Police order

Chapter 486 No. 2

Chapter 486 No.2 (4k)

Such things as spiritual baptism are actually quite common.

Psychiatrists know it, and church prayers are the same. Sometimes even listening to a lecture or even watching a short video may receive a spiritual baptism.

A real spiritual baptism can often have a great influence on people, shocking people or instantly enlightening them, and improving their own cognition.

Of course, everything is relative.

There are also some spiritual baptisms that can make people dusty, confused, cranky, and cognitively reduced.

"Can I understand it as brainwashing?" Yan Yu asked after hearing the above explanation.

"This is different. Brainwashing does change cognition, but brainwashing generally only targets people with single cognition and shallow knowledge in a certain aspect. The baptism I'm talking about can target everyone."

"How to achieve it? Can you try it on me?" Yan Yu was very curious.

"Some things are hard to explain. You might misunderstand when I say it. You can simply understand it as hypnosis, but it's different," Lu Lingdao said. "In the "Introduction to Psychology" written by Professor Huang of our school, there is an explanation for dreams. Explain that dreams are a kind of intentional language during sleep, and their main characteristics are unintentional, passive, and bizarre and weird dreams. That is to say, the content of dreams cannot be guided independently, but it is true to hint before sleep. Can change the content of the dream."

He knew Xiang Xiaohan better than anyone else.A few days ago, when he saw Xiang Xiaohan, he was no longer the same as before, and he could see through Xiang Xiaohan's many states and part of the cause and effect with just a few glances.

"Congratulations, you have been assigned to County L. You have been locked for three days at the beginning, but you have made it this far. You are really strong. I really look forward to future cooperation." After the meeting, Lin Mengting and others found Yan Yu, Lu Ling and others .

The two suddenly didn't know what to say, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

According to the plan, only Lu Ling, Qing Shan, Ye Wenxing, and Yan Yu stayed in City C to continue handling Liu Xian's case, Kou Yuyang stayed in Shenzhou, and Liu Liwen was temporarily assigned to the third group.

"They're all the same age. Brother Peng, you're welcome. Sometimes I'm just lucky." Lu Ling said with a smile, "There are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"You say that, how can I take it..."

"Boss, I really didn't expect you to know me so well," Lu Ling looked at Yan Yu, "You are absolutely right. So, I am suitable to be an ordinary policeman, so..."


Before returning, the leaders of Liao Province also received a call from the leaders of the Ministry, and received relevant notices and commendations.Some things cannot be written on the commendation, but they are communicated through internal wired telephones.

"Well, let's not talk about this." Yan Yu nodded, "By the way, when are you planning to go to the prison in District B? After a few days of rest, go to quarantine?"

"Well, go. It's not in such a hurry. Let's go back to Shenzhou first. I want to look at the case this month. I'm actually quite worried about what Xiang Xiaohan mentioned. Maybe something will break out, maybe in Shenzhou, maybe Shenzhou is just an introduction." Lu Ling said.

"The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of ordinary people. This is what you gave to Xia Ziwang, and I think it is the most suitable for you. If you have been away from the fireworks for a long time, if you live in a deep house for a long time..." Yan Yu did not continue.

"This is why people like them always have a sense of superiority, and these people are often not so afraid of death." Lu Ling said.

"This..." Yan Yu is also an ordinary person, and she was a little moved when she heard it.

If at this time, someone can continue your dream, many people are willing to pay a high price.

There is only one afternoon left.

It is rare for everyone to have such a chance to get together. After chatting together, Yan Yu and the other captains organized a dinner to deepen their relationship.

Yan Yu and the others set off after lunch and drove back to Shenzhou.

"Anything that can make people happy quickly has a big disadvantage, that is, it quickly raises the threshold of satisfaction." Lu Ling looked at Yan Yu, "So why does Xiang Xiaohan have such a high threshold of satisfaction that he needs to kill people in the end For fun, I am afraid it has a lot to do with her past."

