Police order

Chapter 420 Xiang Bin's Real Purpose

Chapter 420 Xiang Bin's Real Purpose (4K)

Wang Jun didn't like surfing the Internet very much at first, but it was really a helpless choice.

The domestic bounty platforms are too crowded and there are too many scammers, so there are almost no good platforms.

Some people say that it is a capitalist's routine, but in fact this is the case with the national conditions.Take codewords as an example. Now the cheapest gunner has been rolled up to a price of 3 yuan per thousand characters.

Therefore, Wang Jun can only go to the external network to take orders. He does not do illegal things, but many of the things he does may be helpful to illegal things. Coercive measures are no problem.

At this time, Peng Xiling had already copied all the evidence in Wang Jun's computer.

Wang Jun's computer is protected externally, but not internally. It doesn't even have a power-on password, and it doesn't hide anything in his computer. It looks very open and aboveboard.

If Shang Dapeng checked Wang Jun's computer every time he came over, he might find that Wang Jun would keep their communication records.Wang Jun did this in order to have a chance to repay in the future, but he did not expect that all of them became clues.

"Captain Lu, with all due respect, this Wang Jun is of a very high standard." Peng Xiling opened his mouth and gave Lu Ling a summary.

"That's not easy." Lu Ling looked at Wang Jun. "With so much temptation from the Internet, it's not easy that you didn't take the initiative to take orders for something obviously illegal."

Wang Jun didn't say anything, and seemed to think that this matter was nothing.

At this stage, the most profitable business on the Internet is fraud.Associated with this crime are mainly crimes of violating citizens' information, crimes of aiding trust, and crimes of illegal use of information networks.

The crime of aiding trust is also the crime of aiding information cybercrime activities. The most common ones are: knowing that it is an online gambling website but providing recharge settlement and charging a handling fee, knowing that the other party is fraudulent but helping to open a bank card transfer.

The crime of illegal use of information networks is not as well-known as the crime of affiliation, and it has been very common in recent years.

Let's take an actual case.

Overseas scammers ask people in China to make calls.

The caller was given 10000 numbers, all with names.

After dialing the phone, he said that he was a financial consultant and had good financial products, so he needed to add WeChat to discuss in detail.

People in the territory don't need any follow-up operations, they only need to successfully get the victim to add WeChat, whether the follow-up can be successfully cheated has nothing to do with him.

As long as he successfully adds a WeChat, he can get a certain income.

With these 10000 numbers, in the end, about 1000 people will add WeChat.

This number is very scary. That is to say, even with such thorough anti-fraud propaganda today, there are still one in ten people who are likely to be deceived.

How many of these 1000 people were eventually deceived, and how much money was deceived is not certain, but these 1000 people are definitely very dangerous.

In this case, the person making the call constitutes a crime of illegal use of information networks.According to the jurisprudence, there is a high probability that this person will be sentenced to about 1 year in prison.

It is impossible for Wang Jun to do this kind of basic work and make phone calls, but his level, if he commits the crime of helping others, his income is quite considerable.

But Lu Ling could tell that the words "I'm not greedy for money" were written all over Wang Jun's face.

"Although your income is not much, based on your spending level, you should have saved a lot of money, right?" Lu Ling asked.

"No." Wang Jun lowered his head in shame.

"He donated it all," Peng Xiling said, "I just took a look. He just donated more than 3 yuan to so-and-so, and he even helped a little girl go to school."

"All of these must be recorded as evidence," Lu Ling said.

"Ah? This too?" Peng Xiling was a little puzzled.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded.

The range of evidence is very broad.

For example, Wang Jun helped a person design a website, which is full of virtual game betting, but after the design is completed, the people there get the code, and then find their own people to make a little change, add a few recharge ports, and it becomes Gambling site.

In this case, is Wang Jun breaking the law?
Then it depends on whether he knows it.

How do you know if you know it?

This is not what he said, it needs to be analyzed in detail.

If the person himself plays online gambling, the remuneration he receives is obviously too high, he has participated in post-production, and he has communicated with Party A about the details of convenient recharge, etc., then it can be presumed that he "knowledges".

If this person is really innocent, just helping out with work, not participating in anything else, earning little money, and often donating money, then it cannot be presumed that this person "knowledges".It cannot be presumed that knowledge does not constitute a crime.

It doesn't mean that "regular donation" is necessarily a good person, but in Wang Jun's case, it is indeed.

