetic energy artillery, but a plasma light spear with an output time of up to 7 seconds!
The armor of the Vajura cruiser began to melt in the first second, and then more and more substances were evaporated into a gaseous state. The hot plasma jet caused a significant thermal expansion effect, blasting the surrounding fragile armor in circles, making the gap getting bigger.

Just three seconds later, the defense of the Vajura cruiser was completely destroyed.

The blue beam unstoppably pierced into the interior of the ship, moving forward non-stop, and even pierced out from the bow before the end of 7 seconds!

After the light beam was extinguished, the entire Vajura cruiser was like butter pierced by a hot iron rod.

Terrible high temperatures still remained on the fusing surface. Looking from one end, the large hole running through the entire ship was covered with bright red molten matter.

In the next second, the energy inside the enemy ship was completely out of control.

Starting from the tail, the hull burst open section by section, forming a large-scale dust field.

Into the soul!
"Wuhu, well played~"

"Strong, strong enough!"

"Haha, I really want to see the expression of the Vajura Queen!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of ghostly crying and wolf howling on the bridge.

"Silence! Turn the bow and evacuate immediately, don't give the bugs a chance to retaliate against us!"

Yin Hang immediately restrained the crew and subdued the gang of excess energy.

The Firewood immediately drew a graceful arc, and with a flash of blue light at the tail, it disappeared from the battlefield in an instant.


The Xinhuo was gone, but the swarm exploded without any surprise.

Where did this attack come from?

How could humans have such a powerful long-range means that they would not even be discovered by the swarm before attacking!

Who is the hunter!

Although the Zerg fleet is limited by the rules and cannot enter the cemetery, the place where the Firewood appears is outside the cemetery!

So the No. 3 Fleet was activated immediately, turning around and killing in the direction where the Xinhuo had appeared before.

As a result, of course, only some traces of the tail flames that had not completely dissipated after the Xinhuo left.

The swarm chased down the track.

In the end, it was painfully discovered that the cunning attacker had drilled back into the cemetery.

What a waste!
The No. 3 Fleet, which found nothing, had no choice but to return, but it was another scene on the Xinhuo.

"Are you all familiar with the basic operations?"


Facing Lu Feng's question, the crew members answered confidently.

"No, I don't think you are familiar enough!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng shook his head seriously, causing the smiles of the crew members to froze.

Uh, why did you make the boss angry?
There was a moment of silence in the bridge.

Lu Feng glanced around the crowd who bowed their heads in silence, and then slowly opened his mouth:
"I think just a Zerg cruiser is not enough for you to understand the true meaning of Lao Liu!
How about this, the other Zerg fleets still have 7 cruisers left, and your task for the next 5 days is to find a way to destroy all 7 of these battleships without the Firefire being shot!
How, can it be done? "

It's not that I was scolded...

Boss is really funny enough!

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Yin Hang, the chief mate, spoke out first, and the crew also responded one after another.

Only then did Lu Feng show a smirk, and left the bridge leisurely.

Let these guys be happy for a while, and when the swarm is ready, they won't be able to succeed as easily as this time.

This is definitely a huge challenge for young crew members.

If they can really complete it, then Lu Feng will get a well-deserved ace fleet!

Cooperate with the advanced salary number,
The universe is so big, where can we not go?

As for Lu Feng as the captain, well, he is busy watering the Stardust deciduous tree...

This little ancestor is usually taken care of by Lin Yuexi and Moon Cake, and he will come back to water his spiritual energy when he is free.

It is really not easy to release psionic energy every time.

Hey, let's go and see what delicious Lao Song made today!

(End of this chapter)

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