Knock wonders from the space station

Chapter 183 Words of Tranquility, Classification of Spectacles

Chapter 183 Words of Tranquility, Classification of Spectacles

Lu Feng thought about it again, the disappearance of Shentang Sanctuary from the record list is not a bad thing.

After all, the record of Shentang Sanctuary is really exaggerated, it is easy to make other forces have some bad thoughts, and Lu Feng is distracted to deal with them, which is very annoying.

It's different for the Shenzhou Army to be the first.

One is that although the Shenzhou Army has a high record, it is not so high that it is outrageously high. It is about three times that of No.2.

The second is that the Shenzhou Army is large in size, and the Zerg in the front line has been cleared again, which makes all parties quite afraid and dare not act rashly.

Therefore, Lu Feng was going to let Lao Zhong have a taste of this No.1 addiction first, and wait until the last moment to take the Shentang Sanctuary to cheat the corpse and regain the No.1 throne!
And the period before the fraudulent corpse was the time for the Nirvana of Shentang Sanctuary.

If he remembers correctly,

I seem to have a new ship coming?

Call the Normandy SR-7!

Well, I'll lead the boat when I'm done with my work.

Lu Feng restrained his restless heart and calmed down again.

There is much more he has to do.

The Shentang Sanctuary has experienced repeated battles, and the loss of equipment is second to none. The most important thing is that many people have been injured.

Among them, 14 people died directly, all of whom were fighter pilots; 7 people were seriously injured, most of whom were also pilots, and some were injured by explosions in the ship; there were even more minor injuries, hundreds of people.

These people are all members of the sanctuary, they fought for the sanctuary, Lu Feng must not forget them, so he rushed to visit the wounded immediately.

See if there's anything we can help with.

Unexpectedly, although the wounded were physically injured, their mental state was unexpectedly good. They were all discussing the war just now and the future of the shelter with great enthusiasm, without any sign of depression.

Lu Feng first greeted the enthusiastic wounded one by one, and then went to the doctor to ask about the situation, but the doctor was also at a loss.

It wasn't until Lu Feng saw Lin Yuexi who was giggling in the corner that he realized something.

It can't be the ghost of this girl!

With a sullen face, Lu Feng waved at Lin Yuexi, and asked in a bad tone, "Is it your fault?"

These people are the heroes of the shelter, and he doesn't want Lin Yuexi to use hypnosis or other means to paralyze the wounded and live in a dream.

Lin Yuexi could tell from Lu Feng's expression that he was unhappy. She pouted aggrievedly, and waved her small hand at Lu Feng angrily.

Lu Feng, who was about to question the teacher, suddenly felt an unprecedented peace.

The displeasure that had just arisen disappeared without a trace, and after calming down, her thoughts became much faster. After thinking about it for a while, she realized that she must have blamed the little girl by mistake, Lin Yuexi would not do such a thing.

"Cough, sorry, I was a little impatient just now..."

Lu Feng smiled apologetically, but the little girl gave him two big eyes.

"Hey, Miss Lin, what was that just now?"

Lu Feng created a cup of Coke casually, took it to Lin Yuexi to make friends with him, Lin Yuexi glanced at him again, took the Coke and drank it.

Going down the steps, she is well-behaved and sensible.

After drinking the coke, Lin Yuexi made a big face at Lu Feng before explaining.

"Hey, I took the time to go to the Hanging Garden to sign in, here is the sign-in reward:
A psychic combat technique called [Words of Tranquility].

The words of tranquility can eliminate negative emotions in people's hearts, calm down chaotic thoughts, condense and enhance people's willpower, and have a certain recovery effect on tired spirits.

Just like the situation where someone was indiscriminately incising the teacher and questioning the crime just now, it can be settled with a word of reassurance~"

"Hey... I was wrong just now, so I don't want to hold grudges?"

Lu Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, trying to change the subject, "Hey, your skill is very strong. I'm a level 4 psyker now, and all of this can be affected!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuexi was immediately delighted when she heard it, and cast a playful look at Lu Feng, then covered her mouth and whispered:
"Hey, let me tell you a secret... I'm already a level 5 psyker, and I don't tell ordinary people~"


Lu Feng was dumbfounded.

Level 5, this is too fast!

Do I want to keep being overwhelmed by this little girl's films?

Lin Yuexi saw Lu Feng's stunned expression, showing a triumphant smile, and ran away in a hurry.

But Lu Feng regained his balance in the blink of an eye.

be stronger~
The premise of cultivating psychic power in the subspace is to be always loyal to the space owner.

No matter how strong this girl Lin Yuexi is, she will end up taking advantage of her in the end, so she can be as good as she is, as long as she is happy.

In other words, I seem to be able to exchange spiritual combat skills!
Lu Feng's eyes suddenly brightened.

He hurriedly contacted Donald, asked about the current situation of the shelter and gave instructions, and then dispatched engineering drones to leave the subspace to recover the insect corpses and shipwrecks scattered across the starry sky.

This was agreed before the start of the war. The Shenzhou Army did not have a complete research institution, so only a few samples of Vajura were taken, and the rest were given to Lu Feng.

Now the space gate can be extended to 1000 meters, and the speed of recycling resources is also dozens of times faster.

Looking at the two rapidly rising resources, Lu Feng can finally relax and enjoy the gains from this battle.


In terms of spectacle rewards,

Lu Feng got a total of 1 miracle token and 4 legend tokens.

He took a look at the exchange items for wonders and legends, and suddenly felt impatient to see the meat but not be able to eat it.

It's hard.

Blueprints require different tokens depending on the type, size, and characteristics of the wonder.

According to the size, the wonders are divided into 6 levels: personal wonders, surface wonders, satellite wonders, planetary wonders, galaxy wonders, and cosmic wonders.

Small places like Qunyu Pavilion and Jueyunjian were built by Lu Feng alone, so they are personal wonders.

Surface wonders are built on the surface of planets.

For example, orbital elevators, fortress base cities, orbital defense cannons, super water conservancy projects, etc., need between 1 and 3 tokens, which are the grades that Lu Feng can afford now.

There are more satellites going up, and they are all big guys floating in planetary orbits.

For shipyards, space cities, orbital bases, etc., the average number of tokens required is about 5, and the most expensive ones will not exceed 10. Lu Feng can think of a way, and he can still look forward to it.

The planetary level and galaxy level are far away.

Star rings, and even artificial planets are too complicated, so I don't need to think about it in a short time.

As for the wonders of the universe.

Those may be some natural wonders, black holes, pulsars, nebulae whose size is even light-years...

Well, just look at it from a distance~
Of course, all man-made wonders have their own characteristics, and have developed special wonder characteristics based on them. Each wonder is unique, and they are all masterpieces that have appeared in the history of interstellar history.

Either it will become a swan song, or it is still in use, but there can only be one!
Otherwise there is no wonder feature.

Lu Feng rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Hiss... So, some wonders can't be built yet, so we can only grab them?"


(End of this chapter)

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