Chapter 229 I want to go see

"Ah~" Ye Chen felt drowsy, Jiang Yuanping's success in his speech made it hard for his eyes to support him, mainly because the content he said was really boring to him, so he yawned inappropriately.

"." The faces of everyone present immediately became strange.

On this grand occasion, someone feels bored and wants to sleep?
Don't you know where this is?

No matter how sleepy you are, you have to grit your teeth and hold on, otherwise, what will Jiang Yuanping look like?
I'm really not afraid of death!

When many people were thinking like this, the atmosphere on the scene was quietly undergoing earth-shaking changes.

It was supposed to be Jiang Yuanping's impromptu performance, but it turned out to be a sleepy scene of unknown people. Even Jiang Yuanping's face darkened if he didn't choose the audience.

He took a deep breath and searched for the perpetrator together with the audience.

But after some searching, everyone, without exception, was full of energy. These people obviously didn't have any sleepiness, and then there was only one left
Ye Chen sitting on the guest seat.

Ye Chen looked sleepy, completely bored.

If this kind of image was not his dozing off and yawning just now, no one would believe it if he killed him!

"Come here, give Dr. Ye Chen a glass of cold water to refresh him."

Jiang Yuanping took a deep breath.

Then he turned his head and pretended he didn't see anything, and continued Lang Lang's various inspiring speeches.

"As we all know, the earth is our home, but it is impossible to always focus on the planet under our feet."

"The establishment of the shipyard will usher in a new starting point for mankind."

"The main functions of the shipyard are construction, maintenance, communication, etc."


Jiang Yuanping blew a lot and said a lot, as if no one disturbed his speech from the beginning to the end.

In fact, even if Ye Chen interrupted, Jiang Yuanping could only pretend that he didn't see anything.

Otherwise, if you really want to pursue it, it's just too much nonsense.

Everyone at the scene was suddenly speechless.

They knew that this person was Ye Chen. If it was another person, they would definitely be taken away immediately.

After a while, as soon as Jiang Yuanping finished speaking, it was time to cut the ribbon.

After the ribbon cutting, Jiang Yuanping started his tirade again.

Watching Jiang Yuanping's progress on the stage, everyone was collectively embarrassed.

Even Ye Chen was speechless.


This time it was all right, all the people that Jiang Yuanping successfully said were "fascinated" at the scene.

Ye Chen couldn't bear Jiang Yuanping's eloquence anymore, he got up and left this place of right and wrong immediately while people were not paying attention, went back to his room, lay down on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

As for the ribbon-cutting event, it has nothing to do with Ye Chen.

As for when the ribbon-cutting ended, Ye Chen didn't know. When he woke up again, he found out that the ribbon-cutting was over.

"I'm really sorry, I was a little sleepy, so I came back and fell asleep because I was afraid that it would affect me badly."

When Ye Chen woke up and saw that the room was full of people, he immediately smiled apologetically.

Jiang Yuanping and others were sitting in the room, and they all gave Ye Chen a sideways glance.

If Ye Chen was afraid of bad influence, would he still yawn loudly when cutting the ribbon?
"That's enough, let's not mention that." Secretary Zhou immediately jumped out to smooth things over.

Ye Chen asked, "Is the ribbon cutting over?"

Jiang Yuanping said in a deep voice, "It's over."

Ye Chen looked at the time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and said awkwardly: "Have you had dinner yet?"

"we are all waiting for you."

Secretary Zhou smiled.

"Then let's eat together."

Ye Chen stood up with a smile.

Soon, all of them were seated in the office cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, everyone was eating and chatting, Jiang Yuanping was very curious about Ye Chen's future plans.

"The universe is so big, I want to see it."

"Oh, just pay more attention to safety."

Jiang Yuanping did not stop Ye Chen's idea of ​​entering the universe, because he knew that even if he wanted to stop it, he might not be able to stop it, so he just let him go.

Anyway, I heard what Dr. Zhu said before, and set off with the fleet.

There is basically no danger in this.

After dinner, Jiang Yuanping took Ye Chen into a room alone, he obviously had something to say.

Jiang Yuanping straight to the point, said: "Ye Chen, actually, I really hope you go to the universe."

"???" Ye Chen was confused.

"Actually, this is part of the plan." Jiang Yuanping said.

Ye Chen didn't understand even more.

"I hope that you, as a consultant, will follow the fleet to planets that have not been visited, and bring back more correct resources!"

Jiang Yuanping stated his plan and explained the details carefully.

With the establishment of the shipyard and the presence of artificial intelligence, it is equivalent to the fact that the shipyard can start operations immediately.

Naturally, the more spaceships, the better. To build spaceships, the most important thing is resources!

A ship that can enter the universe is a lot of money and a huge amount of resources.

Therefore, even the Yanlong Kingdom, which has a vast land and abundant resources, will be somewhat weak in building ships, so it is the best way to focus on the universe.

By driving the spaceship to the universe to search for resources, bring back the resources, and finally build the spaceship with the resources brought back, this repeats a virtuous circle.

Ye Chen was silent for a while.

Sure enough.

Skynet also described human beings in this way at the beginning, and they will adopt various means for their own development.

And right now, isn't Jiang Yuanping's approach the same as that of the Azure Alliance?

Of course, Ye Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this, because this is how the world is, it might be unreasonable to have a big fist, but it must be unreasonable to have a small fist.

Just imagine, if aliens invade one day and use the earth as a hunting ground, the situation will be completely reversed. Therefore, obtaining resources from outside to strengthen oneself is an eternal law.

Jiang Yuanping added: "The basic situation is like this. The fleet will take off after a while, and you can just set off together at that time. Just remember to remind them of any danger on the road. You don't need to worry about specific matters."

Ye Chen asked, "Where are you going this time?"

Jiang Yuanping took out a copied drawing.

Spreading it out, Ye Chen saw that it turned out to be an exquisite star map, a blueprint drawn with a model of the Milky Way.

Jiang Yuanping pointed to the place marked on the drawing, and said, "Go here. The Cetus galaxy."

Ye Chen looked at it for a while, but was still a little dazed.

The main reason is that he doesn't understand this galaxy at all, and there are no well-known planets in this galaxy. Not like the Canis Major galaxy, at least there is a bright Sirius!

Jiang Yuanping said: "Go back and find out. According to the research of astronomers, it is speculated that there should be a lot of this planet, and this planet is also relatively close, and it is also the planet that we will go to sooner or later."

Ye Chen glanced at the distance marked on it by the astronomer.

Fifteen light years!

(End of this chapter)

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