Put Wang Jun as a suspect in the smuggling case, completed the procedures for residential surveillance, and asked Wang Jun to sign. In addition, Wang Jun's computer and mobile phone also installed monitoring programs. Waiting for someone to leave.

This program can be cracked by Wang Jun, but Kou Yuyang and others will know if he cracks it.

Leaving from Wang Jun, Lu Ling received a call from Harbin.

Hacheng has completed the identification of diamonds.None of the diamonds that Liu Hailan brought to Hacheng and Jiao Huguo for trading were real natural diamonds, but a mixture of synthetic diamonds and moissanite!

Lu Ling did not have this vision, or most of the police did not have this vision. After confiscating the stolen goods, everyone thought it was a high-value natural diamond, but it was not.

Although synthetic diamonds are not cheap, they are more than a little worse than natural diamonds with large carats.

Lu Ling expressed his understanding, and he also confirmed his previous guess that this game was indeed aimed at him.

Yan Yu and the others were staying in Bincheng, and they didn't have enough manpower, so they could only borrow three people from the three groups and send them to Hunchun, trying to find possible smuggling routes there.

Holding the relevant evidence, when he returned to the chief executive, Lu Ling ignored Qing Shan and Liu Liwen and asked them to rest first, and he studied the information left by Wang Jun by himself.

The evidence left by Wang Jun is very weak, because it is basically kept in the form of accounting, and there are a few screenshots.

For example, in that smuggling case, Lu Ling was able to analyze the specific location of the smuggling because of screenshots and communication records.Other than that, it's not clear.

The most important thing now is the video provided by Shang Dapeng.

In this matter, it can be clearly seen that Shang Dapeng cooperated with Xiang Bin to get Lu Ling down, and the mastermind must be Xiang Bin if he wanted to get Lu Ling down.

Apart from Xiang Bin, it was hard for Lu Ling to think of anyone who could devise such a big trap.

In this conspiracy, getting rid of Jiao Huguo is not the most important thing, Jiao Huguo is no longer a concern, the main thing is to get rid of Lu Ling.

Once Lu Ling really came back with a blank disc, and later found that important evidence had disappeared from Lu Ling's hands, Lu Ling would be suspected of crimes of dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty. He himself became a suspect related to Xiang Bin.

If it wasn't related to Xiang Bin, why would he lose the important and unique evidence of Xiang Bin's crime?

In short, if this plot succeeds, Lu Ling will no longer be Xiang Bin's opponent.

Shang Dapeng is not a simple person, and he will not be easily seen through by Lu Ling. In addition, he also paid more than 10 yuan worth of artificial diamonds and moissanite.For Lu Ling at the time, he thought it was a natural diamond worth millions, so Lu Ling could never have guessed that Liu Hailan was the bait.

It's a pity that Lu Ling has never been a person who believes in "luck". When he tried his best to catch up with Harbin and finally found that the key evidence appeared on the detective agency's website, he was very, very cautious.

Not only was he cautious, but so was Yan Yu, and he even told Lu Ling to be careful about Shang Dapeng.

If he is not cautious enough, no matter how powerful Lu Ling is, he will fail this time.

Lu Ling is now analyzing whether Shang Dapeng and Xiang Bin have a plan B.

After thinking about it, there shouldn't be any.

If there is, Shang Dapeng will not ask for the computer, and urgently revise the plan.

Now, Shang Dapeng is a proper self-protection plan. The cooperation between him and Xiang Bin is not solid. Xiang Bin's daughter killed his son. The two can join forces because of their interests, but they cannot become a solid alliance.

In other words, they can already be sure that there are no loopholes in this plan, and it will definitely bring Lu Ling down.

Of course, if their plan really goes well, Lu Ling will not be unlucky today, but it will take a certain amount of time, such as a week.

According to common sense, when Lu Ling found out that the disc was empty, he would return to Shang Dapeng as soon as possible, find a reason, and ask him to make another copy.At this time, Shang Dapeng would accurately identify Lu Ling's excuses and reasons, saying that the only one was with Lu Ling, and asked if Lu Ling had lost it.

Then, Lu Ling had no choice but to stabilize Shang Dapeng temporarily, and then find a more reasonable reason, such as "the CD was taken away from the hall for research, and I forgot to make a backup. It is more convenient to make another copy when I come over." reason.

After Lu Ling found out this reason, Shang Dapeng would not make trouble for the time being, and would just wait.

