Police order

Chapter 258 The Lost Ship Appears

Chapter 258 The Lost Ship Appears
"It's all encrypted and needs to be decoded slowly, so leave it to me." Kou Yuyang calmed down a little, "This matter can't be shared outside."

"I understand." Yan Yu nodded lightly, "If you find something valuable, tell me."

"It's not urgent, the things are here with us, the other party should have a headache." Kou Yuyang said.

"Be careful, there are so many masters on the other side, be careful to find you here, and take back what you have worked so hard to get." Yan Yu reminded.

"It makes sense, by the way, I will teach you a trick that can restrain all masters." Kou Yuyang stretched out his hand and pulled out the network cable directly.

At this moment, land X.

"Trash!" A man with a neutral voice yelled angrily, "I spend a million dollars a year to feed you a bunch of trash!"

The man was so angry that he took off his glasses and slammed the table hard: "What data was taken away!"

"It's the data of some viewers."

"Audience data" the man kicked on the trash can, "Who the hell is doing this! Fortunately, we didn't get our core data!"

"The core data server doesn't have it, it's closed on the intranet, and it won't be lost. And the part of the data they took away doesn't mean much, unless they get the audience's terminal equipment, otherwise it's a search No specific information will come out. And most of the viewers are not in mainland China, so..."

"So shit! Don't make excuses for your incompetence! It just so happens that there is less funding this year, and you will deduct all your wages! Deduct two months!"

On Lu Ling's side, he was flipping through the case files when his cell phone rang suddenly. When he opened it, someone was chatting with him.

He looked at it, and it was a group of fishing friends.

In the process of fishing, someone found a fishing boat docked on the shore, and left it there alone.

For ordinary people, seeing a boat on the shore will not have any special feeling.It's like when you see a car on the side of the road, what do you think?
I don't think much about it.

But the fishing friends didn’t think so. The boat was not tied with a rope, nor was it locked on the pier, as if it had drifted to this place and was washed ashore and got stuck. It looked like an unowned boat.

Fishing friends are very envious of such a boat, and he doesn't want to take it for himself.

A boat is a very special means of transportation. If you don’t have a dock in your home and you are allowed to steal it, you don’t know how to steal it, let alone where to steal it.

He just wants to borrow the boat and go fishing today!

Even for freshwater fishing, boat fishing is still a very advanced fishing method, because most fishing friends do not have such opportunities.

However, this fishing friend was still cautious, so he took a photo in the group and asked if anyone had experience in this area. By the way, if there is no way to control the power of this kind of boat, if it only relies on oars, is there any trick? .

At first, some people found it interesting and chatted with him, but after a while, someone came out and said that someone in the group seemed to have lost a boat, and that a few days ago, a red envelope was given out in the group.

Someone's chat history has never been cleared, so I searched, and I found the message sent by Lu Ling, and the photo can be matched at a glance, but the boat that the fishing friends saw today is a bit more dilapidated, obviously it has experienced More devastation from wind and rain.

The fishing friend was also very happy to find the owner of the boat. He returned Aite Luling. Anyway, Lu Ling won’t come for a while. Ask Lu Ling if he can borrow him to use this boat. .

Lu Ling was also speechless. Why is this guy only thinking about fishing?

But he still didn't agree, saying that he didn't know if the ship was broken or not, and he was afraid that it would be unsafe if there was any problem.However, Lu Ling still sent an exclusive red envelope of 200 yuan to this person, and sent an exclusive red envelope of 100 yuan to the person in the group who remembered that he had sent a picture and found him, and then sent another red envelope of 50 yuan to 10 people. .

When Lu Ling gave out red envelopes, everyone in the group said "be particular about it", so no one insisted on anything.What Lu Ling said is also true, the boat has no power, what should I do if it enters the big river, relying on fishing friends who are not very good at rowing, and then enters the sea all the way.
The boat was not lost, it was just used up and thrown away. Considering the cultural relics case before, a car without a license plate and its frame number was erased entered the river, Lu Ling was a little suspicious that they stole the boat , These people ran away in a boat.

Ordinary people who steal a ship usually drive the ship away, drive it to a relatively distant place, and sell it.

Or drive to a farther place, pull it on a tractor, and use a car to transport the boat to a farther place to sell.

In short, the crime of theft itself is "for the purpose of illegal possession".

However, in this case, the ship is now abandoned, which means that it is not for possession, but for use as a means of transportation, and it is thrown away when it is used up.

Lu Ling added the fishing friend's WeChat and asked the fishing friend to send him a location. After a look, it was about [-] kilometers away, and he went to find Yan Yu.

On the one hand, Lu Ling told Yan Yu about the matter he had just analyzed about Shang Qiang, and on the other hand, he found a police car to go to the boat.

"You take Qingshan there," Yan Yu heard about this, "If this case is really related to the cultural relics case, it is not a trivial matter. You must know that the 罍 is very precious, just in case you can find it."

"You know you lost a 罍?" Lu Ling was a little puzzled, Yan Yu didn't belong to this branch.

"I will read all interesting case files in the city."

"." Lu Ling didn't want to say anything, nodded, and called Qingshan, and the two went to find the leader here.

When the leader heard about the case of stealing the ship, he was also very happy to find the ship. Because the journey was a bit far away, he asked a criminal policeman here to take the two of them along with weapons.

The theft of ships and motor vehicles is not a small case. Although Lu Ling did not mention to the captain here that this ship may be related to the cultural relics case, even if it is just a ship, it is not a small matter.

The policeman with Lu Ling and his surname was Li, and he was only 28 years old. He was very curious as he drove the car, and asked, "Where did you get the clues? I took this case, and I checked a lot. Surveillance, there is no way at all. There are really too few surveillance cameras that can see the river."

In modern society, in the whole of the north, there is no river that has a large transportation function. Most of the transportation is roads and railways.

Here in Shenzhou, the river traffic is almost zero, so naturally no one pays much attention to the traffic in the river.

"We have added a lot of fishing friends groups here, and the fishing friends discovered it." Lu Ling explained.

"That's not bad. Although the suspect was not arrested in this case, if the boat was found, it would be more than half broken. The person who lost the boat was miserable. He had no property. Now he has been found. Great job!"

"Let's go and have a look. We still have to investigate and see what's going on." Lu Ling was very calm.In this case, if the boat is found, it will definitely add some points, but Lu Ling doesn't care at all.

What he wanted to know was what was behind this boat.

(That's all. It's hard to write correctly. Regarding the computer confrontation, I would like to thank Mr. Han for the technical support provided by LoveMikeG)
(End of this chapter)

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