Police order

Chapter 414

Chapter 414 36 Strategies (4k)

Liu Hailan's current situation is not bad. Whether she participated in the smuggling of the original, the current evidence is far from enough, and it is today's matter that she can be dealt with now.It is not easy to convict this matter today, and further investigation is needed.

This has nothing to do with Lu Ling. Liu Hailan is not willing to confess about the past, which is of course normal. She doesn't want to talk about her husband because she is not stupid.

The key thing is no longer here.

After interrogating Liu Hailan, Lu Ling immediately reported the situation to the captain.

"I also think it's abnormal to have this thing on the website of the detective agency. I didn't expect it to be the address where the two met. Although the address is not very accurate, it is enough." Yan Yu said, "There is definitely something wrong with this." Strange."

"What's the strange thing?" Lu Ling said, "We have analyzed the forces in Liao Province before, and we mentioned three main forces, namely Xiang Bin's side, Shang Qiang's side, and one we think is Jiao Huguo's here. Now, killing two birds with one stone, Xiang Bin can directly unify the forces in Liao Province."

"You mean, Xiang Bin has completely controlled the website of the detective agency?" Yan Yu asked.

"It's unrealistic, but it's very possible that he controlled a part of it. Remember the things we checked at the port? We obviously found that the smuggling from Southeast Asia has become more serious recently, and it comes in directly through the port. This shows that the channels in Southeast Asia have been blocked. Expanded. After the fat man returned to China, Mr. Gan has been there and dare not come back, and we also know that Mr. Gan started the Detective Agency at the beginning, and the mastermind behind the scenes is in China, but we don’t know who this person is. Now, Here's a new clue."

Lu Ling thought for a while, "Judging from today's events, Shang Qiang's father, or Shang Qiang's family, is also related to the WY organization, and is also one of the forces in Liao Province, and also controls the smuggling channels, which is quite hidden. Now we can't find the way of leaving the country, which is evident. Moreover, we have now seen the address of the transaction between Jiao Huguo and Liu Hailan on the website of the detective agency, no matter from which angle we can analyze it , Shang Qiang's father and Xiang Bin have enmity. Do you know what this means?"

"It means that Shang Qiang's death was not Xiang Xiaohan's own idea at all?" Yan Yu understood.

"Yes, how could it be such a coincidence? How could Xiang Xiaohan kill Shang Qiang casually? You know, these two people happen to be the children of two underground bosses in Liao Province. However, the trouble with this matter is that Xiang Xiaohan It's not a fuel-efficient lamp either, she and her small team did have this habit, and they took the initiative to upgrade their criminal methods, killing two people at once, which led us to a crooked direction of investigation."

"That's why Xiang Bin protected her daughter from going abroad, and let her go to Gui Province to play?" Yan Yu frowned on the other end of the phone.

After Xiang Xiaohan was arrested, although she said that she did not admit to some criminal facts, she also chatted a few words, which mentioned that after killing Shang Qiang, she was wanted by the police, and her father sent her abroad. Later, she felt that Too boring to have to come back.

It was because of disobedience this time that he ruined his life.However, Xiang Xiaohan is an unrepentant person. She has no pursuit of life, and she is not a person who cherishes life. Even if she is about to die, she is not that afraid.So, she didn't feel any regrets.

Here, Yan Yu has always been a little suspicious.You know, Xiang Bin is not an ordinary person, how could a proper boss indulge his daughter's request like this?Why did the daughter still let her play around after she returned to China, and didn't send someone to send her out of the country again?
This shows that Xiang Bin and his daughter are not a pure father-daughter relationship, but a cooperative relationship.If it is said that Xiang Xiaohan once killed someone for his father, then all this makes sense.

Under such a relationship, Xiang Xiaohan really doesn't need to listen to his father in everything.

After telling Lu Ling these thoughts, Lu Ling agreed: "This will make Xiang Bin feel even more uncomfortable. Her daughter is completely out of his control. It is his responsibility that we caught her daughter's murder. However, even if he doesn't arrange this case, his daughter is not easy to save. Based on what I know about Xiang Bin, in this case, he is likely to blame others."

"So, what you mean is that Xiang Bin was responsible for the bombing of the detective agency?"

"It can only be said that it is possible." Lu Ling said, "If this is the case, then Xiang Bin may gain some control when the detective agency is rebuilt in the later stage. After all, he knows the WY organization himself. As long as it is operated properly, there is a possibility. spatial."