After a period of time, say a week, Shang Dapeng will go to Lu Ling again to inquire about the progress of the case, and point out that he suddenly remembered the situation of a person in the video and asked to watch the video.

At this time, if Lu Ling couldn't get it out, Shang Dapeng quit. He would definitely make troubles to the procuratorate and the Disciplinary Committee.

Therefore, according to Shang Dapeng and Xiang Bin's original plan, Lu Ling was unlucky, not today, there is always a cycle.

It won't be too short, so that Shang Dapeng is too fake, and it won't be too long, with long nights and many dreams.

In short, Lu Ling guessed that if he fell for the trick this time, it would be bad luck in about a week.

And during this week, the police must be frantically monitoring Shang Dapeng, so during this period of time, Xiang Bin and Shang Dapeng will not contact each other.

At this time, Xiang Bin should wait silently, waiting for his "good news."

The video itself provided by Shang Dapeng is of no use to Lu Ling at present, after all, he has never seen any of the people in this video, but this video cannot be lost.

Of course, the above sentence is already nonsense. Lu Ling is emphasizing this matter now mainly because he has a new plan.

Will count.

The CD provided by Shang Dapeng is very common, it is a CD that can be bought anywhere on the Internet, and Lu Ling quickly found the exact same one.

He was going to meet Xiang Bin.

Admit defeat and beg for mercy.

According to Lu Ling's true ability, if he was tricked this time, he must be able to clearly know that he was killed, and he would also be very clear about the next development.

If Lu Ling had lost the ability to analyze problems at that time, Yan Yu could also analyze the cause and effect for him.

Therefore, at this time, if Lu Ling was cheated, he should also know that the person who cheated him was not Shang Dapeng, but Xiang Bin.

In this case, he was going to meet Xiang Bin, and Xiang Bin was probably already prepared.

So, what should Xiang Bin do?

According to what Lu Ling knew about Xiang Bin, there was a high probability that Xiang Bin would not see Lu Ling.

It is impossible for him to see Lu Ling at this time. Will there be any benefit?No.

Xiang Bin's murder of Lu Ling this time did not mean that he killed Lu Ling, but that he did not have the opportunity to carry out another case.But Xiang Bin also understood that Lu Ling had teammates, and if he brought Lu Ling down this time, it was tantamount to offending all of Lu Ling's teammates to death.

In this case, he has already made enemies.He had talked with Lu Ling face to face, and he was a little afraid of Lu Ling. It was understandable to bring Lu Ling down, but it would be unwise to meet Lu Ling in person.

You can't get anything, but you may reveal some of your own problems.And these leaked questions may become evidence that Lu Ling's teammates will deal with him in the future.

Xiang Bin is not that kind of little person, and he doesn't want to mock Lu Ling at such a time, because it won't do him any good.

You know, if Lu Ling was cheated, he could analyze that Xiang Bin cheated him, but he was only suspicious.If Xiang Bin taunts Lu Ling, then he must be the one who tricked him, and he may be facing endless targets from Yan Yu and others.

Xiang Bin didn't want to face that either, so if Lu Ling wanted to see Xiang Bin now, he definitely wouldn't be able to.

I'm afraid, a few days ago, Xiang Bin was no longer in Liaodong, at least he went out for publicity.

This Lu Ling can be deduced without checking.

So, is Xiang Bin missing now?
This is also impossible, what should be seen is still to be seen.

Lu Ling began to think about how to meet Xiang Bin at this time, and beg for mercy with Xiang Bin, and it would be best to reach an agreement.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling suddenly woke up again! ! !

Xiang Bin, I didn't mean to mess with him! ! !

Xiang Bin is going to drag him into his camp! ! !

Yes, Xiang Bin killed Lu Ling. It may not be accurate to say that, but getting Lu Ling into prison is almost the same as killing Lu Ling.In short, Xiang Bin will definitely face the counterattack of the entire professional police force if he pushes Lu Ling to death like this!
Xiang Bin is not stupid!
Therefore, Xiang Bin's real purpose was not to engage Lu Ling, but to use this as a threat to turn Lu Ling into his own.

As long as Lu Ling agrees to some of his demands, not only will there be no problems this time, not only will the video show up again, but he may also give Lu Ling a lot of money, etc. In short, he will pull Lu Ling into his boat!

What a trick! ! !

Lu Ling was in a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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