Chapter 114 Advance!

"My compatriots at Shentang Sanctuary, we will set off at 6:00 exactly at the oracle time, and go to the core of the cemetery. Please be prepared!"

I'm coming!

It's finally time to start!

The members of the shelter were all excited, and the adventure genes in their bones began to jump for joy.

They couldn't see the outside scene through the portholes, and they were all blocked by the rocks between the clouds, but they could learn about the external battle situation through the simultaneous broadcast in each cabin.

In addition to researchers and educators, there are more than 200 people left in the shelter. They will be divided into three shifts and take turns to rest, and the rest will stick to their posts in case of emergency.

As soon as 6 o'clock arrived, Lu Feng's calm voice sounded from everyone's ears:

"set off!"

In the main control room of Qunyu Pavilion, Donald is in charge of the command here, and he immediately waved his majestic big hand after having made up for his professional knowledge:
"Target the central area of ​​the cemetery, calibrate the heading, ignite the main engine, and move forward two!"

"Yes, Director!"

Shelter director is Donald's current job title.

"Director Xiao, what's the situation with the drone?"

Behind the console, Xiao Haotian, the director of the information department, tapped the keyboard quickly with both hands, and returned without looking up: "300 aircraft have been released, and the rest are all on standby and can be dispatched at any time."

"Very good, the radar power is fully turned on, and large floating objects are found to be dealt with in advance!"


Qunyu Pavilion completed its posture adjustment the night before. If the ecliptic plane of the cemetery is used as the benchmark, the entire Juyunjian is now upside down. Here is its sailing posture.

After Donald gave the order, azure plasma flames spewed out from the bottom of the Jade Pavilion, and the booster engine installed at the bottom of Jueyunjian did the same, pushing the shelter forward slowly.

The bridge of the Hammerhead Shark is located at the bow, with strong nano-glass portholes and a very wide field of vision.

At this moment, Lu Feng stood behind the driver's seat with his hands behind his back, carefully observing the actions of the shelter.

When the shelter regained its stability, the Lazy Cat immediately accelerated around to the front of the shelter and began to lead the way for it. The powerful military radar kept scanning for threats ahead.

There is a saber escort on the left and right of the lazy cat, and the rest of the sabers are guarding around the shelter.

One-third of the sensors and anti-control guns on Jueyunjian have been put into operation, and if an alarm occurs, the rest will be activated within 1 minute.

It can be said that the whole shelter is full of soldiers, armed to the teeth.

Lu Feng calmly looked at the dilapidated scene in the distance, and knew clearly in his heart that from this moment on, Shentang Sanctuary would take the center stage of power struggles to compete for greater interests.

Wish there were more allies than enemies...

Two hours later, the Shelter successfully arrived at the inner ring of the cemetery. There were almost no large forces in the outer ring, so the journey was peaceful.

During the journey, the speed in space is only a pitiful 6km/h. First, because the meteorite is too heavy. Second, it is not good to drive too fast, and it is impossible to stop the car when encountering a situation.

After all, the object will hardly decelerate by itself after the inertial force field is turned off.

On the way, dozens of large pieces of wreckage were pushed off the route, and some were even directly collected by the space door that Lu Feng opened from the gunboat.

There were also uncountable small fragments hitting the solid dome and the outer rocks like raindrops. Apart from creating some scratches and craters, they could hardly cause damage to the inner space station.

It shows that the previous transformation was very successful.

What's more, Jueyunjian has a spectacle attribute bonus, which can weaken the impact of meteorites.

After arriving at the inner ring, the number of dangerous floating objects suddenly increased, and the propulsion speed of the shelter had to be reduced again and again. This is a big guy with a diameter of 900 meters, and it is quite difficult to clear enough channels.

Lu Feng had no choice but to go out on his own, opening a space door with a diameter of 100 meters to clear the waterway, while letting the drone swarm clear larger obstacles.

Shelter sometimes needs to stay in place for several hours, waiting for the channel to clear before moving.

Lu Feng and Donald had expected this, so they were not in a hurry.

The advantage of taking the whole shelter together is that you never need to worry about the problem of insufficient self-sustainability. Ships backed by the home port are not afraid of storms.

That afternoon, Donald lowered the alert level, allowing one shift of on-call members to return to work.

From this, the members knew that rushing to travel in the next few days would become a normal state, instead of just trying to push through as they thought, they had to come to Japan for a long time.


Just as Lu Feng and the others were busy breaking through the obstacles, the world channel exploded as expected.

The reason is that a group of only three people woke up and went out to pick up waste, but suddenly found a huge monster with a diameter of 3 meters at the door of their house.

In the inner ring area, there are not many wrecks with a diameter of 900 meters, and the few nearby are even more clearly remembered, and it is absolutely impossible for them to float to your door overnight.

What's the matter, let Yugong move mountains?
The other party did not act rashly, and quickly discovered signs of activity in Shentang Sanctuary through secret observation.It is confirmed that this "broken huge meteorite" is the base of a group of survivors and is an artificial creation.

And it can move slowly!
These days, someone can take a 900-meter big guy on the road. Is the other party crazy or is he crazy?

This shattered their three views, and at the same time, they immediately aroused strong curiosity, fear and greed.

The opponent immediately lurked, because all activities were stopped, so Shentang's radar could not find the small shelter hidden in the endless wreckage.

During the stay in Shentang Sanctuary, the other party observed for a long time, not only found 10 escort fighter planes and a large number of engineering drones, but also Lu Feng's gunboat and the bottomless portal dragged under the gunboat.

What is that?
Could it be... the legendary auxiliary system?
After thinking about it, the other party felt that this was the only explanation he could think of. Although he didn't know what the reason was, just looking at it was amazing.

No, you can't just know about such an interesting thing, you have to tell it to make everyone happy!

All three of them are regulars on the oracle channel and are senior entertainers.

After picking up rubbish for more than ten days in a row, nothing can stop their desire to have fun now!
So they revealed what they saw here.

Because the world chat cannot post pictures, this caused widespread doubts at the beginning, thinking that these people were crazy, and sneered at them.

They didn't expect to have fun with themselves, but they became annoyed and directly announced the nearby coordinates!

Soon, the refuges in other directions confirmed their statement, saying that there is indeed such a group of forces, but unfortunately, the other side has a wide range of warnings and cannot approach for reconnaissance at all.

As a result, the missed trio became the only "war correspondent" who could provide inside information.

For a while, several mysterious forces chatted with them privately, saying that they could buy further information at a high price!

The three of them finally had fun.

Once you have money, you will have fun!

(End of this chapter)

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