"Then what you mean is obvious. Xiang Bin has been sending people to monitor Liu Hailan. This time, Xiang Bin also saw the content of the letter and told us in this way. Then, we sent Jiao Huguo and With Liu Hailan arrested, Xiang Bin will have the foundation to dominate the power." Yan Yu said.

"This seems to be the correct answer, but it's almost certainly wrong." Lu Ling said, "Xiang Bin's strategy is very powerful. If it's just this one step to drive away tigers and wolves, it's a bit low. You have to understand that Jiao Huguo was hunted down by the police. The lost dog will soon go abroad. In such a situation, what's the point of Xiang Bin letting the police arrest him? As for Shang Qiang's father, only Liu Hailan was arrested, and the foundation will not be able to fall at all. From the face of it , Shang Qiang and his wife, the man is a businessman and the woman is a bank executive. It seems that Liu Hailan is more capable. In fact, Shang Qiang's father should be the one who is talking. After Shang Qiang died, his mother cried stupidly , his father can control his emotions, this is not an ordinary person."

"So, someone wants to mess with Xiang Bin?"

"Yes, the most plausible logic at present is that Shang Qiang's father wants to kill Xiang Bin and let us police take Xiang Bin down." Lu Ling said.

"It's a bit cruel, to give up my wife." Yan Yu was speechless.

"Jiao Huguo sent a letter to Liu Hailan. Speaking of which, Jiao Huguo has also arrived, and the probability of being discovered by others is very low. When this courier arrives at the front desk, it does not write the name, but only the company name. The front desk will definitely not dare to dismantle it. Take it to find the leader. After the leader opened it, he found that it was written to Liu Hailan, which must be given to Liu Hailan. After Liu Hailan's son died, he had a perverted personality, no one dared to provoke him, and he was also a bank executive. Here, the probability that the person placed by someone else will have the opportunity to see the content of the email is very low. Even if Xiang Bin has placed someone, the probability of meeting him is very low. Therefore, those who can know the content of the letter and the address [-]% Apart from Liu Hailan, there is only her husband."

"From a legal point of view, the crime Liu Hailan committed this time is actually not serious. Jiao Huguo mailed a bronze fragment, and Liu Hailan came to buy it. She only knew that it was an illegal cultural relic, but subjectively she didn't know what channel it was. So, she just bought cultural relics, but she has not succeeded yet. But the buyer’s responsibility is not so big for buying cultural relics that are not allowed to be traded. On the contrary, the seller has committed a crime of reselling cultural relics.” After Yan Yu explained, “Liu Hai Lan's biggest loss this time is diamonds, which are all stolen money. As for the punishment, it may not be that severe. The specific situation needs to be analyzed again. There is a high probability that it is a crime such as covering up, and the sentence will not be very heavy."

"So, Liu Hailan's husband played a dirty trick. He gave up his wife and a sum of money, and then asked our police to get Xiang Bin out." Lu Ling said, "I can tell that Liu Hailan loves her son very much. So when she knew that I was the policeman who captured Xiang Xiaohan, she was kind to me."

"This is not just a trick. I think your analysis is right. The person who disclosed the address on the website is not Xiang Jia, but Shang Jia."

"Then we will count on it?"

"Yes, we have basically understood the situation of the Shang family. Now that the Shang family has cut off an arm, it is obvious that they already have enough money and do not want to commit any crimes in the short term. Shang Qiang's father obviously has a reason for doing this. Confidence, knowing that the police can't find anything else. As for Xiang Bin, we still haven't touched the line. Now, if we follow the plan and kill Xiang Bin, it will be the real success." Yan Yu nodded.

"By the way, don't forget," Yan Yu said, "If our reasoning just now is correct, then the one who can earn the most resources in the WY organization is Shang Qiang's father. The image of the victim appeared, but Xiang Bin's yellow mud fell into his crotch."

"You still know this kind of metaphor?" Lu Ling was a little speechless, "Then, boss, how can we use our tricks?"

"You interrogated Liu Hailan today, do you think there is anything special about her?"

"Yes, she is very angry. I asked Jiao Huguo first today. To be honest, after asking Jiao Huguo, I got some grades, but I was very tired. When I went to communicate with Liu Hailan, I was not in a good state. .” Lu Ling said.

