Chapter 167 Pelican D99
Everyone came to an independent hangar in the airport. At this time, there was already a spaceship parked in the center of the hangar. It was the Pelican transport ship that Lu Feng had just built.

This Pelican transport ship is painted in non-reflective black paint, and the golden dragon logo of the Shentang Guard is printed on the side and wings, which looks mysterious and cold.

The Pelican transport boat is a multifunctional air-to-ground aircraft, mainly used for carrying and transporting personnel, vehicles and equipment, as well as providing fire support to the ground as an armed gunboat.

The basic design includes a bow shaped like an armed helicopter, a spacious and streamlined troop compartment, a high raised tail, and 4 sets of S2-level fusion engines.

The bow is equipped with a cockpit, a fire control radar, and an S3-sized chin cannon. There are 10 wide seats in the troop compartment, which can accommodate up to 20 soldiers wearing power armor, cargo within 70 tons, or It's a light tank.

There are a variety of modification plans for the troop compartment, such as installing remote-control turrets on both sides of the belly to become an armed gunboat, or installing turrets on the back of the spaceship to improve its air combat capabilities, etc.

There is also an external hanging point under the high raised tail, which can also mount a light tank for rapid deployment, but the weight must be counted within the 70-ton load.

The Pelican class has two pairs of short wings, and the wing roots are 4 fusion engines used to provide power. All engines can rotate 90° to provide lift for the Pelican's actions in the atmosphere. The built-in system will Regulate the state of propellers according to cargo changes and environmental factors to ensure a stable flight attitude.

The fuselage adopts a streamlined design that reduces wind resistance. If necessary, 4 additional hardpoints can be provided under the short wings for mounting rockets, missiles or extended pods.

The standard Pelican's engine is a combination of a thrust vectoring fusion ramjet and an air-breathing supercharger, divided into two main nacelles and two secondary articulated nacelles.

An engine of this design needs hydrogen as a reactive substance, and its flight performance in the atmosphere is no worse than that of an ion engine of the same level, but its cost is half cheaper!
The disadvantages are not without, the engine makes the airframe more bloated and heavy, reducing the thrust-to-weight ratio.

This loss in performance is not worth mentioning in terms of mass production cost and construction speed. In the eyes of various purchasers, they bought the Pelican to project troops, not to match the speed of fighter jets.

The lower the cost per frame, the more Pelicans they can equip and deploy more troops, instead of worrying about which Pelican will be caught up by the Eagles because they are too fat.

Of course, Halo Power also launched an elite model for customers in need, which is the Pelican D99 manufactured by Lu Feng.

Although the design style of this Pelican still has the original shadow, but the appearance has become much more slender and elegant, and more than half of the internal equipment has been upgraded. It is an expensive customized model that has undergone a complete blood change.

The cockpit of this D99 is arranged in a longitudinal direction that is more convenient for combat. All flight controls are completed by a fully automatic light-sensing flight system without manual operation; weapons are controlled through an integrated helmet and sighting system, and are connected to the pilot's HUD. , allowing them to aim and fire with head movement.

Compared with the basic fire control system, it is faster and more accurate.

Although the D99 looks much slender than the standard model, its carrying capacity has not decreased at all.

While the size of the cargo compartment remains unchanged, the fuselage has been extended by 2 meters to 32.5 meters; the wingspan has dropped from 23.3 meters to 21.6 meters, and the height remains unchanged by 10 meters. The overall shape is more beautiful and smooth, and the wind resistance has also become better. Low.

The fuselage adopts full S2-level nanocomposite armor, the defense energy level has increased from 1.6 to 1.8, and it is lighter in weight.

The internal circuits and avionics equipment are all advanced products from Goblin Heavy Industries, which have stronger electronic warfare capabilities and anti-electromagnetic shock capabilities, and better heat resistance and stability.

The 4 engines are all replaced with ion engines from the Interstellar Manufacturing Group, the performance has been improved by 20%, and they can rotate 360°, allowing them to do somersaults in the atmosphere.

The load capacity has skyrocketed to 100 tons, and standard containers, super-heavy main battle tanks or base modules can be hoisted under the belly.

The bow turret is refitted with a 20mm triple-barreled blaster cannon produced by Quarter Power Shipyard, with a power of 1.8. After hitting the target, it will explode violently and cause range damage. It is suitable for indiscriminate bombing of ground targets.

The number of mounting points on the wings has been increased to 6, and the mounting points on the tail have been cancelled, replaced by a folding pod equipped with a 30mm electromagnetic gun. Modified again.

Such a customized version of the Elite Pelican was originally priced at 10 times the price of the normal version. Even if Lu Feng was to produce it, the source energy consumed would be 3 times that of the standard version.

However, compared to the lives of his subordinates, Lu Feng would rather spend more resources.

Although this D99 looks like it was specially designed by Halo Aviation to harm local tyrants, using a lot of imported equipment from different companies, but I have to say that the designer in charge of the D99 integrated and adjusted these external systems very well, making the D99 It's worth 10 times its price.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Feng is willing to choose it. He doesn't want his spaceship to malfunction frequently.

Lu Feng and his team boarded the spacious and advanced cargo compartment of the D99 and took a tour. Because the pilots were on standby on the defensive line, Lu Feng also played the role of the pilot himself, and took a group of researchers around the space city twice.

The riding experience surprised everyone.

This type of spaceship is not so much a military transport aircraft as it is a private spaceship manufactured according to military standards. There is very little bumping in the whole process, and there is no noise in the cabin. The inertia compensation system makes passengers hardly feel the process of acceleration and deceleration. Very comfortable.

Lu Feng and Lin Yuexi, who were in charge of the pilots, also recognized the handling performance of the D99. The cockpit has a wide view, and the flight control and fire control systems are also good. Still no problem at all.

Of course, both of them are used to driving S-class illusions, so it's not surprising that they are not as surprised by the D99 as Peng Guangjie and the others.

In short, everyone is very satisfied with this type of transport boat and has a high evaluation.

Lu Feng designated the Pelican D99 as the special transport vehicle of the Shentang Guard at this stage, and equipped the fleet with a large number of them to replace the outdated AAL transport boats.

With the size of D99, the current Polaris hangar can accommodate 1 aircraft, just fold the wings.

The future Modao-class destroyer can dock two in the hangar, which just replaces the original Valkyrie transport boat and becomes the special vehicle of the Shentang Marine Corps.

The blueprint was considered a relatively perfect solution, and it was time for Lu Feng and the two of them to return.

Well, we have to rush out of the drone swarm!


(End of this chapter)

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