Group 2 is the computer group. During the month that Group 1 and Group 3 left, the professional team was basically in a state of suspension.Of the cases that occurred in the province in the past month, there were originally eight cases that had to be notified to the team, but the team was not there. Over time, seven cases have been completed by the original unit and the expert team of the provincial department. The only remaining pending case is still a lack of evidence. In the robbery case, the team may not be able to catch people even if they participate.

Therefore, the leaders of Liao Province knew about Liu Xian's case and expressed their support.These leaders know better that the teams they send out are up-to-date, have good grades, and are top-notch in the country.

After dinner, everyone had a good night's rest. On the morning of the 8th, Yan Yu and the others began to read the latest case file.

After a period of time, if this case is completely solved, I don't know how many people will be involved.It's a pity that such a complicated case cannot be included in the score.

Yan Yu smiled all over her face: "Stop talking, I'm busy with our business, and I'll go back tomorrow to celebrate."

Unlike everyone's expectations, the participating teams from Liao Province are generally beaming and feeling very good.

"It would be great if every person who can reach a higher level in research in certain humanities fields has your level." Yan Yu said, "Many people have been separated from the masses for a long time."

"I don't judge her. From the evaluation of standard people, she is a lunatic, a murderer, a seriously abnormal person, and a heinous person. In my evaluation..." Lu Ling shook his head.

"There will be. I hope the last cooperation has brought you some help." Lu Ling smiled slightly.

"For example, many rich people often have a sense of superiority when they see other people, because he knows that he is richer than the other person; when he gets out of a luxury car and is seen by acquaintances, he will be very happy, which also has a sense of superiority; For many men, going out with a beautiful girlfriend also feels superior. Similarly, Xiang Xiaohan has accepted this kind of more special and "advanced" pleasure. When she sees ordinary people, she also has a sense of superiority. .When the sense of superiority is too great, you will actually break away from the group of ordinary people, and a class will be formed over time."

As Yan Yu said, the last afternoon passed smoothly, and Liao Province finished second in the final score.

Everyone has some unrealistic fantasies, maybe even evil and dirty.

"Hey, Boss, why didn't you mention what you're going to do this afternoon? We're not far behind, isn't it a big gap?" Lu Ling reminded.

"So, you mean, the Liaodong case is not over yet?" Yan Yu felt a little creepy.

The so-called all evils and adultery are the first, regardless of the deeds, regardless of the heart, no one is perfect in the world.For many things, in fact, each of us has some longings in our hearts. We dare not try them in reality, but hope to meet them in our dreams.

"Why did you say that?" Lu Ling was a little curious.

Only a few leaders know that Liao Province is actually a well-deserved No. [-], because there is also a case of Liu Xian (a real man).

It wasn't just Lin Mengting who came, Su Xiang and other people from Gui Province also came.

Thanks to the excellent performance this month, although the team did not win No.1, it also won the "Best Team Award" and "Best Innovation Award". When receiving the awards, Liao Province was even better than Min People in the province are happy.

"This is the reason why some people can regard human life as worthless. For people like Xiang Xiaohan, the process of breaking away from human nature is comprehensive, and even the fear of death will be reduced. This seems to be out of part of the biological instinct."

If these were some inexperienced policemen, they would inevitably be very excited about such a banquet, but they didn't have much emotion for Yan Yu and others.After such a long time, the whole group 1 is very clear about what they want.

Lu Ling is fine now, so he continued to talk to Yan Yu: "Dreams are very useful to everyone. If you can remember a good dream when you wake up, it will make you feel good all day. Sometimes, I wake up halfway through a good dream. Before going to bed the next night, my greatest hope is to continue this dream. Dreams are the extension of human subconscious desires. In rare cases, some people In some cases, the dreamer even knows that he is dreaming."

"For people like you, I think it's good to stay at the grassroots level. It's good for you to get in touch with ordinary people." Yan Yu gave Lu Ling a piece of advice.

Lu Ling shook his head inwardly, he knew that the first person Peng Jian mentioned was Bai Song.