"Liu Hailan is not stupid. She specializes in cultural relics. When she came to buy cultural relics this time, she didn't know many things. If she had taken some precautions in advance, it might not be a big deal in the end. She is so angry, do you feel bad? Normal?" Yan Yu said.

"Yes, I've always thought it was abnormal," Lu Ling thought for a while, "If you say that, she did it on purpose?"

"You are a master, it's not easy to lie to you, but some extreme emotions can cover up one's thoughts, such as anger. If a person is always angry, it is easy to cover up the person's true emotions. You say, let's guess now It turns out that the man behind the posting of the address on the website is not Xiang Bin, but Liu Hailan's husband. Then do you think Liu Hailan himself knows about this?" Yan Yu asked.

"I know!" Lu Ling was suddenly awakened!

Yes, Liu Hailan also knows that she is a pawn!She is willing to be this pawn!
She hated Xiang Bin, and if she could kill Xiang Bin, she would be willing to sentence her to several years of imprisonment.

Her husband made such a decision, in order to ensure the cooperation of his daughter-in-law, he would tell her!Because the daughter-in-law is not stupid, and the daughter-in-law will cooperate!
Lu Ling also finally understood why Liu Hailan, who arrived here, would get out of the car and wander around, and why would he go to the morning market for a walk.

According to common sense, it is impossible for her to walk around here on her legs no matter what!Moreover, even if you wander around, can't you pretend to be a little bit?Lu Ling didn't know her well either, as long as she put on a mask and a hat, Lu Ling wouldn't be able to recognize her.However, she didn't, so she just wore an ordinary mask and wandered around the morning market!Get in the car after wandering around, and then drive around, for fear of not being found.
it was intentional
"So, in fact, Liu Hailan will wait for me?" Lu Ling asked.

"Yes, she will wait for you. She knows that the police will definitely check the source of the address on the detective agency in reverse. Besides, didn't Liu Hailan remind you? Remind her that she is being monitored by the police? That is to guide you and let you I know that the police did not monitor her, but Xiang Bin sent someone to monitor her. In addition, our police know that Xiang Bin has a deep relationship with the website of the detective agency. Under such circumstances, we must understand that this address may be sent by Xiang Bin. Come out and use it to mess with Liu Hailan and Jiao Huguo. Tell me, what will we do when we consider this? Of course, we will continue to ask Liu Hailan about this situation. At this time, I think Liu Hailan will He will guide you, or inadvertently reveal a certain clue about Xiang Bin to you, and only then can he kill with a knife in the true sense." Yan Yu said.

"Okay, I understand. I can't go back to find Liu Hailan now. It's too early, and she's not in a hurry. I'll wait, I'll go to her tomorrow afternoon, and I will go to her at this time. She, on the contrary, she was a little anxious, and she might say more, more bluntly. She has no problem killing people with a knife, and we happened to see that Xiang Bin was unhappy for a long time!"

"Yes, if you go now, she might be a little flustered, which means we know too soon. I just want to go tomorrow. You said tomorrow afternoon. I think it's just right."

"Okay, her lawyer came at that time, and I didn't stop her. I opened the way for her lawyer to meet them. I didn't go after seeing the lawyer, so she was a little anxious. This time their purpose is to get Xiang Bin , if I don't ask them, if I don't take the initiative to mention it, she won't be able to say it."

"Then let's hear the good news from you." Yan Yu thought for a while, "By the way, there is one more thing, which is actually quite a pity, and it's about Xiao Zhang."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten about Xiao Zhang's matter. By the way, I just wanted to tell you, but I thought of something else. From Jiao Huguo, I think there must be something wrong with Xiao Zhang. You guys I don’t trust him, so it’s right to send him away. Let’s do this, don’t worry, when I go back, I’ll go to Xiao Zhang’s new place and new identity to meet him, and I’ll see why he chose this way. The things inside may be more interesting than imagined."

"Then you can come back tomorrow after asking questions. Xiao Zhang has already finished his operation, so he can take a rest and go to the south in two days. It will be troublesome and not safe for him to look for him again."

"Okay, then I'll go back tomorrow after I finish my work. Jiao Huguo was also caught here. It doesn't make much sense for me to stay here." Lu Ling looked to the south.

Throughout Liao Province, the strategies among these organizations are more or less level.

(End of this chapter)

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