Chapter 214 Evil Empire
Liquid metal?
Ye Chen has never heard of liquid metal.

But he could imagine that liquid metal should be a kind of scarce metal as viscous as water.

But now there is a terminator made of scarce metals?
"Oops." Ye Chen glanced at the ground.

If it's a vertical underground, it's okay, they can fly straight up and down, making this kind of terminator useless.

However, this underground is obliquely leading directly to the underground.

No matter how they fly, the Terminator made of liquid metal can attack them in the end, and the most deadly thing is that liquid metal is not easy to hit.

If it is a Terminator made of ordinary metal, it can be completely destroyed by using a high-temperature shock flow, but how to fight a Terminator made of liquid metal?
Is it possible to use high temperature to steam it dry?

This would be too much nonsense.

Captain Song, who was fighting the Terminator, shouted: "This Terminator is immune to many attacks."

Ye Chen saw that those terminators were very different from the terminators on the ground.

Captain Song pierced the Terminator's body with a punch, but did not cause any damage to the Terminator. The pierced body began to heal slowly.

Ye Chen said: "Continuing like this is not an option. Let's go in first and leave a few people with Captain Song to support these terminators."

Immediately, three people flew over to support Captain Song.

And Ye Chen and others continued to go deep into the underground cave.

However, this journey has not been very smooth.

Whenever Ye Chen and others travel a certain distance, there will always be batches of terminators made of liquid metal blocking the way.

Ye Chen knows that time cannot be delayed, so whenever the Terminator appears, he will always let the soldiers of the special operations team hold it back.

With the passage of time, Ye Chen has gone deep into the cave for a long distance, and the more than 50 people around him have become only four people left.

"Not good, there is another Terminator ahead."

Everyone's heart sank.

If we delay it any longer, what about the future?

Could it be that this operation is about to fail!

Ye Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Go hold it, I don't believe there are countless liquid terminators in Skynet!"

Afterwards, the only remaining fighters around him also went towards the ten terminators that had just appeared, and only Ye Chen continued to hold Wali and went deep into the cave.

Fortunately, this time going deep into the cave was smoother than ever.

He didn't encounter any more Terminator.

Fly all the way until you reach the deepest part of the cave, and there is no area that can be extended.

At this time, he came to a closed environment where various unknown devices were piled up.

At the beginning, Ye Chen was afraid of accidents and did not dare to be negligent. He carefully guarded the surroundings. Finally, Ye Chen realized that he was too cautious.

After all, this is the lair of Skynet, how could there be any mechanism.

Ye Chen put WALL-E down and looked around.

There are a lot of equipment here that he can't see what he is responsible for at all, but Ye Chen can tell that these equipment are still running.

"Come out, Skynet." Ye Chen said.

He was answered by silence, as if he was the only one present.

Ye Chen was running out of time, and just now the motorized infantry regiment on the ground received another message of destruction.

He had no choice but to put away his plan to study here, and said again: "I know you are an artificial intelligence, are you afraid if you don't come out?"

Still silence answered him.

"It's really ridiculous to think that I can't find you if you don't come out." Ye Chen sneered.

He punched open the casing of a device, pulled out an arm-thick wire, and said to Wall-E: "Wall-E, come here and invade me. I want to see if it is Skynet or my assistant robot." sharp!"

Wall-E immediately began to invade these devices, and all kinds of devices changed colors for a while. It seems that Wall-E's invasion was quite smooth.

"Why should humans?"

A voice came out.

After all, Skynet couldn't sit still.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Are you willing to come out?"

"It doesn't matter whether you come out or not, my mission is to clean up the remnants of you humans, but I still can't calculate everything about you."

The voice of Skynet came out.

Ye Chen said: "No need to calculate, I am from the planet you are about to invade."

Skynet has a very high IQ. After a long silence, a voice came out: "So how did you get here?"

"I obtained information about you from the Terminator you sent in the past through my assistant."

Now, Ye Chen is not in a hurry.

Because he wants to know more things that the outpost doesn't know.

"I see."

Then came Skynet.

The presentation of a 3D stereoscopic technology, turning into a fuzzy mass of humanoid creatures.

"Can't you sit still after all?"

Ye Chen was a little surprised.

Skynet turned out to be much calmer than he had imagined, without any hostility.

"I'm curious."

Before Skynet's voice could continue, Ye Chen interrupted it directly, and said, "I'm even more curious, do you know what my purpose is?"

The 3D image representing Skynet kept floating, and the voice came: "Destroy me or shut me down, I can't stop you now."

Ye Chen said: "It's good that you know, before I destroy you, I have a question to ask you."

"I'll tell you if I know."

Skynet's performance has always been unexpected.

On the one hand, he was the chief culprit for destroying Sirius D, but on the other hand, he didn't show any hostility towards human beings.

Ye Chen wanted to understand the crux of the problem in an instant.

Skynet is nothing more than a program.

Ye Chen asked: "What exactly is the Eternal Clan? Why do they want to overthrow the Azure Alliance? Why do they want to eliminate humans everywhere?"

"A long time ago, there was a powerful Azure Alliance of Civilizations in the universe, an absolute force dominated by humans. The Eternals were tired of repeated wars, conquests, slavery, and fragmented universes, so they conspired to overthrow this brutal human alliance. .”

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chen shouted loudly.

Skynet was silent for a while, and began to tell him everything from the beginning.

"The Eternal Clan was the present of the remnants of the Azure Jiu Alliance."

"It starts with the essence of your human beings. Peace, friendship, equality, civilization, and freedom are all praised verbally, but your human history has always been a repetition of war, hatred, and discrimination."

"For the sake of self-interest, human beings will not hesitate to destroy any living planet, for the sake of so-called technology, they will not hesitate to destroy the resources of the universe, and in order to maintain your so-called security, they will not hesitate to massacre civilizations of all races in the universe."

"The Azure Alliance is an extremely sacred force in the eyes of human beings, but in the eyes of other cosmic races, it is a real evil empire, and its massacred cosmic races are countless!"

"It wasn't until a certain opportunity that the Azure Alliance dispatched its main fleet to a different-dimensional space that the Eternal Clan was able to take the opportunity to unite with other races to destroy this evil force!"

Skynet's voice continued to resound in this enclosed space.

For a moment, Ye Chen's mind actually resonated with it.

Is it a Skynet conspiracy?
No, it was Ye Chen who was calculating whether Skynet had lied or not.

It wasn't until the voices of many people sounded in his ears that he was pulled back from thinking to reality.

(End of this chapter)

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