book of old days

Chapter 206 Oloin's Devouring Touch

Chapter 206 Oloin's Devouring Touch
There is no end to drinking magic water. If you drink three bottles today, you will feel uncomfortable if you drink less tomorrow. It is not a problem if things go on like this.

So before the sun divine power is officially launched to obtain the immortal body, it is better to take it easy.

Sean has already mastered several simple offensive glow magics.

Glowing particles, glowing crystal blocks, crystal bombs, glowing arrows, glowing arrow array...

Therefore, he hopes to learn some other types of magic.

For example, the ability of the Oroin Ball in front of him to suspend in the air, levitation or something else.

However, after inquiring, I found out that this magic belongs to gravity magic, and the casting frequency is different. If you want to learn it, you need to learn it from the theory again, so you have to give up temporarily.

Fortunately, in addition to legendary magic, there are also many low-level and middle-level magics of the Radiant School that are more practical. Three bottles of magic water are enough for him to learn a few.

For example, [Amara's Refracting Mirror] can absorb magic and bounce it back to the enemy.

[Silas's crystallized sword], using glow magic power to condense the growth sword for melee attacks, it is a bit like the magic version of the bright blade.

[Ambert's ghostly incarnation], condensed into a ghostly phantom with glow, which can be used to attack or confuse the enemy.

Sean noticed an interesting thing. Many powerful magics have a person's name as a prefix. Sean couldn't help being interested in the name prefixes of the three legendary magicians before contacting them.

"There are people's names in many magics. What is the reason for this?"

"Because people who create magic always hope that people can remember this. Human beings are vain creatures. Even magicians who have mastered extraordinary powers are not immune. I have to say that this is a very regrettable thing. matter.

Therefore, when creating magic, when mages name the magic they create, they often add their own name as a prefix. "

Of course, they usually only leave their names on the magic that satisfies them. Those who can do this are the best magicians in the school, wise, powerful, and delicious.

I miss their taste very much, and it has been a long time since I tasted it—ahem, I know such people.

Maybe one day you too can become mature and full like them. "

Xiao En thought that it was getting more and more uncomfortable when he said this.

This Oroin Ball, at the beginning, will cover up a little bit, but later it seems to completely reveal its true nature.

This guy really wants to devour himself.

He was secretly alert in his heart, and took a step back without any trace.

"So have you ever created magic named after yourself?"

"There is indeed one—Oluoin's Devouring Touch, but this magic is not glow magic, but flesh magic—do you want to learn it? I can teach you, this magic can quickly improve your strength, gain More powerful magic power, very easy to use, but it is a bit expensive for mages.

It allows you to devour a magician's body, consciousness, and even soul, instantly obtain everything about the other party, and become a more powerful existence. In time, maybe you can be as good as me. If you need it, I can give it to you right now. Show it off. "

"Uh, no need, it's not a good habit for a magician to be too ambitious. I'd better master the glow magic first."

Xiao En said and poured another bottle of magic water down, in case the other party turned his face, there was a way to counter it immediately.

But Oroin's Ball doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​turning its back. Its attitude seems to be caused by its alienation from humanity and disregard for life. It simply wants to spread magic knowledge.

"Are you sure? Even if you don't learn it now, it's good to know it first. If you don't have a mage at hand, you can make do with magic apprentices. Your few students are very suitable."

"Hehe, there's really no need." Sean said nervously.

"Okay, as you wish." Oroin's Ball said, seeming quite regretful.

"I noticed that you are constantly drinking some kind of liquid. Are you replenishing your magic power in this way?"

"Yes, this is magic water, which contains magic power. My magic talent is too poor, so I can only obtain magic power in this way."

"Then you should learn the magic of [Oluoin's Devouring Touch], it not only allows you to gain magic power, but also knowledge, and most importantly - Devouring Mage will not let you be corrupted by magic power, this point Much safer than drinking magic water."

Sean refused again.

At the end of the day, Sean drank three bottles of magic water, and all of them were consumed in the process of learning magic, learning a total of nine glow magic.

When the magic power in his body was exhausted again, Xiao En decided to end today's study, but he didn't dare to continue drinking.

"Let's continue tomorrow. Can you stay here during this period?"

"Of course no problem. As a mage ball, my life is endless. It's okay to waste a little time. I will stay here until I finish teaching you. Then please leave. I may need to sleep for a while .”

When leaving the tower, Sean felt a long sigh of relief.

This Ball of Oroin is really too weird. Although he speaks calmly and calmly, even occasionally a few words of black humor come out, but those lifeless sapphire eyes always project something that makes people laugh. Something he shuddered at.

You have to finish learning the magic quickly, and then let it go.

Sean was not idle in the afternoon, he needed more magic power liquid.

Originally, a large amount of magic power liquid was needed to supply eight dwarf goblins. Now that he wants to learn to master new magic, he needs even more magic power liquid.

He still has less than 500 milliliters of magic power liquid in his hand, but he consumes at least 10 milliliters of magic water every day. Even if the demand of magic goblins does not continue to increase, it can only last for a month or two.

In fact, there are still a lot of magic liquids that are refined each time. The key is that the things that are summoned each time are more or less useful, and it is a pity to refine them, resulting in a very low proportion of magical objects that are finally refined.

Moreover, some magical objects are not easy to refine due to the material, so this time Sean decided to modify the spell to be more specific and summon some of the simplest items.

According to his experience of modifying the spell several times before, it is best to clarify the function of this item. The more uncertain the form of the magical object, the greater the risk.

In addition, it is best to add material requirements to the summoning spell to avoid trouble during the refining process.

(End of this chapter)

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