A total of 36 people, which almost represents the future of professional police across the country.

To Lu Ling's surprise, Yan Yu didn't make a nomination.

"It's very similar, but it's not completely in a dream. In some cases, LSD and other hallucinogens will be used to guide it, and sometimes it can be directly baptized. This requires the host to have a strong psychological foundation." Lu Ling said, "You Imagine, if you can travel in some kind of almost hallucinatory dream with a certain degree of consciousness, wouldn’t it be a very, very cool thing for you to do whatever you want in the dream? Of course, the same sentence, the dream is very Uncontrollable, this kind of baptism, in some cases, is just a process of gathering people to smoke.”

"Okay." Yan Yu nodded, "You have considered this matter thoroughly."

After all the dust settled, on the afternoon of July 7, many teams left one after another by various means of transportation.Except for the professional policemen, the other contestants have more or less a few days off.

"Stop it," Lu Ling waved his hand.

"Is this a contradiction? Why are you not so afraid of death?" Yan Yu was a little puzzled, "Where does the sense of superiority come from?"

"So, the baptism you mentioned is to make people fall into a dream and have a good dream?" Yan Yu asked.

"If Xiang Xiaohan knew that you have such a deep understanding of her, she probably won't have any sense of superiority over you," Yan Yu said.

"It can't be Liaodong. It's just a small place. Xiang Xiaohan is studying in Shenzhou. This kind of thing must at least happen in Shenzhou, or in a more important place. This kind of baptism is extremely demanding on the host. Gao, I can't do it right now... After all, I'm not specialized in this." Lu Ling explained.

She had stayed in Liaodong for a long time, and she never felt that this small city was so dark.

"Captain Lu is too modest. You are not helping. Without you, that case would not have been solved," Peng Jian said from the side. "You are the second policeman I really admire."

Lu Ling looked at Yan Yu and said softly, "Keep enough humanity at all times."

Lin Mengting smiled slightly.

After finishing this case, Ye Wenxing and Qingshan will go to Shangjing to face their first special training in a while, preparing for the World Police Conference.

All in all, there is not much difference from before going to City C.

For some, they woke up just before the door, which was really uncomfortable.

"You say that... I can probably understand it. I think that if someone like me wants to be baptized, he must use hallucinogens." Yan Yu nodded, "I didn't expect these things to have such a use."

Besides these, Lu Ling knew that the answers to many questions were in the words he said to Xiaohan.

Returning to Shenzhou, it is inevitable that it will be another welcome banquet for the leaders of Liao Province.

Lu Ling had been in contact with Liu Xian in Liao Province, and he had been investigating Liu Xian's affairs since he arrived here, and later discovered a series of people such as Lin Kai.Even now, at the beginning of the investigation, two problem cadres, "Mr. Zhao" and "Mr. Qian", have been discovered. After the current inspection, the problems of these two people are not serious.Not to mention Liu Xian, Lin Kai and others, as long as these two cadres are arrested, Liao Province will easily rank first in points, but it is far from the time to do it now.

"If this is a novel, it must have a perfect ending. For example, a few big cases broke out this afternoon, and then we rushed over to turn the tide and win the championship in the end," Yan Yu waved his hand, "But~~~In short, we The team has actually proved a lot, at least, looking around the many teams in the entire martial arts competition, no opponent has been found."

This shows from the side that a province's strength does not mean that there is no professional team. It's just that having such a team can not only add icing on the cake, but also increase efficiency and maintain supervision, which has many benefits.

In addition to these cases to be reported, Lu Ling and others also checked a large number of other cases, and found no doubts.

Is there no problem in Shenzhou, or is it not yet time for an outbreak?
Nobody knows.

That being the case, the situation in Shenzhou was handed over to Zhao Yifan and others, Lu Ling, Yan Yu and the others. A few days later, they quietly left Shenzhou and returned to City C.

(The prison situation begins below~)
(End of this chapter)

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